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Climate change refers to the rise of global temperatures which has led
to global warming. Climate change is an ever-growing concern that
affects everyone everywhere. Climate change causes significant
changes in weather patterns, sea levels, extreme weather conditions,
biodiversity and ecosystems. Although natural factors have always
existed in the Earth’s climate, in recent years, there has been growing
evidence that global warming and climate change are happening much
faster than previous natural cycles. There is a lot of evidences which
proves that climate change is largely caused by human activities.

I agree with the current news of global warming because there are a
lot of factors showing that climate change is happening. The effects of
Climate change are extremely dangerous and risky, impacting all lives
on earth from the environment to the economy. Although it is
scientifically stated that climate change is happening, there are those
who still deny its existence and impacts. In this essay I will gather,
analyse, organise and present evidence that climate change is real and
poses a serious risk to our planet`s future moreover, provide a
conclusion with excellent recommendations that will help us to take
action and save the planet for future generations.
Firstly, one of the most significant pieces of evidence for climate
change is the average global temperature increase. According to
NASA, the Earth`s temperature has increased by about 1.8 degrees
Fahrenheit since the late 19th century. The 20 warmest years on
record have occurred since 1981, with the last five years being the
warmest on record (NASA, 2001). These temperature changes are
primarily caused by an increase in carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is one of the primary greenhouse gases that trap heat
in the atmosphere and contribute to the warming of the planet.
According to Clientearth It has been observed that atmospheric
carbon dioxide concentrations have increased more than 40% over the
past century, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil,
and gas (ClientEarth, 2022). Carbon dioxide and other man-made
emissions including methane and nitrous oxide have a great impact on
climate change.

The second crucial piece of evidence for climate change is the rise in
sea levels. According to IPCC, Global sea levels have risen by over
eight inches since 1880, and the rate has accelerated over the past two
decades (IPCC, 2022). This rise is mainly due to the melting of
glaciers and ice caps and the thermal expansion of oceans. Sea level
rise has severe impacts such as floods, coastal erosion, loss of habitats
and water scarcity.
Higher sea levels mean that deadly and destructive storm surges push
farther inland than they once did, which also means more flooding
will happen. According to Oceanservice, Disruptive and expensive
flooding is estimated to be from 300 percent to 900 percent more
frequent within coastal communities (Oceanservice, 2023). In
addition, these flood also cause economic consequences. Many
properties, houses, business companies and industries are destroyed
and rebuilt due to the disaster. Property damage negatively affects
practices that bring profit to the country such tourism.

As said before, the major cause of global sea level rise is thermal
expansion caused by warming of the ocean since water expands as it
warms and increased melting of land-based ice, such as glaciers and
ice sheets. The ocean is absorbing more atmospheric heat associated
with emissions from human activity. According to NASA, artic sea
ice is declining at an average rate of 13.1 percent per decade, and the
Arctic ocean may not have any ice during summer 2040. This decline
is mainly caused by global warming (NASA, 2020).

With continued ocean and atmospheric warming, sea levels might rise
for many years at rates higher than the one we are experiencing.
The third piece of evidence for climate change is the increase in
extreme weather conditions. Climate change results in more frequent
and severe heatwaves, droughts, hurricanes, blizzards and floods
which cause devastating consequences to human lives, economics and
infrastructures. For instance, in 2019, Australia experienced
unprecedented wildfires that destroyed over 46 million acres of land,
killed at least 34 people, and released approximately 900 million tons
of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere also many parts of the world
have experienced more frequent and severe flooding, resulting in
damages estimated at more than 500 billion dollars (UN, 2020).

The fourth piece of evidence for climate change is the changes in

biological systems. Climate change is disturbing the biological
system. Plants and animals are moving towards the pole to find
suitable habitats as temperatures become warm. As a result, many
species are in danger and some have already become extinct for
example the polar bears that live in Arctic wildlife due to habitat loss
and climate change. This also affects the marine species as climate
change has led to increased acidification of oceans which affects the
survival and growth of marine life including shellfish, plankton and
coral reefs.
In conclusion, there is evidence gathered from a lot of scientific
studies and reports that show how climate change is happening and
how it is largely caused by human activities. The evidence for climate
change is growing. Rising global temperatures, the increase in
atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, melting of glaciers and
ice caps, searing heatwaves and extreme weather events are all
happening. It is no longer a matter of debate whether climate change
exists but instead it is crucial to focus on taking actions to prevent the
consequences of global warming.

We are all responsible for the destruction of our planet and must take
responsibility to make a difference. We can start by reducing the
amount of waste we produce. We can also reuse waste or recycle
them to extend more items and reduce environmental impact. Switch
to renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, or hydro power to
reduce carbon emissions. Use public transportation, walk or use a
bicycle instead of driving alone to reduce air pollution and carbon
emissions. Plant trees and preserve forests to curb carbon dioxide
levels and promote clean air. Conserve water by taking short showers.
Eat a plant based diet or reduce meat consumption to reduce our
carbon footprint. Use eco-friendly products and lastly educate and
inspire others to take action and make a change for the environment.
I believe that the current news about climate change is a wake-up
call to all of us to take action. It is time for us to recognise the threat
and work together to create a more sustainable future for ourselves
and the planet. Take a step and contribute to a greener future.

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