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1) The Evolution of Finance………………………………………………………………………………………..

2) The Problem with Modern Financial System…………………………………………………………
2.1) Lack of ownership..................................................................................................
2.2) Inequality between Customers………………………………………………….…………………
2.3) Lack of transparency……..………………………………………………………………………………
3) Open Banking System…………………………………………..…………………………………………….
4) Introduction of AGO FINANCE ………………………………………………………………………………

1) The Evolution of Finance

Since the beginning, Crypto has revolutionize the way businesses and finance works.
Because of it decentralize properties, it has the tendency to naturally shifts the
power from the institutions to the people. This last, open the door to individuals to
utilize a new generation of tools between the digital world and all the different
economies. These so famous call “Digital Bridges” are the new generation of
financials tools of this era.
The impact of Blockchain in the world is so vast that most analysis reveals the crypto
market as the top “upcoming” financial market, currently growing in capitalization in
the world. So much, financial expert and entrepreneur Kevin O'Leary argues that in
the next 3 to 4 years bitcoin will be added as the 12 th sector in the S&P 500 among,
real state, materials, energy, and the others.
The Problem with Modern Financial System
Currently, there is a very prominent risk of adversity within the modern financial
system. This comes from the fact that such system has been completely monopolized
by the institutions, which creates a huge differential gap of power between the
individual and their wealth. As we previously learn from 2008 housing crash in the
US, the different financial sectors are strongly tight to the institutional model and
thus they are heavily impacted by their actions and decisions.
Historically, this has proven to be a flaw model. We certify this by looking back at the
history where the current financial system has severely damage different sectors /
industries, and individuals have lost their jobs and live saving while institutions have
been pardon
2.1) Lack of ownership – There is no real ownership of wealth. The moment you
deposit your funds into the bank they pass from been your funds which are in control
of you, to be the Banks’s funds, which are in control of them. The Bank simply give
you the illusion of been in control however as the money is inside their institution,
they can choose to block you from doing any transaction or even to access to such
funds at any time.
2.2) Inequality between Customers – The current model of banking system uses a
series of parameters to categorize its customers and decide which financial services
are people allow to use. These, as we can assume creates variety of different
opportunities for different individuals which translate into inequality.
2.3) Lack of transparency – Although open banking has digitalized its operability by
adopting a more automatized system, there is still a huge lack of transparency
between the institution and its customers. With blockchain anyone can see and track
transactions at real time from any device which is clearly a huge advance in many
ways, on the other hand, banks do not allow its customers to do such thing, they do
so because at the moment banks currently has cero benefits from sharing this
2) Open Banking System

From the previous sample we can appreciate the way open banking currently works…
This model is very simple. The bank assigned a series of “API” to its customers which
are directly link with multiples financials operations that the customers are allows to
do inside their platform. The key to this model is to allocate multiples “API”
depending on the category of the customer. In that way the banks is able to
proportion the right fit for each of them.
One of the biggest problems found nowadays within the “open banking system”
model is that it has very low customer credibility. This mainly happen because,
currently, there is a fear for customers of sharing their personal information as well
as a lack of understanding of how it works.
Introduction of AGO FINANCE
The inclusion of blockchain technology in the world is currently changing the way
money and wealth it’s been created; thus the formation of a financial digital
ecosystem is the next step in evolution for the organization to be able to offer our
clients the opportunity of exploring a new frontier of financial tools and services of
these digital era.
Our vision in AGO is to be the most financially advanced digital ecosystem in the
world. We understand that in order to fulfil this commitment it is extremely
important that AGO keep updated with the latest advance in technology and

4.1) Components of AGO FINANCE

In the modern era the Conversion between Fiat and Cryptocurrency is so strictly
necessary that it creates a pairs. because even though the world is moving towards
the digital, there are still lots of transactions occurring between the real world and
the digital.
The advantage of having a reliable stable coin which we can be used to operate thre
flow the surplus and deficit of cash is the most necessary expectation for us to find.
For these and many other reasons AGO FINANCE would develop its own stable coin
(AUSD) that will serve as a link between the real-world fiat and cryptocurrency.

AGO Swap is a web 3 platform which would allow users to swap between networks


One of the most innovative ways to offer

AGO Protocol
A layer 2 solution aiming to solve a problem of interoperability within different
networks in decentralized exchanges. because

AGO Wallet
Part of been the most technological financial ecosystem is to offer a personalized
experience platform where we guide our clients through us
AGO Bank
Part of the digital ecosystem is the financial structure
Arquitectura de AGO FINANCE

DAO Protocol
Swap Bank
Road Map

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