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Juliette, the ropedancer


@manuskacrochet 1

• 2.5 mm - 1/B crochet hook

• 6 different yarns for 2.5 mm crochet hook

• leftover black yarn

• 6 mm black safety eyes

• Tapestry or large sewing needle

• Stitch marker (optional, I use yarn)

• 1 mm vire

• Fiberfill stuffing


• Phildar Phil Coton 3 - 032 Ecru

• Phildar Phil Coton 3 - 0067 Noir

• Cheval Blanc, Sunny - 030 (Grey)

• Phildar Phil Coton 3 - 0076 Berlingot

• Cheval Blanc, Sunny - 179 (Dark pink)

• Himalaya Medical Baby - 203 (Yellow)

@manuskacrochet 2
Finished size and gauge
Juliette is approximately 23 cm / 9 inches tall. Exact gauge is not necessary for this
project. If you use a smaller hook with thinner yarn, the doll might be smaller. Her
measurements will change depending on the hook and yarn you use. 

It’s important to crochet tight, to avoid the stuffing showing up after filling.

Notes and abbreviations

The pattern is written in US American crochet terms. You will use these stitches:

st = stitch

ch = chain

sc = single crochet 

dc = double crochet

sl st = slip stitch

sk = skip 

BLO = back loops only

FLO = front loops only

FO = fasten off

Yo = yarn over

Rep = repeat

dec = decrease (sc2tog)

inc = increase

Invisible decrease: A method of decreasing. Insert hook into the front loop of the
next two stitches and pull a loop up through both. Yarn over and pull through last
two loops left on the hook.

Juliette and her accessories are worked in continuous rounds unless otherwise

@manuskacrochet 3

Rnd 1. 6 sc into magic ring (6) (Instead of a
magic ring, you can form a ring with 3 ch.)
Rnd 2. {inc} 6 times (12) 

Rnd 3. {sc into next st, inc} 6 times (18) 

Rnd 4. {sc into 2, inc} 6 times (24) 

Rnd 5. {sc into 3, inc} 6 times (30) 

Rnd 6. {sc into 4, inc} 6 times (36) 

Rnd 7. {sc into 5, inc} 6 times (42) 

Rnd 8. {sc into 6, inc} 6 times (48)

Rnd 9-20. sc into each (48)

Rnd 21. {sc into 6, dec} 6 times (42)

Rnd 22. {sc into 5, dec} 6 times (36)

Rnd 23. {sc into 4, dec} 6 times (30)

Before placing the eyes embroider the eyebrows
between Rnds 16 and 17. Place safety eyes between
Rnds 16 and 17, 9 st apart.

Rnd 24. {sc into 3, dec} 6 times (24)

Rnd 25. {sc into 2, dec} 6 times (18)

Start to stuff the head.

Rnd 26. {sc into next st, dec} 6 times (12)

Continue to stuff the head firmly.

Rnd 27. sc into each FLO (12)

Do not fasten off, cont with body


Rnd 28. {sc into next, inc} 6 times (18) 

Rnd 29. sc into each (18)

Rnd 30. {sc into 2, inc} 6 times (24)

Rnd 31. sc into each (24)

Fasten off and join with the colour of the dress
somewhere at the back of the doll. 

@manuskacrochet 4
Work in BLO in each rounds.

Rnd 32. {sc into 3, inc} 6 times (30) 

Rnd 33-36. sc into each (30)

Rnd 37. {sc into 3, dec} 6 times (24)

Rnd 38-39. sc into each (24)

Fasten off and change colour into the skirt/underwear. 

Rnd 40. BLO sc into each (24)

Rnd 41. sc into each (24)

Rnd 42. {sc into 5, inc} 4 times (28)

Rnd 43-44. sc into each (28)

Rnd 45. {sc into 5, dec} 4 times (24)


Now you need to mark the places where you will start to crochet the legs. 

Place the doll in front of you, flatten it and mark the places of the legs: 10 stitches
for both legs and 2-2 stitches between them on both sides. (You have to be very
carefully with the marking otherwise the doll’s

head will look another way as her body at the end.)

Join with the body colour at the back of the doll. Stuff the legs while you crochet

Rnd 1-22. sc into each (10)

Change to the colour of the shoes.

Rnd 23-25. sc into each (10) 

Rnd 26. dec each (5)

Stuff the leg firmly, fasten off and leave long tail for sewing. Using the yarn and a
needle to close up the hole by stitching back and forth across the opening. Weave
yarn into the legs. Before you finish the other leg close the 2 stitches hole
between the legs.

@manuskacrochet 5

Now go back to Rnd 40 of the body where you can
see there the front loops wherein we’re going to start
crocheting the skirt. Join with a sl st somewhere at
the back of the doll.

Rnd 1. ch3, 2 dc into same st, {3 dc into each
st along} Join with a sl st at the end of
the rnd.

Rnd 2. ch 3, 2 dc into same st, *{2 dc into next, 3
dc into next} rep along from *. Join with a
sl st. Fasten off and weave end.

Rnd 3. Join with the darker pink and sl st into

each st all along. Fasten off and weave

With skin colour:

Rnd 1. 6 sc into magic ring (6)
Rnd 2. {sc 2, inc} 2 times (8)
Rnd 3. sc into each (8) 

Change colour to darker pink

Rnd 4. sc into each (8) 

Rnd 5. {sc 2, dec} 2 times (6)

Rnd 6-11. sc into each (6)
Change colour to skin
Rnd 12. sc into each BLO (6)

Rnd 13-17. sc into each (6)

Fasten off and leave long tail for sewing. Make two.


Join with a sl st with the darker pink at rnd 12 where
you can see the front loops:

4 dc into each st (24)

With grey yarn sl st all along.

@manuskacrochet 6
For Juliette’s arms I used wire. If you wouldn’t like to wire your doll, just simply
place the arms onto the body, secure them with a few pins, and sew them
carefully onto their place. 

For the wired version follow the steps:

Lay the doll and arms next to each other. Measure a
piece of wire, it should be long enough to fit all three
pieces. Add some extra for the wire for the bending.

Push the wire through the body where you will want
to sew the arms.

Bend one end of the wire

and secure it with
adhesive bandage
(optional) to avoid the
wire showing up. Insert
the wire into the first arm.
Secure the arm onto the
body with a few pins.

Measure the length’s of the wire

you will need for the other arm.
Leave room for bending. 

Cut and bend the wire, repeat
the bandage method, and insert
it onto the other arm. 

Secure the arm onto the body
with a few pins and sew them
both onto the body.

@manuskacrochet 7

Mark the places of the straps
with two pins 6 stitches apart at
the top of the grey dress. Join
with a sl st into the marked
front loop of the dress and
crochet as many slip stitches
so you can reach the dress at
the back of the doll. Join with a
sl st, fasten off and weave end
into the body. Make another


Row 1. ch 21, turn, 

Row 2. work BLO: sc into second ch from hook and all along (20)

Row 3-36. ch 1, turn, sc into each st BLO (20)

Row 37-52. ch 1, turn, sc into next 12 BLO (12) This will form the bang 

Now with sc or sl st crochet together the end of the bang with row 1 as shown in
the second picture (you may sew it together as well). 

Thread the needle and begin sewing the top of the hair: down in one stitch, up in
the other stitch as shown in the third picture. Cont all the way around. When you
are ready start pulling the yarn to close the hole. You may end up with a small
hole, which you can close up by stitching back and forth across it. 

Place the hair onto the head, secure it with a few pin and sew it carefully onto its

@manuskacrochet 8
You may add extra stitches to make
the hair longer or extra rows to make
it wider to fit the head better, if

You may add some blush onto her cheeks.


Rnd 1. 14 dc into a magic ring (14)

Rnd 2. 14 sc BLO (14)

Rnd 3-4. sc into each (14)

Rnd 5 . 2 dc into each FLO (28)

Rnd 6. sl st all along 

Fasten off and weave end. 

Sew the hat onto the head of the doll.

@manuskacrochet 9

For the handle of the umbrella I used wire
(10 cm / 4 inch). The one I used was too
thin, so I bended it a few times to get a
more firmer handle.

For the cover:

Rnd 1. 6 sc into a magic ring (6)

Rnd 2-26. sc into each (6) 

Fasten off, leave long tail for sewing. 

You can add a few extra rows or crochet

less rows depending on the length of your
wire. When you’re ready insert the wire into
the cover and close up the hole with a few


Rnd 1. 4 sc into a magic ring (4)

Rnd 2. sc into each, join with a sl st (4) 

Rnd 3. ch 3, 2 dc into same st, 3 dc into each st
around, join with a sl st (12)

Rnd 4. ch 3, dc into same st, 2 dc into each st
around, join with a sl st (24)

Rnd 5. ch2 *{dc into next, inc} rep from * 12
times, join with a sl st (36) 

Rnd 6. ch2 *{dc into next 2, inc} rep from * 12
times, join with a sl st (48)

Rnd 7. ch3, dc into each (48) Change colour

Rnd 8. Join with a sl st {sk 1 st, 6 dc into next st,
sk 1 st, sl st into next} rep along (12 shell)

With grey yarn crochet sl st between each rows from
rnd 4 from inside the canopy. Weave ends. Sew the
handle into the top of the canopy. 

@manuskacrochet 10
You are ready with Juliette. I hope you enjoyed making her as much as I enjoyed
making this pattern. Don’t forget, if you have any questions or need
clarifications on any of the instructions, I’m here to help you!

I would also love to see your version of Juliette so if you’re on Instagram
mention @manuskacrochet in your post.. <3

© 2018 Manuska - All rights reserved.

This pattern is FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY! Please respect my rights as the designer and do not reproduce, publish or
resold the pattern or any parts of it. You can sell items made from this pattern, provided that they are handmade by yourself
and you credit me as the designer, Manuska.

@manuskacrochet 11

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