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Overlord Volume J5 “The Half-Elf God-Kin” This is an unofficial e-book translation of the Overlord Volume 15 - Half Elf God-kin light novel translated by Hime Translation. This e-book is for reference only, if you are interested and have the money, we recommend you buy the original author's work. In addition to supporting the author, you are supporting the light novel industry. This e-ebook should not be sold to anyone, because it is allowed only to be used for free. We underline once again to our readers that this is not for sale. bxxion, Admin of Hime Translation. (2) Prologue The leader of the Theocracy—the Pontifex Maximus. Those that held the most significant authority in their sects—the Six Cardinals. The leaders of the Judiciary, the Legislature, and the Executive branch. The Director of the Research Institute was responsible for magic research and development. The Commander in Chief—was also known as the Grand Marshal. Gathered here were the twelve members that made up the executive body of the Theocracy. This was where those with the highest authority in the Theocracy gathered, setting out the general roadmap for the country. It was neither spacious nor opulent, and none of those in attendance was without a somber expression. Of course, not many people would be joyous given the occasion. The assembly was composed of people who would consider each other fellows, and they were familiar ‘enough with one another to allow for some occasional humor. That was to say, the mood among them was once a lot more light-hearted, but not at this time. The air in the room felt as though it had frozen solid. “The Sorcerous Kingdom had begun their invasion of the Kingdom, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that it had begun long before now. The Sorcerous Kingdom is absolutely terrifying, the Kingdom never had an inkling of their plans for an entire month. The Windflower and Clearwater Scriptures that served as our eyes and ears are no longer effective. Had it not been for the Thousand Leagues Astrologer, we might had discovered it even later... Itis fair to conclude that the Kingdom's fate is sealed. We don’t have much time on our hands, so we should begin recruiting adventurers as soon as possible.” /e've already begun recruiting in earnest.” Replied the Cardinal of Earth, Raymond Zarg Lauransan. “Isn't it a waste to just allow the Sorcerous Kingdom to plunder that country's magic items? Especially the treasures of the Kingdom. The Amulet of Immortality, Guardian Armor, Gauntlets of Vitality, and..." Said the Research Director as he counted up with his fingers as if to emphasize the importance of the last item... “Razor Edge...” lo, there’s nothing we can do about that. The number of people we can deploy is limited. Even our own people within the Kingdom will not be able to make it out alive.” “Soon the Sorcerous Kingdom will be at our doorsteps... Ever since that Warrior-Captain died in battle, his replacement, the one called... Ung-lo? Has he taken up the mantle already?" Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (3) The Grand Marshal asked, to which the Research Director answered: “Brain, correct? Yes, if we could extract him along with those items it would be for the best. He shouldn't be the type to run towards his own death, right? We might anger him at first but he'll soon be grateful to us.” “According to our investigation, he’s not someone who would do that.” The Cardinal of Fire, Berenice, was one of the only two women within the executive body. “Your opinion of him is quite high.” The other woman, the head of the Judiciary, said with a smile. “Wow, not only does our Cardinal speak highly of the gentleman, she's even diagnosed him with AvPD.” “So he’s the same as that Warrior-Captain... But, let us consider the bigger picture. We fundamentally cannot understand the thoughts of people who would allow themselves to be controlled by such irrational emotions.” A few people glared at the head of the Legislature as he spoke, so he felt the need to backtrack. “My apologies, perhaps that was a bit too harsh. However, in my opinion—taking into consideration the future of mankind, such reckless disregard for life is a terrible mentality to have. I will stand by my point no matter who stands against it” “He spoke of no falsehoods.” The one who uttered those words was Dominic Ihre Partouche, the Cardinal of Wind and ‘one of the people who glared earlier. lowever, just as we have lines we would never cross, so does he.” "Does Guelfi-sensei agree?” The Research Director asked, not entirely convinced. Ginedine Delan Guelfi, the Cardinal of Water—an elderly man whose appearance was akin to that of a dried log—nodded in confirmation. “Then | shall not ask further on this matter.” “While I'm glad so many talents have come to join our nation, what is the deal with them?” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (4) A few adventurer groups had already arrived at the Theocracy. Not only were the new extras ‘of Mythril rank or higher, but the Clearwater Scripture’s intelligence also indicated that quite a few of them showed even greater potential. “They didn't seem... no, never mind.” Yvon Jasna Dracrowa, the Cardinal of Light, spoke with disapproval written all across her face. Someone present suggested dropping honorifics, but Yvon countered sternly: “Itis only natural to show respect to one's seniors.” “Of course.” That person replied hurriedly. It was true that in this congregation of Cardinals, honorifics were only used half of the time. This was, of course, done to foster a stronger camaraderie. “That's right... | also want to know how we will deal with this problem.” “What should we do?” The head of the Judiciary asked. Raymond replied: “If the problems originated from the fact that we cannot save some people, then we should address it by helping them. First of all, the Draconic Kingdom. | think going to war with the beastmen is the right call.” “Oh, | see.” Those around him said out loud. Their intelligence indicated the Draconic Kingdom had become diplomatically closer to the Sorcerous Kingdom and purchased magic items from them. Allowing this to continue would diminish theocracy's influence, while the Sorcerous Kingdom would gain more sway. This could be a brilliant move. “if the adventurers we recruited from the Kingdom were to teleport to places. beyond our surveillance, the news of the war between the Sorcerous Kingdom and the Kingdom could spread. Would that not expose our covert operations to the Sorcerous Kingdom? Would it not be safer to keep them within our borders for now?" “That's likely not a problem. They would want others to regret giving up on the Kingdom even after they learn of what was happening. It's unlikely that people like that would ever work with such a crue! nation. Though there is the possibility of them obtaining information through mind-controlling magic.” “Hold on, compared to that, wouldn't it be more of a problematic should the Sorcerous Kingdom discover that we recruited magic casters capable of using teleportation magic?” “Indeed, that's true.” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (5) "We have always used magic items to teleport, the adventurers will probably realize the truth if what they witness differs from their expectations. Even if we were to impose a gag order on them, who knows what kind of information could leak out regardless. Perhaps it would be advantageous for us to not reveal our hand to the Sorcerous Kingdom yet.” Ginedine Detan Guelfi, the Cardinal of Water, coughed a few times before he spoke. “Hmm, excuse me. While | understand your thought process, is it not true that revealing our hand to our opponent can make them more cautious about acting recklessly? That is how | feel about it.” “Though | agree with Sense’’s idea, the existence of someone like the Tri-Arts, Magic Caster should make the use of teleportation magic less of a worry for us.” igh, but how many would know about that? ‘What kind of magic is the great magic caster of the Empire capable of is a question that even we don't have a definite answer for, is it not?” “Someone of his caliber wouldn't care much for intelligence on teleportation magic anyway.’ Ideas of all sorts were put forward. The Pontifex Maximus felt they would be unable to reach a decision if this continued, so he decided on a simple vote. And so, it was agreed that they would deploy the adventurers to provide support to the Draconic Kingdom. That said, the recruited adventurers were equal to mercenaries in the eyes of the Theocracy, as it was hard to determine where their loyalties lay. Those present at the meeting thought it would be fine even if they chose to stay in the Draconic Kingdom. After all, rescuing them from the Kingdom wasn't to strengthen the Theocracy but to avoid the possibility of strong humans dying in vain. “if we manage to develop the technique to create spell scrolls of the Sth tier and above, even something like teleportation magic will become easily available.” ut even though we have worked on it for centuries, nothing came of it, not even the smallest bit of progress. The Theocracy owns the manufacturing methods for first- to fourth-tier scrolls, something not known in neighboring countries. This is only one of the multiple secret techniques we possessing. We invented these techniques over the centuries to protect humanity and defeat those races born superior to man. We've even managed to create the restoration potion known as God's Blood, though more research is necessary to improve its cost-effectiveness.” fet, why would the Sorcerer King ordered such massacres? Even if supplies en route to the Holy Kingdom were robbed, this was still an overreaction. What does the military make of it?” “The first reason is to instill fear.” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (6) The Grand Marshal raised one finger. Multiple heads nodded in agreement. “Second, the Sorcerer King is an undead after all.” “There's a deep-seated hatred for the living in him, and he is controlled by that hatred.’ Perhaps some may hold that belief, but | disagree. Even if we assume he has been waiting for an opportune time to go to war, our long-standing observation of his actions would reveal to us otherwise.” “We of the military are also of the opinion that it is extremely unlikely that his motivations are so simple.” Said the Grand Marshal with a stern face. After this meeting, the others would surely ‘complain ad nauseam about him: “Posturing.” “Trying to copy Raymond.” Or that: “He doesn't get that there's a time and place for everything.” “Ahh, so, the most likely reason is...” He said as he raised his third finger: “To create a natural spawning area for the undead, like the Katze Plains.” “That is possible. Someone murmured. The Slaine Theocracy was a country that boasted plenty of divine magic casters, so the highest echelon in attendance fully understood what the Grand Marshal meant. The Sorcerer King's plan was probably to endlessly expand that unholy land, to absorb any undead that spawned there into his kingdom. Such a thing was usually impossible, but the Sorcerer King, an undead himself, was an exception. They had heard that he had assumed control of the Katze Plains. Perhaps he had obtained something from there that would prompt him to do something like this. “if that's the case, we can anticipate their next move.” “Why are you certain of that?” “To maintain a clear border between the unholy lands and the Council State The unholy lands will then become a buffer between the Sorcerous Kingdom and the Council State. And then...” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (7) “Then they will divert their attention to deal with us...2" The room fell into silence. All present members compared the Sorcerous Kingdom to their ‘own country, particularly regarding military power. Everyone bore distressed expressions. No ‘one could maintain composure. The reaction was understandable, as they were reminded of the intelligence report they had received regarding the Sorcerous Kingdom during their last meeting. The Sorcerous Kingdom's battle against the Kingdom on the Katze Plains displayed their indubitably overwhelming and malevolent power. The Sorcerous Kingdom was extremely tricky to deal with, even for the trump card of the Theocracy, the Black Scripture, and its God-kin members. Moreover, the true power of the Sorcerous Kingdom remained unknown. The more they investigated, the more it felt ike staring into a dark, bottomless abyss. “No number of troops would be enough. So we have to form a comprehensive alliance with the Council State, hub...” “That's right. Then whenever we're in a pinch, we will be able to receive reinforcements!” Everyone smiled sarcastically. Reinforcements powerful enough to save the Theocracy would never be sent. That much was plain to see. Genuine cooperation is impossible for states with entirely different goals and ideals. Some reinforcement could be expected if an alliance was formed, but there was no way that the Platinum Dragon Lord himself would ‘come to their aid, If either the Theocracy or the Council State fell, then the full might of the Sorcerous Kingdom would come to bear on the nation not yet affected. To avoid that, the correct move would be full cooperation to pool their strengths jointly against the Sorcerous Kingdom. However, hypothetically, ifthe alliance were to invade the Sorcerous Kingdom and win, what would happen afterward? Needless to say, the two countries would return to seeing each other as potential enemies, It was not difficult to imagine that people from the former Sorcerous Kingdom would flock to the two victorious nations after such a war. And as their populations grew, the espionage war between them would only escalate. Complete and mutual trust would never happen, even if an alliance was formed. Realistically they should only consider an option if it meant a complete victory for the Theocracy. If war eventually broke out between the Theocracy and the Sorcerous Kingdom, both nations would be weakened significantly. The Council State would then be the sole beneficiary. The ideal situation would be all three countries standing firm against each other, but that would require ‘a more equal power balance. “Submitting to the Sorcerous Kingdom would not be a bad thing. We could work behind the scenes for decades or centuries until we make them crumble from the inside. It would also grant us a clearer picture of the Sorcerous Kingdom's internal affairs. “The Empire also became a vassal, so it isn't completely unfeasible. Also, judging by how the Empire was treated, itis not that bad of an option.” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (8) “But if we do that, would our citizens accept it that easily?” “It would be very difficult to get them to accept it. One wrong step and riots would break out. “Just brand them as fools.” “Aye, that's a bit too extreme. Save that as the last resort. First things first, unlike us, citizens don't have access to all this information.” “Then, should we make everything we know about the Sorcerous Kingdom, Public? Aren't we keeping it a secret right now precisely because it led to unrest in the past?” “Stop arguing. Did the Sorcerous Kingdom not also have to devote a lot of time to pacifying and administering their people after the founding of their capital? So this matter and other things we will have to consider in the future will all take time—" "No, we can't be so sure. After all, the Sorcerous Kingdom destroyed multiple cities and villages.” The capital was populous, so it was unrealistic to think they had been all killed. However, nothing was impossible for the Sorcerous Kingdom. 1n undead, full of hatred of the living, huh.” “We let our guard down because there was no unnecessary killing at E-Rantel, didn't we.” “The Empire is now a vassal, they have intervened with matters within the Holy Kingdom and the Draconic Kingdom, and now they have played the Kingdom like a fool. At this rate, there will be no easy way out for us. ‘Submit or die,’ huh? What a cliché, but we have to make a choice. If we want to make a deal with the Sorcerous Kingdom, first we will have to deal with one of our own problems.” “Mhm. We should deal with that old, corrupt elf as soon as possible. Although our future relationship with the Sorcerous Kingdom is not yet clear, we cannot entertain the possibility of two concurrent wars.” ‘A considerable effort was put into exterminating the Elf Country, even before the Sorcerous Kingdom was established. That was also why they did not seriously attempt to develop amicable relations with the Sorcerous Kingdom beforehand “Direct confrontation with the Sorcerous Kingdom is the worst-case scenario, considering their overwhelming military power. However, it is our duty to make plans with the worst case in mind, so ideally we want to have them dealt with soon, Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (9) “The Sorcerous Kingdom probably won't intervene while they're making moves in the Kingdom, but depending on how the situation evolves, they might still make moves to impede us. I can almost imagine it, they could act as though the undead have naturally spawned next to our border. We must take some steps to prepare for that possibility.” “Yes... at the same time, we have to make sure the future of mankind is preserved, even ifit's only a few." A few of them nodded in awe. “Let some people go and seek refuge. They will be the remnants of our hope, or despair, should | say.” ‘There was no country to rely on outside the Theocracy, but they weren't asking them to become nomads either. The Theocracy had a shelter outside its borders. It was no place of legends but rather just somewhere where people lived six hundred years ago. A place for the human species, who knew only fear and flight. It was guarded by one of the Six Scriptures, the Ashen Dust Scripture. [TL's Note: Biblical reference to “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”] “We cannot sit still. We must seek survival. Shall we each choose our representative, and have that person choose for us?” “Shouldn't Lauransan-sama be the only one to go?” “What?” “In case we are annihilated, shouldn't you, a former member of the Black Scripture, be the one to protect and guide those who are left?” “Lcannot be compared to who | was before. The people probably wouldn't trust someone who would not fight until the end or someone who isn't at the top of our organization.” “But "No “Iwas thinking—" As the discussion grew heated, the Pontifex Maximus finally spoke. ruing here is pointless. As important as it is, this is no time for that discussion.” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www (10) No one objected “Right. Then, let us talk about the most important issue. We can let those elves go, but we must use our momentum and pursue that damnable Elf King.” The Pontifex Maximus was like a completely different person, with palpable hatred on his face. Raymond nodded in agreement. "Give Certain Death a chance to choose.” “Mhm. Even if the Platinum Dragon Lord already knew that the kid was going abroad, he is unlikely to Kill her, given the current situation. My personal opinion is that the Elf King must be given a taste of all the suffering in the world before he's executed. The kid's happiness comes first. I'm counting on all of you!” “Understood.” Overlord Volume 16 - Half Elf God-kin | www

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