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Phase 1 DB 2

Joel Negron
Colorado Technical University Online
IT110 -1504A-02
October 7, 2015
Professor: Lawrence Todd Meadors

Programming is a creative process carried out by programmers to instruct a computer on

how to do a task (Zandbergen, n.d.). In the back of every programmers thought exists the
question of what is it that I’m trying to accomplish. Whether the programmer uses procedural
programming or object-oriented programming will depend on the work being accomplished, and
the complexity he wishes to face. Programming is done to accomplish a certain task that is
required, the method of programming used may differ. In order to see the main similarities, and
differences between both methods you need to understand both of the approaches.
Even though both programming methods are different they do have some similarities.
Both languages are used to accomplish a task which is needed. Both languages have functions
and procedures which in turn execute codes. The way they are created differ, and thus choosing
the correct one may help you in the long run.
Each of the methods chosen will have its differences, and deciding which one to use will
depend on the programmer. Procedural languages carry out their instructions sequentially
(Board, 2014). Object-oriented programming (OOP), is a programming language that uses
classes and objects to create models based on the real world environment (Eliason, 2015). When
using procedural programming modifications and changes can be time consuming. On the other
hand creating the code in procedural programming starting off is easier. OOP can be a little
tougher to start, and more time consuming, but when modifying the code it is a lot easier.
Within OOP you will find concepts such as classes, objects, methods and encapsulation.
Each one of these concepts helps in the creation of the programming code. Classes can be
looked at as a blueprint from where objects are created. A class can be a blueprint of a car or a
building. The object is defined by a class; for example a same model car is constructed the same,
but it can be different colors. Objects have their own data, and is different from every other
Methods outline what a class can accomplish, and it is the conduct of an object. You
have two types of methods either dynamic or static. When a method is dynamic it runs from
within an object, but when it is static it runs directly from the class and not the object.
The class is the blueprint as mentioned earlier, thus it needs to be protected, and such task
is accomplished by either using information hiding or encapsulation. The main reason behind
this is to avoid any inadvertent changes to the class that might cause problems. Encapsulation
can be used to keep the observable aspects of objects as simple as possible (Board, 2014).
Even though procedural programming, and OOP are different in the way they are
implemented both methods are used, and both methods can be useful. Many organizations
choose either or to accomplish their tasks. Some may argue that one is better than the other, but
it all depends on the purpose behind the code.
Board, E. (2014). Principles of Programming, 1st Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online].
Retrieved from
Eliason, K. (2015, July 27). Difference Between OOP and Procedural Programming Language (a
review). Retrieved from
Zandbergen, P. (n.d.). Object Oriented Programming vs. Procedural Programming. Retrieved
October 8, 2015, from

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