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Chat GPT or generative pre-trained transformer is intelligent as compared to than human because

of the following reasons:

1. It is faster than human in processing large amounts of data, understand complex
instructions, and generate responses in a fraction of the time.
2. It can store vast amounts of information than human and recall them quickly when
3. It is faster in adapting to the changing environments.
4. It performs with high accuracy.
5. As it is pre-trained AI so it can do natural conversations and it can understand human
behaviour, so it is very easy to use.
6. This chatbot can provide a personalized answer to questions so most of the users can get
unique solutions in a different way.
7. It’s free to use so it is cost effective.
8. When asking any questions Google suggests you to a list of websites here Chat GPT will
give a direct answer to your questions.
9. It can work continuously for hours without taking any break.
10. According to Goldman Sachs, up to 300 million full-time jobs could be lost around the
world as a result of the automation by using ChatGPT. That's as much as 18% of the global

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