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2. ISAAC NEWTON 1642-1727) THE METHOD of FLUXIONS AND INFINITE SERIES; WITH ITS Application to the Geometry of CURVE-LINES. By the Invenror Sr ISAAC NEWTON, XK Late Prefident of the Royal Society. Tranflated from th AUTHOR’s Latin Or1GINAL mot yet made publick. ‘To which is fubjoin'd, A Perretuan Comment upon the whole Work, Confiting of ANNOTATIONS, ILLUSTRATIONS, and SUPPLEMENTS, In order to make this Treatife A compleat Inftitution for the ufe of LEARNERS. By JOHN COLSON,M.A. and F.RS. Matter of Sir Yofeph Williamfon's free Mathematical-School at Rocbefer. LONDON: Printed by Henry Wooprair; And Sold by Joun Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar. M.DCC.XXXVI. Tranftion to the METHOD OF FLiuxioNns. iy And thus much for the Methods of Compvtation, of which I make frequent ufe in what follows. Now it remains, that for am Illuftration of the Analytickh Art, I fhould give fome Speci- mens of Problems, efpecially fuch a¢ the nature of Curves will ply. Bus firft it may bo obferved, that all the difficulties of thefs may be reduced to thefe two Problems only, which I hall propofe concerning a Space defcribed by local Motion, any how accelerated or rerrded detribed bei ally 6. 1. Length of the Space deferi ing continually (that is, aa ol Tm etoe 3 to jd oe vatery of the Motion at any Time fed. ete Velocity of the Motion being continually given ; to find the Length of the Space deferibed at any Time propofed. 9. But whereas we need not confider the Time here, any fa than as it is expounded and meafured by an equable local Mofion ; and befides, whereas only Quantities of the fame kind can be compared together, and alfo their Velocities of Increafe and Decreafe: Therefore in what follows I fhall have no dto Time formally confider’d, but I fhall fappofe fome one of the Quantities ropofed, being of the fame kind, to be increafed by an equable Flexion, to which the reft may be referr’d, as it were to Time ; and therefore, by way of Analogy, it may not improperly receive the name of Time. “Whenever therefore the word Time occurs in what follows, (which for the fake of perfpicuity and diftinétion I have fometimes ufed,) by that Word I would not have it under- food as if I meant Time in its formal Acceptation, but only that other Quantity, by the equable Increafe or Fluxion whereof, Time is expounded and ed. 60. Now thofé Quantities which I confider as gradually and indefinitely increafing, I hall hereafter call Fiuents, or Flowing uantities, and Dual reprefent them. by the final Letters of the phabet v, x, y, and x; that I may diftinguith them from other Quantities, which in Equations are to be confider’d as known and determinate, amd which therefore are reprefented by the initial Letters a, 6, ¢, bc. And the Velocities by which every Fluent is increafed by its generating Motion, ei I may call Fluxions, or fimply Velocities or Celerities,) I hall reprefent by the fame Letters pointed thus v, x, y, and z. That is, for the Celerity of the Quantity v I thall put v, and fo for the Celerities of the other tities x, y, and 2, I fhall put x, y, and 2 refpectively, oye Thefe things being premfed, {thal now ohn to the matter in hand; and firft I thall give the Solution of the twa Problems juft now propofed, PROB L The Relation of the Flowing Quantities to ane another being given, to determine the Relation of their Fluxions. SOLUTION. 1. Difpofe the Equation, by which the given Relation is cx- prefs'd, according to the Dimenfions of fome one of {ts flowing. Quantities, fappofe x, and multiply its Terms by eny Ari i Progreffion, and then by = . And perform this Operation feparately for every one of the flowing Quantities. Fhen make the Sum of all the Produgts equal t@ nothing, and you will have the Equation juired. Examete 1. If the Relation of the flowing Quantities » and y be xt axt-+ axy— yt=mo; firft difpofe the Terms according ‘to x, and then according to y, and multiply them in the follow— ing manner. Malt, x? ext pany—yt] yt -taxy 5) eee. E, Bek. by ” = x ° 2 2 ° makes 3xa*——2axx paxy » | —37y'-bayx x The Sum of the ProduQs is 3ix*— 2aset t+ aty— 3)y*-+ ayx==0, which Equation gives the Relation between the Fluxions x and ye For if you take x at pleafure, the Equation x!— ax*+-axy— ys ==0 will give y. Which being determined, it will be x: yz: gyi ax ft gxN— 24x ap DeMonsTRATION of the Solution. 13. The Moments of flowin antities, (that i ir indefi- italy fall Parts, by the eccction o1 anes ‘net we tions of Time, they are continually increaféd,) are as the Vee locities of their Flowing or Incteafing. 14. Wherefore if the Moment of any one, as x, be reprefented by the Product of its Celerity x into an indefinitely {mall Quantity o (that is, by x0,) the Moments of the others v, y, 2, will be reprefented by vo, yo, 23 becaule w, x0, 30, ands, are to each other as v, x, y, and =. 15. Now fince the Moments, as xo and jo, are the indefinitel little acceffions of the flowing Quantities x and 9, by which thot Quantities are increafed through the feveral indefinitely little- in- tervals of Time; it follows, that thofe Quantities x and y, after any indefinitely fmall interval of Time, become x -- xo and J+ ye. And therefore the Equation, which at all times indifferently cxpreftes the Relation of the flowing Quantities, will as well exprefs the Relation between x+-xo and y-+-yo, as between x and y: So that x40 and I+, Jo may be fubftituted in the fame Equation for thofe Quantities, inftead of x and y. 16. Therefore let any Equation x*— ax*+ axy—yt==o be Riven, and fabftitute x--xo for x, and y-+ yo for y, and there will arife . . BE 3x0" 3xtcox + X08 — ax* — 2ax0x — ax*00 baxy axey + ayox + axyoo( —y Yo” — zy*oy —ytos 17. Now by Suppofition <§— ax*-- axy —y'==0, which there- fore being expunged, and the remaining Terms being divided by 0, there will remain 3xx*-- 3x*0x + x300 — 2axx— axto + axy+ ayx + axyo— 39y* — 3y*0y —J300==0. But whereas a is fappofed to be infinitely little, that it may reprefent the Moments of Quan- tities; the Terms that are multiply’d by it will be nothing in reipect of the reft, Therefore I rejeCt them, and there remains yxxt— 20% - axy + ayx— 2yy*== 0, as above in Examp. 1. 18, Here we may obferve, that the Terms that are not multiply’d by o will always vanith, as alfo thofe Terms that are multiply'd by 0 of more than one Dimenfion. And that the reft of the Terms being divided by 0, will always acquire the form that they ought to have by the foregoing Rule: Which was the thing to be proved. PHILOSOPHIA NATURALIS PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA. AUCTORE ISAACO NEWTONDO, Ee Avr. Editio tertia aucta & emendata. LONDINTI: Apud Gur. & Jon. Innys, Regiz Societatis typographos. MDCC XX DE MOTU CORPORUM LIBER PRIMUS. SECTIO I. De methodo rationum primarum & ultimarum, cujus ope sequentia demonstrantur. LEMMA I. Quantitates, ut & quantitatum vationes, que ad aqualitatem tempore quovis finito constanter tendunt, & ante finem temporis illius propius ad invitem accedunt guam pro data quavis differentia, fiunt ultimo aquales. I negas ; fiant ultimo inxquales, & sit earum ultima differentia D. Ergo nequeunt propius ad zequalitatem accedere quam pro data differentia D: contra hypothesin. LEMMA II. Si in figura quavis AacE, vetis Aa, AE & curva acE com. prehensa, inscribantur paralleogramma quotcungue Ab, Bc, Cd, &c. sub dasi- dus AB, BC, CD, &c. aguatibus, & lateribus Bb, Cc, Dd, &c. figure lateri Aa paralldlis contenta; & compleantur parallelogramma aKbl, bLcm, cMda, &e. Dein horum parallelogrammorum, latitudo minuatur, & numerus augeatur in infinitum: dico quod ultime rationes i quas habent ad se invicem figura inscripla 7 AKbLcMdD, circumscrifia AalbmcndoE, & cuvvilinea AabcdE, sunt rationes equalitatis. Nam figure inscripte & circumscripta: differentia est summa parallelogrammorum 4, Lm, Mn, Do, hoc est (ob equales omnium bases) rectangulum sub unius basi Aé & altitudinum summa A a, id est, rectangulum 4 Bla. Sed hoc rectangulum, eo quod latitudo ejus 4B in infinitum minuitur, fit minus quovis dato. Ergo (per lemma 1) figura inscripta & circumscripta & multo magis figura curvilinea intermedia fiunt ultimo equales. Q. Z. D. Scholium. Qua. de curvis lineis deque superficicbus comprehensis demon- strata sunt, facile applicantur ad solidorum superficies curvas & contenta. Pramisi vero hac lemmata, ut effugerem tedium de- ducendi longas demonstrationes, more veterum geometrarum, ad absurdum. Contractiores enim redduntur demonstrationes per methodum indivisibilium. Sed quoniam durior est indivisibilium hypothesis, & propterea methodus illa minus geometrica censetur ; malui demonstrationes rerum sequentium ad ultimas quantitatum evanescentium summas & rationes, primasque nascentium, id est, ad limites summarum & rationum deducere; & propterea limitum illorum demonstrationes qua potui brevitate pramittere. His enim idem prestatur quod per methodum indivisibilium; & principiis demonstratis jam tutius utemur. Proinde in sequentibus, siquando quantitates tanquam ex particulis constantes consideravero, vel si pro rectis usurpavero lineolas curvas ; nolim indivisibilia, sed evanescentia divisibilia, non summas & rationes partium determinatarum, sed sum- marum & rationum limites semper intelligi; vimque talium demonstra- tionum ad methodum praccedentium lemmatum semper revocari. Objectio est, quod quantitatum evanescentium nulla sit ultima proportio; quippe que, antequam evanuerunt, non est ultima, ubi evanuerunt, nulla est. Sed & eodem argumento eque ‘contendi posset nullam esse corporis ad certum locum, ubi motus finiatur, pervenientis velocitatem ultimam: hanc enim, antequam corpus attingit locum, non esse ultimam, ubi attingit, nullam esse. Et responsio facilis est: Per velocitatem ultimam intelligi eam, qua corpus movetur, neque antequam attingit locum ultimum & motus cessat, neque postea, sed tunc cum attingit; id est, illam ipsam ve- locitatem quacum corpus attingit locum ultimum & quacum motus cessat. Et similiter per ultimam rationem quantitatum evanescen- tium, intelligendam esse rationem quantitatum, non antequam eva- nescunt, non postea, sed quacum evanescunt. _Pariter & ratio prima nascentium est ratio quacum nascuntur.

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