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O God, who in your mercy led

Saint Clare to a life of poverty,
grant, through her
intercession, that, following
Christ in poverty of spirit, we
may merit to contemplate you
one day in the heavenly
Through our Lord Jesus
Christ, your Son, who lives
and reigns with you in the
unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
for ever and ever.
We bring you the offerings of
our devotion to be
consecrated by you, O Lord, in
commemoration of blessed
Clare, for by the consolation
you give us in this life you
show that we should not lose
hope of what is promised for
eternity. Through Christ our
It is truly right and just, our
duty and our salvation, always
and everywhere to give you
thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For in the Saints who
consecrated themselves to
Christ for the sake of the
Kingdom of Heaven, it is right
to celebrate the wonders of
your providence, by which
you call human nature back to
its original holiness and bring
it to experience on this earth
the gifts you promise in the
new world to come.
And so, with all the Angels
and Saints, we praise you, as
without end we acclaim:
Renewed O Lord, at the
wellsprings of salvation, we
humbly entreat you that
through the intercession of
blessed Clare, holding more
closely day by day to Christ,
we may merit to be coheirs in
his kingdom of grace.
Who lives and reigns for ever
and ever.

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