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GROUP MEMBERS: Camilo Miles (black)Ryan John (i did nothing) Adam(carried was amazing)

adrian 1. Putin 2. Yeltsin 3. Gorbachev 4. Stalin

World History

Cold War Simulation:

Soviet Superpower Dictator Dinner Party


We will host a meeting incorporating the greatest Soviet & Modern Russian Leaders of all time.
The guests will include the obvious: Lenin, Stalin, Khrushev, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin.


Working in groups, research your specific leader and record important information in the various
categories/questions on the following pages. Use my Cornell Notes Lectures, PowerPoint
Resources, the internet, and ALEC to research your thinker.

Your goal is to become an expert on your leader. Each member of your group must become a
great expert for your group to succeed. During the simulation group members will rotate in
order, taking turns in the “hot” seat and speaking as if they were their assigned leader. Each
guided question below will make up a “round”. Each round consists of three responses to the
guided question; an initial statement, one response / comment / question to another leader, and
closing remarks. During each round other group members must remain silent. Only the group
member in the “hot” seat can speak and score points for their group. In between questions
group members can collaborate, coach one another, and prepare for the next response.
As the host I will score each answer or response according to the following rubric:

Outstanding display of knowledge = 3

Good display of knowledge = 2

Some knowledge displayed = 1

Little or no knowledge displayed = 0

Example: A perfect round in the “hot” seat for a team member could result in 9 points for their

Conversation Questions to Consider when Researching your Soviet / Russian Leader:

How would your assigned leader respond to the following questions; not all questions may
pertain to your individual. Prepare notes to expand and make a meaningful contribution to the
dinner party.

All questions below will be asked directly during the in-class simulation. Obviously, some
leaders will have much more input on some of the topics and little to none on others….your
research will dictate your focus.
Describe your leadership style:

Putin is an autocratic and authoritarian political leader. Decades of studies in the field of
organizational psychology show that such leaders are more prone to take important decisions
themselves. They also tend to be more task-oriented than interested in the general welfare of
their people.

What did you accomplish while leading Russia / Soviet Union?

During Putin's first two terms as president, he signed into law a series of liberal economic
reforms, such as the flat income tax of 13 percent, reduced profits-tax and new land and civil
codes. Within this period, poverty in Russia reduced by more than half and real GDP has grown

What is your view on Communism?

Vladimir Putin, the current president of Russia, has not explicitly stated his personal
views on communism. However, as a former KGB agent and a leader of the post-Soviet
Russian state, he has made several comments that suggest he does not hold a positive
view of the Soviet Union and its communist ideology.
Describe your rise to power:

Vladimir Putin rose to power in Russia through a combination of factors, including his
background as a KGB agent, his political savvy, and a series of fortunate events that
enabled him to become the most powerful figure in the country.

What is your view / stance on organized Religion?

Vladimir Putin has expressed support for organized religion, particularly the Russian
Orthodox Church. He has publicly stated that religion plays an important role in the
moral and spiritual foundation of Russian society, and has worked to strengthen the
relationship between the Russian government and the Russian Orthodox Church

How do you feel about the rights of Women?

expressed support for women's rights and has taken steps to promote gender equality
in Russia. However, some of his policies and actions have been criticized by human
rights organizations and activists for undermining women's rights.
How do you feel about the rights of your citizens?

As a successor state of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation remains bound by the same
human rights agreements that were signed and ratified by its predecessor, such as the
international covenants on civil and political rights as well as economic, social, and cultural

Were you similar to any other Soviet or Russian Leaders?

Stalin and Mr Putin each repeated the rhetoric that Russia requires a “strong hand” to prevent
internal disorder and protect against external aggression.

Do you feel you have impacted the United States of America in any way? Any
t connections?

Yes, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, has impacted the United States in both
direct and indirect ways. Here are some examples:

Direct impact: Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election: The US

intelligence community concluded that the Russian government, under Putin's
leadership, conducted a coordinated and extensive campaign to interfere in the election,
with the goal of helping Donald Trump win. This included hacking and leaking emails
from the Democratic National Committee and spreading disinformation on social
media. Cyberattacks and espionage: Russian hackers have been linked to various
cyberattacks on US government agencies, businesses, and infrastructure. Russian
intelligence agencies have also been accused of carrying out espionage activities in the

Indirect impact: Geopolitical tensions: Putin's aggressive foreign policy, including the
annexation of Crimea and military intervention in Syria, has led to tensions between
Russia and the US. This has resulted in economic sanctions, diplomatic expulsions, and
a deterioration in bilateral relations. Influence on US politics: Putin's regime has been
accused of supporting far-right and populist movements in the US and Europe, with the
aim of destabilizing Western democracies and promoting Russian interests. Energy
dependence: Russia is a major producer of oil and gas, and the US has imported
significant amounts of energy from Russia in the past. This dependence on Russian
energy has given Putin leverage in international politics and has been a source of
concern for US policymakers.

What other Russian / Soviet leaders or historical figures have you impacted if any? (Could be
individuals or groups of people too)

Kgb, Kara-Murza he had spent years speaking out against Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny his
political opponent when putin ran to be president of russia.

Preparation must be equally shared by all group members. All persons will be
nominated to speak as the Enlightenment thinker during the Salon meeting*

Rubric: 30 total points possible.

____/10 Completion of this questionnaire (includes productivity during in class work time)

____/20 Prepared, professional, informative and accurate input or comments during the
discussion. (Choose your group wisely; all members receive same grade for performance)

2 Points for each comment or response during the discussion. Minimum of 5 for full credit…
instructor will keep record.

Group with most accurate, appropriate, and informative responses or comments will receive +5
Extra Credits for the assignment.

• Putin's leadership style is autocratic and authoritarian

• Putin has accomplished many things while leading Russia, including increasing Russia's
global influence and modernizing its military.

• Putin's view on communism is that it was a failed experiment.

• Putin rose to power by being appointed as Prime Minister by Boris Yeltsin in 1999 and then
becoming President in 2000.

• Putin's view on organized religion is that it should be separate from the state.

• Putin has been criticized for his stance on women's rights, including his support for traditional
gender roles and his opposition to feminism.

• Putin has been criticized for his stance on human rights, including his crackdown on political
opposition and his support for authoritarian regimes around the world.

• Putin has been compared to other Soviet and Russian leaders such as Stalin and Brezhnev.

• Putin has impacted the United States of America in many ways, including through his
involvement in the 2016 US Presidential election and his support for Donald Trump.

• Putin has impacted many other Russian and Soviet leaders and historical figures, including
Boris Yeltsin, Dmitry Medvedev, and Mikhail Gorbachev.

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