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Future is the darkness and it isn’t something we can predict.

, however
people’s ambitions, goals and dreams fades the darkness and further
enlightens a path that an individual can go and lead his own life. Goals
are created because of someone’s interest; just like that I, myself also
have interests which accommodates into my own goals and
dreams .Every goal for each individual is different, no goal is the same of
others in the aspects of freedom, family, and career path. Suppose not
everyone wants to be an engineer or a doctor, perhaps they want to
express their artistic side and so they work on getting a degree in arts or
music. My goal may not be same as someone else just as someone’s
goal may not be similar to mine.
Goals pretty much change as we age. At the age of 8, everyone asked
me what I wanted to do in the future and my default answer would
always be “Computer Engineer”. Being a computer engineer was never a
goal of mine, I just said just to sound highly innovative with my choice of
career. Presently, I am quite interested with Biology, Chemistry and
Math. I am always in a dilemma between biology and engineering as I’m
passionate with both of these subjects. Perhaps, a career with a mix of
those two? Biotechnology? Biotech Engineering? Genetic engineering?
Applying to be a doctor will take 1/3 of my lifetime which is why I might
take an easier alternative.
After my A-Levels, my parent’s will force me into America, so that I can
apply into an American university and maybe live in a dormitory. I’m not
sure what university I will apply to however there are some popular
names which I have heard of such as Yale University, Oxford or Havard
(lol never). If I get into a desired university, my wanted subject I would
want to study on would be Genetic engineering or Computer science.
Moreover, I plan to extend my social life and make make new friends at
university. Four years at university, I will have a degree depending on
what subject I had chosen.
Of course after graduation, I might take a long year gap to do other stuff
such as travelling, advancing on my hobbies, spending time with family,
etc. Furthermore, I plan to research more about my career.
Yeah that’s it

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