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St. Mary’s College (Autonomous), Thoothukudi.

I B.Sc. / B.A / B.Com / BBA

Semester II
Ability Enhancement Course Environmental Studies Sub. Code: 21UAEV21
Question Bank
(For Those Who Joined in 2021 And After)

UNIT I Environment and Ecosystem

Section A
1. ---------------is used to show the many feeding relationships in an ecosystem.
a) Food web b) Nutrient cycling diagram c) Food chains d) Trophic levels (Ans: a)

2. In an ecosystem, pyramid of _________ is always upright.

a) Number b) Biomass c) Energy d) Food (Ans: c)

3.Animals which feed on plants are called as __________.

a) Carnivores b) Herbivores c) Omnivores d) Decomposer (Ans: b)

4. The sequence of the eaters being eaten is called _____.

a) Food web b) Food chain c) Energy flow d) Ecological pyramid (Ans: b)

5. The word ecosystem concept was first put forth by __________.

a) E.P. Odum b) A.G.Tansley c) G. Smith d) N. Woodberg (Ans: b)

6. One among the following is an example of secondary consumers.

a) Lion b) Tiger c) Goat d) Fox (Ans: d)

7. One among the following requires maximum energy.

a) Secondary consumer b) Decomposer

c) Primary consumer d) Primary producer (Ans: d)

8. Lithosphere refers to ________.

a) Water b) Ozone c) Air d) Rock (Ans: d)

9. In an ecosystem, the energy flow is always ------------------.

a) In any direction b) Always directing down

c) Always unidirectional d) Always bidirectional (Ans: c)

10. The following food chain is ----------------.

dead animals → blowfly maggot → maggots → frog → snake

a) Detrital food chain b) Grazing food chain

c) Predator food chain d) Primary producer (Ans: a)
11. Food chain always starts with -----------------------.

a)Photosynthesis b)Respiration c) Nitrogen fixation d) Decay (Ans: a)

12. One of the food chain directly depends on solar radiations.

a)Predator b)Detritus c) Grazing d) Decay (Ans : c)

13. The lowest layer of atmosphere is called as _______________.

a) Stratosphere b) Troposphere c) Thermosphere d) Mesosphere (Ans: b)

14. The solid component of earth is called _________.

a) Ecosystem b) Exosphere c) Lithosphere d) Hydrosphere (Ans: c)

15. In pond ecosystem the shape of pyramid of number is --------------------.

a) Linear b) Irregular c) Upright d) Inverted (Ans: c)

16. Graphic representation of biomass relationship between the producers and consumers in an
ecosystem is called ------------------------.
a) Trophic level b) Ecological system
c) Ecological niche d) Ecological pyramid (Ans: d)

17. One among the following is not a factor of the abiotic environment.
a) Sunlight b) Decomposers c) water d) Temperature (Ans: b)

18. One among the following is an autotrophic component of a pond.

a) Fungi b) Fishes c) water d) Submerged plants (Ans: d)

19. Organisms which breakdown dead or waste matter in to simpler substances is termed as
a) Producers b) Consumers c) Decomposer d) Scavengers (Ans: c)

20. “The pyramid of energy is always upright” states that

a) The energy conversion efficiency of herbivores is better than carnivores
b) The energy conversion efficiency of carnivores is better than herbivores
c) Producers have the lowest energy conversion efficiency
d) Energy conversion efficiency is the same in all trophic levels (Ans : a)

Section B
1. Enumerate the aims of environmental studies.
2. Differentiate ecocide and ecoterrorism.
3. Highlight any two aims of environmental education.
4. Mention the different layers of atmosphere.
5. Differentiate thermosphere and exosphere.
6. What are the main structural components of an ecosystem.
7. Sketch neatly the food chain in a pond ecosystem.
8. Mention the significance of food web.
9. What is an ecological pyramid? Mention its types.

Section C

1. Discuss the aims of environmental studies .

2. What is the need for environmental studies?
3. List out the disturbances caused to Mother Earth.
4. Explain environmental education.
5. Explain the term "Ecosystem".
6. Brief out the structure of an ecosystem.
7. Distinguish between predator and parasitic food chains.
8. What are detritivores?
9. Explain the energy flows in an ecosystem.
10. Discuss the inverted pyramid ecosystem.

Section D

1. Explain the important components of environment.

2. Discuss on food chain and food web.
3. Write a note on ecological pyramid.
4. What is Ecosystem? Explain its structural components.
UNIT II Natural Resources

Section A
1. In fresh water, the salt content is less than __________.
a) 0.1% b) 0.2% c) 0.4% d) 1.5% (Ans: b)
2. World Water Day is celebrated on ________
a) January 20 b) February 22 c) March 22 d) Sep 10 (Ans: c)
3. Percolation pit method is suitable for __________.
a) Sandy soil b) Alluvial soil c) Clayey soil d) gravelly soil (Ans: d)
4. About ____________of the world’s land surface is covered with forests.
a) water b) land c) forests d) air (Ans: c)
5. Tropical rain forests in India occur in ___________.
a) Assam b) Kerala c) Karnataka d) Tamil Nadu (Ans: a)
6. ____________refers to cutting of trees for timber and firewood.
a) Telling b) Felling c) Swelling d) Precipitation (Ans: b)
7. __________energy is the best source of renewable energy to the world.
a) Chemical b) Nuclear c) Electrical d) Solar (Ans: d)
8. In solar cells two layers of _____are used.
a) Silicon b) aluminium c) copper d) Steel (Ans: a)
9. The pioneer in generating electricity by using windmills is ________.
a) China b) Denmark c) Switzerland d) New York (Ans: b)
10. ____________in Tamilnadu has the highest concentration of windmills in Asia and it
ranks third in the world.
a) Coimbatore b) Muppandal c) Tirunelveli d) Tiruppur (Ans: b)

Section B

1. Define natural resources.

2.Write briefly about the types of natural resources with examples.
3. How does the forest benefits human?
4. What are the four advantages of rainwater harvesting?
5. Define fossil fuels.
6. Write down some necessary steps to conserve forest.
7. How can we control fire accidents in forest?
8. What is a windmill and how does it work?
9. What is the difference between oil and crude oil?

Section C

1.Discuss natural resources and different types of natural resources?

2.Discuss water resources and illustrate the different methods of water conservation?
3.Explain the various methods of rain water harvesting?
4.Describe the importance of forest resources?
5.Brefly explain the steps in conservation of forests?
6.Illustrate the different types of energy resources?
7.Explain the role of individuals in conservation of forests?

Section D

1. Discuss the importance of rain water harvesting.

2. Enumerate the importance of forests to mankind.
3. Explain the importance of conservation of forest and methods adopted for the conservation.
4. Deliberate the energy resources available around us.
5. Summarize the responsibility of individuals in the conservation of natural resources.

UNIT III Environmental Pollution

Section A

1. One among the following is a secondary pollutant.

a) Carbon monoxide b) Smog c) Carbon dioxide d) Fly ash (Ans: b)
2. Acid rain is mainly a mixture of -----------------.
a) sulphuric acid and nitric acid b) hexane and methane
c) acetic acid and bromine d) ascorbic acid and citric acid (Ans: a)
3. Major cause of acid rain is ________.
a) sulphur dioxide b)calcium dioxide c)copper dioxide d) potassium dioxide (Ans: a)
4. CO2 increases leads to ____________.
a) global warming b) ozone depletion c) silicosis d) ecoterrorism (Ans: a)
5. Minamata disease in Japan is due to ___________ poisoning.
a) lead b) zinc c) mercury d) arsenic (Ans: c)
6. Ozone layer is affected by excess release of _________ into the atmosphere.
a) sulphur di oxide b) nitrogen
c) chlorine d) chloroflurocarbon (Ans: d)
7. Heavy loss of crop plants is caused by ___________.
a) smoke b) fog c) smog d) ozone (Ans:c)
8. Release of more CO2 in the atmosphere leads to ____________.
a) green house effect b) acid rain c) cancer d) flood (Ans:a)
9. Burning of plastic causes ________.
a) fever b) cancer c) skin disease d) ulcer (Ans:b)
10. Which of the following is a water borne disease?

a) Cholera b) Leprosy c) Dengue d) Tuberculosis (Ans:a)

11. The process of decaying coconut husk to get fibre making coir is called -----------.

a) spinning b) retting c) reeling d) fermentation (Ans:b)

Section B

1. What are called pollutants?

2. How pollutants are classified on the basis of physical properties?
3. What are the sources of noise pollution?
4. What is recycling?
5. Define eutrophication.
6. Mention some of the common water pollutants.
7. Mention some of the impact of noise on man.
8. What is global warming?

Section C
1. Explain the causes of air pollution.
2. Explain how to control water pollution.
3. Discuss the effects of plastic pollution.
4. Explain the types of air pollutants.
5. Briefly discuss the ecological effects of water pollution.
6. Give in detail about global warming.

Section D
1. Elucidate the ecological effects of Air Pollution.
2. Analyze the causes and control of water pollution.
3. Briefly discuss plastic pollution.
4. Explain in detail the noise pollution
5. Explain global warming and climate change.

UNIT IV Human Population and Environment

Section A

1. ________ in cities creates an ecological imbalance which leads to severe environmental

crisis and short fall of resources.
a) Unemployment b) Malnutrition c) Pollution d) Overpopulation (Ans: d)
2. _______ is the major source that emits sulphur dioxide.
a) Industrial wastes b) automobiles c) Refrigerators d) Mines (Ans: b)
3. Destruction of ecological balance by the willful activities of man is called ________.
a) Eco suicide b) Eco terrorism c) Eco destruction d) Écocide (Ans: b)
4. According to the 2018 census, the population of India is over ______ million.
a) 1257 b) 1345 c) 1337 d) 1357 (Ans: d)
5. Ozone depletion causes __________.
a) Allergies b) Skin cancer c) Respiratory diseases d) Heart disease (Ans:b)
6. __________ causes minamata disease.
a) Radiation b) Acid rain c) Mercury d) SO2 (Ans: c)
7. Over exploitation of natural resources occurs due to _________.
a) Deforestation b) Pollution c) Population explosion d) natural calamities (Ans: c)
8. The release of ________ results in greenhouse effect.
a) Sulphur dioxide b) Carbon dioxide c) Methane d) Mercury (Ans: b)
9. Construction of dams, protecting river banks and making percolation pits in houses are done
as a measure for __________.
a) Saving ozone b) Clean water c) afforestation d) rain water harvesting (Ans: d)
10. NIOH is constituted in ________.
a) Maharashtra b) Ahmedabad c) New Delhi d) Jaipur (Ans: b)

Section B

1. What is population explosion?

2. List three measures taken by the government of India to reduce over population.
3. What is acid rain?
4. What is population explosion?
5. List the ways for conserving the environment by the involvement of population.
6. Differentiate deforestation and afforestation.
7. What is clean technology?
8. What is silicosis?
9. List the prevalent occupational diseases in India.
10. List four environmental pollutants on man.

Section C
1. State the difference between immigration and emigration

2. What are the policies for women development?

3. What is the problem related to population explosion?

4. List out the scheme for child welfare.

5. Enumerate the term population explosion

6. Explain in detail about the family welfare program.

7. List out the common violence among women

Section D

1.Explain briefly about the measures adopted by the government to control population growth.

2. Discuss about the environmental effects on human health.

3. What is the role played by the population in conservation of environment?

4. Explain the various policies and programmes for women and child development.

5. What are the problems related to population Explosion?

6. Explain briefly on human rights.

UNIT V Disaster Management

Section A

1.River flood is caused by the____ of rivers.

a) overflowing b) over rains c) over waves d) over air (Ans:a.)
2._______is a period of abnormally dry weather.
a) drought b) flood c) earth quake d) cyclones (Ans: a.)
3.An _____is a sudden shaking of the earth.
a) earthquake b) disaster c) cyclones d) landslides (Ans : a)
4.The term tsunami comes from the _____ word meaning “Harbour Wave”.
a) Japanese b) Latin c) Greek d) English (Ans.a)
5.The point of origin of earthquake inside the earth is called______
a) epicenter b) hypocenter c) Richter d) tsunami (Ans.a.)
6.The study of earthquake is called_______
a) seismograph b) seismology c) metrological d) cyclone (Ans:b)
7._______is the intrusion of seawater.
a) river flood b) coastal flood c) urban flood d) ice jams (Ans:b)
8.Hydrological drought occurs when surface and subsurface water supplies are below _______.
a) abnormal b) normal c) physical d) ethical (Ans :a)
9.The cyclone moves 300 to ___ in a day.
a) 400 b) 500 c) 600 d) 1000 (Ans :b)
10.In December 26th _____ Indian Ocean Tsunami killed approximately 2,30,210 people.
a) 2004 b) 2006 c) 2008 d) 2012 (Ans.a)

Section B

1. What is called disaster?

2. Explain types of flood?
3. List out four damages caused by flood.
4. What is called drought?
5. What is called earthquake?
6. What is called Ritcher scale?
7. What is called cyclones?
8. What is called tsunami?
9. What is called socio economic drought?
10. What is drought management?

Section C

1. Write the protective steps to be taken in flood.

2. Explain Do's and Don’ts during earthquake.
3. What is Richter? and explain Richter Scale.
4. Write a brief note on cyclones.
5. Explain the destruction caused by cyclones.
6. List out the causes and prevention of landslide in detail.
7. What is Tsunami? Write its causes, effects and prevention.
Section D

1. Explain in detail about the types of flood and its causes, damage & precautions to be
2. Elaborate the Do's and Don'ts of Earthquake.
3. Name the four types of droughts and explain about the causes and impact of it.
4. Elucidate about cyclones and destruction caused by it.
5. List out the main causes of landslides and its precautions.
6. Explain about Tsunami and the causes, effects & prevention.

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