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Magnetic Effects


in one shot
Topics to be Discussed
Magnetic Field and Field Lines
Magnetic field due to Current-
Carrying conductor
Force on a Current - Carrying
Conductor in a Magnetic Field
AC and DC
Domestic Electric Current
Magnet is any substance that attracts iron / iron–like substances.

Properties of Magnet :-

• A free suspended magnet always points towards the

north and south direction.

• The pole of a magnet which points toward north

direction is called north seeking or north pole.

• The pole of a magnet which points toward south

direction is called south seeking or south pole.

• Like poles of magnets repel each other while unlike

poles of magnets attract each other.
Magnetic Field and Field Lines

The area around a magnet where a magnetic force is

experienced is called the magnetic field.

Magnetic field is a quantity that has both


The magnetic field lines can be

explained as imaginary lines that graphically
represent the magnetic field acting around
a magnet.
Properties of Magnetic Field Lines

Outside the magnet, the direction of magnetic field line is taken

from North pole to South Pole. Inside the magnet, the direction
of magnetic field line is taken from South pole to North pole.

• They are continuous and form closed curves.

• Magnetic field lines never intersect each other.
• If field lines are close, field is stronger.
If field lines are far apart, field is weak .
Oersted’s experiment :-
Hans Christian Oersted discovered that when electric current flows through
a current carrying conductor, it produces a magnetic field around it. This can
be seen with the help of a magnetic needle which shows deflection.

The more the current, the higher the deflection.

If the direction of current is reversed, the

direction of deflection is also reversed.

Through this observation Oersted showed that

electricity and magnetism were related phenomena.
Magnetic Field due to a Straight
Current - Carrying Conductor

A current carrying straight conductor has magnetic field in the

form of concentric circles, around it.

The direction of magnetic field through a current carrying

conductor depends upon the direction of flow electric current.

The Magnetic field produced is directly proportional to the current

& inversely proportional to the distance from the conductor.
Maxwell's Right Hand Thumb Rule
It states that, if you hold the current carrying straight wire
in the grip of your right hand in such a way that stretched thumb points
in direction of current, then the direction of the curl of the fingers will
give the direction of magnetic field.
Magnetic Field due to a Current through a Circular Loop
Every point on the circular loop will
act as a straight conductor.

Magnetic field lines are closer near the

conductor which means the magnetic
field is stronger near the periphery of
the loop.

Magnetic field lines move away from

each other as we move towards the
centre of the current carrying loop.

At the centre, the magnetic field lines

appear as straight lines
Factors affecting Magnetic Field of a Circular Current
Carrying Conductor

Magnetic Field ∝ Current passing through the conductor

Magnetic Field ∝ 1
Distance from the conductor

Magnetic Field ∝ No. of turns in the coil

Magnetic field is additive in nature i.e., magnetic field of one loop adds up to magnetic
field of another loop. This is because the current in each circular turn has some direction.
Magnetic Field due to a Current in a Solenoid
Solenoid is the coil with many circular
turns of insulated copper wire wrapped
closely in the shape of a cylinder.

A current carrying solenoid produces

similar pattern of magnetic field as a bar
magnet. One end of solenoid behaves as
the north pole and another end behaves
as the south pole.

Magnetic field lines are parallel inside

the solenoid, similar to a bar magnet,
which shows that magnetic field is same
at all points inside the solenoid.
A temporary magnet of soft iron core
with a coil wound around it which
retains magnetism only when current
passes through the coil.

It is used in electric bells, telephones,

electric motor etc.
Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule states that
if we arrange our thumb, forefinger
and middle finger of the left-hand
perpendicular to each other, then
the thumb points towards the
direction of the force experienced
by the conductor, the forefinger
points towards the direction of the
magnetic field and the middle finger
points towards the direction of the
electric current.
AC and DC Current
Domestic Electric Circuits
There are three kinds of wires used:

(i) Live wire (positive) with red insulation cover

(ii) Neutral wire (negative) with black insulation cover

(iii) Earth wire with green insulation cover.

→ The potential difference between live and neutral wire in India is 220 V.
Pole ⇒ Main supply ⇒ Fuse ⇒ Electricity meter ⇒ Distribution box ⇒ To separate circuits
• Short Circuit: A sudden flow of a very large current due to direct contact of a live wire and a
neutral wire is called short-circuiting. The resistance of the circuit becomes almost zero.

• Overloading: When current drawn is more than current carrying capacity of a conductor, it
results in overloading. Electric fuse melts when a large current flow through the circuit.

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