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No RJNO/FDS/20170923143211 CERTIFICADO INTERNACIONAL DE PREVENCAO DA POLUICAO POR OLEO INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE. Emitido conforme provisbes da Convencao para Prevencio de Poluigto por Navios 1973, conforme modificado pelo Protocolo 1978, e convo emendado pela Resolucdo MEPC.39 (29) (adiante denominado como “Convena0”) sob autoridade do Governo da REPUBLICA FEDERATIVA DO BRASIL, pela BUREAU VERITAS ‘ssued under the provisions ofthe Invermational Convention forthe Prevention of Pollation from Ships, 1973, as modified bythe Protocol of 1978 relating the-eto, and a amended by resolaion MEPC.39 29), hereinafter referred to as “Convention ander the authority ofthe Government ofthe Federative Republic of Brasil by BUREAU VERITAS Este Certiticado deveri ser suplementado pelo Registro de Construgdo e de Equipamento (This Certificate shall be supplemented by a Record of Construction and Equipment) Caracteristicas do navio (Particulars of Ship): Nome do Navio Tndicativo de (Name of Ship) Chamada Porto de Registro (Distinctive (Port of Registry) Tonnage) BY No: 09991M number or letters) CASTILLO DE RIO DE JANEIRO 9424039 HERRERA, Porte bruto (2) (Deadweight(2) Tipo de navio* (Type of Ship)": Navio petrolezo (Oil tanker) 1. Navio outro que nao navio petoleiro, com tangue de carga em conformidade com a Regra 2(2 )do Anexo I da Convengao. (Ship other than an oil tanker with cargo tanks coming under Regulation 2(2) of Annex | of the Convention) i. Navio outro que néo os acima (Ship other than any of the above) CERTIFICA-SE (THIS IS TO CERTIFY): 1. que o navio acima foi vistoriado em conformidade com o Regulamento 4 do Anexo I da Convengio; ¢ (That the ship ‘has been surveyed in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Annex lof the Convention, and) 2. quea vistoria demonstrou que a estrutura, equipamentos, sistemas, acessories, arranjos e materiais do navio e suas condigdes, estdo em todos aspectos satisfatdrios e que o navio atende aos requisitos aplicdveis do Anexo | da Convengao. (That the survey shows that the structure, equipments, systems, ftings, arrangements and material of the ship and the condition thereof are in all respect satisfactory and that the ship complies with the applicable requirements of the Annex I of the Convention) Este Certificado € valido até (This Certificate is valid until) 9 October 2022 sujeito a vistorias de acordo com o Regulamento 4 do Anexo I da Convengaio (subjected to surveys in accordance with the Regulation 4 of the Annex lof the Convention) Expedido em({ssued in) Rio de Janeiro, no dia (on ) 22 November 2017 Formula (Form) B N* RINO'FDS20170922143211 Flavio Sa By Order of the Secretary *- Marque com um °x no quadro aproprado (Enter “inthe lank bas as apropriate ) (1) De acordo com a Resologlo A600 (15)./ In accordance with Resolution 4.600 (15)~ [MO SHIP Kdentfication Number Scheme, (2) Someate para navies pevokeias/ For Oi takers NE -MISBRA- Page 14 NE MISBRA - Page 2/4 CERTIFICADO LOPP (IOPP Certificate) No i RINO/FDS/20170923143211 ‘Nome do Navio (Name of Ship) : CASTILLO DE HERRERA BY Register: __09991M ENDOSSO DAS VISTORIAS ANUAIS E INTERMEDIARIAS (ENDORSEMENT FOR ANNUAL AND INTERMEDIATE SURVEYS) presente certifiea que numa vistoria requerida pelo Regulamento 4 do Anexo 1 da Convengio 0 navio foi encontrado ‘cumprindo com os requisitos relevantes da Convengio. (This is to certify that, at a swrvey required by Regulation 4 of the Annex I of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant requirements of the Convention) VISTORIA ANUAL. Assinado (Signed): : FELIPE OLVERA (ANNUAL SURVEY) Pessoa autrizada (nome eassinatir)- Name and ignatlr nf auibrized offal Local (Place): U0 Yo SOLERO \ mca pores, OF Br (i visroria anuats Assinado (Signed): : FEUPE OLIVEILA (ANNUAL SURFED Pessoa autorizada (name eassinatia) - Name and signatare ‘VISTORIA INTERMEDIARIA * (INTERMEDIATE SURVEY) Local (Place): SALA NO Date (Date) 02 vownece 2014 Grow avvare Assinado (Signed): A npp ae” Gan WA NNUAL SURVEY) Pessoa auteriaads (ome eassnatia) = Nome dnd arate of a ‘VISTORIA INTERMEDIARIA * 7 (INTERMEDIATE SURVEY) Local (Place): RE g Dar TAN sno DateDae): 2.2 DECEMREN BN2%9 VISTORIA ANUAL Assinado (Signed) (ANNUAL SURVEY) Pesos autrizda (nome eassnatura) - Name and signatare of authorize ofl Local (Place). Date(Date): “ Uma Vistoria Intermedisria pode tomar lugar da segunda ou da terceira Vistoria Anual (Intermediate survey to be carried during 2nd or 3rd anmual survey ) NE TAL3BRA - Page 34 CERTIFICADO IOPP (OPP Certificate) No: RINOFDS/20170923143211 Nome do Navio (Name of Ship) : CASTILLO DE HERRERA BY Register: __09991M. VISTORIA ANUAL E INTERMEDIARIA DE ACORDO COM A REGRA 8(8)(c) Annual [Intermediate survey in accordance with regulation 8 (8c) CERTIFICA-SE que em uma vistoria de acordo com a regra 8(8)(c) do Ancxo I da Convengao, 0 navio encontrava-se ‘cumprindo as provisbes relevantes da Convengao, (THIS IS TO CERTIFY that, at an... survey in accordance with regulation 8 (8)(c) of the Anmex I of the Convention, the ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Convention ). Assinado (Signed). Pessoa auorizada (nome e assinatura) - Name and signature of authorized official Local (Place) Date(Date) ENDOSSO PARA EXTENDER A VALIDADE DO CERTIFICADO, QUANDO A VALIDADE FOR MENOR QUE 5 ANOS E ONDE A REGRA 8 (3) FOR APLICADA, Endorsement 1o extend the certificate if valid for less than 5 years where regulation & (3) applies © navio encontra-se cumprindo com os requisitos relevantes da Convengao, e este Certficado ser, acordo com a regra & (3) ddo Anexo I da Convengao, aceito como vilido até (The ship complies withthe relevant provisions of the Convention, and this certificate shall, in accordance with regulation 8 (3) of Annex Iof the Convention, be accepted as valid until) Assinado (Signed) Pessoa aulorizada (nome ¢asnatur)- Name and signature of authorized official Local (Place): Date(Date): ENDOSSO ONDE A VISTORIA DE RENOVACAO FOI COMPLETADA E A REGRA 8 (4) FOL APLICADA. (Endorsement where the renewal survey has been completed and regulation & (4) applies) (O navio encontra-se cumprindo com os requisitos relevantes da Convengdo, e este Certificado seri, de acordo com a regra 8 (4) do Anexo I da Convengaio, aceito como vilido até (The ship complies with the relevant requirements of the Convention, and this certificate shall, in accordance with regulation 8 (4) of Annex I of the Convention, be accepted as valid until ) Assinado (Signed): Pessoa autorizada (nome eassnatura) - Nome and signature of authorized official Local (Place): Date(Date): NE -7413BRA - Page 4/4 ‘CERTIFICADO 1OPP (IOPP Certificate) No : RINOFDS/20170923143211 Nome do Navio (Name of Ship): CASTILLO DE HERRERA BY Register 09991M ENDOSSO PARA EXTENDER A VALIDADE DO CERTIFICADO ATE A CHEGADA AO PORTO DA VISTORIA OU POR UM PERIODO DE GRACA ONDE FOR APLICADA A REGRA 8 (5) OU 8 (6). (Endorsement to extend the validity ofthe certificate until reaching the port of survey or a period of grace where regulation 8 (5) or 8 (6) applies) Este Certficado seri, de acordo com a regra do Anexo I da Convengio, accito como vilido até (This certificate shall, in accordance with regulation of Annex ofthe Convention, be accepted as valid until ) Assinado (Signed): Prssonautorzada (ome cassinatun) «Name and signature of ehorced fetal Local (Place). Date/Date). ENDOSSO PARA ANTECIPACAO DA DATA DE ANIVERSARIO, QUANDO A REGRA 8 (8) FOR APLICADA. Endorsement for advancement of anniversary date where regulation 8 (8) applies De acordo com a regra 8 (8) do Anexo I da Convengao, a nova data de aniversirio & (Jn accordance with regulation 8 (8) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is ) Assinado (Signed). Pessoa autorizada (nome e esinatra) - Name and signature of authorized official Local (Place): Date(Date): De acordo com a regra 8 (8) do Anexo I da Convengdo, a nova data de aniversario é (In accordance with regulation 1/14 (hh) of the Convention, the new anniversary date is ) Assinado (Signed): Pessoa autorizada (nome ¢assinatura) - Name and signature of auhorizeofickal Local (Place): Date(Date)

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