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Jacob Motubatse 221960031 Group 4

An Investigation into Abortion laws in South Africa

An investigation about abortion laws in south Africa was conducted and information was
found on and it was found that since abortion is legal in South
Africa, any woman can get an abortion if she is less than 13 weeks pregnant and a
woman under the age of 18 will be advised to consult her parents, but she can decide
not to inform or consult them if she so chooses.

According to the research that was done on abortion laws it was found that Abortion
became legal in South Africa when the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act (Act 92
of 1996) was passed according to section 12(2)(a) of the bill of rights which provides
that “Everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the
right to make decisions concerning reproduction” and section 27(1)(a) which provides
that “ Everyone has the right to have access to health care services, including
reproductive health care”


It was found that almost 49% of all terminations of pregnancy were carried out in
Gauteng, where a large proportion of health services provide abortions and according to
the South African Health review, a total number of 246 public health facilities are
responsible for offering abortions to South African women.

The overall National figure of 780 000 abortions already conducted since the passing of
the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996.Despite having by far the largest
female population in the country, KwaZulu-Natal registered only 10% of the total
number of abortions.
2019 972 946 124 446
2018 959 620 116 419
2017 934 421 104 660
2016 924 408 105 358


In conclusion the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION recommended safe and legal

abortions to be made available to all the women. In South Africa a total number of 246
public health facilities are offering the abortions to women free.


Women must be given support and must be made aware of the implications caused by
unsafe or illegal abortion in South Africa. And Abortions must only be performed by
medical doctors and nurses with special training.

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