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Firstly, I'm not here to make you overthink death; I'm here to discuss why death occurs and what
it serves. As we all know, death is inevitable. No one can outrun death, whether they are poor,
rich, fat, skinny, brown, white, or black; everyone dies. Just saying this makes many people
anxious, including me. I have crippling anxiety about death, and every now and then I get panic
attacks that are hard to overcome, but it eventually calms down. We are anxious about death
because we are still young and haven't fully experienced life, haven’t found the person we love,
haven’t repaid our parents, and haven't found our purpose in life.

Death is just as important as birth; they come as a pair, and you cannot have only one. If you've
been given a life, it will eventually be taken from you. And we can't do anything about it because
it’s not ours to keep. It's a luxury that we can use our lives according to our own wants and
needs, but it must be returned when the time comes.

Almost everyone is afraid of death, which is understandable; however, if that fear interferes with
our daily lives and causes problems, we will live in a world of fear and will only be alive, not
living. Accepting death will help you live. It will make you comfortable and normalize the idea of

Death is a part of a cycle where people are born on the face of the earth, live for a short time,
and eventually die. That cycle is never-ending, and because of it, there will always be a new set
of humans with new set ideas. Because of this cycle, all species are continuously evolving and
being replaced by their descendants.

What do you think happens during death? Some people say that a flashback of your whole life
will be shown to the person who is about to die, and this theory is believed by many people, but
some people believe that after the flashback comes the regrets in life, the things you wish you
could have done in the past, and in your deathbed; you are surrounded by the versions of you
that you killed because you didn't do your best staring at you disappointed. I hope that we can
live a successful life in our own ways, accept death with a smile, leave this world without any
regrets, and have many loved ones surround us before we go, to a place no one knows.. Will
you be surrounded by the versions of yourself that you have let down before you go, or will you
be the best version of yourself and surrounded by loved ones before you go?

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