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1. ______
The next year I’m going to apply _______ for a job and I am also going to go ______ on an exchange. I need to
improve my English because one day I would like to study or work _______ Ø abroad.
2. If we want to go ________Ø backpacking next summer, we need to __________ pass all our exams in June.
3. ________
At what age would you like to leave ________ Ø home? I would like to do it when I ________ am 18 years
old .
4. If you want to apply _______for the job, fill _______
the this application form, please.
5. I prefer to do ________
the homework rather than do ________ the housework.
6. He told me to sleep on it before I ___________ made a decision.
7. I would like to study ________Ø abroad, so I am thinking of going ________ on an exchange or signing _______
for a language course.
8. Your ________________
opinions are the things you believe ________ in .
9. My opinion is based ________ on all the experiences I have had, but you don’t need to worry _______ about that now.
10. That nasty smell put me __________out eating for a week. It was absolutely disgusting!
11. I have never been _______to a summer camp because I am not interested _______ in the activities they offer.
12. The train leaves _______ at 7:15 ______ on Saturday and arrives _______ in Paris _______in the evening. I am really
excited because I’ve never travelled ______ by train.
13. Hurry up! The plane _________ is about to take off and we are on the _______________ line of missing it!
14. He always wastes his time when he is doing research on _______ the internet.
15. He is a very lazy student. He always puts _______ doing his homework instead ______ of doing it every day.
16. He advised me to _________
set a reminder _______
on my phone to avoid forgetting about deadlines.
17. Thanks for reminding me ____________ about the meeting. I would have forgotten if you hadn’t told me.
18. That boy in the photo reminds me ________ of my first boyfriend. He looks exactly like him when he was
19. We are going _____on an exchange trip next week and our teacher has told us that we won’t need much pocket
money , just about €60.
20. I am looking ______
for a part-_____________
time job in the mornings.
21. In Britain 15-_______-olds
year can work for twelve hours _______ on school days and up ______ to twenty hours
at weekends.
22. _______ Friday afternoon they will be waiting _______ for me at the airport.
23. _______
In ten years’ time I will _______ be working as _____ a teacher.
24. In England most _______ Ø students _______
do work experience _______ at the age of 14 or 15.
25. ______
In my free time I love speaking ________ to other students from foreign countries because I learn a lot
from them and I can practise my English.
26. Spending the weekend hiking in the mountains for hours is not my cup of ______________ tea .
27. He suggested having a try _______ at something different because we had to ___________ make a good impression.
28. I am going to _______ do voluntary work because I enjoy helping ______ (/) others and I’m not bothered _______about
making money.
29. I don’t think that Simon ___________
will buy a car next year. He can’t afford it.
30. As _______
a teacher, you won’t earn so much ________ as a lawyer.
31. If I think I might forget to ____________
meet a deadline, I _________
set a reminder about it ______ on my phone.
32. If you often forget what you have to do, you _________ had better ___________
make a list of your tasks for each day.
33. Who will you _______ be sitting next ______
to at lunch tomorrow?
34. One day I __________
would like to become ______ Ø a professional dancer.
35. I look forward _________
to hearing _________
from you.
36. I have always wanted to ________ go backpacking in South East Asia but I have to go ______ for an interview
before I go ________
on a trip.
37. Before the interview I am going to borrow some smart clothes ________ from my father and then he is going to
give me a lift to the city centre.
38. My dad has paid _______for my driving lessons and I hope to ____________ pass my driving test tomorrow.
39. My daughter usually wastes her time chatting ______ to her friends _______
on Facebook.
40. You should ______________
develop a routine and try to do the same things _______ at the same times every day.
41. I often find ______
it difficult to _____________
meet deadlines.
42. After having some lessons _______ at weekends, it is time to put what you have learnt _________ into practice.
43. The letters CV stand _________ for Curriculum Vitae. All the skills you learn will look great _______ on your CV.
44. I am different _________
from other dancers because I started ballet _______ at 14, two years ago.
45. I know it will be difficult ________ at first because I need to practise for _______ at least four hours a day.
46. My father is quite _______ a good cook and has got experience _______ of cooking for lots of people.
47. My daughter wants to leave _______ Ø home but she isn’t old enough _______ Ø to live ______
on her own.
48. My teacher explained _______ to me that it is a good idea to make lists of words in English and stick them
on your bedroom wall.
49. When arranging a trip, it is advisable to ___________ plan ahead and book tickets early.
50. My friend Rose, who _______ is the same age ______ as me, will be staying with us ______ in winter.
51. ______
At the end of the day I like to switch ________ off and relax _______by listening ______
to music.
52. Let’s go to the job office. They are _____________ giving a talk about voluntary work _______ on Friday evening.
53. My mother says I can borrow the laptop _______ from her as long as I __________
look after it.
54. In one hundred years’ ________ time people might ______ Ø live ______
on the moon.
55. They are going to _______ do a sponsored walk ______ on Sunday morning.
56. A charity is a non-____________
profit organization that tries to help people in some way, rather than to _________ make
a profit.
57. We are going to raise money _________ by doing ______ a series of activities that people pay _______ for .
58. If she wants to apply ______ for the job, she should contact _______ Ø the head of Human Resources.
59. In this supermarket they are looking for 18-_________-olds year to put products ______on shelves.
60. I think I am the perfect candidate for the job because I have already worked ______ as a monitor at a summer
camp and I am good _______ at speaking foreign _____________
languages , ________ such as French or Spanish.
61. Don’t phone him now. He’ll probably be having a bit of a _________-eye. shut He always has forty _________
after having lunch.
62. Most _____
Ø teenagers don’t _________ get on well with their parents and teachers. But when they become
Ø grown-ups, they change their mind.
63. He is a very naughty boy and his parents are always ________________ telling him off.
64. I couldn’t go to the party because I had to look _________ after my little sister. I hate it when I have to _________
care of her.
65. Tom is too shy _______Ø to ask a girl ___________
out . He prefers to hang _________ out with his school friends
at the weekends.
66. For me the best age to settle ____________ down is 25 years old.
67. She got divorced when she was in her thirties and she __________ has lived _______
by herself since then. Now she
needs someone to care ________ for her.
68. Nicky has fallen ________
out with her parents many times because ________ of her difficult behaviour.
69. His last video __________
went viral _____
on YouTube and he became famous worldwide.
70. By working day and night, he succeeded ______ in overcoming adversity and eventually made his dreams come
true .
71. If you break the rules again, you’ll __________ get into trouble.
72. _____________
Unless I finish my homework on time, I will be _______ in trouble.
73. If I _________
had felt ill, I wouldn’t have come to school.
74. You would __________have made a lot of friends if you __________ had moved home.
75. ______________ someone helps me to do it, I won’t manage _______
unless to finish it all on time.
76. If I _____________
hadn't fallen in love with Johnny, I wouldn’t have married _______ Ø him.
77. I wouldn’t get married _______ to her if I _____________
were you. I don’t think she is the girl of your dreams.
78. If my teacher ____________
weren't so strict, he would talk _______ to us about the problem.
79. If I ___________
had known you were ill in ______
Ø hospital, I would __________
have visited you.
80. We wouldn’t have used mobile phones if we had _________ been born in the 19th _________________
century .
81. I am sure you will make a lot of new friends if you move _________ Ø home.
82. If you could go ________Ø anywhere for your end-of-year trip, where ____________ would you go?
83. It is kind to smile _______at people but you shouldn’t stare ________ at them.
84. When the teacher asked him a question, he just __________ shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t know the answer.
85. She stopped being friends with them when they gave her the ______________ cold shoulder. Now, she rubs
shoulders with a lot of celebrities in London.
86. I kissed her ________
on the cheek when they introduced her _______ to me.
87. If I went _______
on a date with Kate, I ____________
will smile and try to have fun.
88. She advised us to focus _______on the instructions and try to put them ________
in practice.
89. I definitely ________________
wouldn't go out with him if I were you.
90. My parents don’t approve __________ of my new boyfriend. I can’t stand them!
91. I have just ________
fallen out with my best friend because she posted some photos ______ of me on ______
92. She has promised she will ____________ give me a ring as soon as she arrives ________ Ø home.
93. I didn’t want to talk _______ to her, so I _______________
made an excuse. I had to lie ______to her because I didn’t
want to hurt her feelings.
94. She was annoyed __________ with me because she thought I had done it _______ on purpose, but I did it _______
accident, actually.
95. I’m sorry I took your jacket. I took it ________ by mistake.
96. I wouldn’t have ____________made the same choice _______as her if I had been in that situation.
97. Come on, make _______ up your mind! You must ___________
make a decision now!
98. John: I have never been _______ to France. Mary: Neither _____________
have I.
99. Kate: I can play _________
the guitar very well. Oliver: So _____________
can I.
100. My mum doesn’t let me go out ______ on my own at night. She doesn’t think I can look __________ after myself.
101. My father is going to pick me ________ up when the party is over. He can also _________ give you a lift home if you
102. My teachers get angry when we are rude ________ to them. For this reason, we don’t always get ______ on well
with them.
103. If I ______________
took a funny photo of a good friend, I wouldn’t put it _______ on Facebook.
104. My parents don’t allow me to use my mobile phone or my computer, so I have to call them _______ on the
landline if I want to keep _______ in touch with them.
105. He wanted me to ________
do him a favour and he asked me _______ for $200.
106. They banned the use of mobile phones so that we could see __________ what life is like without electronic
107. I saw him yesterday holding her hand in the park. They must be _______ in love.
108. When the police officer ______ askedher a question, she just shrugged her _____________
shoulders and didn’t say anything.
109. I felt embarrassed when the teacher stared ______ at me in class.
110. Perhaps he likes me because yesterday he sat next _____ to me _______on the bus.
111. I will probably ____________
make friends with Susan because she seems nice. Besides, everybody says you can
trust _______
Ø her.
112. What would you think if your parents read the messages ________ on your phone?
113. My best friend is a bit bossy. We sometimes fall out about ________ silly things, but we always make _____ up again.
114. We didn’t have any elder brothers or sisters, so we looked after ___________ each other when we were little.
115. I ___________
had an argument with my best friend because he was very rude ________ to me. Now we aren’t
talking ________
to each __________
other .
116. We _________
will be tired tomorrow if we don’t go to ________ Ø bed early.
117. If he had _____________
taken my advice, he would have _________ got a higher mark in the exam.
118. It definitely isn’t a good idea to leave your mobile phone switched ________ on in an interview.
119. The worst thing that has ever happened ______ to me was when I deleted my project from my computer ______ by
120. My friend Suzie asked me out yesterday. To tell you the truth, I like her _______ as a friend but I don’t want to
go ________
out with her, so I _______________
made an excuse.
121. He has lied _______
to me a lot of times, so I can’t trust ________Ø him anymore.
122. Jennifer tends to _____________
gesticulate a lot; she’s always using her hands to explain what she means.
123. When I’m talking ________to someone and they don’t _____________
make eye contact, I feel like they’re not
paying attention.
124. What your parents say to you may seem boring, but it’s pretty rude to _____________ roll your eyes all the time.
125. I’ve noticed that you _____________
shrug your shoulders every time I ask you something and you don’t know the
126. _______
In the USA, driverless cars already travel ________ on public roads.
127. Some trains can travel _______ at more than 400 km/h nowadays.
128. He wasn’t hurt in the gunshot because he was wearing a bullet-_____________ proof jacket.
129. Only 18-_________-olds
year can enter ______Ø this competition. And they must carry ________ out an experiment
with an idea that really ____________ makes a difference in fields _________
like health or the environment.
130. We had an enormous meal. It consisted ________ of seven courses. And there were hundreds ________ of
customers on the waiting list.
131. This award _________
was given to a young student ________ by the organizers last year.
132. Traditional fuels ________
such as petrol are still used now but greener fuels will probably ______ be used more in
the future.
133. Plastic was invented _______ in the 1900s and the world wide web ________ was created _______
by a British scientist
in the 20 th
134. Some adverbs have the same form ________ as the adjectives, __________
such as hard or fast.
135. A lot of apps can _______ be downloaded ______ for free, and you can use them instead ________ of dictionaries or
136. It is estimated that ________the internet will be used ______ by more than 4 billion ______ Ø people worldwide.
137. The first mobile phone call was _____________ made by Motorola in 1973 and the first iPhone ________
was produced
by Apple in 2007.
138. The advantage of the new gadget is that it is as ________________ light as a feather. Furthermore, you can do
everything that can be done _______ on a computer.
139. I ordered a mobile phone which was ________ at $49.99 _______
on your website _______
on 2 nd April. The problem
is that the phone hasn’t ___________ been sent yet and I want a solution ________ to this problem right now.
Moreover, you promised the item would be delivered _______ on time.
140. These books mustn’t ________ be taken away from the library. When you finish _______ Ø reading them, they
must be put _______
on the shelves.
141. Our house was broken __________ into by some burglars _______ Ø last night. The police ________
are looking
into the burglary at the moment.
142. 3D printing is used to produce objects instead _______ of documents.
143. Bottles and bags are more environmentally friendly if they are made ______ of bioplastics.
144. In dry countries _________like Australia ________
Ø lots of people dry desalinated _______________
water .
145. Newspapers can _______ be read by people ______ on paper or online.
146. Environmentally friendly cars will ______ be produced ______ in 10 years’ time.
147. In the past documents were typed _____ on typewriters and now information is easily found ______ on the internet.
148. How fast can you find the answer ________ to this question?
149. ________
Ø most famous inventors worked hard to come up _________ with their ideas.
150. About two million _______ Ø people download music from _______ the internet every day.
151. I don’t usually download books ________ from the internet because I don’t like reading _______ on screen.
152. The campaign is aimed ________ at wiping out drug abuse in schools.
153. Their new invention is sold ________ at $50 _______
on their website.
154. It is really hard to come _______ up with a great idea and carry it _______ out at the same time.
155. The fact that he got a job in the company has nothing to _________ do with the fact that his father is the
managing director.
156. I arrived _______
at school _______ at the same time ______ as her. I can’t understand I was the only one who
was punished.
157. __________
In the 1920s people already rode a bicycle that was similar ________ to modern bikes.
158. I don’t need any batteries because I have a solar-________________ powered calculator.
159. I look forward ________to a reply and a resolution _______ to this problem.
160. My running shoes are made ______ of smart materials that adapt _______ to the shape of my feet.
161. You can store hundreds ________ of digital books _______on this e-reader.
162. Research is often carried ________ out by astronauts _______
on space stations.
163. I have just ______
had an argument with my parents because they complain that I am always _____ on the computer.
164. Mobile phones weren’t used ________ by many people twenty years _____________ ago .
165. Before CDs ___________
were invented, music was played ________ on record players. Now, music is listened ____ to
on _________
the internet by many people.
166. Some great inventions were made _______ in the 16th ____________
century and we expect a lot of new advances will
be made ________
in 20 years’ time.
167. She is interested ________in space exploration and wants to be _____ an astronaut when she grows up.
168. Students are better _______
at problem-solving in Asia ________
than in Europe.
169. PISA stands __________
for Programme for International Student Assessment.
170. Knives were used ________
as weapons before guns _________
were invented.
171. I don’t always go out ________
on Saturdays. I only hang out with my friends from _________
time to time.
172. Shoplifters are often not caught _______
by the police.
173. English is spoken all ________
over the world, so if you can speak English, you can talk _______
to anyone.
174. They are ______________
doing an experiment because they are trying to find a cure ______
for the new disease. It is
great that scientists _______
do research on this kind of things but they often have to look ______
for an investor to
get the necessary money to do it.
175. ______
In the 20th century people didn’t __________
take so many photos as now because they had to ____________
them in a shop later on and this wasn’t cheap.
176. _______
In 1969 astronauts first walked ______
on the moon.
177. The money ________
was taken out of my account ______
on 3rd April but I haven’t received my tablet yet.


1. I was invited to a formal dance at the end of the academic year. _________________
2. We must do a final exam before we graduate. _________________
3. He was riding a small motorbike when the police stopped him. __________________
4. She has made a lot of money since she got her degree. ____________________
5. There comes a time in your life when you have to make a choice. ___________________
6. I hope I will go to university and take a degree in medicine. ___________________
7. I found a cheap, small flat close to my university. ___________________
8. When she invited me to the prom, I thought she was joking. ___________________
9. He is actually working for the secret services. ___________________
10. Around 20% of the participants are teenagers. _____________________
11. My teacher gave me some useful tips before I started the project. ___________________
12. It is important to have a break from time to time. _______________
13. She is furious because she has a ladder on her tights. _______________________
14. You’ll meet a lot of amazing people if you go there. _______________________
15. Some English-speakers volunteers are helping the Spanish teens to learn English. ___________________
16. In your spare time you can go to the pool or go for a walk. ____________________
17. We managed to reach his goal by working hard every day. ____________________
18. It is a good thing he made me remember about the appointment. ______________________
19. March 10 is the time limit to hand in the essay to the teacher. _______________________
20. Our teacher asked us to make a summary of the book. __________________
21. I must make my work better if I want to pass the exams. ____________________
22. This year I am learning a lot and my English is getting better. ___________________
23. Last summer I made some money by looking after a few little kids at weekends. ____________________
24. Apart from studying, I also have a Saturday job. In fact, this helps me to get organized. _______________
25. They had to take on a few more workers to finish the job on time. __________________
26. You will eventually find out how it all works. ___________________
27. The task must be sent to our teacher not later than 19 May. __________________
28. He is currently working for another company. __________________
29. The team started to play better when they changed their trainer. ____________________
SE gym
30. Having a cup of tea helps me to relax. __________________
teapot NOSE
31. Why don’t you have a go at it? ______________________
try NS
32. Is he going to spend the entire day here?
NS __________________
33. You should dress in a smart way when you go for an interview. ____________________
34. They shouldn’t leave everything till the last minute. __________________
35. We had better take a break now. _____________________
should NS
36. Don’t disturb her now. She is giving the baby
NS some food. ______________________
37. Have you ever done voluntary work at the weekends? _______________________
38. They had to put off the match because of the bad weather.workNS
39. I am tall and thin, like my mother. __________________
40. In order to make your dreams come true, you should set goals and develop a routine. _______________
41. I need to get good marks if I want to study at Oxford University. _________________
42. We set off on our journey as soon as the sun rose. _________________
start NS
43. A few members of my family will be waiting for me. _____________________
44. This non-governmental organization tries to collect money to help the people without a home.
charity / ___________________
raise / ___________________
45. As I wanted to help the environment, I decided to take part in the project. ________________
46. In the charity I help to organize the things that people give away. __________________
47. He came in when I was having a bit of a shut-eye and he woke me up. _____________________
48. It’s a good chance to get hands-on experience of different areas. _____________________
49. He has always preferred the company of grown-ups when he is away. __________________ adults
50. When she was a little girl, she loved making up stories. _________________
51. He is popular among his classmates because he is very good at taking off his teachers. ______________ imitaning
52. Have you got many brothers and sisters? _____________________
53. His parents died when he was young and he was brought up by his aunt. ____________________
54. They had a terrible argument and finally he broke up with her. ___________________
split upNS
55. I have never had an argument with my best friend. ___________________
56. Will you get married to me, honey? ___________________
marry NS
57. With his songs he just wanted to give a voice to the people without a voice. ___________________
58. Unfortunately my suggestions were all turned down by the management. __________________ rejected
59. You should give her a hug if she is feeling sad. __________________
60. I felt uneasy when he was looking hard at me. __________________
61. My teacher asked me to come to a conclusion after reading the text. ___________________
62. Maybe the world would be a better place if we listened carefully. ___________________
63. I was worried about their absence of interest. ________________
64. At the end of a friendly match the players often exchange their T-shirts. _________________
65. If I had a problem, I would prefer to speak to her directly. ___________________
66. I would never tell a lie to my best friend. ___________________
67. When he grew up, he changed his mind about the matter. ___________________
68. They don’t let me go out by myself at night. ____________________
69. When they phoned, I was on my own in my bedroom. _________________ alone
70. I love reading comics in my spare time. ___________________
71. My mum will be worried if I arrive home late. _________________
72. I don’t think we can rely on her. ____________________
73. We found out that he had been lying to us. ____________________
74. The average teenager sends more than 3,000 messages per month. ____________ over / _______________
75. Life is different now with so many electronic gadgets. _________________
76. Children are really more isolated now than they used to be. ___________________
77. Still, there is also a negative side to this affair. __________________
78. They blame it on the rise in prices. ___________________
79. Young people also enjoy socializing in person. ___________________
80. In these days teenagers have a large number of acquaintances. __________________
81. I feel a little disappointed with my results. ______________________
82. We hired a car when we went on holiday there. ____________________
83. Bioplastics create far less pollution than traditional plastics. ___________________
84. Their project consisted in designing a cheap 3D printer. __________________
85. Go to the supermarket. In the meantime, I’ll go to the post office. __________________
86. The first Science Fair was organized in Los Angeles. _________________
87. They are trying to replace the non-biodegradable plastics which are used nowadays. _______________ currently
88. They were given an award for their invention. __________________
89. Hundreds of visitors were present at the fair. _____________________
90. I think I will need my portable computer to do the job. _____________________
91. We have to ask questions about a gadget that we own. ____________________
92. In spite of its potential for virtual learning, there are a lot of things to improve. __________________
93. It is easy to be fooled by internet hoaxes. ____________________
94. If you stay in the UK for a few months, you will pick up lots of new words. ________________learned
95. The design will definitely be made better in the future. ____________________
96.This language is spoken by more than two thousand million people. _________________
97.This country was ruled by an emperor for centuries. _________________
98.I don’t like the politicians who are running my country now. ___________________
99.The Olympics were held in Beijing in 2008. ____________________
100. The search engine Google was founded in 1998. __________________
101. This mobile phone costs around $1,000. _________________
102. This new gadget soon became popular all over the world. __________________
103. I ran as quickly as possible because I was late. _________________
104. He has a bodyguard to protect him against his enemies. ____________________
105. This is frequently found in big cities. ____________________
106. I am completely sure she didn’t do it. _______________________
107. My new laptop is really fast. ______________________
108. I was late for school because I couldn’t run fast enough. _____________________
109. How often do you visit your grandparents? Not very often. _________________
110. The flight attendant asked us to switch off our electronic devices. ___________________
111. He received an email from the company with a great offer. __________________
112. Almost a million people have visited the website. ____________________
113. I tried to repair my phone, but I couldn’t. ______________________
114. These e-bikes are also available to hire. _____________________
115. It is improbable that she will pass the exam. ____________________
116. Large grass-eating animals became extinct a long time ago. _________________
117. They tested the prototype to make sure it worked. ______________________
118. I complained about the laptop because the screen was cracked. __________________

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