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A Critical Analysis

on the Study
“The Effect of Multicultural Education in Public Schools
Within Different Socioeconomic Environments”
By Edward Chung

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

Multicultural Education

2nd Semester A.Y. 2022-2023

Submitted by:


Course & Section

Submitted to:


Course Instructor

1. Background Information

1.1 Information about the Work

The study talks about how diverse children socialize in the places where they
are first exposed to peers from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. A place in
which culture and education can meet and intersect; a place where they can begin to
interact with one another and influence one another in meaningful ways. The author
says that interaction and influence can lead children to become a shaping force in
their psyches through being educated in both a direct and indirect manner. It states
there that it also developed their personal knowledge, in reference to diverse
contexts, and shaped them as they matured and became adults. The study aims to
discover the effect of multicultural education within different socioeconomic contexts
on helping students acquire the knowledge and commitments needed to make
reflective decisions and to take personal opportunities for action. Multicultural
education allows students to become more open-minded to other cultures and to be
more readily accepting of intercultural differences. By engaging in such multicultural
dialogue, students are able to effectively communicate with peers from diverse
backgrounds and achieve improved results due to a better understanding.

1.1.1 Hook
Children from different cultures are presumed to have different degrees of
exposure and experiences in their diversity that the teacher will engage and

1.1.2 Title

1.1.3 Author
Edward Chung

1.2 Thesis Statement

The effect of multicultural education in public schools within different

environment engaged with the knowledge constructed and how it reflected the
experiences, values, and perspectives of its creators. With these assumptions and
perspectives, the concepts, events, and issues taught are viewed from the
perspectives and experiences of a range of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. This is
done at the same time helping students understand the nation's common heritage
and traditions. Facilitators should help students to understand other cultures and to
be more readily accepting of intercultural differences. By engaging in such
multicultural dialogue, students are able to effectively communicate with peers from
diverse backgrounds and achieve improved results due to a better understanding.

2. Summary or Description of the Work

The study talks about how education helps students understand multicultural
education in public schools within different socioeconomic environments. The
learners engaged with the knowledge constructed and how it reflected the
experiences, values, and perspectives of its creators. With these assumptions
and perspectives, the concepts, events, and issues taught are viewed from the
perspectives and experiences of a range of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups.
This is done while at the same time helping students understand the nation's
common heritage and traditions. Teachers should help students understand that,
while they live in a diverse nation, all citizens of a nation-state share many
cultural traditions and values. Multicultural education seeks to create a society
that recognizes and respects the cultures of its diverse people.

Student and teacher bonding is the most sacred and trusted attachment a
child develops outside of his home. A teacher’s place is no less important than
the parents in a child’s life. Teachers are expected to conduct themselves in a
manner that inculcates in the students an acceptance of all diverse elements.
The environment thus produced is such that the students do not feel threatened
by discriminatory thoughts, words, or deeds. When a student enters the
institution, he is emotionally fragile, vulnerable, and desperately anxious to be on
an equal footing with his peers. Each one of them has a unique identity built on
the foundation of their cultural background.

The author also states that different instructional methods are integrated into
the classroom in order to foster diversity and help students become more
acclimated to multiculturalism. These methods are used as lectures; this
instructional method is used by teachers to help students become familiar with
other cultures, which allows students to assess what cultural biases they may be
internalizing and exhibiting towards their peers and others coming from different
personal backgrounds. An instructional method that is commonly employed within
the classroom is the use of foreign languages. This method helps pupils learn a
different language while communicating with their peers if needed. Another
instructional technique that is utilized to enhance multicultural knowledge among
students is the use of a guest speaker, where the students take advantage of any
opportunity to interact with the speaker and pose any questions regarding culture
and customs that are unknown to them.

Multicultural education allows students to become more open-minded to

other cultures and to be more readily accepting of intercultural differences. By
engaging in such multicultural dialogue, students are able to effectively
communicate with peers from diverse backgrounds and achieve improved results
due to a better understanding.

3. Interpretation and/or Evaluation

3.1 Discussion of the Work’s Organization

The study explained that the concept of culture is subjective, like an umbrella
term. Culture can encompass different facets and aspects of personal and collective
traits, including the different characteristics of individuals. Culture can be defined as
all the ways of life, including arts, beliefs, and institutions, of a population that are
passed down from generation to generation. In addition, a multicultural classroom
can be considered a melting pot of diverse cultures and countries.

3.2 Discussion of the Work’s Style

The author communicates or informs us that multiculturalism plays a big role

globally. The author taught us about how people understand each other in terms of
their differences, especially in a school environment. The study explained very well
about multicultural education that aimed at realizing awareness, tolerance,
understanding, and knowledge that considers cultural differences, as well as
differences and similarities between cultures and their relation to world views,
concepts, values, beliefs, and attitudes.

3.3 Effectiveness

The result of the study shows us that the differences in the impact of
multicultural education tend to reflect the social conditions that permeate these
communities. Many communities have a clear distaste for diversity of any aspect
within their social area. This becomes reflected in the attitudes that are integrated
into academics and that are reflected in the topics that are taught to students. The
educational environment of today is much more multicultural than it had been in the
past, due to specific factors that have changed the academic landscape, such as
increased globalization and the spread of technology globally.

3.4 Discussion of the Topic’s Treatment

"The Effect of Multicultural Education in Public Schools Within Different

Socioeconomic Environments". This topic discussed a lot of information about the
multicultural education environment and how the students will learn content about
the nation and the world from the perspectives of the diverse groups that shaped
historical and contemporary events. They will be better able to participate in
personal, social, and civic actions that are essential for citizens in a democratic
pluralistic society. In which multicultural education allows students to become more
open-minded to other cultures and more readily accept intercultural differences.

3.5 Discussion of Appeal to a Particular Audience

This study tells us how multiculturalism plays a big part globally and captures the
attention of everyone, especially me. It really convinces me to be nice and show
respect to people of all cultures, where it can be a more effective example for the
young. In addition, this study brings a lot of knowledge to those who are reading this
material. It gave readers courage and determination in life.


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