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Is it acceptable to eat meat nowadays?

Should we eat meat nowadays? I`m guessing that this question

has probably crossed everybody´s mind at some point of their
lives. And for a reason, considering the climate change we are
going thru, we should start being better for our planet and us.
There are arguments for and against meat eating and I would like
to mention some of them.
Let`s start with our health risks that eating meat is giving us,
because how can we save the world if we are not healthy? Eating
red meat and other chemical meat products could cause heart
disease and higher levels of cholesterol in our bodies. Also eating
meat can increase the risk of getting certain cancers. If you think
that your health is worth it, go on!
And if you decide that your health is not worth it, you can think
about saving the world with your healthy body next. The
production of meat has a large impact on our environment,
including greenhouse gas and much other components. The meat
production also requires big amounts of water use, and due to
climate change we don’t have the those amounts of water to throw
away just like that… All things that are damaging our planet and
But there are some positive aspects of eating meat. For example
some of the proteins that we need for our muscles and hormones to
work are in the organ meat products. Also meat is good for healthy
skin, hair and nails and who wouldn’t like to have shiny hair?
But what happens if we just fully stop eating meat? Considering the
world population we can´t just turn to all plant diet, that would be
too much of greens being used for our daily diet. And we need our
plants for clean air.
So what is the answer? In my opinion we could just find the
middle, meaning, we should reduce our daily eating meat habits
and start buying our meat from organic farms, where animals are
not suffocated. Stop eating processed meat and eat more plant
based alternatives! Helping the world means helping yourself and
vice versa!

- Number of words: 352

- Number of words with the title: 359

Adea Alispahic, 12FOG2

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