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1. Hormonal control …………………………………..
(A) may be voluntary or involuntary (B) involuntary (C) voiuntary (D) always reflex
2. The hormone which is essential for normal growth and mental development is;
(A) Thymosin (B) Thyroxine (C) Cortisol (D) Melatonin
3. Which of the following is not hormone;
(A) Calcitonin (B) Rennin (C) Cortisol (D) vessopresin
4. _______ stimulates the development and differentiation of T-lymphocytes;
(A) Thyroxine (B)Thymosin (C) Testosterone (D) growth hor
5. The hormone produced by stomach is;
(A) Gastrin (B) Cholecystokinin (C) Insulin (D) ADH
6. Developments of secondary sexual characheteristics in females stimulated by;
(A) Estrogen (B) Progesterone (C) Androgen (D) testosterone
7. One of the followings increase blood glucose and regulates mineral ion balance
(A) cortisol (B) insulin (C) aldosterone (D) both a and c
8. Over production of cortisol by adrenal cortex result in;
(A) Cushing’s syndrome(B) Addison’s disease (C) Myxedema (D) gigantism
9. Ripening follicles secrete which of the following hormone
(A) oestrogen (B) progesterone (C) oxytocin (D) prolactin
10. one of the following hormones is named interstitial cell stimulating hormones(ICSH) in males
(A) FSH (D) LH (C) prolactin (D) All of these
11____ hormone’s primary function is to sustain blood pressure;
(A) Adrenaline (B) Androgen (C) Nor-adrenaline (D) aldosterone
12. he hormone which lowers blood calcium level, stimulates bone formation is;
(A) Parathyroid (B) Thyroxine (C) Calcitonin (D) Cortisol
13. Under activity of parathyroid gland causes
(A) cretinism (B) myxedema (C) muscle tetany (D) demineralization of bones
14. which gland is also known as third eye of man?
(A) thymus (B) pancreas (C) thyroid (D) pineal
15. too much thyroxine hormone is produced during
(A) myxedema (B) graves disese (C) addisons disease (D) cushings syndrome
16. Which of these is not an endocrine property?
(A) Hormones reach targets through blood (B) effects are slow and cyclic
(C) rapid action effect (D) effect caused by chemical
17 .most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a……………………………
(A) negative feed back mechanism (B) positive feed back mechanism
(C) hormone receptor complex (D) hormone gene complex
18. when a person is frightened which substance increareses the blood sugar level?
(A) adrenalline (B) amylase (C) glycogen (D) insulin
19. It is characterized by weaknes ,weightloss,low blood sugar level and reduced blood pressure….
(A) cushing’s syndrome (B) creatinism (C) addison’s disease (D) myxedema
20. which of the following disease is caused due to hyporthyroidism during childhood?
(A) myxedema (B) goitar (C) creatinism (D) grave’s disease
1,. impulses from CNS to effectors are always carried by
(A) Dendrites (B) axons (C) cell body (D all of these
2. The nerve net of hydra lacks…………….
(A) connections (B) dendrites (C) direction of impulse flow (D) neurons
3.. important properties of neurons are
(A) excitability (B) conductivity (C) both (D) none
4. Acetylcholine is responsible for transmission of nerve impulse through:
(A) Dendrites (D) Soma (C) Axon (D) Synapses
5.. Which of these illustrate a reflex arc:
(A) Spinal cordReceptor Effecter (B) Brain  Spinal cord  Muscles
(C) Receptor  Spinal cord  Muscle (D) None of these
6. The part of the brain which controls the balance and muscular coordination?

(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

7.. what will occur if the receptor sites on the postsynaptic membrane are blocked by a drug

At the neuromuscular junction?

(A). inhibition of acetylecholine release (B) inhibition of cholinesterase

( C) muscle contraction (D). muscle paralysis

8.. At the rest condition nerve cell inner medium is --------

(A) highly negative (B) highly positive (C) neutral

9.. If Na and CL ions are rich out side of the cell potential said as

(A) resting potential (B) action potential (c) none 0f them

10. At resting condition inside of cell charge is---------------

(A) -60 to - 70 mv (B) + 60 to + 70 mv (C) none of them

11. somatic nerves system relays information from

(A) internal organ (B) sense organs (C) external organs (D) all of these
12. thalamus and hypothamus are parts of
(A) diencephalon (B) telencephalon (C) mesencephlon
13. The area of the brain that monitors hunger and thirst is located in
(A) thalamus (B) hypothalamus (C) medulla
14. Synaptic vesicles are releasing neurotransmitters by stimulation of:
(A) Na+ ions (B) K+ ions (C) Ca++ ions (D) All of these
15. Pain receptors are nearly 27 times more abundant than
(A) heat receptors (B) cold receptors (C) touch receptors (D) chemoreceptors
16. Which of the following is not strictly considered a part of neuron?
(A) nissle bodies (B) myelin sheath (C) axon (D) dendrites
17. Memory weakness if one of the following part is injured
(A) medulla (B) cerebellum (C) cerebrum (D) hypothalamus
18. receptors present abundantly in hairless areas,are………..

(A) pacinian corpuscles (B) meissner’s corpuscles (C) free nerve endings (D). ruffini’s corp:
19. Neuroglia ( glial cells) are present in:

(A) Brain (B) Spinal cord (C) Both A & B (D) None of them
20. Which of these is not a reflex action?
(A) Coughing (B) Sneezing (C) Hiccupping (D) vesoconstriction

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