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Ethics in Research

1. Beneficence / Non maleficence

 To do good and not to do
harm 2 Historical Document
-freedom from harm /  Nuremberg Code
exploitation -Consent
-Benefits  Declaration of Helsinki
-Risks and benefits ratio - Differentiate non therapeutically
and therapeutic
Balance -investigates and protects Life
2. Respect for human dignity
-Right to self Scientific Misconduct
determination 1. Fabrication/ Manipulation
- Right to full disclosure 2. Irresponsible Collaboration
-Confidentiality and 3. Plagiarism
3. Justice
-rights to fair treatment -
informed Consent (Decide
for himself)
-Mentally ill
-Cognitively Impaired
-Unconscious Patients
-Terminal Patients

 Jewish Chronic Disease

-they insert cancer cells
 Nazi Medical Experiment
-During World War II, a number
of German physicians conducted
painful and often deadly
experiments on thousands of
prisoners without their
permission. Considering the
inhumane conditions, lack of
consent, and questionable
research standards, modern
scientists overwhelmingly reject
the use of results from
experiments in the camps.
 Tuskegee Syphilis Study
-Sexually Transmitted Disease
 Willowbrook Hospital Study
-gives hepatitis to children

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