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DOI: 10.15575/am.v7i1.00000

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The purpose of making this scientific article template is to provide general guidance for students

of the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in presenting the results of their research and/or

ideas in scientific work. The method of presentation in scientific articles should follow the

general pattern commonly used in reputable journals, making it easier for authors to submit

articles in these journals; writing scientific papers also needs to be adjusted to the scientific

discipline that is the author's field of expertise. Journal articles usually use a systematic method

consisting of: abstracts, keywords, introduction, methodology, results and discussion,

conclusions, acknowledgments, and references. Specifically for abstracts it must contain

elements: objectives, methodology, important results/findings, and conclusions; if possible

narration / information can be added about the boundaries of research, practical implications,

and social implications. Generally the presentation of abstract does not exceed 300 words. With

cambrian font 9 and 1 space. Also made abstract in the form of English at the top before

abstracting Indonesian.

Keywords: Raffle; Lottery; Buy; Sell

The purpose of making this scientific article template is to provide general guidance for

students of the UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in presenting the results of their

research and/or ideas in scientific work. The method of presentation in scientific

articles should follow the general pattern commonly used in reputable journals,

making it easier for authors to submit articles in these journals; writing scientific

papers also needs to be adjusted to the scientific discipline that is the author's field of

expertise. Journal articles usually use a systematic method consisting of: abstracts,

keywords, introduction, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions,

Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, Vol. 7 No. 1: 1-10

acknowledgments, and references. Specifically for abstracts it must contain elements:

objectives, methodology, important results/findings, and conclusions; if possible

narration / information can be added about the boundaries of research, practical

implications, and social implications. Generally the presentation of abstract does not

exceed 300 words. With cambrian font 9 and 1 space. Also made abstract in the form of

English at the top before abstracting Indonesian.

Kata Kunci : Raffle; Undian; Jual Beli

Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, Vol. 7 No. 1: 1-10

Generally, scientific papers are in the form of argumentative narratives, which are used by
academics and/or researchers to express information in a particular field or subject. 1 In general,
scientific papers discuss an accurate, semi-formal, impersonal, and objective subject in expressing
ideas.2 Published scientific works are thought contributions to address various problems that occur
in human life.3
Scientific work4 is a reflection of the writer's experience and ideas in conducting
studies/research, which reflects the uniqueness, identity, and self-image of the writer. 5 However, it
is necessary to standardize the publication of scientific papers to facilitate writers and readers in
developing the thought flow of ideas that were born by the writer. The making of this template
aims to provide general guidance for writers in presenting the results of research and / or their
thoughts in scientific work, although in certain cases can be modified in accordance with the
scientific field and writing style of the author.6
The method used in this research is the case study method. 7 The case study in question, as
expressed by Deddy Mulyana, is a comprehensive description and explanation of various aspects
of an individual, a group, an organization (community), a program, or a social situation. As a
method of qualitative research approaches, this method was chosen because, as Bogdan and Bikien
(1982) said, this research focused on one setting or object. To be precise, this research focused on
the process of talqin dhikr as a method of da'wah in the TQN of the Suryalaya Islamic Boarding
This section consists of the results of research and how they are discussed. The results
obtained from research must be supported by adequate data. 8 The results of the study must be the
answers to the problem and the research objectives stated earlier in the introduction. 9
In the discussion must contain:
1. Whether the data research results have been analyzed (not raw data). Can be presented
with tables or figures other than verbal presentation to clarify. This section usually answers the
question what and how?
2. Does the author provide a scientific interpretation for each of the results or findings the
author presents (why)?
3. Are the results of the study consistent with what was reported by other researchers (what

3 | P-ISSN (2085-1154) E-ISSN (2798-7663)

Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, Vol. 7 No. 1: 1-10

else)? Or is there a difference?

Results and Discussion are capitalized, spaced 1 space apart and bolded. If you use
supporting tools, simplify the tables and use open tables, and map images are more focused on the
object under study and not too large file size and complicated (sought in JPG format); tables and
figures are numbered sequentially. Do not use location when referring to Figures or Tables, for
example: "... presented in Figure 1 below." But simply "... presented in Figure 1." or "...... (Figure 1)."
The use of subtitles in the discussion in accordance with the purposes of the discussion. Example: 10
Sub Chapter 1 (Times New Roman 12, bolded)
Sub Chapter 1
Sub Chapter 2
Sub Chapter 3
Sub Chapter 2 (Times New Roman 12, bolded)
Sub Chapter 3 (Times New Roman 12, bold).
Conclusions should be answers to research questions, and not expressed in statistical

sentences. The explanation is in the form of flowing paragraphs which contain links between one

content and another. Use terms that have substantive meaning in the field of science and avoid

statistical/ methodological technical terms.


Reference source citation techniques are recommended using Reference Management applications
such as Mendeley or Zotero, using the Chicago Manual Style 17 th Edition (Fullnote) citation
system, Cambria font 10.5, For details, see examples:
Atmasasmita, Romli. Karakter Dan Arah Politik Hukum Dalam Pembangunan Nasional. Bandung:

Pidato Purnabakti Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran, 2014.

Burhanuddin. “Kolom Kosong Dalam Rezim Pemilihan Kepala Daerah.” Jurnal Jurisprudentie (E-

Journal) 5, no. 1 (2018): 64.

Fuadah, Aah Tsamrotul. “Penerapan Prinsip Hukum Acara Perdata Islam Di Pengadilan Agama.”

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 53, no. 9 (1981): 1689–99.

Jamaludin, Ahmad, and Mohammad Sayid Rifqi Noval. “Pemidanaan Kebiri Terhadap Pelaku

Kejahatan Seksual Kepada Anak Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia Dan Hukum Islam.”

ADLIYA: Jurnal Hukum Dan Kemanusiaan Volume 14, no. 2 (2020): 191–208. :10.15575/adliya.v14i2.10135.


Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah, Vol. 7 No. 1: 1-10

Kiky Aprianto Naerul, Edwin. “Kebijakan Distribusi Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Jurnal

Hukum Islam.” Jurnal Hukum Islam 14, no. No. 2 (2016). http://e-

Muhammad Gazali Rahman. “Kompilasi Hukum Islam Sebagai Hukum Terapan Bagi Hakim

Pengadilan Agama.” Jurnal Tahkim 11, no. 2 (2015): 66–88.

Mukhlis, Febri Hijroh. “Konsep Ummah Dalam Piagam Madinah; Asas Demokrasi Nabi

Muhammad Dan Relevansinya Di Indonesia.” AL-TADABBUR 5, no. 1 (n.d.): 1–16.

Rosser, A. “Escaping the Resource Curse: The Case for Indonesia.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 37

(n.d.): 38–40.

Soekanto, Soerjono, and Sri Mamudji. Penelitian Hukum Normatif - Suatu Tinjauan Singkat. Jakarta:

Raja Grafindo Persada, 2004.

Zaini, Zulfi Diane. “Implementasi Pendekatan Yuridis Normatif Dan Pendekatan Normatif

Sosiologis Dalam Penelitian Ilmu Hukum.” Pranata Hukum 6, no. 2 (2011): 116–32.


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