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AREA Ingles FECHA 21 /04 / 2023
DOCEN Jhasmin AÑO- 5to / Único
TE Gonzales.R. SECC

Watch the video and choose the correct answer. (mira el video y elige la
respuesta correcta)

1. What is Chandler talking about?

a.) His family.

b.) A strange dream.

2. Why is Ross upset?

a.) He and his wife divorced.

b.) He lost his job.

3. Who's a lesbian?

a.) Chandler

b.) Ross's ex-wife

4. Where did Monica, Ross, Joey, Chandler and Rachel all meet?

a.) They went to the same college.

b.) They went to the same high school.

c.) They work together.

5. Why did Rachel leave her wedding?

a.) She wants to travel around the world.

b.) She started asking herself questions, like, 'Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this

6. Why did Rachel call Monica?

a.) They're best friends.

b.) Monica is the only person she knows in the city.

Watch the video and choose the correct answer. mira el video y elige la
respuesta correcta)

1. Who is Rachel talking to?

a.) She's talking to her fiancé.

b.) She's talking to her father.

2. What is Rachel trying to say?

a.) She wants to make her own decisions.

b.) She wants to work in a clothing store.

3. What is Monica's friend's name?

a.) Saul

b.) Paul

4. Where was Rachel planning to go on her honeymoon?

a.) Italy

b.) Aruba

5. What are Joey and Chandler going to do that night?

a.) They're going to help Ross put together some furniture.

a.) They're going to watch TV.

6. Is Phoebe going over to Ross'?

a.) No, she's has a date.

b.) No, she doesn't want to.

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