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Oh look that book.Over there ,Is it yours?

No ,it isn't mine ,mine is this next to me.
Can you give me that glass of water?,is next to you ,but far from me
Sure,Take it
Let's go outside,Iwant to take some photos ,and those flowers in the park are really
Ok,let's go,but I need a hat ,Is these yours?
Yes,It is mine ,but I need one for me ,can you see another?
Look, that hat over there ,the pink one,It's nice!
Yeah!,I'll take it.So let's go

Oh !Look that hat!Here,next to me,Is it yours?
No,it isn't mine,my is that in my locker , in the second floor
Let's go outside ! but I need to put sunscreen on,Can you give me that sunscreen
where is it ?
I think it's in that cabinet ,that is in the other room!
Oh ,I'm not going over there ,take this sunscren,It's mine,I can share with you
Thanks you so much ,I want to paint a picture ,and those birds in the park are really
Where? I can't see the birds,they are so far
I need my brushes! Do you see them?
Yes,But only one.Look,that brush here,It's really nice!
Yeah!,I'll get a bottle of water .Do you want one?
No ,thank you ,this bottle next to the TV,in the other room ,it's mine.

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