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1)WAP to find whether a number is prime or not

2)WAP to find all the prime numbers between
certain range
3)WAP to print the factorial of a number
4)WAP for combination nCr
5)WAP to reverse user input number
6)WAP to reverse a string
7)WAP to reverse words in a string
8)WAP for nth term of Fibonacci series
9)WAP to check if a string is palindrome or not
10) WAP for bubble sort
11) WAP for insertion sort
12) WAP for selection sort
13) WAP to find the 1st repeating and 1st non-
repeating element in an array
14) WAP to find the prime factor of a number
15) WAP to find HCF or GCD
16) WAP to find LCM
17) WAP to find unique characters in string
( order does not matter).
18) WAP to find binary of a number
19) WAP to find decimal of a binary number
20) WAP to find missing element in a sorted array
21) WAP to find the peak element’s index
22) WAP to separate positive and negative
elements in an array
23) WAP to separate even and odd elements in an
24) WAP to check if a number is Armstrong or not
25) WAP to remove duplicate elements from an
26) WAP to check if 2 strings are anagrams of
each other or not
27) WAP to check if 2 strings are k-anagrams of
each other or not

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