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Kelompok …

Nama Anggota :
1. Aisyah Ramadani Safitri


Task 1
Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. I’m really angry______ my housemates - they never clean anything.
a. Of
b. With
c. About
Jawaban C. About
2. When I heard about the accident, I was horrified ____the news
a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban A. Of

3. I used to be terrified _____flying.
a. Of
b. With
c. about
Jawaban A. Of

4. I'm a bit worried ____the exam tomorrow.

a. Of
b. at
c. about
Jawaban A. Of

5. I'm really proud ____my sister. She's just finished university.

a. Of
b. At
c. With

Jawaban A. Of

Task 2
More practice! Choose the best preposition to complete these sentences.
1. I'm so ashamed ____myself. I can't believe I did something so stupid.
a. Of
b. With
c. About
Jawaban A. Of
2. I was really surprised ____the number of people who came to the party.
a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban B. At

3. I'm a bit stressed ____my wedding next week.

a. About
b. At
c. With
Jawaban B. At

4. I'm quite content ____my job at the moment.

a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban C. With

5. I'm really excited ____Christmas this year.

a. Of
b. With
c. About
Jawaban C. About
6. I'm not jealous ____my best friend, even though she's more intelligent than me.
a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban A. Of

7. Most parents teach their children to be suspicious ____strangers.

a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban A. Of

8. The police weren't satisfied ____ the driver's explanation for the accident.
a. Of
b. At
c. With
Jawaban C. With

Task 2
Watch the Video 5 ( and fill in the missing words.
Easy English Conversation presents . . . “Are you green with envy?” In English, when you
say that you are green with envy, it has a (1) bad meaning. “Envy” is a noun. The adjective is
“envious.” “Envious” means “jealous.” And “jealous” means that you (2) want something
that another person has. For example, maybe your friend has lots of money, and (3)
expensive cars, and a big, beautiful home. And maybe you don’t have these things, but you
want them very much! When this happens, you can say, “I’m green with envy.” Of course, it’s
(4) not a good feeling when you feel green with envy! Very (5) often people use this (6)
idiom as a kind of joke. They might say, “Did you see Mary’s new sports car? I ’m green with
envy!” They might just mean that they are happy for Mary. Maybe. Like in many other (7)
language, people can use colors to talk about how they feel. For example, black can mean a
person feels (8) sad. Red can mean that a person feels (9) angry. It’s easy to understand these
colors and how they have special meanings. But where does the idiom “green with envy”
come from? Why green? It comes from William Shakespeare, who lived in England,
hundreds of years ago. In his writing, he called envy a “green-eyed monster.” A green-eyed
monster? Well, like I said, envy isn’t a good (10) feeling. It can feel like a monster

4 Reading

Task 1

Answer these following questions

The topic of the programme was____Historical event

Steve thought the girl was____In his class

Tom finished the marathon in___Four hours

After the marathon, Tom felt ____Exhausted

The police found a dog in the rive

Task 2
Answer these question based on the text above
1. Who was the girl at the school ? she was his teacher's daughter

2. Why did Steve feel embarrassed? Because He asked her for her phone
number and everyone left letter, he found
out she wasn't in his class it was his
teacher's daughter

3. Why Amanda got scared? Because she saw the head of a child under the
water, her thought it was dead body

4. How’s Tom feeling? He was very proud of him self

5. What to other feelings the interviewer mention? jealousy

Task 1
Write a paragraph about a time you felt afraid, happy, scared, and surprised. Remember to
include information such as what happened to make you feel that emotions, when and
where it happened, why it happened and who you were with. Focus on the use of tenses,
adjectives, and prepositions
Answer :
This morning my mother was upset because I woke up too early. I felt sad because she yelled
at me. I feel guilty inside for making you angry.

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