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introduced the important message that time has the power to destroy everything. Both of the poems
agrees on the effects of time though they are written on different subjects.

Shakespeare writes about monuments ,fancy graves and other things built in memory of great nobles
and rulers.

Percy Bysshe Shelley talks about the colossal statue of Ozymandias built in belief that it would be
praised forever. The king believed that the statue would stand forever in his place when he died, looking
over his kingdom forever. ‘And on the pedestal of the statue, there are these words, “My name is
Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! But the future surrounds the
statue with a great amount of unflattering sand.

Later both the poets come with the conclusion that time with its sluttish qualities ruin all memorials.
These sonnets have used imagery and extreme irony to prove the fact that no memorials have the
power to posses immortality. The statues and other extravaganza over time are prone to destruction
and hence will not be praise till posterity.

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