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Division of Marinduque

District of Santa Cruz East

Santa Cruz East Central School

Name: ______________________________________ Score: ______________

School : ______________________________________ Level: ____________

I.Directions: Study the pictures. Choose the correct word that describes the
position of the object, animal or person in each picture. Choose the letter of the
correct answer inside the box.
A. Back C. Front E. Between G. Top I. Left
B. Under D. Right F. Inside H. Top

1. The cat is ________________ the chair.

2. The vase is on the ______________of the table.
3. The books are _______________the cabinet.
4. Rosa is in the ______________ of Luis and Louie.
5. Rosa is in Jojo's ___________.
6. Loiue is in Ana's ___________.

II. Directions: Answer the questions. Write the letter of the correct answer.

7. It is important to know _________ because it makes it easier to find and

identify said object. Which of the following is it?
A.reference point B. place C. position D. thing

8. Clothes on the clothesline move because of _____ like leaves on a

tree and even your hair moves too.
A. sun B. rain C. soil D. sand
9. What forces move the chair?
A. air B. floor C. chair D. person

10. What forces move the cart?

A. people B. water C. air D. magnet

III. Describe how the objects in the picture moved. Choose the letter
of the correct answer.

11. A. pulling C. blowing

B. pushing D.jumping

12. A. pushing C.kicking

B. pulling D. Throwing

13. A. throwing stones C. throwing

B. kicking D. waving
14. A. blowing C. pulling
B. falling D. pushing

15. Look closely at the picture. Where are the cycling friends going?

A. In the river B. In the meadow

C. On top of the hill D. At the bottom of the mountain

16. Check how a paper boat in a stream can be moved?

A. wind and water C. wind and sun
B. water and people D. bamboo and water

17. The moving image in the box is?

A. tree C. air and water

B. wind and people D. clouds and wind

18. What forces move the wind mill to create energy?

A. man B. air C. water D. magnet

IV: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

19. Carlo placed a magnet or batubalani near the needle What could happen?

A. magnet or batubalani will pull the needle

B. the needle will remain in place
C. the needle will move away from the magnet or batubalani
D. magnet or batubalani will break the needle

20.Which of the following can be moved by a magnet?

A. paper clip and paper C. hairclip and comb
B. paperclip and thumbtacks D. thumbtacks and paper

21. Light can be artificial or natural. Which of the following objects creates natural light?
A. candle C. star
B. light bulb D. cellphone

22.Which of the following is the most important source of light and heat in the
A. sun C. star
B. moon D. candle

23. A plant needs the fame of _____to make its own food.
A. oven B. electricity C. sun D. star

24. The possible source of heat of the stove is

A. fire B. sun C. flashlight D. Christmas

25.Which of the following things creates a loud sound?

A. stick C. guitar
B. drum D. rattle

26. Where is the ambulance sound used?

A. To market quickly.
B. To extinguish the fire quickly.
C. To quickly connect electricity
D. To get the patient to the hospital quickly.

27.Which of the following is the source of electricity?

A. radio C. cell phone
B. flashlight D. power supply

V. DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter that expresses the
correct answer.

28. It's summer time again and Angel often makes a fruit shake with his sister Keren. They
use the electric blender to _________ the ingredients to make a fruit shake.
A. cook B. mix C. cook D. eat

29. Nowadays, devices such as laptops, tablets and cellphones are important in online
learning. Moreover, it is also used as _________________to people who are far away from
A. communication B. hear C. malama D. read

30. Joshua was studying his lesson in preparation for the exam the next day when the
electricity suddenly went out in their area. Which of the following statements about the use of
electricity has the most correct statement?
A. Joshua uses electricity in a light bulb to give light.
B. Joshua uses electricity in the light bulb to darken the surroundings.
C. Joshua uses electricity to pass the test.
D. Joshua uses electricity to save money.

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