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COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Wiestands Delta House 2 Floor Welyakl Way. 0, Ox 4040-00100, aot Emaltiiogeongale ur Ref: COCI48 Vol. 55 (1) SP Apel 2023 ‘Troughs All Excellency Governors ‘Tor All County Executive Committee Members responsible for Agriculture ‘All County Executive Committee Members responsible for water znd natural All County Secretaries ‘All County attorneys REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS OF COMMENTS ON THE COFFEE BILL, 2025, COTTON DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BIL, 2023 AND CROPS (AMENDMENT) BILL, 202: ‘Theabove subject matter refers. ‘As you may be aware, Parliament has introduced the following Blls fr consideration: ‘The Cotton Industry Development Bll Senate ils No.5 of 2023) which intends toprovide forthe palcy and institutional framework within which cottonindustry ‘operates by among others establishing the Cotton industry Develonment Board. 2 ‘The Coffee Bil, (Senate Bills No 10 of 2025) which intends ta provide forthe development and regulation ofthe Coffee industry in Kenya, The ll proposes to reorganize the coffee Industry by transloning the regulatory ard commercial roles currently undertaken by the Agriculture and Food Authority tothe Coffee Board of Kenya. 3. Crops (Amendment) Bll (National Assembly Bil No.8 of 2023) which intends to introduce Achiote(Mrang) as one ofthe scheduled crops under the Crops Act, 203. 4. The Regional Development Authorities Bil (National Azsernbly BilNo 7 of 2025) which seeks to consolidate laws relating to regional development and provice for the establishment, powers and functions of the si (6) exiting regional evelopment bodies. “Taking into consideration the centrality of devolution nthe agrculture andwater sectors 1 per the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution, i fs important that the County ‘Governments review and share thelr views on the Bil to ensure tha it cenforms tothe Constitution, ae “ek (020, 2403014 2409813 In viewof the ove, the Counc wishes to forward for your review and comments th aforementioned Bl. The inputs should be shared.with the Secretariat on o before 1 ‘Apri, 3033 through the ema Loktar.Benson@og.go.keand copied tinlo@cog.goe. (Attached isthe Bil for ease of reference) ‘Thank you for your continued support. ee Mary Movie Chief Executive Officer

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