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Завдання на прийменники:

1. There is a rose _________ six tulips.

2. A kitchen is ___________ the hall.
3. The saucepan is _________ the shelf.
4. There is a sheet and pillow cases __________ the chest of drawers.
5. I went home ___________ the football field.
6. The boys like to swim ____________ the river.
7. Take a copy-book _________ the shelf.
8. Martin came _________ Paris.
9. There are three birds ___________ the tree.
10.Don’t go _________ this road.
11.There are thick clouds __________ the sky.
12.Let’s go _________. It is going to rain.
13.Don’t go __________ at night.
14.The girl is standing _________ the blackboard.
15.The stool is ________ the desk.
16.The stone fell down _________ that roof.
17.The shop is ___________ the cinema.
18.He jumped _________ the gate.
19.The cat jumped down _________ the fence.
20.What nasty weather! we need to go ________ the fog.

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