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There's an old English saying: When the wind is in the east, ‘tis good for neither man nor beast. Whether you believe in folklore or not, this one’s got a grain of truth in it. Winds have been associated with a rise in the levels of serotonin, a compound which occurs in the brain and which controls mood, sleep and blood circulation. This rise in serotonin has been found to occur in the Swiss population during a Fohn wind. The Fohn is said to be responsible for traffic accidents rising by fifty per cent anda rise in industrial injuries by twenty per cent. It’s not only the Swiss who suffer. Los Angeles is occasionally buffeted by the Santa Ana, a hot dry wind named after the canyon it sometimes blows through. One study found that murders rose by up to a half during a Santa Ana, no matter if it blew during winter or summer. In California's early days, defendants in crimes of passion were able to plead for leniency, citing the wind as an extenuating circumstance. The quality of the air can be a force for good, however. The Victorians especially prized sea air for its health-giving properties. Sea air is charged with negative ions which makes it feel invigorating. To get a similar effect you can stand next toa waterfall, or even under a domestic shower. | people are always asking me how I came up with my | ideas and how I made money from them. I feel some of these people might be too focused on the second part of the question! Because I've got to say that, in my case at least, there were loads of ideas that went nowhere. But thinking about it, there are a couple of _ tips I can pass on. One is about spotting problems. I’m the kind of person who tries to find better ways of doing things. So when I got frustrated buying something : online, I asked myself if I could do it better. That’s how one of my most successful apps came about. So frustration can end up being pretty productive! | Ana then, there’s a trick I use, which is to not think about things. I know, it sounds a bit weird. But I've had most of my best ideas when I was out running or driving. You're not really thinking about work, but Your mind is free to make random associations. Once, I was flying off on holiday, dreaming about lying on the beach, and an idea for a flight-checking app just et tate my head. So my ideas came from being Curious and distracted, I think. Liston to musie, play musie a \ and impreve your lifo! It's truo, br Music is moro than just pleasant songs and lunes, Sclentific research has shown that il can affoct our lives in ways that will surprise you. Read on to find out more about tha amazing power of musle. Lat's starl with your brain power, There's a lol of scientific evidence to show thal playing a musical Instrument can make you starter, That's because when you practise an instrument, your brain develops; Il becomes ‘filter’, the sama way an athlete becomes fitter when they train. Bul you don't need lo be a musician to anjay the benefits of music. Just listening to music can also ba good for the brain. Classical music, In particular, can improve memory. It dees this by activating the left ane! right brain al the same time, which helps you to learn and lo remember Information batter, Tho music you IIko also says a lot about your personally, That's bocause different personality types are altraclad to different music, Here Is what tests have shown aboul some different music fans. Ads

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