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6 Week 6

6.1 Introduction

‘Optimal’ health is discussed in relation to O’Donnell’s five dimensions of health – a shifting balance
between physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual health is considered and applied to a
context of teaching adolescents. Transitions are explored as well as some key skills that can be
taught to assist students in coping with change. Risk and Protective factors are examined and the
role that a Teacher and the school has in providing support for students.

6.2 Learning outcomes

Students will learn that shaping and impacting the school environment (especially in relation to
transitions) can help in assisting students to achieve their goals. Understand how the adolescent
brain is under great change and the impact this may have on their decision making skills and
behaviour and how we can as Teachers can support them during this phase of rapid growth.

6.3 What you need to do

1. Summarise each of O’Donnell’s five dimensions of Health from the Chapter 2 reading this
week (Kahn and Graham, 2020).
2. Identify a key transition for school students and apply the four transition principles to it in
order to describe the emotions, actions and considerations involved in supporting young
people though the transition.
a. Preparation
b. Starting the leaving
c. Beginning the arriving
d. Consolidating

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