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Chapter 1

The process of creation of a business enterprise is called Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is the process of developing, organizing, and running a new business to
generate profit while taking on financial risk.

Types of Entrepreneurship:
1. Small business entrepreneurship: This is the most common type of
entrepreneurship, where an individual starts and runs a small business on their own or
with a small team.
2. Social entrepreneurship: This type of entrepreneurship involves starting a business
that aims to address a social problem or create social impact, such as providing access
to education, healthcare, or environmental sustainability.
3. Scalable entrepreneurship refers to the ability of a business to grow rapidly without
being limited by its resources, processes, or systems. In other words, scalable
entrepreneurship is about building a business that can quickly and efficiently expand
its operations while maintaining profitability.
4. Intrapreneurship refers to the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working
within a larger organization. Intrapreneurs are employees who take an entrepreneurial
approach to their work, developing new ideas, products, or services within the

The word “Entrepreneur” is derived from the French verb enterprendre (“To Undertake”).
An entrepreneur is a person who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise involving
financial risk.

How Do I Become an Entrepreneur?

Step 1: Generating business ideas and identifying business opportunities
 Observing Trend
 Finding gaps in the market
Step 2: Conducting a feasibility analysis
Step 3: Making a Business Plane
Step 4: Arranging Funds
Step 5: Setting up an enterprise and building a venture team
 Smooth management of enterprise
 Nurturing Growth
 Exit Strategies

Advantages of being an entrepreneur:

 An entrepreneur is an independent person who makes his/her own decision and acts
on them.
 An entrepreneur has enough scope for innovation.
 An entrepreneur often has the opportunity of realizing dreams and achieve excellence
while simultaneously contributing to the welfare of society.
 An entrepreneur usually has immense job satisfaction.
 An entrepreneur can make a significant contribution to the development of the

Types of Entrepreneurs:
Innovating Entrepreneurs: This type of entrepreneurship is characterized by an aggressive
assemblage of information and the analysis of results deriving from a novel combination of
factors of production. Entrepreneurs falling in this class are generally aggressive in
experimentation and exhibited shrewdness in putting attractive possibilities into practice.
Adoptive or Imitative Entrepreneur: There is a second group of entrepreneurs generally
referred to as imitative entrepreneurs. The imitative entrepreneurs copy or adopt suitable
innovations made by the innovative entrepreneurs. They do not innovate the changes
themselves. They only imitate technology innovated by others.
Fabian Entrepreneur: The third type is the Fabian entrepreneur. By nature, these
entrepreneurs are shy and lazy. This type of entrepreneur has neither will to introduce new
changes nor the desire to adopt new methods of production innovated by most entrepreneurs.
Drone Entrepreneur: The fourth type is Drone entrepreneurs who refuse to copy or use
opportunities that come on their way. They are conventional in their approach and stick to
their set practices products, production methods, and ideas.

Role of entrepreneurship in economic development

Entrepreneurship plays a critical role in economic development by creating new businesses,
jobs, and industries. Here are some of the key ways in which entrepreneurship contributes to
economic growth:
1. Job creation: Entrepreneurship leads to the creation of new businesses, which in turn
leads to the creation of new jobs. This helps to reduce unemployment and increase
incomes, which can lead to increased consumer spending and economic growth.
2. Innovation and technological progress: Entrepreneurs are often driven by a desire
to innovate and create new products or services. This leads to technological progress,
which can drive productivity gains and increase competitiveness.

3. Increased competition: Entrepreneurs bring new ideas and business models to the
market, which can increase competition and improve the quality and affordability of
products and services.
4. Regional development: Entrepreneurs often operate in specific regions or industries,
which can lead to regional development and growth.
5. Foreign investment: Entrepreneurship can attract foreign investment to a region or
country, as investors are often attracted to innovative and high-growth businesses.
6. Wealth creation: Successful entrepreneurship can create wealth for individuals,
which can lead to increased investment, spending, and economic growth.


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