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Hi Judy,

I’m writing this letter to ask you how to improve my Korean because I know that you’re already
fluent in this language.

The reason why I want to level up my Korean, is first and foremost, for my future career. Korea
offers a great variety of jobs that I’m into and want to apply for down the road. Moreover,
watching K-dramas and Korean reality shows is always my cup of tea so a good understanding
of Korea would really do me a favor.

And would you mind sharing some tips on how to learn Korean quickly and efficiently? Should I
use flashcards or immerse myself in the language?

Also, are you on this Sunday morning? I hope you can fit me in so that we can catch up and
discuss this more.


I was walking in the park when suddenly, I heard the most terrible sound. ‘Help! Help! Help!
there's fire’, a  loud voice emanated from a nearby house. I panicked and ran immediately to
that place. 

After ensuring that the fire was completely put out, everyone left, and I was there helping him
clean up the remaining debris. An hour passed, and we finished and rested on the sofa.

I asked him, " Do you know what started the fire?”. He answered:” Well, I guess it was because
of the stove. When I reached home, it was still on and the fire had already spread wide”. I
curiously questioned: “ but who put it on?”. He quickly replied:” My wife! How could she be so
careless! She’s on a flight to do business but forgot to turn off the stove before leaving?”. He
pulled out his phone and called her. She picked up her phone and the two had the loudest
argument ever. I was like a pig in the middle and felt that I need to do something. I tried to calm
the two down.

It turned out that the wife always wanted to remodel the kitchen to suit her preference more but
the husband found it unnecessary. So the husband suspected that she forgot to turn off the
stove on purpose, but then I persuaded him that no way could she have the intention of doing

Anyways, I helped resolve the tension between the couple and we’re best friends now. 

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