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Visual literacy - Advertising practice


 Logo: Picture / graphic used as an identifying symbol. It

acts as a signature for a brand
 Slogan: Short, memorable phrase that is immediately
associated with a brand
 Copy: Other written info
 Graphics: Illustrations

Tools of advertising:

 Heading (Eye-catching, larger font, different font from body, figurative language,
captures mood of advert)
 Visuals (Angles, composition, colour, positioning, symbolism, POV, lighting, focus)
 Body copy (More information, link between product and image, persuasive language,
repetition, rhetoric, sound words – alliteration/onomatopoeia, personal
engagement, endorsements/testimonials. Typography = the way the words/;letters
have been visually arranged.)
 Logo (Simple, recognizable, memorable, reinforce identity of product, lead to
unconscious purchasing decisions)
 Slogan (Short, memorable phrase, often witty, make consumer feel a desire)

Advertising techniques:

1. Call to action: designed to prompt an immediate response or encourage an

immediate sale (“sign up” “buy now”)
2. Visual metaphor: a creative representation of something through an image that uses
analogy or association.
3. Verbal pun: the humorous use of a word or phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its
different meanings or applications
4. Exaggeration (hyperbole): exaggeration makes the ad more impactful, and more
5. Visual pun: puns that involve an image or images in addition to words and language.
6. Optical illusions: images that trick your brain into seeing things that don't exist or
seeing them from two different perspectives.
7. Emotional appeal: urges customers to buy products and services by triggering
emotions rather than awakening rational thoughts.
8. Use of well-known symbols: a symbol is an easily recognizable representation of a
deeper meaning. It makes advertising materials easier to read and understand, and
helps to convey deeper meanings.
9. Suggestion: Advertisers create images in the minds of their consumers through
suggestion and manipulation of the mind using positive connotations
10. Repetition, patterns, idioms and proverbs: Words or phrases in an advertisement
are repeated several times for effect. Repetition gets your attention and stresses a
slogan or product. Repeating something helps you remember the product or ad and
makes the ad more memorable.
Label the following adverts with the

correct technique from the previous

Focus on the OXY bottle for 20
seconds… what happens?
Persuasive techniques:

Bandwagon: invites you to join the crowd. Everybody’s doing it so you should too!

Celebrity endorsement/Testimonial: when a product is sold by using words from famous people or
an authority figure.

Glittering Generalization: using simple phrases that sound good but have no real value or meaning.
It is falsely attractive (“making a difference!” “up to 50% off” “choose me to make a change”). Often
used by politicians.

Facts and Figures: numbers, tables, and graphs are used to show that this product is better. (“This
product kills 99% of your germs.”)

Expert: using experts such as doctors, dentists, engineers, fitness trainers to say that they
recommend this product. (4 out of 5 dentists recommend Colgate)

Bait and switch: luring with the promise of a bargain

Practice examples – analysing advertisements

Study the visuals and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1

1.1 What is the name of the product being advertised? (1)

1.2 What does this advert imply? (1)

1.3 Comment on the effect of using the product in the typography? (1)

1.4 How could this advert be relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic? (2)
Provide reasons for your answer.
Question 2

2.1 Which company is responsible for the advert? (1)

2.2 Explain the humour in this advert. (2)

2.3 Identify the tone present in this advert. (1)

2.4 Explore the social issue being exposed in this advert. (2)
Question 3

3.1 How many different types of Coca-Cola are shown in the advert above? (1)

3.2 Account for the use of visuals in this advert. (2)

3.3 Explain what a caption in an advert is. (1)

3.4 Identify the caption in the advert above. (1)

3.5 Explain why this caption is effective. Refer to the visual (i.e. the different (3)
cans) as well as the caption to support your answer.

3.6 Who is the target audience for this advert? Explain your answer. (2)

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