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Guitargate 1.

5 - Get Started Playing

Let’s go over a few basic things before we start playing:

1. Posture

It’s very important to have good posture while playing: Sit straight up, have your heels
on the ground, and keep the guitar flush with your body. Also, keep you materials at
eye level.

2. Holding the pick

You want to hold the pick between your index finger and your thumb at a 90 degree
angle (perpendicular). Start with a medium cortex pick, and if over time you feel it’s
too think or thick, adjust accordingly.

Also, it is important to pick with your wrist, not your elbow or shoulder. Yes, a little of
this is inevitable, but realize that the movement should come predominantly from
your wrist.

3. Finger placement on the fretting hand

You want to place your finger directly behind the fret. Not on top of the fret, and not
touching the previous fret, but direct behind the fret. Also, you want to play with the
tips of your fingers, not the pads.

To do this, you want to anchor the neck with your thumb, curl your fingers in a “C”
shape, and come straight down into the strings with your fingertips. You’re
essentially squeezing the guitar between your thumb and fingertips.

See you in the next lesson where we learn how to use the tuner!

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