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 Ambitious

 Affectionate

 Athletic

 Cooperative

 Analytical

 Critical

 Manipulative

 Sensitive

 Competitive

 Confident
 Stubborn

 Shy

 Loud

 Bossy

 Selfish

 Talkative

 Sociable

 Sneaky

 Generous

 Independent
a) /æmˈbɪʃ.əs/

b) /əˈfek.ʃ ə n.ət/

c) /æθˈlet ̬.ɪk/

d) /koʊˈɑː.pɚ.ə.t ̬ɪv/

e) /ˌæn.əˈlɪt ̬ .ɪ.k ə l/

f) /ˈkrɪt  .ɪ.k ə l/

g) /məˈnɪp.jʊ.lə. t ̬ɪv /

h) /ˈsen t  .sə.t ̬ɪv /

i) /kəmˈpet ̬.ə.t ̬ɪv/

j) /ˈk ɑːn.fɪ.d ə nt/

k) /ˈstʌb.ɚn/

l) /ʃaɪ/

m) /laʊd/

n) /ˈbɑː.si/

o) /ˈsel.fɪʃ/

p) /ˈtɑː.kə.ɪv/

q) /ˈsoʊ.ʃə.bl ̩/

r) /ˈsniː.ki/

s) /ˈdʒen. ɚ r.əs/

t) /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.d ə nt/
1. having a strong wish to be successful,
powerful or rich
2. examining or liking to examine things very

3. anting very much to win or be more

successful than other people

4. having unpleasantly bright colours or too

strong patterns, or (of a person) demanding
attention and talking and laughing loudly

5. describes someone who likes to meet and

spend time with other people

6. showing feelings of liking or love

7. saying that someone or something is bad or


8. describes someone who tries to control

people to their advantage
9. having confidence

10. describes someone who is always telling

people what to do

11. doing things in a secret and unfair way

12. strong, healthy and good at sports

13. describes someone who is determined to

do what they want and refuses to do
anything else

14. Someone who is selfish only thinks of their

own advantage

15. willing to give money, help, kindness, etc.,

especially more than is usual or expected

16. willing to help or do what people ask

17. easily upset by the things people say or do,
or causing people to be upset, embarrassed
or angry

18. nervous and uncomfortable with other


19. talking a lot

20. not taking help or money from other


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