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To my dearest people of Batu-Parada, allow me to extend my heartfelt greetings as we

celebrate our barangay fiesta in honor of San Isidro Labrador, our patron saint. May
this celebration be an avenue for us to reflect and recognize the fruits of our labors,
our accomplishments and victories as a community. Thus, we give thanks to the
Almighty God for all the blessings that He has graciously endowed to us.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who extended help and
assistance towards the realization of this occasion. We earnestly thank you all for your
support. My gratitude likewise goes to the different committees and individuals who
participated and will participate in the various activities of the fiesta.

Lastly, as the father of the barangay, I would like to invite everyone to come and join us
in this merriment. Our doors are open and we welcome you with warm smiles.

Happy Fiesta and Mabuhay!


Barangay Captain

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