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QN: "The availability of advanced information technologies allows an organisation's work

to be done anywhere at any time" Discuss if organising is still an important managerial

function in a global society. Provide examples to illustrate your answer. {25 marks}

Organising is a fundamental function of any business, regardless of its size or industry. It

involves the process of arranging resources in a way that optimises their effectiveness towards
achieving a common goal. In a connected world, the importance of organising becomes even
more pronounced. The availability of advanced information technologies allows an
organisation's work to be done anywhere at any time. This means that businesses must be able to
coordinate their operations across different time zones, languages and cultures.

Efficient organising is essential for businesses to remain competitive in a global economy.

Companies that are able to organise their resources effectively can respond quickly to changes in
the market and take advantage of new opportunities. They are also able to reduce costs and
increase productivity by eliminating duplication of effort and streamlining their operations.

The rapid pace of technological change has had a profound impact on the way businesses
organise their resources. Advances in communication technologies have made it possible for
companies to collaborate with partners and customers from around the world. Cloud computing
and mobile devices have made it possible for employees to work from virtually anywhere, at any
time. These technologies have created new opportunities for businesses to be more productive
and efficient, but they have also presented new challenges.

One of the biggest challenges of organising in a connected world is managing the sheer volume
of information that is generated by modern businesses. With so much data being produced, it can
be difficult to distinguish between what is important and what is not. This is where data analytics
comes in. By using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques, businesses can sift
through vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that can inform their decision-

There are many examples of successful organising in a global society. One such example is
Airbnb, the online marketplace for short-term accommodation rentals. Airbnb has revolutionised
the travel industry by connecting hosts with guests from around the world. The company has
been able to organise its resources effectively by leveraging the power of technology. Hosts can
manage their listings and bookings from anywhere in the world, while guests can search for and
book accommodation from their mobile devices.

Another example of successful organising in a global society is Amazon. The e-commerce giant
has been able to expand its operations to virtually every corner of the globe by using
sophisticated logistics and supply chain management systems. Amazon's warehouses are
strategically located to ensure fast and efficient delivery of goods to customers. The company
uses advanced algorithms to predict demand and optimise its inventory levels, reducing waste
and improving efficiency.

While there are many benefits to organising in a global society, there are also many challenges.
One of the biggest challenges is managing cultural differences. When businesses operate in
different countries, they must be able to navigate cultural norms and expectations. This can be
particularly challenging when it comes to communication. Language barriers can make it
difficult for employees to collaborate effectively, and cultural differences can lead to
misunderstandings and conflict.

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