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Geography Worksheet

Fill in the blanks :

1. The most populated region of the world is ________, which accounts for 60 % of
world population.
Ans: Asia.
2. The ration between the number of people living on a land to its area is called
Ans: Population Density.
3. ________ ________ is the largest population that the resources of a given
can support.
Ans: Carrying Capacity.
4. It refers to all the people living in area, region or country.
Ans: Population
5. Number of people living on one unit of land, measured in persons per or
miles. ______
Ans: Population Density
6.There are no ________ in Antarctica.
Ans: Inhabitants
7. In uk , there is an orgainsatation called________
Ans: Optimum Population Trust.
8. The ___________ is one of the least populated regoin on the earth.

Q and A
1. List 10 most populated countries in the world.
Ans: China,India,United
2. State the physical factors that affect the population of a place.
Ans: Climate, Relief,Soil types, Avalibility of Water.
3. How do social factors affect the population of a place.
Ans : By the following ways: Urbanisation,Industrailasation,Social and Cultural
4. What is population
Ans: Population refers to all the people living in an area, region or country.
5. What is population distribution.
Ans: The way the population is spread out over a given area from a small regoin to
the Earth
as a whole.
6. What is population density
Ans: Population is the average numbe rof people per square kilometers or miles in a
country or a
7.Write one difference between overpopulation and underpopulation.
Ans: Overpopulation : Manual labour becomes cheap and easily avalible.
Underpopulation: Dearth of Manual Labour.
8.What are the consequences of overpopulation
~high house prices.
~heavy traffic congestion.
~pressure on water resources
~high environmental impact due to economic activity.
~intense competition for land.
9. Name 2 developed countries which are sparsely populated in the world.
Ans: Australia and Canada
10. How climate and relief affects the population.
Ans: Climate: its a major controlling factor that affects the population.People
settle down in
areas with favourable climate.
11. How does urbanisation and industrialisation affects the population of a place.
Ans: Urbanisation:Urban areas usually have more facilities like job
communication and better education. People move from rural areas to cities that
increases the city population.
Industrialsation:People settle down near the industrial belts as job oppurtunities
more in these places.Industrial areas have improved transport network and other
12. What are the factors due to which the population is high in few places.
~More job oppurtunities
~Better education faciliites.
13. What are the factors due to which the populaton is low in few places.
~Less children are born
~Larger families move to cities.
14.Write any 3 indications that the human population is pushing up against the
limits of the
earth's resources.
~ One - Quarter of the world's children have protien energy malnutrition.
~The long tem trend of grain production per person is decreasing
~ quarter of all the fish stocks are overharvested.
15. List any 3 impacts for both the underpopulation and overpopulation.
Underpopulation: ~dearth of manual labour
~low standards of living
~underutilisation of natural resources.

~congestion in cities
~increase in crime rates due to unemployement
~since manual labour becomes cheap and easily avalible, the stand to risk of being
and become more privilaged strata of the society.

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