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Recently teaching standards have been changing.

Today we are going to discuss them and

discuss why what has happened with common core is important, as well as certain ways to help

students learn. They will learn not only from the teacher but also from one another.

Collaborative learning seems to be an important teaching style that is being implemented.

Collaborative learning or cooperative learning is a teaching tool to help students learn from each

other. The students are able to share their talents with one another. Anything can be taught with

collaborative learning, even something as simple as learning the counting numbers by playing a

game such as pirate dice. The common core standard that would be the first, which states: “make

sense of problems and persevere in solving them (Dolan et al., 2015).”

I really like the idea of collaborative learning for the fact that the students will somewhat

rely less on the teacher and more on their peers. That will hopefully help them going forward

because the teacher doesn’t necessarily go up in grade with them, though sometimes it will

happen. Likely they will have their peers whom they would have established already that they

can rely upon. Collaborative learning will enhance learning because each student will bring

different talents to the table, and I remember more from my peers than I necessarily do my

teachers. Also, it is often in struggling to figure out a problem that helps it stick better (Dolan et

al., 2015).

Common core though often looked at as a negative generally helps students learn and

helps them be on the same lesson as the rest of the state. Collaborative learning helps students

rely more upon each other and less upon the teacher. Struggle helps the learning process even in

the frustrating moments for both student and teacher. It’s important to be patient with yourself in

planning collaborative learning opportunities and patient with the students in their struggles.

1. Dolan, D., Williamson, J., Muri, M., & Long, C. T. (2015). Mathematics activities for
Elementary Teachers. Pearson.

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