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Photography Assignment

Instructions: from the list of projects below choose 4 out of the 10

options listed below. Some of the options require you to take more
than one pictures some require you to only take one picture.

Note: Please pay attention to your lighting, rule of thirds, and the
other elements of composition.

1. Silhouettes
Cut out a silhouette on a sheet of paper and taking a shot through
it. You can choose combinations of nature through shapes of
animals, or go for contrast. (1 shot)
2. Shadow
Take a picture that produces a shadow. (1 shot)

3. Fluid or Motion
Take a picture of water or liquid showing motion. (1

4. Repetition and Colour

Take a picture of a subject that shows repetition and colour. (1

5. Close up shot – filling the frame

Choose an object/subject and take a close up shot. No distracting
elements must be in the frame. (1 shot)

6. Four Corners
Choose one subject and location, take 4 shots from 4 different positions of
the same object (front, back, left side and right side) do not move the
object. (4 shots)
7. Self portrait
Take an interesting picture of yourself. (1 shot)

8. Monochrome picture
Take a picture of a subject/object that displays only one colour. (1 shot)

9. Food Photography
Take a picture of food, raw or cooked. Pictures of food can cause
persons to want to eat or even purchase the item in restaurants or
markets. (1 shot)

10. Perspectives
Create (5 shots) to show different perspective of the same subject.
a. Shoot from a low position and straight on – to get the
perspective of a child
b. Shoot downward – to get a sense of scale (i.e., that the
subject is small and unimposing)
c. Shoot upward — to a sense of scale (i.e., that the subject is
larger than life, and imposing)
d. Shoot wide – to show the environment
e. Shoot up-close – to give an intimate feel or to highlight a
particular action or detail

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