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SDL SCOPE: Ventricular system, Limbic system and Cerebellum: Organization of receptors of general sensation: Review

of Embryology



1. Use a labelled diagram to illustrate the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

2. State the relations of the following:
a. Anterior horn of lateral ventricle
b. Body of lateral ventricle
c. Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
d. Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
e. Third ventricle
f. Fourth ventricle:
3. Name the following:
a. Recesses of the third ventricle
b. CSF cisterns
c. Disorders of the ventricular system
4. State the functions of the limbic system.
5. State the components of the limbic system under the following sub-headings:
a. Limbic lobe:
i. Limbic cortex
ii. Hippocampal formation
b. Associated nuclei
c. Associated fibre tracts
6. Use a labelled diagram to illustrate the following circuits of the limbic system:
a. Intrinsic circuit
b. Papez circuit
7. State the anatomical basis of the clinical features in Kluver-Bucy syndrome.
8. Discuss the anatomy of the three cerebellar lobes under the following subheadings:
a. Phylogenetic divisions
b. Functional divisions
c. Anatomical divisions
d. Functions of, and effects of injury to, each lobe

Compiled by Vincent Kipkorir and Beda Olabu – January 2020

SDL SCOPE: Ventricular system, Limbic system and Cerebellum: Organization of receptors of general sensation: Review
of Embryology
9. State the parts of the cerebellum separated by the following fissures and sulci:
a. Primary fissure
b. Horizontal fissure
10. State the following regarding the cerebellum:
a. Deep cerebellar nuclei
b. Connections of the dentate nucleus
c. Afferent and efferent fibres within the cerebellar peduncles:
i. Superior cerebellar peduncle
ii. Middle cerebellar peduncle
iii. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
d. Blood supply to the cerebellum
11. State the presentations observed during:
a. Midline cerebellar lesions
b. Eccentric cerebellar lesions
12. Outline the following regarding the fornix:
a. Classify the fornix as a white fibre
b. Using a well labelled diagram illustrate the parts of the fornix.
c. State the function of the fornix
13. Outline the following regarding the internal capsule:
a. Parts
b. Relations (use a well-labelled horizontal section of the cerebral cortex)
c. Blood supply
d. Fibres found in the:
i. Anterior limb
ii. Genu
iii. Posterior limb
iv. Sub-lentiform part of internal capsule
v. Retro-lentiform part of internal capsule
14. Outline the following regarding the corpus callosum:
a. Classification
b. Functions of the corpus callosum
c. Parts of the corpus callosum

Compiled by Vincent Kipkorir and Beda Olabu – January 2020

SDL SCOPE: Ventricular system, Limbic system and Cerebellum: Organization of receptors of general sensation: Review
of Embryology
d. Fibres of the corpus callosum
e. Blood supply
15. State the classification, functions and connections of the following white fibres:
a. Superior longitudinal fasciculus
b. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
c. Uncinate fasciculus
d. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
e. Thalamocortical radiations
f. Arcuate fasciculus
g. Cingulum
h. Anterior commissure
i. Posterior commissure
j. Habenular commissure
k. Commissure of fornix
l. Perpendicular fasciculus


16. Define the following:

a. Stimulus
b. Receptor
i. Extroceptor
ii. Interoceptor
17. State the examples of the following classes of receptors in humans:
a. Thermoreceptors:
b. Tactile receptors:
c. Nociceptors
d. Chemoreceptors
e. Photoreceptors
f. Proprioceptors:
18. State the organization, sensory and motor innervation of intrafusal muscle fibres.

Compiled by Vincent Kipkorir and Beda Olabu – January 2020

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