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In this reflective essay, you have to highlights and elaborate ‘The Importance of Physical Education
at School’, together with its Teaching Principles, Approaches and Methods.
You also have to emphasize reasons why Physical Education is important to us in terms of its
health benefits.

See the criteria below for the Reflective essay.

Depth of Reflection – 30%
Required Component – 20%
Quality of Information – 20%
Structure and Organization – 20%
Grammar – 10%
Total 100%

Physical education for me is one of the most helpful subjects during my elementary days up
until in college. It gives me the opportunities to be active in physical activities and it had so many
benefits. A student's health is enhanced when they take this class. As a result, this indirectly
strengthens their immune system. This proves that the body is capable of battling disease. A
student will experience less stress if they are healthier. This is so we can finish all our assignments
and able to study well during exams. so, there is a big chance that they will not miss class. While
performing these activities I able to improve my focus and it helps reduces my stress.

I can say that it improves focus because as I perform activities these past few days during
our class to accomplish or defeat your opponent you must stayed focus with yourself and to your
teammates because if you and your teammates will not for sure you will not win. Studies mostly
point to a connection between physical education and better concentration. They also stimulate
brain activity. As a result, students can focus and pay attention in class. There are numerous
diversions for students today. Using technology is one such practice that keeps individuals from
concentrating. Also, while performing activities, it reduces stress. According to study it helps
reduces stress by releasing feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals and other
natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being. So, for me Physical education
is very important.

In our class even if we have only e days a week

Education Essay: Role Of Physical Education In

The School System
The Role of Physical Education In The School System
Physical education classes give students opportunities to be active in physical activities. The activities
have many benefits. They improve the general health of students, focus, concentration and help
reduce stress. These benefits lead to improved academic performance. So it is very important for
students. Schools have challenges creating time for it. Nevertheless, it should not be ignored. Schools
should allocate enough time for this education. Also, during the the classes, teachers should allocate
more time to these activities. This will help achieve two goals.

 Firstly, it will improve students’ performance.

 Secondly, schools will improve the health of the students.

What is The Impact of Physical Education On Students

1. Reduces stress

There are however, many stressors in school.  Firstly, many students have to deal with a strict
schedule. They have to learn some difficult concepts. Secondly, they have to complete class
assignments. Thirdly, they have to prepare for final exams. They have to deal with annoying students.
In this regard, this stress must be managed to improve students’ well being. The classes greatly play
an important role in ending this stress.

2. It boosts the immune system

When a student participates in a this class, their health is improved. This therefore, indirectly improves
their immune system. This means that the body can effectively fight illnesses. To clarify, when a
student is healthier, they will be less stressed. This is because they can complete all their
assignments. Also, they do not get to miss classes.

3. In boosts physical fitness

This improves the ability to cope with stress. This is more beneficial when a long term fitness plan is
established. Also, being fit, makes one feel healthy. This reduces the perception of stress.

4. More social opportunities

Other effects include

The classes give students opportunities to have time with other students. This is known to reduce
stress levels. Consequently, it also triggers the release of feel good hormones. This also reduces
students’ stress levels. Studies show that physical activities help students in dealing with stress.

5. It improves mood

These exercises are known to improve mood. Indeed, having good moods helps in relaxing and
reducing stress.

6. Meditation effect
The classes give a meditation feel that helps reduce stress. hence, they help forget irritations and
focus on body movements.

7. Improved concentrations

Mainly, studies show a link between improved concentration and physical education. Additionally, they
activate brain activity. This therefore, gives students the ability to concentrate and focus in class.
Today, students have a lot of distractions. Practices such as the use of gadgets distract them from

In addition

8. Improves growth and development

Today, children are exposed to risky behaviors. For example, they are eating unhealthy foods. They
are spending the most time on gadgets. These behaviors can lead to obesity. Exercise helps to
prevent obesity. They promote good growth and development. They help children burn extra calories.
Extra calories are stored as fat in the body. The fats can lead to high blood pressure and diabetes.
During these activities, fat is used to gain energy.

The exercises also keep students alert. Students therefore, become interested in school activities.
They also improve heart health. Moreover, aerobic exercises that help provide oxygen to the body are
good for a healthy heart. Notably, students who engage in these activities tend to have a healthier
heart. Therefore, such activities include rope jumping, and playing soccer or basketball. A healthy
student is more likely to focus on studies.

9. Improves sleep quality

Quality sleep is important for concentration in school. Students who have enough sleep have an easy
day in school. They can focus and concentrate better. But those who lack enough sleep have a difficult
day. One way to improve sleep is through exercising. Students who engage in this classes tend to
have a tired body at night. This is leads to good sleep. When they wake up, they are more alert. They
also more energized. This makes sure that they are always active in the class.

Role of Educators in physical education in the school system

To help students benefit, teachers should;

Increase time for physical activities

Teachers have different lesson plans for these classes. Limit talk and encourage these activities.

Encourage kids to be active

Encourage students to be active. Teachers can use several ways to do this.

 Firstly, teachers should encourage students to do simple activities at home. Activity calendar
can go a long way.
 Secondly, teachers should give presents students for participating in these activities. A simple
one such as praise can greatly motivate active lifestyles. This sounds strange. You may ask,
how does a teacher benefit from encouraging students to be active? Well, we are in a
generation where kids are less active. If teachers do not help them to be active, who will?
Again, teachers have a responsibility to improve the general well being of students.
 Thirdly, leading by example would motivate students to be active. Teachers should be
physically active. This will influence students to participate in the classes. Having healthy
students will make easier to teach in class.
Ron Ford Van B. Estilo - BEED April 18, 2023

Physical education for me is one of the most helpful subjects during my elementary days up
until in college. It gives me the opportunities to be active in physical activities and it had so many
benefits. A student's health is enhanced when they take this class. As a result, this indirectly
strengthens their immune system. This proves that the body is capable of battling disease. A
student will experience less stress if they are healthier. This is so we can finish all our
assignments and able to study well during exams. so, there is a big chance that they will not miss
class. While performing these activities I able to improve my focus and it helps reduces my stress.

I can say that it improves focus because as I perform activities these past few days during
our class to accomplish or defeat your opponent you must stayed focus with yourself and to your
teammates because if you and your teammates will not for sure you will not win. Studies mostly
point to a connection between physical education and better concentration. They also stimulate
brain activity. As a result, students can focus and pay attention in class. There are numerous
diversions for students today. Using technology is one such practice that keeps individuals from
concentrating. Also, while performing activities, it reduces stress. According to study it helps
reduces stress by releasing feel-good endorphins, natural cannabis-like brain chemicals and other
natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being. So, for me Physical
education is very important.

Even though we only had a little time in class, we still did a lot of activities. Like Tug of
war, Vampire game and the last one was Hands and feet coordination game. With these activities
you must move your whole body and to use your brain. You have to walk, sit, jump and exert effort
to complete these activities. For me these 3 activities were a great activity to your body and mind.
Because in Tug of war you will exert effort to pull your opponent to win. In vampire game you have
also to walk and use your brain so that you will finish the game quickly and for Hands and feet
coordination game you have to use them all, your brain to analyze what is the next pattern and
your feet and hands in order to put it in the right angle.

In terms of its Teaching Principles, Approaches and Methods, our teacher use Activity-based
learning and Collaborative approach where the teacher allowed us to work in small groups with my
classmates, activity-based learning encourages students to be independently analytical, think
critically, and learn from our own experiences. As a result, Collaborative learning and Activity-
based learning has been shown to not only develop higher-level thinking skills in students, but also
to boost our confidence and self-esteem as well. 2 activities we performed were by group and for
me Group projects can maximize educational experience and enable us to socialize with my
classmates and can build a good relationship. In addition, it avoids loneliness, socializing also
improves your memory and cognitive abilities, makes you feel happier and more content, and may
even lengthen your life.

Bottom line, Physical education is very important in school not only in our body but also for our
brain for our peace of mind. Let’s encourage ourselves to perform activities that can make our
whole body move even it 15 to 20 minutes a day, although it is only a short time only but if we do it
consistently it can give a huge impact to our whole life.

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