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original key Nell 6 1878 poem by Leconte de Lisle Op. 18, no, 1. Dedicated to Madame Camille Saint-Saens. Published by Hamelle, 1880; second collection, no. 1; London, Metzler, 1896. First performance, Société nationale de m lengthened the last two lines of the poem by repetition: usique, 29 January 1881, Hentiewa Fuchs, soprano Fauré Qui rayonne en mon coeur fen mon ceeue] charmé Ne fleurisse plus Leconte de Lisle was a Parnassian poct. reverting (0 the purity and formal aspects of ancient Greece. Nall ‘Ta rose de pourpre ron char soleil, © Juin, éincelleenivee Penche aussi vers moi ta coupe doxée “Mon coeue 3 ta tose est patel Sous le mol abs dela feille ombreuse Monte un soupir de valupré; Plus d'un ramier chante au bots éané, (© mon coeur sa plaine amoureuse Que ta pete est douce au ciel enflammé, Eroile de la nuit pensive! ‘Mais combien plus douce est la carté vive Qui myonne en mon coeur charme! La chantante mer, le long du rivage, Taira son murmure éternel, ‘Avant qu’en mon coeur, chére amour, O Nell [Ne fleurisse plus ton image! Andante, quasi Allegretto 4 = 66 Pp sempre ‘image [Ne leurise plus ton image] ‘The Parnassians were the group of poets who turned away from Romantic excess, Nell Your purple rote in your bright sun, 0 sume, s sparkling as if nesicated: Bend your golden exp ato tward me: ‘My heart is jut ike your roe Under the soft shelter of «shady bough “A sigh of pleanure rise wp ‘More than one ring pigeon tings in the remote wood, O my bear is amorous lament “low sweet your pearl it inthe flaming sy, Star ofthe pemive night! But how much secer isthe bright light That shines in my charmed heart! The singing se, al along the shore, Will lence its eternal murmuring Before in my hear, dear lve, o Nel, Your image will op blooming! sempre legato CCornht © 1995 by HAL LEONARD CORPORATION inracional Capt Secured All Riga Reserved Penche aus press. u ee ae Feuille om - brew ese. Sempre chante au bois — sa plainte = 68 Que ta perle est douce dela muit pen plus douce * parame" inthe orginal poem co) 2 erese. a empre en mon coeur char poco crese. % dolce. dolciss. 2 35 7 qu'en mon coeur, rmour, ————_ —_~ PP _subito

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