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European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

Optimal procurement strategies for online spot markets

Ralf W. Seifert , Ulrich W. Thonemann b, Warren H. Hausman c

IMD, International Institute for Management Development, Chemin de Bellerive 23, P.O. Box 915, Lausanne CH-1001,
ikb, Universit€at M€unster, Universit€atsstraße 14-16, M€unster D-48143, Germany
Department of Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4026, USA
Received 31 May 2001; accepted 16 September 2002


Spot markets have emerged for a broad range of commodities, and companies have started to use them in addition
to their traditional, long-term procurement contracts (forward contracts). In comparison to forward contracts, spot
markets offer products at essentially negligible lead time, but typically command a higher expected price for this added
flexibility while also exhibiting substantial price uncertainty. In our research, we analyze the resulting procurement
challenge and quantify the benefits of using spot markets from a supply chain perspective. We develop and solve
mathematical models that determine the optimal order quantity to purchase via forward contracts and the optimal
quantity to purchase via spot markets. We analyze the most general situation where commodities can be both bought
and sold via a spot market and derive closed-form results for this case. We compare the obtained results to the reference
scenario of pure contract sourcing and we include results for situations where the use of spot markets is restricted to
either buying or selling only. Our approaches can be used by decision makers to determine optimal procurement
strategies based on key parameters such as, demand and spot price volatilities, correlation between demand and spot
prices, and risk aversion. The results of our analysis demonstrate that significant profit improvements can be achieved if
a moderate fraction of the commodity demand is procured via spot markets. The results also show that companies who
use spot markets can offer a higher expected service level, but that they might experience a higher variability in profits
than companies who do not use spot markets. We illustrate our analytical results with numerical examples throughout
the paper.
Ó 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supply chain management; Purchasing; Internet; Spot markets

1. Introduction supplies and has the potential to radically alter the

business landscape [1,6,8,21]. While spot markets
The creation of online spot markets provides have long been used for grains, livestock, and oil
for significant opportunities in the procurement of [41], only recently have they been formed for
memory chips, chemicals, energy, telecommunica-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +41-21-618-0111; fax: +41-21- tion bandwidth, etc. Online spot markets are
618-0707. proliferating relatively rapidly for a broad range of
E-mail address: (R.W. Seifert). (near-) commodities with prominent players such

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
782 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

as ChemConnect, AltraNet, E-Steel, PaperEx- spot market characteristics on optimal contract

change, and Converge serving as examples [8,21]. quantities and profits, to identify commodities for
Many companies have already started to use spot which the use of spot markets is attractive, and to
markets (whether independent or consortium- decide how to take optimal advantage of spot
based) in addition to their traditional procurement markets. To foster additional managerial insights,
via forward contracts. For example, spot market we perform extensive sensitivity analyses and il-
volumes as a percentage of total volume are esti- lustrate our results with numerical examples.
mated to account for 5% of chemicals and steel This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2,
sales [2,9] and up to 30% of memory chips sales we review the relevant literature. In Section 3, we
[13,18]. Yet, many companies appear to utilize describe our mathematical models in detail. We
spot markets in an ad hoc manner as opposed to characterize the optimal procurement strategy and
viewing them as an integral part of their procure- discuss the managerial implications of our analysis
ment strategy. The lack of quantitative decision in detail. In Section 4, we analyze the benefits of
tools contributes to the remaining hesitation of using spot markets for buying and selling as op-
many buyers and sellers to participate in spot posed to not using them at all or using them for
markets. As Kaplan and Sawhney [25] rightly buying or for selling only. In Section 5, we show
note: ‘‘The matching mechanism works best when how the spot market parameters can be estimated
buyers and sellers are sophisticated enough to deal in a way consistent with our model. In Section 6,
with dynamic pricing.’’ Likewise, McKinsey and we summarize our key findings. Mathematical
Company and CAPS Research identified the need references and derivations are contained in the
‘‘to determine the appropriate contract-to-spot Appendix.
ratio for commodity purchases’’ in a broad survey
on the impact of B2B emarketplaces [29].
In this paper, we address this issue and analyze 2. Literature review
in detail optimal procurement strategies in situa-
tions where supplies can be bought both via for- Two major lines of literature are relevant to our
ward contracts and via spot markets. In this research: the finance literature on commodity
context, a forward contract is an agreement to buy pricing and hedging as well as the supply chain
a commodity at a certain future time for a certain management literature on dual sourcing and ca-
price. In contrast, a spot contract is an agreement pacity-related supply contracting.
to buy (or sell) a commodity today [23]. We de- In the finance literature, there exists a substan-
velop mathematical models for using spot markets tial amount of research on pricing and hedging
for both buying and selling and we include results of commodity-linked contingent claims [36]. The
for situations where the use of spot markets is dominant approach is to devise equilibrium mod-
restricted to either buying or selling only. These els of commodity spot prices and forward prices
models enable us to analyze how spot markets that assume one or multiple exogenously given
affect the optimal order quantity via forward stochastic input factors such as spot prices, con-
contract (subsequently simply referred to as con- venience yields (defined in Section 3), or interest
tract quantity), to quantify the magnitude of the rates. Gibson and Schwartz [20] developed a two-
performance improvement that can be achieved by factor model where the first factor is the spot price
taking optimal advantage of spot markets, and to of the commodity and the second factor is the
assess the effect of risk-averse decision making on instantaneous convenience yield. Schwartz [38]
the optimal procurement strategy. extends this model by introducing a third sto-
Our mathematical models incorporate the major chastic factor, instantaneous interest rates. Mil-
parameters of supply chains where supplies can be tersen and Schwartz [33] further distinguish
bought via forward contracts and via spot mar- between forward and future convenience yields
kets. The results of our analysis can be used by when interest rates are stochastic. These models
decision makers to determine the effect of the key provide powerful tools for analyzing the term
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 783

structure of futures prices. However, they do not A recent exception that admits price and de-
explicitly consider demand uncertainty nor do they mand uncertainty is an inventory control model
allow for inventories. by Cohen and Agrawal [12]. Cohen and Agrawal
A closely related stream of research that con- formulate and numerically solve a stochastic
siders the role of inventories employs rational dynamic program to analyze the trade-off between
expectation models to analyze commodity price long- and short-term contracts, but do not allow
dynamics [11,14,45]. The general focus of this re- for a combined use of long- and short-term con-
search is on the economic theory of storage. Most tracts. This combined use, however, is explicitly
relevant to our work is Routledge et al. [36]. They considered and shown to be favorable by Araman
developed a one-factor equilibrium model of for- et al. [4] in a model developed subsequent to our
ward prices for commodities with Markovian net- research. While Araman et al. consider a setting
demand shocks as a stochastic input factor. In similar to ours, they employ a very different set of
their model, the spot price and convenience yield underlining assumptions. In particular, Araman
are endogenous stochastic processes. This setup et al. assume that the decision-maker is strictly
allows Routledge et al. to show an inherent cor- risk-neutral, that the manufacturer is restricted to
relation between spot prices and convenience buying only via the spot market (despite having
yields. In addition, they explicitly incorporate a contracted additional units at a potentially much
non-negativity constraint on inventory and dem- lower price than the current spot market price),
onstrate that convenience yields (and therefore and that spot markets are not liquid, thus, they
spot prices) are high only if there is a shortage exhibit a pronounced (yet independent) price-
of the commodity. While this research generates quantity effect. Closed-form results cannot be ob-
valuable economic insights into the effect of in- tained.
ventories on spot prices, the effect of spot markets Finally, we would like to reference a substan-
on supply chain operation is not explicitly con- tial stream of supply chain management litera-
sidered. ture that focuses on optimal capacity-related
Within the supply chain management literature design of supply chain contracts and analyzes the
several authors have analyzed the effect of dual resulting operational effects in terms of mitigating
sourcing on the optimal control of inventory sys- supply risk under pre-negotiated terms. An excel-
tems. Ramasesh et al. [35] analyzed an inventory lent classification of this literature is provided in
system where companies can choose between two the recent review papers by Anupindi and Bassok
supply options with different lead times. In their [3] and Tsay et al. [42].
model, lead times are uniformly or exponentially In this paper, we go beyond the existing litera-
distributed and demand is constant. Fong et al. ture by explicitly analyzing the effect of spot
[19] extend this work and allow for normally dis- markets on optimal inventory control. Our model
tributed demand and Erlang distributed supplier takes into account spot price uncertainty, corre-
lead times. However, Ramasesh et al. and Fong lation between demand and spot prices, and risk
et al. assumed that orders for both supply options aversion.
are placed concurrently. Other researchers have
assumed sequential decision making. Rudi [37]
uses a two-stage stochastic linear programming 3. Mathematical models
formulation to analyze the optimal order split
between make-to-stock and assemble-to-order. The objective of our research is to analyze and
Eeckhoudt et al. [16] consider risk aversion and quantify the benefits of utilizing online spot mar-
analyze general comparative-static effects of kets in supply chain operations. In this section,
changes in cost parameters when complementary we develop and solve mathematical models to
units can be bought after demand has been real- explicitly characterize the optimal usage of spot
ized. However, all cost parameters are assumed to markets in the procurement of consumption
be known with certainty. commodities. We consider supply chains with two
784 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

supply options: under option 1, the buyer uses a limitations of this approach is provided by Bar-
forward contract with known lead time T and Shira and Finkelshtain [7], Meyer [32], and Tsiang
fixed unit price c. Under option 2, the buyer uses a [43]. An alternative approach is to maximize ex-
spot market with essentially negligible lead time pected utility. This approach is often used in eco-
but stochastic spot price s. Stochastic demand n nomics to analyze the direction of change induced
occurs at time T , and units purchased via both by a hypothetical shift in parameters but is less
options can be used to fill this demand. suitable in our setting because our objective is
The economics of the supply chain are as fol- to characterize the optimal solution explicitly
lows: sales (consumption or usage in assembly) of [43].
the commodity translate into revenue r > c per Finally, we should note that our managerial
unit. If the company can use spot markets for discussion will be focused on cases where buying
buying, demand in excess of on-hand inventory is via spot markets involves a price premium in ex-
met at spot price s. If the company does not use pectation, i.e., ls P c. Such a price premium is
spot markets for buying, unmet demand is lost and reflective of a positive convenience yield [24,46].
an additional stockout penalty cost p P 0 per unit Positive convenience yields are considered a fun-
might be incurred. Similarly, if the company can damental characteristic of commodity markets for
use spot markets for selling, excess inventory is consumption goods [27,36] and reflect the marketÕs
‘‘salvaged’’ at spot price s. Alternatively, if the expectation concerning the future availability of
company does not use spot markets for selling, the commodity. The greater the possibility that
excess inventory is salvaged at unit price v (0 6 general shortages may arise during the lead time of
v < c). The expected spot price for both buying or the forward contract, the higher the convenience
selling at time T is ls with standard deviation rs . yield [23]. Thus, the convenience yield may be
The actual spot price s at time T does not depend thought of as the value of being able to profit
on the quantity traded by the firm on the spot from temporary local shortages of the commodity
market. through ownership of the commodity [10]. As a
The buyerÕs decision problem is as follows: at procurement manager at Hewlett–Packard noted:
time 0, the buyer must decide on the contract ‘‘I was delighted to find a much needed component
quantity q. The buyer has an unbiased forecast of for assembly of one of our products at only three
the demand at time T and knows the cumulative times the regular market price when faced with a
distribution function (c.d.f.) Fd ðÞ with mean de- supply shortage.’’
mand ld and standard deviation rd . At time T , the Subsequently, we will discuss a spot market
contract quantity q is delivered and demand n model where commodities can be both bought and
occurs. If the contract quantity q is less (greater) sold (Section 3.1) and we review a pure contract
than the demand n, the buyer will buy n  q (sal- sourcing model (Section 3.2) to provide for a per-
vage q  n) units. An extension to our research formance benchmark.
may assume more complex decision making in-
stances but the above description captures the es- 3.1. Buy and sell model
sential trade-offs for an initial analysis.
The buyer seeks to maximize expected profits 3.1.1. Model description
EPðqÞ but is generally averse to a variance of If supplies can be both bought and sold (BS) via
profits VarPðqÞ. We reflect this in our model by spot markets, the profit function is
maximizing ZðqÞ ¼ EPðqÞ  kVarPðqÞ, with k P 0.
þ þ
This form of ZðqÞ is widely used in portfolio theory PBS ðqÞ ¼ rn  cq  sðn  qÞ þ sðq  nÞ
and yields mean–variance efficient outcomes [28]. ¼ rn  cq  sðn  qÞ;
Similarly, the inclusion of higher moments into
the objective function has been widely advocated where s denotes the spot price at time T . When
in the inventory control literature, e.g., Lau [26]. demand n exceeds the contract quantity q, we use a
An in-depth discussion of the justification and spot market to procure n  q units to prevent
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 785

stockouts. When demand n is less than the con- 3.1.2. Closed-form results
tract quantity q, we salvage q  n units of excess For k > 0, the resulting optimal contract
inventory by selling them on spot markets at spot quantity q
BS can be computed as
price s. l c rd
Demand n and spot price s are typically posi- q
BS ¼ ld þ s 2  q ðr  ls Þ: ð1Þ
2krs rs
tively correlated [22,27]. When spot markets are
liquid, this correlation will be due to the realized Using Eq. (1), we can further compute the op-
company demand being correlated with the overall timal expected profits and the optimal variances
industry demand. The industry demand governs of profits as
the spot market price while the much smaller 2
ðls  cÞ
company-specific demand should not be subject to EP
BS ¼ ðr  cÞld þ
a price-quantity effect. Thus in stochastic terms, 2kr2s
when demand is high, the spot price is more likely q ½ðr  ls Þðls  cÞ þ r2s ð2Þ
to be high than when demand is low. We explicitly rs
analyze such positive correlation between demand and
n and spot price s by modelling ðn; sÞ as a Bivariate 2
Normal (BN) distribution with correlation q P 0: VarP
BS ¼ ð1  q2 Þðr  ls Þ r2d þ r2s r2d
ðn; sÞ  BN ½ld ; ls ; r2d ; r2s ; q . While the Normal de- ðls  cÞ2
mand assumption is commonplace in the supply þ  q2 r2s ð3l2d  r2d Þ: ð3Þ
4k 2 r2s
chain literature, the implied Normal assumption
on the spot market price is reconciled in Section 5. Based on Eqs. (1)–(3), we can conduct full
(In Section 5, we show how the spot market sensitivity analysis with respect to all major pa-
parameters can be efficiently estimated based on rameters of the given procurement problem. In
a mean-reverting Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process, what follows, we analyze the effects of risk-averse
which is consistent with Normally distributed spot decision making, spot-price premium, spot-price
prices.) volatility, and the correlation between demand
The expected value and variance of PBS ðqÞ can and spot prices on the optimal contract quantity,
be computed as (Appendix A.1) the optimal expected profits, and the optimal
variances of profits in detail. In the numerical ex-
EPBS ðqÞ ¼ ðr  ls Þld  qrs rd þ ðls  cÞq periments, we used c ¼ 10, r ¼ 30, ld ¼ 100, rd ¼
25, ls ¼ 12, rs ¼ 2:5, q ¼ 0:2; and k ¼ 0:005 to
and exemplify our results (unless specified otherwise).
VarPBS ðqÞ ¼ ½ðr  ls Þ þ r2s r2d
3.1.3. Risk-averse decision making
þ r2s ðld  qÞ  qrs ½qrs ð3l2d  r2d Þ Risk aversion in the buyerÕs decision making
towards demand and spot price variability is re-
þ 2rd ðr  ls Þðld  qÞ :
flected in our objective function by means of fac-
The expected profits are a linear function of the tor k. The more risk-averse the buyer, the larger
contract quantity q with coefficient ðls  cÞ. Thus, the value of k. Thus, we can analyze how a more
a risk-neutral buyer (indifferent about the variance risk-averse buyer would optimally use spot mar-
in profits) would order an infinite quantity via kets by analyzing the effect of an increase in k on
forward contract whenever the expected spot price the optimal solution. As k increases, the optimal
ls at time T is higher than the contract price c. Of contract quantity decreases (see Eq. (1)), which in
course, such a procurement strategy would be turn results in lower optimal expected profits and
unrealistic and thus it is imperative to take into lower optimal variances of profits (see Eqs. (2) and
account the variance of profits as we maximize (3)). From Eqs. (1)–(3), we can furthermore see
ZBS ðqÞ ¼ EPBS ðqÞ  kVarPBS ðqÞ, i.e., to require that q
BS , and VarP
BS are convex decreasing
k > 0. in k.
786 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

This implies that for very small values of k, the pend on k for q ¼ 0. Each value of k corresponds
optimal order quantity q
BS and the optimal to a tangent point with slope k to the efficient
expected profits EP
BS are very large. Thus, an es- frontier of the BS-model, i.e., to a mean-variance
sentially risk-neutral buyer would act predomi- efficient combination of expected profits EPBS ðÞ
nately as a speculator by ordering well in excess of and variances of profits VarPBS ðÞ. For example,
the mean demand via forward contract and betting for k ¼ 0:005 we have q
BS ¼ 132, EP
BS ¼ 2; 064,
on selling the remaining excess supplies to spot and VarP
BS ¼ 212; 806.
markets at a spot-price premium at time T . How- Finally, we can see from Eqs. (1)–(3) that the
ever, as k ! 0 the optimal variance of profits sensitivity in k exclusively depends on the spot-
BS increases even faster than the optimal price premium ðls  cÞ and the spot-price volatil-
expected profits because EP
BS contains k in the ity rs . Demand variability rd does not affect the
denominator (Eq. (2)), whereas VarP
BS contains sensitivity in k as long as all demand can be filled
k 2 in the denominator (Eq. (3)). and all excess inventory can be salvaged via spot
On the other hand, as k grows large, q
BS , markets.
and VarP
BS approach finite limits. Without cor-
relation between demand and spot prices, i.e., 3.1.4. Spot-price premium
q ¼ 0, the optimal contract quantity q
BS ap- Here, we analyze how the expected spot-price
proaches the mean demand ld because the buyer premium ðls  cÞ, or equivalently, the expected
seeks to minimize the use of spot markets (both for spot price ls affects the optimal solution. Without
buying and for selling) due to the inherent spot a price premium ðls ¼ cÞ, the buyer has no in-
price uncertainty. The optimal expected profits centive to speculate in the spot markets––resulting
approach ðr  cÞld , which is the maximal expected in an optimal solution which is identical to the one
revenue from commodity consumption or base- obtained for k ! 1. With a price-premium
line profits, because the buyer no longer acts as a ðls > cÞ, the optimal contract quantity q
BS , the
speculator. Similarly, the optimal variances of optimal expected profits EP
BS , and the optimal
profits approach their minimum given by ½ðr  variances of profits VarP
BS directly depend on ls .
ls Þ þ r2s r2d for q ¼ 0. For q > 0, q
BS , and The optimal contract quantity q
BS increases in
BS still approach finite limits as k grows large, ls and exceeds the mean demand because the
but the limits are lower than for q ¼ 0 (see Eqs. buyer can sell excess inventory via spot markets at
(1)–(3)). an increasing marginal contribution ðls  cÞ. The
To illustrate the above, Fig. 1 shows how the increase of q
BS is linear in ls and more pronounced
optimal contract quantity, the optimal expected the less risk-averse the buyer is (see Eq. (1)). The
profits, and the optimal variances of profits de- increase of q
BS is linear in ls because the buyer is

E BS 2,200 q*BS 250

k =0.0025
q*BS =164
k =0.005
q*BS =132

µ d= 100

k= ∞ 50
q*BS = µ d =100
1,900 0
200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 0 0.0025 0.005 0.0075
Var BS

Fig. 1. Effect of k on EP
BS , VarP
BS and q
BS for q ¼ 0.
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 787

torn between being risk averse both towards buy- variances of profits depend on ls for q ¼ 0. For
ing and towards selling via spot markets at time T . ls ¼ c, the efficient frontier collapses to a single
The optimal expected profits EP
BS are de- efficient point because the buyer can not increase
creasing–increasing in the expected spot price ls . expected profits by speculating in the spot mar-
For q > 0, we can see from Eq. (2) that EP
BS is kets.
decreasing in ls when ls 6 ðc þ qkrs rd ðr þ cÞÞ=
ð1 þ 2qkrs rd Þ and increasing in ls otherwise. EP
BS 3.1.5. Spot-price volatility
initially decreases in ls if q > 0 because buying The optimal contract quantity q
BS is strictly de-
complementary units via spot markets to prevent creasing in spot price volatility rs when rs < ðls 
stockouts becomes more costly. After the initial cÞ=ðqkrd ðr  ls ÞÞ and increasing in rs otherwise
decrease, the optimal expected profits increase in (see Eq. (1)). When the variability in spot prices is
ls and exceed the base-line profits ðr  cÞld be- low, selling excess inventory via spot markets at
cause additional revenues can be generated by a spot-price premium is attractive. In addition, a
selling excess inventory to spot markets at an in- high contract quantity provides good protection
creasing marginal contribution ðls  cÞ. Note that against demand variability. For larger values of rs ,
for q ¼ 0 the optimal expected profits are strictly however, the buyer limits the use of spot markets
increasing in ls (Eq. (2)). (both buying and selling) and, thus, the optimal
The optimal variance of profits VarP
BS is also contract quantity q
BS approaches the mean de-
decreasing–increasing in the expected spot price ls . mand ld as rs ! 1 (Fig. 3).
From Eq. (3), it can be shown that the optimal Fig. 3 also shows how the optimal expected
variances of profits are decreasing in ls when profits and the optimal variances of profits depend
ls 6 ðc þ 4k 2 ð1  q2 Þr2d r2s rÞ=ð1 þ 4k 2 ð1  q2 Þr2d r2s Þ on rs . From Fig. 3, we can see that a reduced spot
and strictly increasing in ls otherwise. The opti- market volatility rs improves the efficient frontier
mal variances of profits initially decrease in ls by allowing for higher optimal expected profits
because an increasing optimal contract quantity and lower optimal variances of profits.
provides better protection against demand vari-
ability. However, as ls increases further, VarP
BS 3.1.6. Correlation between demand and spot prices
increases because the buyer is already sufficiently The optimal contract quantity q
BS is strictly
protected against demand variability but becomes decreasing in correlation q if ls < r (see Eq. (1)).
increasingly exposed to the variability in spot pri- As q increases, the contribution from selling excess
ces when selling excess inventory. inventory via spot markets decreases because when
Fig. 2 shows how the optimal contract quantity, excess inventory is high, the spot price is more
the optimal expected profits, and the optimal likely to be low than when excess inventory is low

E BS 2,500 q*BS 250


2,250 k =0.005
µ s=12 150

µ s=11
µ d = 100
µ s=10

1,750 0
200,000 250,000 300,000 10 11 12 13 14
Var µs

Fig. 2. Effect of ls on EP
BS , VarP
BS and q
BS for q ¼ 0.
788 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

E BS 2,500 q*BS 250

σs=1.25 200

σ s=2.5 150 ρ =0.0
ρ =0.2
σ s=3.75 µ d = 100
2,000 ρ =0.4

1,750 0
200,000 250,000 300,000 0 1,25 2,5 3,75 5
Var BS

Fig. 3. Effect of rs on EP
BS , VarP
BS , and q
BS .

and vice versa. Furthermore, we can see from inventory via spot markets is reduced. Thus, the
Eqs. (2) and (3) that the optimal expected profits buyer will procure more from spot markets as rd
BS and the optimal variances of profits VarP

pffiffiffi BS increases in order to reduce the likelihood of excess

are strictly decreasing in q given ðrd =ld Þ < 3, a inventory. For q ¼ 0, however, the optimal con-
condition we would expect to hold in practise. tract quantity q
BS and the optimal expected profits
Fig. 4 illustrates the effect of q on the optimal EP
BS are unaffected by the demand variability rd
solution. Note that in Fig. 4, the optimal contract (see Eqs. (1) and (2)) because the optimal balance
quantity q
BS would be negative for large values of between buying and selling via spot markets is not
q because of the Normal demand assumption. In affected by rd since all demand will be filled. Fi-
these cases, we would set q
BS equal zero. nally, we can see from Eq. (3) that an increase in
demand variability rd increases the optimal vari-
3.1.7. Demand distribution ances of profits VarP
BS , as we would expect.
The optimal contract quantity q
BS and the op-
timal expected profits EP
BS are linearly increasing 3.1.8. Comments on modelling assumptions
in the mean demand ld because the company will The original stockout penalty cost p and salvage
fill all demand. For q > 0, q
BS and EP
BS are de- value outside the spot market v do not enter the
creasing in demand variability rd because the ex- BS-model because of our implicit assumption of
pected profit contribution from selling excess using the spot market exclusively. This assumption

E BS 2,500 q*BS 250

2,250 ρ =0.0

k =0.005
2,000 µ d = 100
ρ =0.4
ρ =0.2

100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ρ
Var BS

Fig. 4. Effect of q and k on EP

BS , VarP
BS , and q
BS .
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 789

is conservative in that it leads to a lower bound on ent values of the stockout penalty cost p, with sal-
expected profits and to an upper bound on vari- vage value v ¼ 8 and n  Normal½ld ; r2d .
ance of profits. For completeness, we include re- The optimal contract quantity q
PC must satisfy
sults relaxing this assumption in Section 4. (Appendix A.2)
3.2. Pure contract sourcing Fd ðqÞ ¼  2k½ðr  vÞ½1  Fd ðqÞ V1 ðqÞ
Following our detailed analysis of the BS-  pFd ðqÞP1 ðqÞ : ð4Þ
model, we now analyze a pure contract (PC) For k ¼ 0, Eq. (4) reduces to a standard news-
sourcing model where spot markets are not used. vendor problem [34], while for k > 0, q
PC is also
The PC-model is then used as a reference point for affected by the variance of profits. We can see from
the evaluation of models that take advantage of Eq. (4) that q
PC is decreasing in k for p 6 p, p can
spot markets in Section 4. be computed by solving
The profit function for PC sourcing is   
1 p þ r  c
PPC ðqÞ ¼ ðr  cÞq  ðr  vÞðq  nÞ  pðn  qÞ :
þ V1 Fd
The expected value and variance of PPC ðqÞ can be pðp þ r  cÞ 1 p þ r  c
¼ P1 Fd
computed as (Appendix A.2) ðr  vÞðc  vÞ pþrv
EPPC ðqÞ ¼ ðr  cÞq  ðr  vÞV1 ðqÞ  pP1 ðqÞ and increasing in k for p > p. For p 6 p, q
PC de-
and creases in k because the buyer is risk averse to-
wards excess inventory. For p > p, q
PC increases in
VarPPC ðqÞ ¼ ðr  vÞ2 V2 ðqÞ þ p2 P2 ðqÞ k because the buyerÕs stockout aversion dominates
 ½ðr  vÞV1 ðqÞ þ pP1 ðqÞ : over the buyerÕs aversion towards excess inventory
[39]. In all subsequent numerical experiments, we
R q For notational convenience, we define
R1 Vn ðqÞ ¼ will use p ¼ 20, which corresponds to the profit
n n
ðq  nÞ dFd ðnÞ and Pn ðqÞ ¼ n¼q ðn  qÞ  margin, to exemplify our results. We note p ¼ 146
dFd ðnÞ. V1 ðqÞ denotes the expected excess inventory as a reference point.
and P1 ðqÞ denotes the expected number of short-
ages if q units are at hand to satisfy demand n
(Appendix A.3). 4. Model comparison
Analogous to the BS-model, the buyer maximizes
ZPC ðqÞ ¼ EPPC ðqÞ  kVarPPC ðqÞ. Fig. 5 shows In this section, we analyze the performance
how the optimal solution depends on k for differ- improvement over the PC-model that can be

Fig. 5. Effect of k and p on EP

PC , VarP
PC , and q
PC .
790 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

achieved by taking optimal advantage of spot cause all demands are filled in the BS-model and in
markets. We base our comparison on the optimal the BO-model. Since both the BS-model and the
contract quantity, the optimal expected profits and BO-model share this assumption, we first compare
the optimal variance of profits. Furthermore, we these two models. Then we compare the PC-model
consider the implied expected fill rate (EFR) be- and the SO-model.
cause some demands are lost in the PC-model, From Fig. 6, we can see that the BS-model
while all demands can be filled in the BS-model. strictly dominates the BO-model. The optimal ex-
To foster additional structural insights, we also pected profits in the BO-model are bounded above
include results for similar models where spot by the base-line profits ðr  cÞld (represented by
markets are either used for buying only (BO- the horizontal line in Fig. 6), while in the BS-
model) or selling only (SO-model). A full devel- model, additional revenues can be generated by
opment and sensitivity analysis of the BO-model selling excess inventory to spot markets. Both
and the SO-model are provided by Seifert [40] procurement strategies yield an EFR of 100%.
(Appendices A.4 and A.5 provide a brief reference However, the optimal contract quantities (shown
of the respective results). Table 1 summarizes the in brackets in Fig. 6) are lower in the BO-model
optimal solution and the corresponding EFR for than in the BS-model (for k constant) because
k ¼ 0:005 and q ¼ 0:2. under the BO-model excess inventory cannot be
Table 1 shows that significant profit gains can salvaged at a profit. Thus, on average the buyer
be achieved by taking full advantage of spot will buy more via forward contract (and thus, less
markets. Furthermore, the EFR is improved when via spot markets) under the BS-model than under
spot markets are used. The resulting optimal the BO-model.
variance of profits when buying via spot markets, Similarly, we can see from Fig. 6 that the SO-
however, can be higher than in the PC-model be- model strictly dominates the PC-model. The opti-
mal expected profits in the PC-model are bounded
above by the base-line profits while in the SO-
Table 1 model, additional profits can be generated by
Performance summary for k ¼ 0:005 and q ¼ 0:2 selling excess inventory to spot markets. Both
Model q
EFR (%) procurement strategies yield an EFR less than
BS 96.0 1,980 197,363 100 100% and the optimal variance of profits is sig-
PC 106.8 1,695 113,697 93 nificantly lower when the EFR is low. The opti-
BO 63.1 1,911 202,963 100 mal contract quantities and the EFR (shown in
SO 112.4 1,826 104,945 95
brackets in Fig. 6) are lower in the PC-model than

Fig. 6. Comparison of spot market models.

R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 791

in the SO-model (for k constant) because under the lustrate the model behavior we employ separate
PC-model excess inventory cannot be salvaged numerical experiments where the shortage penalty
profitably. Thus, on average, the buyer will buy cost p is varied between 0 to 10 given k ¼ 0:005
more via forward contracts under the SO-model and q ¼ 0:2. Furthermore, we use c ¼ 10; r ¼ 14;
than under the PC-model. v ¼ 6; ld ¼ 100, rd ¼ 25, ls ¼ 11, and rs ¼ 2:5
To gain additional insights into the optimal use (i.e., product data with a lower revenue figure than
of spot markets, we can complement our model originally) to allow for more pronounced sensi-
comparison by allowing the service level to be tivity of the model performance and the implied
variable in all four models. Specifically, we may service level in the shortage penalty cost p than in
relax the assumption that all demand be filled our original numerical experiment. The resulting
when buying via spot markets and assume instead model performances for the BS c d
BS-, BO-, SO-, and
that units will be bought via spot markets only if PC-models are shown in Fig. 7.
the spot price s is less than the corresponding lost From Fig. 7, we can see that the BS c
sales cost. These modified models no longer imply dominates all other models both in terms of the
a 100% expected fill rate and are subsequently re- attained EFR and the attained objective function
c and d
ferred to as BS
BS- BO-model. The profit func-
BO value Z. Furthermore, we can see that being able to
tion for the BS
BS-model is buy complementary units via spot markets is most
valuable when the shortage penalty cost p is high,
P b ðqÞ ¼ rn  cq  min½s; r þ p ðn  qÞþ
BS while the SO-model can be seen to perform equally
þ sðq  nÞ well to the BS c
BS-model and better than the d BO-
and the profit function for the BO-model
BO is model in terms of Z for lower values of p.
We next analyze how the optimal usages of spot
Pc ðqÞ ¼ rn  cq  min½s; r þ p ðn  qÞ markets in terms of buying and selling is affected
þ by the spot-price premium and the spot-price
þ vðq  nÞ :
volatility. We define EPB ¼ ðP1 ðq
Þ=ld Þ  100%
The expected profit and the variance of prof- and EPS ¼ ðV1 ðq
Þ=ld Þ  100%. EPB denotes the
c and BO
its for the BS
BS- d
BO-model can be readily com- expected percentage bought via spot markets and
puted following standard definitions. As in our EPS denotes the expected percentage sold via spot
previous models, the buyer maximizes ZðqÞ ¼ markets if q units were ordered via forward con-
EPðqÞ  kVarPðqÞ but the effective service level tract to satisfy demand n. Fig. 8 shows how EPB
(or the EFR) will now depend on the given (left bar) and EPS (right bar) are affected by the
shortage penalty cost p in all four models. To il- spot-price premium and the spot-price volatility

Fig. 7. Effect of p on EFR and Z.

792 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

Spot-Price Volatility
Low (σs=1.25) Medium (σ s=2.5) High (σs=3.75)


BO 51 41 31

Low BS 17 5 25 3 22 3

SO 17 16 15


BO 44 38 31

BS 0 56 12 8 16 6

SO 18 17 16

Fig. 8. Effect of ls and rs on EPB and EPS.

for the BO-, BS-, and SO-model. As the spot-price 5. Parameter estimation
premium increases, emphasis on using spot mar-
kets shifts from buying to selling because when Throughout Sections 3 and 4, we regarded the
expected spot prices are low, the buyer benefits expected spot price ls and its standard deviation rs
from buying via spot markets ‘‘as needed’’, while to be exogenously given. In this section, we show
when expected spot prices are high, the buyer gains how the expected spot price ls and its standard
by selling excess inventory to spot markets at a deviation rs can be obtained from spot market
price premium. Furthermore, Fig. 8 shows that a data in a way consistent with the presented model.
risk averse buyer under the BO-model and under We decompose spot prices for a specific com-
the SO-model will generally use spot markets less modity into two elements: a general price pattern
(reflected by lower EPB and EPS) when the spot- gt that is common to a family of commodities and
price volatility is higher. Under the BS-model, a random price pattern ~st that is unique to a spe-
however, an increased spot-price volatility may cific commodity. The spot price can then be ex-
increase the use of spot markets while simulta- pressed as st ¼ gt þ ~st .
neously shifting emphasis on using spot markets The general price pattern gt is due to technology
from selling to buying. diffusion and can be determined for an entire
The above model comparison and sensitivity family of commodities (e.g., DRAMs, CPUs, etc.)
analysis exemplify the results that can be obtained over time. For example, gt could reflect an ap-
with the presented mathematical models for taking proximately linear or geometric price decline over
advantage of spot markets. By enabling decision- time, i.e., gt ¼ g0  at or gt ¼ g0 eat , with a P 0. a
makers to quantify the corresponding magnitude can be estimated via least square linear regression
of the performance improvements, one may indi- on st or lnðst Þ using historical spot prices of a
rectly also assess the relative importance of addi- family of commodities. Fig. 9 shows an example
tional cost factors such as membership fees, trade for the general price patterns of DRAMs over
commissions, etc. not currently accounted for in time.
our model but typically associated with sourcing The random price pattern ~st is due to com-
via spot markets. modity specific supply and demand shocks and
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 793

US $

64K 256K 1M
logarithmic scale


1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998

Fig. 9. General price patterns for DRAM components.

often exhibits a mean-reverting pattern where the variance r2 ¼ r2e ðlnð1 þ bÞÞ=ðð1 þ bÞ  1Þ,
prices fluctuate around an equilibrium level. A where re is the standard error of the regression
price process with mean-reversion is considered a analysis [15].
natural choice for many commodities [10,36,38]. In 4. Compute gt ¼ m  þ gt , i.e., adjust gt for hav-
particular, commodity spot prices are frequently ing initially used g0 ¼ s0 by the equilibrium
represented as a mean-reverting Ornstein–Uhlen- level m .
beck (OU) process [15], which we adopt for our 5. The distribution of the spot price stþT condi-
representation of ~st . tioned on st is Normal distributed with mean
To arrive at an estimate for the expected spot ls ðt þ T j st Þ ¼ gtþT þ ðst  gt ÞegT and variance
price ls and its standard deviation rs at time t þ T r2s ðt þ T j st Þ ¼ ð1  e2gT Þðr2 =2gÞ [15].
(present time plus lead time), we proceed as fol-
lows: Note that the speed of reversion g reflects a
restoring force directed towards gt and is of a
1. Compute the trend coefficient a using a regres- magnitude proportional to the distance. As a re-
sion on historic spot prices for commodities sult, the variance r2s grows only initially but sta-
from the same family of commodities. bilizes after some time, i.e., r2s ! ðr2 =2gÞ as T !
2. Compute st ¼ st  gt using trend coefficient a 1 [15].
and g0 ¼ s0 , where s0 denotes the first available Let us consider a specific example to illus-
data point for the particular commodity. trate our approach. Fig. 10 shows spot prices for a
3. Run a regression on st  st1 ¼ a þ bst1 þ et , 64M (8M  8) SDRAM PC66 component starting
where et is Gaussian noise with mean zero and April 1998. The lead time for forward contracts of
variance r2s ðT ¼ 1Þ. The result of this regression this component is T ¼ 3 months (¼63 business
allows us to estimate the parameters of mean- days). First, we estimate a ¼ 0:007 using gt;i ¼
reversion: the equilibrium level m  ¼ ða=bÞ, s0;i  at across multiple similar DRAM compo-
the speed of reversion g ¼  lnð1 þ bÞ, and nents i. Then, we use the actual spot prices st¼0
794 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

US$ 14



4/1/98 6/1/98 8/1/98 10/1/98 12/1/98 2/1/99 4/1/99

Fig. 10. Daily spot prices and forecast with 90% confidence interval (Source: AICE).

through st¼200 for the 64M (8M  8) SDRAM mathematical models that determine the optimal
PC66 component (with s0 ¼ 12:35 and s200 ¼ order quantity to purchase via traditional forward
10:29) to determine the parameters of mean re- contracts and the optimal quantity to purchase via
version: m ¼ 1:82, g ¼ 0:12, and r2 ¼ 0:19 as spot markets. We analyzed the most general situ-
well as g200 ¼ 9:15 and gtþT ¼263 ¼ 8:7. Finally, we ation where commodities can be both bought and
compute ls ð263js200 Þ ¼ 8:7 and rs ð263 j s200 Þ ¼ 0:9. sold via a spot market. We obtained closed-form
The resulting forecast, along with its 90% confi- results that enabled us to provide full sensitivity
dence interval, is shown in Fig. 10 for t ¼ 201 to analysis on the optimal procurement strategies. To
263 (i.e., to the right of the vertical line). gain additional structural insights, we comple-
Finally, we would like to point out that our mented our research by considering situations
representation of spot prices is but one of where we restrict the use of spot markets to buying
many alternatives [15,38,44]. In particular, more or selling only. These additions allowed us to
elaborate models such as a geometric Ornstein– further analyze the merits of leveraging online spot
Uhlenbeck model with drift term [31] or a markets and to enrich the performance compari-
Poisson–Gaussian model of mean-reversion with son versus a pure contract sourcing via traditional
jumps [30] could be used instead. However, the forward contracts.
limited spot price history for most commodities is The approaches presented in our paper can be
often not sufficient to estimate the parameter for used by decision makers to identify commodities
these more complete models. for which the use of spot markets is attractive as
well as to determine optimal procurement strate-
gies for those commodities based on some key
6. Conclusion parameters, such as demand and spot price vola-
tilities, correlation between demand and spot pri-
Spot markets have recently emerged for a broad ces, and risk aversion. Our analysis allows to
range of commodities and many companies have explicitly quantify the potential performance gains
started to utilize them in addition to their tradi- that companies may realize by making optimal use
tional procurement via forward contracts. In this of online spot markets and shows that significant
paper, we analyzed this development from a sup- profit improvements can indeed be achieved if a
ply chain perspective. We developed and solved moderate fraction of the commodity demand is
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 795

procured via spot markets. Our results also show The variance of profits can be computed as
that companies who use spot markets can offer a
VarPBS ðqÞ
higher expected service level, but that they might
experience a higher variability in profits than ¼ Var½rn  sðn  qÞ
companies who do not use spot markets.
Finally, the presented model provides valuable ¼ E½Var½rn  sðn  qÞjn
insights into the required tools and capabilities
þ Var½E½rn  sðn  qÞjn
that companies will need to acquire to more fully
leverage spot markets. 2
¼ E½ðn  qÞ Var½s j n
þ Var½rn  E½s j n ðn  qÞ
Acknowledgements ¼ ð1  q2 Þr2s E½n2  2qn þ q2

The authors thank personnel at HP Trad- rs

þ Var rn  ls þ q ðn  ld Þ ðn  qÞ
ingHubs (now part of Converge) for their coop- rd
eration and feedback in conducting this research.
The authors would also like to thank Professor H. ¼ ð1  q2 Þr2s ½r2d þ ðld  qÞ2
L. Lee, Stanford University, as well as the anon-  

rs rs
ymous referees for their constructive feedback that þ Var r  ls þ q ðq þ ld Þ n  q n2
improved this paper. rd rd
2 2
¼ r2d ðr  ls Þ þ r2s ½r2d þ ðld  qÞ
Appendix A 2
 q2 r2s ½r2d þ ðld  qÞ þ 2q2 r2s ðr2d  l2d Þ

A.1. Buy and sell model  2qrd rs ld ðr  ls Þ

The profit function for buying and selling (BS)  2qrs ðqrs ld  rd ðr  ls ÞÞq þ q2 r2s q2
via spot markets is
¼ ðr  ls Þ2 r2d þ r2s ½r2d þ ðld  qÞ2  qrs
þ þ
PBS ðqÞ ¼ rn  cq  sðn  qÞ þ sðq  nÞ  ½qrs ð3l2d  r2d Þ þ 2rd ðr  ls Þðld  qÞ
¼ rn  cq  sðn  qÞ:
The expected profit and its derivative can be
computed as

rs rs
Var ðr  ls þ q ðq þ ld ÞÞn  q n2
EPBS ðqÞ rd rd
1 1 ¼ Var½aX þ bX 2
¼ cq þ ½rn  ðn  qÞs fd;s ðn; sÞ ds dn  
n¼0 s¼0 rs
Z  1  with a ¼ r  ls  bðq þ ld Þ and b ¼  q
rs rd
¼ cq þ rn  ðn  qÞ½ls þ q ðn  ld Þ dFd ðnÞ
¼ r2d ½a2 þ 4abld þ b2 l2d þ 2b2 r2d
¼ ðr  ls Þld  qrs rd þ ðls  cÞq
¼ r2d ½ðr  ls Þ2 þ 2b2 ðr2d  l2d Þ þ 2bld ðr  ls Þ
and  2bðbld þ r  ls Þq þ b2 q2
o ¼ r2d ðr  ls Þ þ 2q2 r2s ðr2d  l2d Þ  2qrd rs ld
EPBS ðqÞ ¼ ls  c:
oq  ðr  ls Þ  2qrs ðqrs ld  rd ðr  ls ÞÞq þ q2 r2s q2
796 R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799

and and
2 o
Var½aX þ bX VarPPC ðqÞ ¼ 2ðr  vÞ2 V1 ðqÞ  2p2 P1 ðqÞ
2 2 2 2 oq
¼ E½ðaX þ bX Þ  ðE½aX þ bX Þ
2  2½ðr  vÞV1 ðqÞ þ pP1 ðqÞ
¼ a2 E½X 2 þ 2abE½X 3 þ b2 E½X 4  a2 ðE½X Þ
 ½ðv  rÞFd ðqÞ þ p½1  Fd ðqÞ
 2abE½X E½X 2  b2 ðE½X 2 Þ
¼ 2ðp þ r  vÞ½ðr  vÞ½1  Fd ðqÞ V1 ðqÞ
¼ r2d ½a2 þ 4abld þ b2 l2d þ 2b2 r2d
 pFd ðqÞP1 ðqÞ :
given E½X ¼ ld , E½X 2 ¼ l2d þ r2d , E½X 3 ¼ l3d þ
The objective function is ZPC ðqÞ ¼ EPPC ðqÞ 
3ld r2d , and E½X 4 ¼ l4d þ 3l2d r2d þ 3r4d for X 
kVarPPC ðqÞ; setting ðoqo ÞZPC ðqÞ ¼ 0, we arrive at
Normal½ld ; r2d .
Eq. (4) which must be satisfied by the optimal
The first derivative of VarPBS ðqÞ with respect
contract quantity q
PC . For p ¼ 0, the extreme
of q is point q
PC must be a unique maximum of ZPC ðqÞ
o because Zðq j p ¼ 0Þ is concave-convex in q and
VarPBS ðqÞ ¼ 2qrs rd ðr  ls Þ  2r2s ðld  qÞ:
oq limq!1 ZPC ðqÞ ¼ 1. To show that Zðq j p ¼ 0Þ
is concave–convex in q consider EPPC ðqÞ and
The objective function is ZBS ðqÞ ¼ EPBS ðqÞ 
kVarPPC ðqÞ separately. EPPC ðqÞ is strictly
kVarPBS ðqÞ and is strictly concave in q for k > 0 2
2 concave in q because ðoo2 qÞEPPC ðqÞ < 0, and
and rs > 0 because ðoo2 qÞZBS ðqÞ ¼ 2kr2s < 0. Set-
kVarPPC  ðqÞ is concave–convex in q because
ting ðoqo ÞZBS ðqÞ ¼ 0, we arrive at Eq. (1) which must
limq!1 VarPPC ðq j p ¼ 0Þ ¼ 0, limq!1 VarPPC 
be satisfied by the unique maximum of ZBS ðqÞ, the
ðq j p ¼ 0Þ ¼ ðr  vÞ2 r2d > 0, and ðoqo ÞVarPPC 
optimal contract quantity q
BS .
ðq j p ¼ 0Þ > 0. To show that limq!1 ZPC ðqÞ ¼
1, it suffices to show that limq!1 EPPC ðqÞ ¼
A.2. Pure contract sourcing
1 because kVarPPC ðqÞ 6 0; 8q. This can be
shown directly, i.e., limq!1 EPPC ðqÞ ¼ ðr  vÞ 
The profit function for pure contract (PC)
ld  ðc  vÞ limq!1 q ¼ 1 and limq!1 EPPC 
sourcing is
ðqÞ ¼ pld þ ðp þ r  cÞ limq!1 q ¼ 1 given
þ þ
PPC ðqÞ ¼ r min½n; q  cq þ vðq  nÞ  pðn  qÞ v < c < r and p P 0. For p > 0, limq!1 ZðqÞ ¼
1 continues to hold, but we have to rely on
¼ ðr  cÞq  ðr  vÞðq  nÞþ  pðn  qÞþ :
numerical analysis to support our conjecture that
ZPC ðqÞ is unimode.
The expected profit and its derivative can be
computed as
A.3. Mathematical references
EPPC ðqÞ ¼ ðr  cÞq  ðr  vÞV1 ðqÞ  pP1 ðqÞ Rq n
and R 1Let Vn ðqÞn ¼ n¼1 ðq  nÞ dFd ðnÞ and Pn ðqÞ ¼
ðn  qÞ dFd ðnÞ. Notice that ðo=oqVn ðqÞÞ ¼
o nVn1 ðqÞ and ðo=oqPn ðqÞÞ ¼ nPn1 ðqÞ while
EPPC ðqÞ ¼ p þ r  c  ðp þ r  vÞFd ðqÞ:
oq V0 ðqÞ ¼ Fd ðqÞ and P0 ðqÞ ¼ 1  Fd ðqÞ.
The variance of profits and its derivative can be For Fd ðÞ  Normal½ld ; r2dR , we have fd0 ðqÞ ¼
computed as ððq  ld Þ=r2d Þfd ðqÞ and n¼1
n dFd ðnÞ ¼ ld 
Fd ðqÞ  rd fd ðqÞ (adapted from [17]). Thus, V1 ðqÞ
VarPPC ðqÞ ¼ E½ððr  vÞðq  nÞþ þ pðn  qÞþ Þ2 and P1 ðqÞ can be computed as V1 ðqÞ ¼ ðq  ld Þ
Fd ðqÞ þ r2d fd ðqÞ and P1 ðqÞ ¼ ðld  qÞ½1  Fd ðqÞ þ
 ðE½ðr  vÞðq  nÞþ þ pðn  qÞþ Þ2 r2d fd ðqÞ.
¼ ðr  vÞ V2 ðqÞ þ p2 P2 ðqÞ Finally, for ðn; sÞ  BN½ld ; ls ; r2d ; r2s ; q with cor-
relation q, we repeatedly use E½s j n ¼ ls þ qðrs =
 ½ðr  vÞV1 ðqÞ þ pP1 ðqÞ rd Þðn  ld Þ and Var½s j n ¼ ð1  q2 Þr2s [5].
R.W. Seifert et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 152 (2004) 781–799 797

A.4. Spot markets used for buying only þ þ

PSO ðqÞ ¼ rn  rðn  qÞ  cq þ sðq  nÞ
If the use of spot markets is restricted to buying  pðn  qÞ
only (BO), the profit function is þ þ
¼ ðr  cÞq þ ðs  rÞðq  nÞ  pðn  qÞ :
þ þ
PBO ðqÞ ¼ rn  cq  sðn  qÞ þ vðq  nÞ When demand n exceeds the contract quantity
¼ ðr  cÞq þ ðr  sÞðn  qÞ þ q, the buyer incurs a stockout penalty cost p P 0
per unit. When demand n is less than the contract
þ ðv  rÞðq  nÞ : quantity q, we salvage q  n units of excess in-
ventory by selling them on spot markets at spot
When demand n exceeds the contract quantity price s. As in the BS-model, demand n and spot
q, we use a spot market to procure n  q units to price s are Bivariate Normal distributed: ðn; sÞ 
prevent stockouts. When demand n is less than the BN½ld ; ls ; r2d ; r2s ; q .
contract quantity q, we salvage q  n units of ex- The expected value and variance of PSO ðqÞ can
cess inventory by selling them outside the spot be computed as [40]
market at unit price v. As in the BS-model, de-
EPSO ðqÞ ¼ ðr  cÞq  uV1 ðqÞ  pP1 ðqÞ
mand n and spot price s are Bivariate Normal
distributed: ðn; sÞ  BN ½ld ; ls ; r2d ; r2s ; q .  wE½ðq  nÞ n
The expected value and variance of PBO ðqÞ can
be computed as [40] and
VarPSO ðqÞ ¼ ðr2s  w2 r2d þ u2 ÞV2 ðqÞ þ p2 P2 ðqÞ
EPBO ðqÞ ¼ ðr  cÞq þ ðv  rÞV1 ðqÞ þ uP1 ðqÞ
þ wE½ð2un þ wn2 Þ½ðq  nÞþ 2
þ wE½ðn  qÞ n
 ðuV1 ðqÞ þ pP1 ðqÞ
þ wE½ðq  nÞþ n Þ2
VarPBO ðqÞ ¼ ðr2s  w2 r2d þ u2 ÞP2 ðqÞ where
þ ðv  rÞ V2 ðqÞ u ¼ r  ls þ qðrs =rd Þld and w ¼ qðrs =rd Þ:
þ 2
þ wE½ð2un þ wn2 Þ½ðn  qÞ As in our previous models, the buyer maximizes
 ðuP1 ðqÞ þ ðv  rÞV1 ðqÞ ZSO ðqÞ ¼ EPSO ðqÞ  kVarPSO ðqÞ. The optimal con-
þ wE½ðn  qÞ n Þ ;
þ 2 tract quantity q
SO , however, cannot be derived in
closed-form and numerical analysis is needed to
where conduct sensitivity analysis as detailed in Seifert
u ¼ r  ls þ qðrs =rd Þld > 0 and w ¼ qðrs =rd Þ:
As in our previous models, the buyer maxi- References
mizes ZBO ðqÞ ¼ EPBO ðqÞ  kVarPBO ðqÞ. The opti-
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