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10 Advanced Excel Functions for Precise Calculations

Want to take your Excel skills to the next level? Check out these advanced functions that can help you perform precise
calculations with ease.


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Excel offers various functions that can help you make sense of data in various forms. However, when working
with complex datasets, basic functions may not be enough to produce precise calculations. That's where
advanced Excel functions come in handy.

We'll examine some of these functions and discuss how you can use them for data analysis and calculations in


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The CONVERT function converts a value from one unit of measurement to another. The syntax of the CONVERT
function in Excel is:

=CONVERT(number, from_unit, to_unit)


number: the value that you want to convert.

from_unit: the unit of measurement that the value is currently in.

to_unit: the unit of measurement that you want to convert the value to.

For example, the formula below converts the value in cell A2 from meters to feet.

=CONVERT(A2,"m", "ft")


The DELTA function tests whether two numbers are equal. It returns a value of 1 if the two numbers are equal,
and 0 if they aren't equal. The syntax is:
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=DELTA(number1, number2)

Where "number1" and "number2" are the values that you want to compare. For example, the formula below
compares cells A4 and B4. It returns 0 since both numbers aren't equal.

=DELTA(A4, B4)
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The MODE.SNGL function in Excel returns the most frequently occurring or repetitive value (mode) in a set of
numbers. It is used to find the single most common value in a range of values. The syntax for the MODE.SNGL
function is:

=MODE.SNGL(number1, [number2], ...)

For example, the formula below finds and returns the number that occurs the most in cells B1 through B6.


If multiple values occur with the same frequency, MODE.SNGL will return the smallest of those values. You can
use the MODE.MULT function if you want to find all the values that appear the most.
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The FLOOR function in Excel rounds a number down to the nearest multiple of a specified significance. The
syntax for the FLOOR function is:

=FLOOR(number, significance)


number: The number you want to round down.

significance: The multiple to which you want to round the number.

For example, the following formula rounds 47 down to the nearest 10 and returns 40.

=FLOOR(47, 10)
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If the specified number is already a multiple of the given significance, the function returns the specified number
itself. Also, the FLOOR function always rounds down, so it won't return a value greater than the specified number.
For example, the formula below will return 50 as it is already a multiple of 10.


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=FLOOR(50, 10)
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This is the opposite of the FLOOR function. CEILING rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of a specified
significance. The syntax for the CEILING function is:

=CEILING(number, multiple)

For example, the following formula rounds 456 up to the nearest 100.

=CEILING(456, 100)

The CEILING function always rounds up, so it will not return a value less than the specified number.

The GESTEP function tests whether a number is greater than or equal to a specified step value. The syntax for
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=GESTEP(number, step)

Where "number" is the number you want to test and "step" is the value to which you want to compare the number.


GESTEP returns 1 if the number is greater than or equal to the step value, and it returns 0 if the number is less
than the step value. For example, the formula below tests the value in cell B6 against step 55.

=GESTEP(B6, 55)
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You can use the GESTEP function with other functions, such as the SUMIFS function, to get the number of values
that are greater than or equal to a specified step value.


This function truncates a number to a specified number of decimal places or an integer by removing the decimal
part of the number. Here's the syntax for the TRUNC function:
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=TRUNC(number, [num_digits])


number: the number you want to truncate.

num_digits: the number of decimal places to which the number should be truncated. If you omit this, the number
will be truncated to zero decimal places.

For example, the formula below truncates 3.14158 in cell A2 to two decimal places.

=TRUNC(A2, 2)
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8. ABS

ABS returns the absolute value of a number, which is the number without its sign. It converts any negative value
to a positive value while leaving positive values unchanged. To apply the ABS formula to multiple cells, you can
fill it in the cells using these Excel spreadsheet autofill tricks.



The formula below returns the absolute value of the number in cell A2.
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The AVERAGEIF function in Excel calculates the average of a range of numbers, based on a condition or criteria.
The syntax for the AVERAGEIF function is as follows:

=AVERAGEIF(range, criteria)


range is the range of cells that you want to evaluate.

criteria is the condition or criteria that you want to use for averaging.

For example, the formula below finds the average of the numbers in A1 to A6, but only for cells that contain a
value greater than or equal to 65.

=AVERAGEIF(A1:A6, ">=65")
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SUMPRODUCT multiplies the corresponding elements in arrays or ranges of cells and then returns the sum of
the products. Here's the syntax for the SUMPRODUCT function:

=SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], ...)
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array1 is the first array or range of cells that you want to multiply and sum.

array2 is an optional second array or range of cells that you want to multiply and sum.

For example, the following formula multiplies the number of units sold in cells B2 to B6 with the corresponding
price per unit in cells C2 to C6, then adds the products to return the total amount generated from sales.


You can include up to 255 arrays or ranges in the SUMPRODUCT function.

Make Calculations a Breeze in Excel With Advanced Functions

Excel is a powerful spreadsheet tool that offers several functions for data organization and analysis. While basic
and essential functions like SUM and AVERAGE are useful, advanced functions can help simplify complex
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Whether you're an analyst, a business professional, or a student, mastering these functions will help you work
more efficiently and make better-informed decisions based on accurate data.

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Bolanle Abiodun
(9 Articles Published)

Bolanle is a freelance tech writer. She writes primarily about productivity and software. When Bolanle isn't writing, you'll find her engrossed in a book.

Dongfeng Panama
Dongfeng Panamá
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10 Essential Excel Functions for Beginners

Wondering how to step up your Excel game? Here are the essential functions you need to know to boost your
spreadsheet skills!


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Spreadsheets are an invaluable tool for organizing and analyzing data. Excel is one of the most popular
spreadsheet apps, and it can significantly boost your productivity once you get the hang of it. To maximize your
productivity with Excel, you can use functions to automate time-consuming calculations.

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Excel has an arsenal of built-in functions, including simple functions that you can quickly learn and utilize in your
spreadsheet. These ten functions will give you a better understanding of how functions work, and boost your
journey to Excel mastery.

1. SUM

The SUM function sums the given values together and outputs the result.

=SUM(value1, value2, ...)

The values can be numbers, cells, or ranges of cells. If you input non-numerical values, SUM will return an error,
as it can't sum text strings. If you refer to a range that contains text, SUM will ignore the texts.

To use the SUM function, you need to include it in your formula and give it the values you want to sum.
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Summing numbers in Excel with the SUM function

Example: The formula below sums the values in B2 to B13.

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The AVERAGE function calculates the average of a group of numbers. You can feed the numbers directly, or refer
to cells and ranges that contain them.

=AVERAGE(value1, value2, ...)

AVERAGE works exclusively with numbers. It will ignore the text cells if you feed it a range containing numbers
and texts. To use the AVERAGE function, initiate your formula, call AVERAGE and then feed it the values.

Calculating the average of a number series with AVERAGE in Excel

Example: The formula below returns the average value of cells B2 to B13.


3. MIN

MIN is a simple function that serves only one purpose: Return the smallest value in a series. Despite being
single-purpose, it can be useful in many scenarios.
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=MIN(value1, value2, ...)

You can refer to cells and ranges or input the values directly. MIN works with numbers only and will ignore cells
that include text.

Getting the smallest value in a series with the MIN function in Excel

Example: The formula below returns the smallest value in B2 to B11.


4. MAX
This function is the yin to MIN's yang. Where MIN returns the smallest value, MAX returns the largest value.
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=MAX(value1, value2, ...)

MAX deals exclusively with numbers as well. If the range that you input contains text, MAX will ignore the text

Getting the largest value in a series with the MAX function in Excel

Example: The formula below returns the largest value in B2 to B11.


Since you're familiar with both MIN and MAX, you can combine them to calculate the difference between the
largest and the smallest value in a range:

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The COUNT function in Excel takes in a range of values and returns the count of numeral values.

=COUNT(value1, value2, ...)

You can feed COUNT any sort of value, but it will only return the count of numeral values. If you refer to a range
of cells, COUNT will return the count of cells that have numbers in them. COUNT will ignore cells that have text or
other non-numerical data in them.

Counting numeral values in a range with COUNT in Excel

Example: The formula below counts cells with numbers in B2 to B11.

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COUNTA is an expansion of COUNT that counts cells with any value. COUNTA counts numbers, text, errors, and
any cell that's not blank.


=COUNTA(value1, value2, ...)

You can feed COUNTA any sort of value, including cells and ranges. COUNTA counts non-blank cells and will only
omit the cell if it's truly blank.


In Excel, putting a blank space in a cell adds content. As a result, although the cell seems blank, COUNTA
will still count it. This is also true for a formula in your cell that returns a blank space (" ") or if you make
a cell look blank through custom formatting.
Counting non-blank cells in a table with COUNTA in Excel

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Example: The formula below counts the number of non-blank cells in A1 to B11.



As the name implies, COUNTBLANK only counts cells that are completely blank, not cells that contain spaces or
other non-visible characters.


This function is complementary to COUNTA. If you sum up the results from COUNTA (number of non-blank cells)
with COUNTBLANK (number of blank cells), it will equal the total number of cells.

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Excel's standards for a blank cell are relatable here, too. COUNTBLANK only counts cells that are absolutely
blank, and it omits cells that have blank spaces in them or look blank through custom formatting.

Counting blank cells in a series with COUNTBLANK in Excel

Example: The formula below counts the number of blank cells in B2 to B11.



Excel's SUBSTITUTE function allows you to search for a specified string in cells and replace it with another.

=SUBSTITUTE(string, old_string, new_string, [instance_num])

In this syntax, string will be the target cell, old_string will be the part you want to replace, and new_string will be
replacement. The last argument, instance_num, is optional.
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If you leave instance_num blank, SUBSTITUTE will replace all instances of old_string with new_string. If you
input 2 for instance_num, SUBSTITUTE will replace the second instance of old_string with new_string. This
function works with both numeral and text strings.
Replacing specific strings in a series with SUBSTITUTE in Excel.

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Example: The formula below substitutes + in cells B2 to B7 with and. Since the last argument is left blank, all
instances are replaced (C3).

=SUBSTITUTE(B2:B7, "+", "and")

9. IF

The IF function in Excel takes in a logical expression, checks whether the expression is true, then returns custom
outputs for the two outcomes.

=IF(logical_expression, output_if_true, output_if_false)

The logical expression can be a simple statement such as 1>2 or a condition such as B2=1. If the expression is
true, IF will return output_if_true. Otherwise, it will return output_if_false.
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IF is a key function in creating sophisticated formulas. For instance, you can nest multiple IF functions inside
each other to create multiple conditions.

Determining if the sum of values are greater than a specific number using IF and SUM in Excel

Example: The formula below calls IF to check whether the sum of B2 to B11 is greater than 40,000. If the
condition is met, IF returns Yes. Otherwise, it returns No.

=IF(SUM(B2:B11)>40000, "Yes", "No")


This function counts the cells that meet a specified condition. Think of it as a combination of COUNT and IF.

=COUNTIF(range, condition)
In this syntax, range is the cells you want COUNTIF to look into, and condition is the criteria COUNTIF will
consider when
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To use the COUNTIF function in Excel, you must first input the range of cells you want to count. Then you must
specify the criteria for the cells you want to count.

Using COUNTIF to count values greater than a specific number in Excel.

Example: The formula below counts the number of values greater than 5,000 in B2 to B11.
=COUNTIF(B2:B11, ">5000")
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Make the Most of Your Spreadsheets With Excel Functions

Excel is a data analysis and organization tool that can drastically improve your productivity. If you've done your
research on Excel, then you know that you'll need to use Excel functions to maximize its potential.

Functions help you save time and increase the accuracy of your spreadsheets. There are tons of functions that
satisfy different needs, but the essential Excel functions are useful for everyone. Now that you've added ten
essential functions to your toolkit, you're well-equipped to start organizing your data with Excel!


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Amir M. Bohlooli
(193 Articles Published)
Amir is a Staff Writer at MUO. His love for writing and organizing everything in spreadsheets took him to mostly write in the Productivity vertical. He likes
copied listening to music, and gaming. He’s currently studying Pharmacy and has been writing articles for more than 4 years.
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