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This notebook is open with private outputs. Outputs will not be saved. You can disable this in Notebook settings. Exec R Ea a a owe @ Ca oN + Code + Text aa Sia ai Q Ungraded Lab: Multiple LSTMs In this lab, you will look at how to build a model with multiple LSTM layers. Since you know the preceding steps already (e.g. downloading datasets, preparing the data, etc.), we won't expound ‘on it anymore so you can just focus on the model building code. Saeed aos Download and Prepare the Dataset RPO Te stm ce eer LC Rae ee neon et Ceeee ee ate rt Meet eae eC eR ot as c keni tokenizer = info. features[ "text" ].encoder Like the previous lab, we increased the BaTcH_sIze here to make the training faster. If you are CR a a en eee need po eee Cas eee Cae ee ce RU Rae sees SO Ree et cde cea Poe ese ee sae) train_dataset = train_data.shuffle(BUFFER SIZE) # Batch and pad the datasets to the maximum length of the sequen Poste e haem Um erence reco aoe5) test dataset = test data.padded batch(BATCH SIZE) Build and Compile the Model ith Goce mice tit Gccltnuccmecn aun in Peremee mu ua in pi eee eres OR MIS oe tee i eee eT Mee ete Cee Se URS foe sequence as well. See the code cell below that demonstrates this flag in action. You'll notice that the output dimension is in 3 dimensions (batch size, timesteps, features) when when return_sequences is True. ect R eC eC eon pee aan Page Cerca ee pet eee) coe Serene eae) Pe UGate ees Tae cSt C ab) print(#'timesteps (sequence length): {timesteps}") ear ee Cet rere ay PUG et ieee etc Lye Paes U ee eC en me ums) Re en eR Cree aso eon) Uae et eee ot se oes) su Ret ee ests Carers eee Se Meet) result = Istm(random input) PSU Gar ecm ee es ete a meee eee TS Ee on a) ST esate ee acy eRe ee Cea etre Re) result = 1stmrs(random_input) Pur Gare meee et tere tee TE ee Bote Re ue ecu cence OC caa Ca ieons aaa are! cecgme ens ceca neerd Cece a model Caen a Cee Sey Kg tf keras. layers. Embedding(tokenizer.vocab_size, embedding dim), Se OTe cesta eee ene ec Ce cae eo OTe east Ga ECE Meee eee Ge eee Oe eC eae eases e eee earner Meret st nee sty aD} sue a model. summary() ees Dec e eke Sr pm ce aN Ls Occ Coe Oe eet) Bcclm eam (ore) See ea Sa eeu ue eR ce Rk voted Mca default parameters we set, it will take around 2 minutes per epoch with the Colab GPU enabled. MOR see ee) ORS history =, epochs-NUM_EPOCHS, validation data-test_dataset) pCa esc ayaa eas Pacrariseet Cee Gar Ces aarsStr aes Pleat (recA atc est ap) atest cre ce ea eer mess) pit.xlabel (“epochs”) Steep eset) plt.legend([string, ‘val_‘+string]) oC eet Gee Cres See ecto) Dose aaa) A Tre] o eo) Sena Me Toric eS en will continue exploring other architectures you can use to implement your sentiment classification Croom Ser ees en oe

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