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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, M/M
Fandom: Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight Series - All Media Types,
Twilight (Movies)
Relationship: Alice Cullen/Bella Swan, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Carlisle
Cullen/Charlie Swan, Carlisle Cullen & Esme Cullen, trust me i have a
plan to sort this ok
Character: Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Charlie Swan, Alice Cullen, Mike Newton,
Eric Yorkie, Jessica Stanley, Carlisle Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale,
Emmett Cullen, Angela Weber, Jacob Black, Esme Cullen
Additional Tags: all your faves are gay, even the dads, Alternate Universe, Canon
Rewrite, Lesbian Bella Swan, Everyone is also nicer now, Mike is
ADHD, this is starting to get away from me, Trans Jacob Black, which...
isnt much of a tag apparently, oh god how am i supposed to tag this,
Humor, Everyone Is Gay, Gay Edward Cullen, wlw/mlm solidarity, also
wlw/mlm hostility but, they get over it lmao
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2019-09-02 Updated: 2023-04-21 Words: 84,027 Chapters:

by MarvelousMalarkey


Ok so this is just, straight up (gay up) a rewrite of twilight. Chapter for chapter. But
everyone's gay. And nice to each other. And have healthy relationships. And Mike is
ADHD. And the dads are useless. It WAS crack but now ive done more hours of research
than I care to own up to so who actually knows lmao. God its so long.

About three things I was absolutely positive;

First, The Cullens are Definitely Vampires
Second, I am a Raging Lesbian with the Hots for Alice Cullen
And third, Edward is a Fucking Twink


Ok so. Yes the only other fic I've ever written is kingsman. Yes this is incredible off brand
for me. Yes it is on fact, still 2019. Yes I regret it. In my defence I was initially joking and
its the fault of at least 5 people that this exists because they encouraged me. And I should
never be encouraged.
There's no prologue cus I have Not planned that far ahead and would indicate a certain level
of forethought which i am Not Capable of

See the end of the work for more notes

First Sight

Phoenix Arizona is a land of warmth and sunshine, and it was here that I had thrived like a lizard
under a heat lamp with my mother for the past 17 years of my life give or take a few months. I love
Phoenix like Ellen Degeneres loves jump scaring people. I loved the heat and the never-ending
sky. The little cactuses that I clutched in my hands as my mother drove me to the airport. She told
me I was free to stay, free to come back, that she and her new husband Phil would be delighted to
have me. I had my doubts. Ever since I had sauntered my double-denim, plaid-wearing ass out the
closet, Phil had been acting strange around me. Sure he had never made any overtly homophobic
comments but he definitely didn’t really consider me hot shit anymore. So I figured “fuck it”. They
probably wanted time to themselves and there was muttering about moving around to suit Phil’s
career choices. I didn't exactly want to spend my days traversing the width and breadth of the
country catering to the needs of someone who told me my identity was probably part of a “passing

I dressed somewhat appropriately for the occasion in my favourite shirt, blue like the sky and a
light floaty material like the scattered and scarce clouds. However, this summer look was slightly
ruined by the biggest parka I could find that was tied to my carry-on bag. I was going to live with
my father. I used to pay him visits every summer after my mother fled his dreary little town but
when I hit 14 I put my foot down. What can I say, I'm not fond of mizzle. He’d been good about it
though; fully compromised and instead took two weeks every summer to come and visit me
instead. Something which I grew to appreciate as I realised just how hard it would be for the Chief
of Police to get a full two weeks off work mostly uninterrupted.

We reached the airport.

“Bella… you do know you don’t have to do this right? I know you hate Forks”, my mum said to
me as we approached the gate. And no, she didn't mean the eating utensil. She was talking about
my destination. The good old small town of Forks in the Olympic Peninsula of northwest
washington state. Tiny little rainy Forks where my dad had lived for all of my life and probably a
decent sized portion of his own

“Yeah, I know” I lied, “I want to go,” I lied harder. It wasn’t a very good lie for two reasons. The
first being that I am absolutely terrible at lying. The second being that my hatred for small town
life was well established.

“Bella. You Hate Forks”

“Only when its a meal I can feasibly eat with my hands”

“Ha ha Bella. Come here,” my mum shook her head at me as she pulled me into a hug, “don’t do
anything I wouldn't do ok? And ring me if there’s trouble! And tell Charlie I said hi!”

“Ok ok ok, I will alright. Relax mum,” I smiled at her, praying that she wouldn't see how strained it
was, “It’ll all be fine”.

She hugged me one more time and was gone. I braced myself and headed through the gates. Lucky
for me Forks was only a million miles away. A four hour flight from sunny Phoenix to slightly less
sunny Seattle, a second, shorter flight to Port Angeles and the Very Worrying hour in a car with

Charlie had seemed very pleased that I had decided to come and live with him, even going so far as
to register me with the local high school as soon as he could. He was also muttering about getting
me a car which... exciting, so at least I’ll be getting something aside from constant drizzly weather
and a vitamin D deficiency from this whole experience.

His excitement for me to live with him on a somewhat permanent basis did not, however, make
him any more verbose. Or me for that matter. So the upcoming car journey was bound to be fairly
awkward. Especially when you take into account that he was (a) confused by this life choice and
(b) unaware that I was gay; something I was slightly wary about addressing. I’d already had a
fairly negative reaction from an almost-sort-of-father figure in my life, I didn't need another one. I
figured I’d use my first few weeks to scope out his opinions on things like “other people's lifestyle
choices” before I said anything. I'm sure it would be fine. Probably.

I promised myself that I would go into this with an open mind and hope for the best. However as I
stepped off the plane into a grey and wet Port Angeles my spirits were admittedly, slightly
dampened (ha!).

Charlie was waiting for me with his cruiser. One of the main reasons I was looking forward to
having my own car was that, as much as I appreciated the work Charlie did as Police Chief Swan
of Forks, I did not want to be transported everywhere in a police car. No thank you.

I was greeted by a one armed hug that said a lot about how often the giver engaged in physical
comfort (rarely). Sometimes I wonder if Charlie gets lonely in Forks. I added it to my list of things
to look out for.

“It's good to see you again Bells,” he said, releasing me and then immediately steadying me again
as I stumbled a little, “I see you haven’t changed a bit. Except perhaps in height! How’s Renée?”

“Thanks dad,” he hated being called Charlie by me, he insisted on being ‘dad’ even if I rarely saw
him. My only problem was mum only ever called him Charlie and sometimes that kind of habit is
hard to break. “Mom’s good yeah, it’s nice to see you.”

Luckily I hadn’t brought much luggage so it wasn’t hard to slam it all into the trunk of the cruiser.
Most of my desert weather clothing wasn’t exactly suitable for my new home, to the point where
mum and I actually had to pool our resources and do a quick shop for some thicker clothes before I

“I’ve found you a car by the way - real cheap but I think it’ll suit you,” Charlie announced as we
strapped ourselves in. I was immediately suspicious. ‘Suit me’ how?
“What sort of car is it?”

“Well ok, technically it’s more of a truck. It’s a Chevy.”

Ok yeah that would fit into the new lesbain aesthetic I was going to try and cultivate - colder
weather means more layers so I figured it was time to fully capitalise on my identity and dress the

“Where did you find it?”

“Do you remember my old friend Billy Black? From down at La Push?”

La Push is the tiny Indian reservation on the coast.

“” It had, after all, been quite a few years since I set foot anywhere near Forks.

“He used to go fishing with us during the summer?” Charlie’s further prompting did help me
realise why I didn't remember him. I didn’t pay attention to the fishing on the fishing trips - there
were far too many other things to pay attention too.

“He’s in a wheelchair now,” Charlie continued on. I had to admire how he steamrolled through my
silence. “It makes driving sort of impossible for him so when I asked about it he offered to sell me
his truck cheap”

“What year is it?” I asked, watching his expression shift into a frown. Clearly he had been hoping I
wouldn’t ask.



“Fine, fine. Well, if you count all the work Billy did on the engine, it's really only a few years old.”

Whilst I enjoyed his question dodging tactics, I really hoped he didn’t think I’d give up that easy. If
I inherited anything from both of my parents it was their stubborness. Standing our ground is
something all three of us are perhaps too good at.

“When did Billy buy it dad?”

“Uh, he bought it in 1984 I think…”

“Was it new when he bought it”

“No, I think it was probably new in the early 60’s… late 50s maybe,” he slowly, got more sheepish
as he spoke.

“Ch- Dad, you do know I don’t know anything about cars,” something I really needed to work on
if I wanted to upgrade my lesbian club membership to gold, “If anything went wrong I wouldn’t be
able to fix it and I definitely wouldn’t be able to afford a mechanic-”

“Bella it will be fine, honestly the thing runs great. They don't build cars like it anymore, don’t
worry about it.”

“ cheap is cheap?” After all, I didn’t really have a lot of money and that was the one thing I
really couldn’t compromise on. Economy economy economy and all that.

“...I sort of, well honey I kind of already bought it for you. Think of it as a homecoming gift…”
Charlie peeked across at me like a hopeful puppy dog.

Huh… free. That was… unexpected… wow. Uhm.

“You really didn’t need to do that, I was going to buy myself a car-”

“I don’t mind Bells. I just- I want you to be happy here,” he stared dead ahead at the road. He
wasn’t the best at expressing his emotions. It was something I’d inherited from him, and I
appreciated the effort he was making. I stared straight ahead in solidarity as I responded in kind.

“That’s really nice dad. Thank you. I really appreciate it.” Having a free truck would definitely
improve my Forks experience, even if I remained uncertain I would achieve True Happiness™, at
least Charlie was trying his best to help.

“Well, now, you’re welcome,” he mumbled, continuing to stare straight ahead with a light flush on
his cheeks. My thanks had embarrassed him. Never let it be said that Charlie Swan can take
positive and genuine feedback. He Cannot.

Aside from a few more remarks about the weather (wet) and our relative health (fine), that was
pretty much it for conversation. I couldn’t find anything to say and he was all talked out from the
brief heart-to-heart. We stared out the windows in silence.

It was beautiful. Even I couldn’t deny that. On that brief car journey I saw more green than I’ve
ever seen in my entire life. Everything was green - the trees, the trunks of the trees, the moss, the
branches weighed down with rain, the ferns, the grass, everything. It seemed that even the air itself
was green as it filtered down through the leaves. An overabundance of green. To a desert-dweller
like myself it seemed like an alien planet.

Eventually we reached the house. The same house that Charlie and my mother had bought in the
early days of their marriage. A small-two bedroom house that was just right for newly-wedded
spouses looking to start a family. Unfortunate that whilst the house was just right it had turned out
their marriage wasn’t. I briefly felt a pang of sympathy for the man who got up everyday in an
empty house that he had once dreamt would hold his family.

I was distracted from this emotion by the faded red truck parked in the never-changing driveway. I
stared at it. Perfect. Big round fenders and a bulbous cab, a solid iron affair that could stand up for
itself if it ever got in a fight with another car. It was the sort of car that you would see unscratched
in the middle of an accident - untouched amongst the debris of its opponents. I loved it
immediately. This vehicle would definitely give me clout amongst my fellow lesbians. I took a
brief moment to wonder what the LGBT scene here was like before I dismissed the thought with a
shake of my head. I could worry about that later after I’d met my fellow classmates. Everyone
knows that gays are pack beings, all I had to do was find the local gathering. Given everything I
knew from past experience I wouldn’t even have to try that hard, we’d just gravitate together.
“Thanks Dad! I love it!” This also meant my first day at school tomorrow would be a lot less
painful. Much cooler to rock up in a truck than my dads police car, or walk two miles in the rain
and look like a drowned rat - my only choice prior to The Truck Reveal.

“...I’m glad you like it” was the gruff response from my emotionally stunted father. Maybe that
was something we should work on together.

Unsurprisingly, it only took one trip to get my stuff upstairs to my room. It was the west bedroom
that looked out over the front yard that had belonged to me since I was born. The only thing that
really changed over the years was the crib being upgraded to a bed, and the addition of a desk with
a computer so I could do my work. Charlie had also installed a landline so I could easily talk to
mum. Everything else - the wooden floors, the blue walls, the yellow lace curtains, even the
rocking chair from my baby days - remained untouched by the passage of time.

There was one bathroom that I would have to share with Charlie. That should be fine though. I’m
trying not to sweat too much over the small stuff and the things I cannot change.

One of the best things about Charlie is he doesn’t hover unnecessarily. He left me to unpack and
settle in without cluttering up my room; something my mother would never have achieved. The
breathing space was nice, I could take a few moments to just sit and consider the consequences of
all my life choices that had led me to this moment. No need to smile or pretend. I stared out the
window at the now sleeting rain and thought of home. Home with my mother, not the house where
I now live. A few tears slowly tracked down my face before I brushed them away. If I was really
going to have a proper cry then I would do it later, for now it was time to finish unpacking.

As I shifted clothes from point A to point B, I pondered what it would be like to be the new girl.
Forks High School, much like the town itself, has a very small population of only 357 (now 358)
students who had all grown up together; whose grandparents had probably grown up together. And
I would be the outsider, the big city freak, a curiosity… being gay probably wouldn’t help either.

Maybe if I could manage to meet people’s expectations as the chief's daughter from Phoenix it
would be ok but I already knew that I wouldn't be what people were expecting. I am not tan, sporty
or blonde - to be honest I’d probably fit in with the good people of Forks more than I fit in in
Arizona. I was certainly pale enough to look as though I’d never even heard of the sun - I didn’t
even have the excuse of blue eyes or ginger hair to justify my permanent state of paleness. As for
sporty… whilst I was slender enough I was obviously no athlete, I wasn’t even cheerleader quality
let alone a volleyball player; in fact, given my extraordinary lack of hand-eye-coordination, in any
sport I attempted I was a danger to both myself and others.

One of my worries was that, much as I never physically fit in, I have never managed to relate well
to people my own age. Well, if we’re being honest I’ve never been able to relate to people full
stop, not even my own mother, but I guess that’s what comes of constantly hiding a large part of
yourself. As I’d come to grips with who I am over recent years, and especially after I came out it
seemed to get easier. I found myself being able to connect to people more. Before it felt as though I
was forcing myself to look through other people’s glasses and the prescription was off so nothing
made sense, I often found myself wondering if I was seeing the same things as everyone else or if I
was just faulty. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - I didn’t care about what caused it, just how
it affected me. Yet… since I started to work things out the world has gotten clearer.

I worry that being thrown into a new and possibly hostile school environment will result in a new
pair of unfitting and badly-prescribed glasses being shoved back onto my face.

Needless to say my thoughts spiralled into self-doubt and social-anxiety and I didn’t sleep very
well. It wasn’t helped by the foreign sound of the constant wind and rain whooshing around
outside my window. I managed to drift off well past midnight and suffered for it when I awoke.

Whilst the overnight torrential rain had finally stopped, the world now appeared to be surrounded
in a thick layer of fog. I missed the sky. I felt shut in. Claustrophobic.

Breakfast was a quiet affair but to be honest I expected nothing less. Charlie wished me luck at
school and I sent a quick prayer to the gods that luck may actually find me this time. My
clumsiness and persistent bad luck had led to my downfall many times in the past. He left the
house before me, rushing off to the police station that he had devoted his life to. I took a few
moments to fully take in his small kitchen in the bright light of day.

Nothing had changed. The cabinets on the walls were still the bright yellow that my mother had
painted them 18years ago in an attempt to bring sunshine into the darkly paneled room. The table
was the same old square oak table. None of the chairs matched. From where I sat I could see into
the possibly even smaller family room. A row of pictures hung over the fireplace. There was a
photo of Charlie and Mum’s wedding day, one of the three of us in the hospital when I was born,
and an entire series of my school photos. Embarrassing. If I was ever going to have friends over (if
I ever had friends), then I’d have to ask him to move them elsewhere.

Still… it was nice to know I held a large place in his life. He clearly loved me - and to some extent
my mom - very much. I didn’t know how to feel about the fact that I held such a large part of his
heart whilst he held so very little of mine. Hopefully time would allow that to change.

I didn’t want to be early to school but I also didn’t want my thoughts to spiral as I knew it would
just upset me, so I grabbed my overly large jacket (appropriate lesbian apparel in my mind) and
headed out into the rain. Ok so it was more of a drizzle than rain but as someone for Arizona, land
of heat, sun and clear skies, I didn’t really feel the need to differentiate. At least it wasn’t enough to
immediately drench me as I reached for the hidden house key under the eaves and locked the
house up behind me. My brand spanking new waterproof boots, unnecessary for the desert but not
for Forks, made disconcerning sloshing noises as I walked. Have I mentioned that I hate wet
weather. I climbed straight into the truck without pausing to admire it - I’d rather be out of the
misty wet that was trying to frizz my hair than idle around looking at my new truck, kickass as it is.

It was nice and dry inside the truck, instantly reasurring me that it didn’t leak. Either Billy or
Charlie had very clearly cleaned it up - yet despite the spick and span interior, amongst the tan
upholstered seats there remained a lingering smell of tobacco, gasoline, and peppermint.
Thankfully the engine started quickly, roaring loudly to life and then continuing to idle at top
volume. Unexpectedly, even the antique radio worked! Fantastic.

Despite the fact that the school completely failed to look like a school - instead appearing as a
collection of maroon coloured houses - I found it fairly easily; mostly due to the large sign reading
‘Forks High School’. It didn’t feel like an institution at all to me - there were far too many trees
and not enough chain-link fences or metal detectors.

I parked in front of the first building which, judging by the small sign over the door, was the front
office. The complete absence of any other vehicles did make me think that parking here was off
limits, but at least this way I could get directions instead of trying to work it out on my own like a
fool. Taking a deep breath to fortify myself, I stepped out of my toasty warm truck and headed on
down the little stone path to the office. It was much warmer inside than I had expected, and
brightly lit to boot. Inside the small room there was an even smaller waiting area with padded
folding chairs and the kind of carpet that looks like it could be a bus seat. I wonder if schools and
buses get their materials from the same places. The walls were cluttered with notices and awards,
along with a big clock that ticked intrusively loudly in case you weren’t sure how much time you
were wasting. It seemed that even indoors I couldn’t escape the pervasive lusciousness of Forks;
plants were growing everywhere in large plastic pots. The room itself was divided by a long
counter, it’s top as cluttered with baskets full of papers as the front was plastered with colourful
flyers. Behind this counter there were three desks and one person. The bespectacled red-head was
bedecked in a purple t-shirt which made my double denim plaid-clad look seem slightly like
overkill. Then again if I wanted to attract the local gays I had to put out signals.

She looked up at me

“Can I help you?”

“I’m Isabella Swan…” my introduction alone was enough. I saw her eyes light up in awareness.
Fantastic. I was a topic of gossip already, my mere presence alone noteworthy. The Chief's
daughter finally returned home after his ex-wife took her and fled.

“Of course, of course,” she said, as she dug through a precarious pile of paper on her desk, “I have
your schedule right here, along with a map of the school.” She brought several sheets to the
counter to show me.

She went through my classes and highlighted the best route to each on the map for me. She also
gave me a slip which I was to bring back at the end of the day after I got each teacher to sign it. She
smiled at me and hoped, much as Ch- my dad had, that I would like it here in Forks. I smiled back
and said I hoped so too. After all, I really did hope I would grow to like it here.

By the time I got back to my truck, other students had started to arrive - which meant there was a
handy line of traffic for me to follow. Thankfully many of the cars were just like mine - old and
only flashy when the headlights flickered. Back in Phoenix I’d lived in one of the few lower-
income neighbourhoods included in the Paradise Valley District, meaning it was pretty common to
see a new Mercedes or Porsche in the school lot; whereas the nicest car here was a shiny Volvo
which stood out. Still, I cut the engine as soon as I pulled into a space so the thunderous noise of
my engine wouldn’t draw attention.

I took out the map and immediately tried to memorize it, hoping to God I wouldn’t have to walk
around with my nose stuck in it all day. I stuffed it into my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder
and took a deep breath. I took the opportunity to lie to myself once more. I could do this. No one
was going to bite me. I breathed out and stepped out of the truck.

I kept my face pulled back into my hood as I joined the throng of teenagers on the sidewalk,
noticing with relief that my outfit didn’t make me stick out. Once I got past the cafeteria, it was
easy to spot building three - it had a large black “3” painted on a square in the corner. As I
approached the door I felt my steady breathing slip closer to unsteady hyperventilating. I tried
holding my breath as I followed others through the door.

The classroom itself was small. I copied the people in front of me as they stopped inside the door
to hang their coats up on a long row of hooks. They were two girls, one a porcelain-coloured
blonde, the other also pale, with light brown hair. My hunch that my skin would be more at home
here than in Arizona seemed to be proving itself correct.

I took the slip up to the teacher, Mr Mason judging by his nameplate. Upon reading my name he
gawked at me which was not incredibly encouraging, to say the least, and caused me to flush a
bright red. In an act of small mercies he sent me to an empty desk at the back of the class without
introducing me, or making me introduce myself, to the rest of the class. This seating also had the
benefit of making it much harder for my new classmates to stare at me; something they somehow
managed anyway. I kept my head down, staring at the reading list the teacher had given me. It
was… basic. Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner; all of which I had already read. This was
both reassuring (at least I would do well) and dull. I had hoped I would at least learn something
from all this. I wondered if mom would send me all my old essays or if she would consider it
cheating. I enacted different arguments with her in my head whilst the teacher droned on.

When the nasal buzzing sound of the bell rang out a gangly boy with jet black hair leaned across
the aisle to talk to me.

“You’re Isabella Swan, aren’t you?” he asked, radiating helpful chess club vibes

“Bella,” I regretted speaking aloud when everyone within a three-seat radius turned to look at me.

“Where’s your next class?” he asked me

I had to check in my bag.

“Um, Government, with Jefferson. Building six.” I couldn’t look anywhere without meeting the
curious eyes of a Forks Student.

“My next class is in building four - I could show the way if you want. I’m Eric by the way,” he
looked at me hopefully.

I smiled tentatively at him.


We got our jackets and headed out into the rain which, surprise surprise, had picked up. I felt a bit
like a zoo exhibit, like people were straining their ears to hear my every word - curious about the
out of town curiosity.

“So, this is a lot different from Phoenix huh?” Eric asked.


“It doesn’t really rain much there, does it?”

“No not at all, maybe three or four times a year”

“Holy hell. I can’t even imagine what that would be like!”

“Sunny” I deadpanned

“You don’t look particularly tanned though.”

And there it was. The inevitable observation. Luckily for me I had a whole stockpile of stupid
retorts to this very common accusation.

“My mother is part albino.”

He stared at me. I stared straight back. There was a brief battle of wills as he tried to work out how
serious I was before my mouth twitched and he cracked into a smile. Damn.

We walked back around the cafeteria towards the south buildings by the gym. Eric walked me
right to the door, even though it was very clearly marked.

“Well good luck,” he said as I grabbed the door handle. “Maybe we’ll have some other classes
together.” He sounded hopeful. I smiled vaguely at him and went inside.

The rest of the morning passed in much the same way. My trigonometry teacher, Mr Varner, who I
would have disliked anyway because he taught maths and I’m Gay, was the only one who made
me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. It didn’t go well and I predictably tripped over
my own feet on the way back to my seat.

After the first two classes, I began to recognize several of the faces in each class. There was always
someone braver than the others who would talk to me, introducing themselves and asking me
questions about how I was liking Forks. I tried to be nice and diplomatic but in all honesty - I
hadn’t even been here two full days at this point and I refused to form a solid opinion until it had
been at least a week. On the bright side I never once needed to look at the map.
One girl had sat next to me in both Trig and Spanish, and she walked with me to the cafeteria for

She was tiny - several inches shorter than my 5”4’, but her wildly curly dark hair made up a lot of
the difference between our heights. I was fairly certain her name was Jessica but I didn’t want to
get it wrong so I mainly smiled and nodded as she gossiped about the teachers and classes.

We sat at the end of a full table with several of her friends who she introduced me to. I nodded back
to each of them in turn and joked loudly that I was terrible at names; it was true and I’d found it
was much easier to be up front about the fact that I had no idea who anyone was than lying about
it. Her friends all seemed impressed at her bravery in speaking to me. The boy from English, Eric,
waved at me from across the room. It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make
conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.

They were sitting in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where I sat as possible and
removed from everyone else.

There were five of them. Sat in silent solidarity, untouched food trays in front of them. Unlike most
of the other students, they weren’t even gawking at me. Unwittingly giving me the freedom to stare
at them without fearing the return gaze of an excessively interested pair of eyes. Yet it was none of
these things that caught, and subsequently held, my attention.

They didn’t look anything alike. Of the three boys, one was big - muscled like a serious weight
lifter, with dark curly hair. Another was taller, leaner but still muscular and honey blond. The last
was lanky, less bulky, with untidy bronze-coloured hair. He was more boyish than the others. In
fact, the first word that sprung to mind upon viewing him was ‘twink’. Were these the local gays?
Could these be my people? Even if the rest of them were straight, he radiated gay energy in a way
that’s entirely undefinable unless you’re part of the queer community.

The girls were opposites. The tall one was statuesque. She was beautiful both in face and body; she
looked like a model. The kind of girl that you could never decide if you wanted to be her or be with
her. Her hair was golden and gently waved down to the middle of her back. If I hadn’t already had
a gay crisis she would have sent me into a spiral, and if it wasn’t for the presence of the second girl
I’d be in danger of developing a serious and unrequited crush. The second girl looked like she’d
walked out of my dreams. She was pixielike and ethereal. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short
and sticking in every direction. Her energy was incredible and undefinable. I immediately never
wanted to talk to her and wanted to hang out with her every day. Whoever said lesbains were
useless was right. I have never in my life felt more useless. My mouth was almost definitely open.

Amongst my big gay meltdown, I somehow still managed to pull enough brain cells together to
figure out what was bothering me. Despite all of these differences, they were all somehow exactly
alike. Everyone of them was chalky pale. The palest of all the students who lived in this sunless
hellhole. Paler even than me - and that was a high bar. They all had very dark eyes despite the
range in their hair tones. They also had dark shadows under those eyes as if they hadn’t slept for a
month or were recovering from a broken nose. I sat entranced. All of them, all their faces, so
different and so similar, were devastatingly and inhumanly beautiful. They were the sort of faces
that only existed in airbrushed magazines or art galleries. Objectively it would be incredibly
difficult to say who was the most beautiful. All of them shone. Unfortunately for me, my dumb
lesbian brain had already picked one to latch onto.

They were all looking away - and not just from other students but from each other as well - away
from everything as far as I could tell. As I watched the Light Of My Lesbian Life rose with her tray
(unopened soda, unbitten apple), and floated away from the table with the graceful sort of lope that
would have fit right in on a fashion runway. I stared, amazed at her lithe dancer’s step. I followed
her journey all the way to where she dumped her tray and then back to the back door, as she glided
away from me faster than I would have thought possible. I glanced back at the others who
remained sat, unchanging.

“Who are they?” I asked the girl from my Spanish class, whose name was probably Jessica. As she
looked up to see who I meant, probably well aware from my awestruck tone, the twink looked up
at me. We made direct eye contact across the room. He looked away very quickly, quicker than I
could have, but that didn't stop his dark eyes being burnt into my retinas. Within that brief flash of
a glance, his face held nothing of interest - almost as if it was an involuntary response to hearing
his name get called with no intention of answering.

Jessica, I’m fairly certain her name was Jessica, giggled in embarrassment and joined me in
examining the uninteresting tabletop.

“That’s Edward and Emmett Cullen, and Rosalie and Jasper Hale. The one who left earlier was
Alice Cullen,” she paused to nudge me with her elbow, I hadn’t put much thought into being subtle
but I suppose if I had I wouldn’t have been as subtle as I thought, “they all live together with
Doctor Cullen and his wife.” She continued on, speaking under her breath as if she would be

I glanced sideways at Twink McBedHead, who at this point had resorted to playing with his food -
picking at a bagel with long pale fingers. His mouth was moving very quickly and, whilst the other
three continued to look away, I felt he was talking to them. I missed Alice.

They all seemed to have very strange and unpopular names, the sort of names your grandparents
would have. Maybe that was a thing here though - small town names and all that… then again
Jessica and Eric were very normal names so it was probably just them.

“They’re… very nice-looking” I said, aiming for conspicuous understatement and definitely not
getting away with it.

“Yep!” Jessica agreed with another giggle, “they never date anyone though, they’re all really close
knit with each other. There were even some rumours they were dating each other for a while but
they’ve sort of died down. And they all live together too!” Her voice held all the excitement of
sharing old gossip with new people, and in her defense, it was pretty good gossip. The kind that
would even be considered noteworthy in Phoenix.

“Which ones are the Cullens?” I asked, “They don’t look related…”

“Oh, they’re not. Dr. Cullen is really young, in his twenties or early thirties. They’re all adopted.
The Hales are brother and sister, twins - the blondes that is - and they’re foster children.”

“They look a little old for foster children.”

“They are now, Jasper and Rosalie are both eighteen, but they’ve been with Mrs Cullen since they
were eight. She’s their aunt or something like that.”

“That’s really kind of nice - for them to take care of all those kids like that, when they’re so young
and everything.”

“I guess so,” Jessica admitted reluctantly, and I got the impression that, for some unknowable
reason, she didn’t like the doctor and his wife. Going by the glances she was throwing at their
adopted children, I would assume the reason was jealousy.

Throughout this entire conversation, my eyes flickered again and again to the table where the
strange family sat. They continued to stare at the walls and not eat.

“Have they always lived in Forks?” I asked. If I’d had my gay spiral crisis earlier it would’ve made
things much easier and I had no doubts that no matter the age I was, seeing the Cullens would have
definitely triggered something.

“No,” she said in a voice that implied it should be obvious, even to someone like me who’d only
been here for a day or so. “They just moved down two years ago from somewhere in Alaska.”

I felt a simultaneous surge of both pity and relief. On one hand I felt bad that they were outsiders
and clearly not accepted, but on the other hand, the fact that I wasn’t the only newcomer and was
definitely not the most interesting one at any rate was definitely a relief.

As I examined them, the youngest twinkiest Cullen looked up and met my gaze, this time with an
evident curiosity. I looked swiftly away, noting that his glance seemed to hold some sort of unmet

“Which one is the tw- the one with the reddish brown hair?” I asked. I peeked at him from the
corner of my eye. He was definitely still staring at me, he wasn’t gawking like the other students
today had but he did have a slightly frustrated expression which was a bit odd. I looked down

“That’s Edward. He’s gorgeous, if you’re into that of course, but I wouldn’t waste your time if I
were you. First off he doesn’t date and secondly…” she trailed off here before looking at me
significantly. I looked back at her and she nudged me gently again. My gay-dar twitched. We took
a moment to assess each other before I nodded back at her. She grinned at me “You too huh, I’m
the big ol’ B. What about you?”

“Oh you know, L stands for more than Loser with me. You really think he’s…” I trailed off
meaningfully. I was ecstatic to have found a like minded friend so quickly. I knew gays flocked
together. This was going to make school life so much easier. She nodded back at me. There was a
lot of nodding going on.

Biting my lip to hide my grin, I turned and glanced back at their table again. Twink-le toes was
turned away from where we were sat but it appeared to me he was smiling too. After a few more
minutes the four of them left the table together. They were all noticeably graceful in an unsettling
sort of way; even the big, brawny one. None of them looked at me on the way out.

I sat with Jessica and her friends longer than I would have stayed sat had I been alone; I was
anxious not to be late for class on my first day. One of my new acquaintances, who thankfully
reminded me her name was Angela, also had Biology II next, so we walked to class together. She
was also fairly shy around people so we walked there in silence.

When we entered the classroom, she went to sit at a black-topped lab table exactly like the ones I
was used to. She already had a lab partner. In fact, every single one of the tables were filled bar
one. The one remaining seat, right next to the centre aisle, was right by Mr CopperBottom himself:
Edward Cullen.

I did my best to watch him surreptitiously as I walked down the aisle to get my slip signed and
introduce myself to the teacher. As I passed him, he tilted his head like there was water in his ears
and stared at me with the most curious expression on his face. He stared at me like I was an
unsolvable puzzle; but the kind that frustrates you because it should be simple. It was not a
particularly nice or friendly expression. I looked away quickly, stumbling over a book in the
walkway and catching myself on the edge of a table. The girl who was sat there giggled, I figured
‘to hell with this’ and winked at her. I thought back to his eyes and their disturbingly dark colour.
They were black. Coal Black.

Mr Banner signed my slip and handed me a book with no nonsense introductory bullshit. I could
tell we were going to get along. Unfortunately, he had no choice but to send me back to the one
open seat in the middle of the room. I kept my eyes down as I went to sit by him, bewildered by the
glare he’d shot me earlier.

I didn’t look up as I set my book on the table and took my seat, but I did see his posture change in
the corner of my eye. He twisted in his seat, his minute body language straining towards me in a
way I really couldn’t define. He was staring dead ahead but his head was cocked to the side like he
was listening intently in my direction. His face was furrowed into a frown. The lecture wasn’t
nearly interesting enough to warrant that much concentration - despite having studied cellular
anatomy before, I diligently took notes, using my hair as a screen to hide my face from him. He
could be an arse all he wanted, that didn’t mean I had to watch him do it. Maybe he wasnt gay and
was intrigued by my Lesbian Wiles. If that were the case, I’d have to let him down gently and try
and find an opening to ask about his sister.
I couldn’t stop myself peeking occasionally at him through the hair I had so carefully curtained
round my face. I couldn’t work out why he seemed so disturbed by my presence. Was he scared of
lesbians? During the whole class, he never once relaxed his bizarrely contorted body. Somehow
managing to strain both towards and away from me all at once. A feat I would have been
impressed by had I not been so busy being offended and confused. He never relaxed. I was
surprised to notice actual muscle underneath the light skin of his forearm. Muscle I could only see
because of how he’d rolled the long sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows (possibly further proof he
wasn’t as straight as all that) and how he was gripping the edge of his chair. I briefly considered
attempting to make conversation.

The class seemed to drag on longer than the others. I couldn’t work out if it was because I was so
close to being able to go home (or at least, back to Charlie’s house) or if it was because of the
strained and awkward atmosphere. What was going on with this dude? He would occasionally
twitch, like he’d been distracted by a sudden sound, but he mostly sat rock still in that same
awkward position. If he turned out to be homophobic I’d flip my shit. He radiated gay-boy vibes
like no one else, yet he held himself like an awkward straight man who was torn between hitting
on me and just straight up hittting me. I continued to be confused.

I peeked back at him one more time. I regretted it. He was staring straight at me, brow furrowed in
concentration, his black eyes full of confusion, befuddlement, and almost a hint of disgust. I
flinched back from him, shrinking into my chair. Seriously, what was his problem.

At that moment, the bell rang loudly, shocking me like a defibrillator, and Sir Twink-a-lot
jettisoned fluidly out of his seat, revealing himself to be taller than I thought. He was out the door
before anyone else was out of their seat.

I sat there, frozen, staring somewhat blankly after him. He wasn’t very nice, it didn’t feel great to
be treated like that on my first fucking day in school. What a weirdo. I began to slowly gather my
things, slowly getting more furious with the way he had acted. It wasn’t fair. I felt my eyes prickle
and hurriedly shutdown my emotions. Why God had felt the need to curse me with tear ducts that
were hardwired into my temper was beyond me. It was humiliating.

“Aren’t you Isabella swan?” a male voice asked me, thankfully interrupting my rapid spiral of self-

I looked up to see an adorable baby-faced boy. His pale blonde hair was carefully gelled into
orderly spikes and he was smiling at me in a very friendly way. Clearly not everyone was thrown
into some sort of bizarre feedback loop upon meeting me.

“Bella,” I corrected, for what felt like the 60th time that day. I smiled at him. “Hi.”

“Hi, I’m Mike”

“Hi Mike” I smiled just a bit wider, this kind of stupid was a relief after the past hour of tense

“Do you need any help finding your next class?”

“I’m headed to the gym actually - I reckon I can probably find it.”

“Oh hey! That’s my next class too.” He seemed thrilled. Though to be honest, in a school this
small it wasn’t much of a coincidence.

We walked to class together. Thankfully he was a chatterbox so he supplied most of the

conversation and I didn’t have to engage my brain. He’d lived in California until he was ten, so he
knew how I felt about the sun. It turned out he was also in my English class and he was possibly
one of the nicest people I’d met today. It helped that he registered on my vibe-o-meter as a fellow

As we were entering the gym, he asked me, “So, did you stab Eddie with a pencil or what? I’ve
never seen him act like that.”

I cringed. So it was abnormal behaviour and I wasn’t the only one who had noticed. I decided to
play dumb.

“Was that the boy I sat next to in Biology?” I asked artlessly.

“Yeah,” he said. “He looked like he was having a crisis. He stared at you like he’d never seen a
human being before”

“I don’t know,” I responded. “I never even spoke to him. I hope he doesn't Like Me for his sake…
although to be honest, I can’t say I think I’m his… type.”

“He’s a weird dude. He is hot though you gotta give him that - and you’re definitely not his type,
no offense,” he winked at me, lingering outside the dressing rooms with me instead of heading in,
“if I were lucky enough to sit by you I’m sure we’d have discovered that we have a lot in

I smiled at him before walking into the girl’s locker room door. It was my first day and I’d already
found 2 confirmed gays. Nice. Alas, Mike’s friendly charm and the prospect of fellow queers
wasn’t enough to ease my irritation. The Gym teacher, Coach Clapp, found me a uniform but
didn’t make me dress down for today’s class. Back in Arizona, only two years of P.E were
required. Unfortunately for both my health and everyone else's, here P.E was mandatory for all
four years of high school. Thanks, I hate it.

I sat on the sidelines and watched as four volleyball games ran simultaneously. I flashed back to
how many injuries I had managed to both gain and inflict during this game in the past and felt
vaguely nauseated.

The final bell finally rang, I walked slowly to the office to return my paperwork. Thankfully the
rain had actually managed to drift away, however the wind made up for it by being stronger and
colder. I wrapped my arms around myself and walked into the warm office.

I walked towards the desk, thinking back over the day and wondering if Edward would ever change
his tune. It wasn’t that important but if we were going to be lab partners it would be nice to have a
conversation. Also I have a great need to be liked at all times and he was really not helping with
that. I handed over the signed slip.

“How did your first day go, dear?” the receptionist asked.

“Oh it was pretty alright.” I said, somewhat surprised to discover how true that was. She smiled at

When I got to the truck, it was almost the last car left in the lot and it's warm interior seemed like a
haven. I sat there for a while, staring blankly into the distance, before turning the key. The engine
roared to life, louder than I remembered, and I headed home to Charlie’s.
Open Book
Chapter Notes

Why is this so long I'm so full of self-loathing it's so much skdnsmn

Anyway... Chapter two here we go they finally have a conversation it's only taking

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The next day was better. It wasn’t raining (though the clouds were dense and opaque) and the
school day was bound to be easier because I knew what to expect from my day. Mike came and sat
with me in English and walked me to my next class - we also hung out with Eric but the seating
arrangement didn’t enable us to all sit together. People didn’t look at me quite as much as they had
yesterday. I sat with a big group at lunch that included both Mike and Eric, along with Jessica and
several other people whose names and faces I now remembered. I felt like I was finally beginning
to find my people, slowly gathering my brethren of gays, like I was part of a community. I felt like
I was starting to tread water instead of straight up drowning.

However, in some ways it was worse. I was tired; I still couldn’t sleep with the noise of the wind
echoing round the house. It was worse because Mr. Varner called on me in Trig when I very
deliberately hadn’t raised my hand because I didn’t know the answer and he then had the audacity
to be shocked when I was wrong. It was miserable because I had to play volleyball. And I am Bad
at volleyball. No, not bad, atrocious. The only time I managed to not cringe away from the ball as it
came towards me I managed to smack my teammate in the head with it. And it was worse because
Alice Cullen, goddess of all she surveys and my heart, wasn’t in school.

All morning I looked forward to getting a glimpse of the never-to-be wife of my dreams, yearning
for a chance to glance upon her person across the crowded room. Part of me wanted to see if there
was an opportunity to strike up a conversation; to the point where I had lay awake in my bed
imagining different conversations we could have. But I knew I would never have the guts to
approach her, and even if I did, I'm sure I would be rendered speechless in her presence.

But when I walked into the cafeteria with Jessica and casually let my eyes fall upon their table, she
wasn’t there; and bizarrely neither was Edward. Instead their three sort-of-siblings were sitting
together at the same table, not-picking at their food, without them.

Mike intercepted us and steered us towards his table, where we all settled in pretty quick. As I tried
to listen to their easy chatter, I mourned the loss of my love and pondered on the absence of the
twink. I hoped Alice would surprise me and turn up but she never did (and neither did Edward but
that’s neither here nor there).
By the end of lunch, neither of them had shown and I headed to biology confident in the knowledge
that at least today’s lesson would be free from awkward tense silence. Mike and I headed down the
corridor together, betting on whether we thought Cullen would show his face, we both won when
he didn’t. I headed to my seat as Mike began to chatter about an upcoming trip to the beach that
Jessica had been muttering about. It would be fun to get the pack together on an outing, I’d never
been invited anywhere with a group of gays before and it was bound to be a good time. He lingered
by my desk debating hypotheticals and what ifs of beach related disasters until the bell rang, at
which point he grimaced awkwardly and sloped towards his desk and his lab-partner; a girl with
braces, a bad perm and an unfortunate crush. I grimaced back at him. God knows I had experienced
enough troubles with The Straights to sympathise. It seemed odd to me, that in a town this small,
where everyone lived on top of everyone else, that somehow it was only the gays who were Aware
of each other and the LGBT community. Then again, that did tend to be the way. Ah, the
heteronormativity of it all.

I was relieved that I had the desk to myself. That Edwin was absent. I did wonder what it was that
kept him from school but ultimately it didn’t concern me. I just hoped that by the next time I saw
him he would have got his shit together. I could do without someone staring at me incessantly for
the next few years. He’d better be gay for his own sake because if he wasn’t that would make it
infinitely worse; and if he was crushing on me God knows Mike would never let me hear the end
of it. Neither would Jessica for that matter.

Alas my good mood was ruined by the appalling game of volleyball that had followed but once the
school day was finally done I fled to the parking lot, walking swiftly through the crowds of
students. I climbed into my truck and dug through my bag to ensure I had what I needed.

Last night I had discovered that it was a miracle Charlie had ever survived to the ripe old age of 36
on his own - the man couldn’t cook much more than your basic eggs and bacon. So I asked if I
could be in charge of the kitchen for the duration of my stay. Surprisingly, he not only agreed to
my supreme reign of the banquet hall, but he also requested that he be allowed to help. Maybe I
could teach him some things so I wouldn’t have to worry about his cholesterol once I’d left him
behind. I had also discovered that he had No Food in his house. Well he had two boxes of cereal, a
bag of what probably used to be potatoes and three tins of soup but… that definitely didn’t count.
The point was I had put together a shopping list and grabbed money from the jar in the cupboard
that was labelled ‘FOOD MONEY’. Thriftway here I come.

I cranked up my music as soon as I started the truck to try and counteract the engine but ultimately
failed as heads turned in my direction as I backed carefully into the exit traffic. I hoped they
enjoyed the Ramones. As I waited in line, jamming to the quite frankly awesome music I was
playing, I saw the only present Cullen and the Hale twins get into their car. It was the shiny new
Volvo I’d noticed on my first day. Of course, I hadn’t paid much attention to their clothes before -
being too distracted watching my heart run away from me and being generally distracted by their
perfect faces. Now that I looked though, it became immediately clear that these gays (if they were
gay; I briefly sent a prayer to a God I didn’t believe in that at least Alice was) knew how to dress
themselves. Their outfits were not only exceptional but hinted at being designer without being
ostentatious. That was just unfair. With their good looks and flair they could carry off dishrags and
yet they had money too?! It seemed excessive for them to get wealth as well as looks, some people
really have it all. Still, their obvious wealth and style didn’t seem to have bought them any
acceptance here.

Surely not. I didn’t really fully believe that they were ostracised so completely from the rest of the
student body against their own will despite everything they had going for them. They must desire
the Isolation. This is America and everyone knows that beauty can get you anywhere, especially
beauty to that degree when accompanied by money.

I saw them look at my noisy truck as I passed them, just like everyone else had. I kept my eyes
straight forward, something I was getting a lot of practice doing, and breathed a sigh of relief when
I was finally free of the school grounds.

Thankfully the Thriftway wasn’t very far from the school; just a few streets south. It was strangely
nice to be inside the supermarket. Reassuring. Normal. I had done the shopping at home in Phoenix
as well, and fell into the familiar task like falling into the arms of an old friend. The store was big
enough that I couldn’t even hear the tapping of the rain on the roof - taking me further into the
liminal space and out of the linear passage of time, making it possible for me to forget where I was.

When I got back to the house, I unloaded all of the groceries by just shoving them in wherever I
found space. I was sure Charlie wouldn’t mind… he HAD given me full open reign after all. I
knew he wanted to help but I was hungry so I figured it would be wiser to start dinner sooner rather
than later. Something simple should serve us fine. I wrapped some potatoes in foil and stuck them
into the oven to bake before covering a steak in marinade and balancing it on top of an egg carton
in the fridge.

When I was finished with that, I took my bag upstairs, changed into some comfy sweats, put my
hair up and considered starting doing my homework. I did not do that. Instead I checked my email
for the first time since I had arrived. I had three messages. All from my mother.

“Bella,” my mom wrote “write me as soon as you get in. I hope your flight went ok, how was it?
Tell me how your flight went!! Is it raining there I bet it is, I miss you already. I’m almost finished
packing for Florida but I can’t find my pink blouse anywhere - do you know where I put it? Phil
says hi. Mom.”

I sighed and immediately clicked through to the next message. According to the timestamp it was
sent eight hours after the first one.

“Bella,” she wrote, “Why haven’t you emailed me back yet? What are you waiting for? Are you
OK?? Please email me when you read this! Mom.”

The last email was from this morning.

“Isabella, If I haven’t heard from you by 5:30pm today I will ring Charlie, I’m worried about

I checked the clock.Technically I still had an hour but mom wasn’t always all that great at sticking
to time-limits… especially if she’d set them herself.

“Mom, calm down. I’m fine I promise I just hadn’t checked my emails. Give me a few minutes and
I’ll write you a full response! Bella”

I typed and sent that as quickly as I could before beginning a second, more composed email.

“Mom, Everything is surprisingly great! The flight was fine and of course it’s raining, it seems to
do little else here. School isn’t bad, just a tad repetitive - you wouldn’t send me any of my old
schoolwork by any chance? I’ve made some friends here too, I sit with some really nice kids at
lunch and we were thinking of maybe going to the beach. Your blouse is at the dry cleaners… you
were supposed to pick it up on Friday. Also! Charlie bought me a truck! Can you believe it?! I love
it. It’s old but really sturdy which is especially good for me. I miss you too and I’ll write again
soon! Relax, breathe. I love you. Bella. P.S I probably won’t be checking my emails every hour so
don’t panic if I don’t respond.”

I closed my laptop and went to sit on my bed. I had decided to read Wuthering Heights again just
for the fun of it, sure we were currently studying it in English but I knew it well enough by now
that the reread was genuinely for fun. When Charlie got home I’d completely lost track of the time
I’d spent stuck into the book. At least this way he’d be able to help a little in the kitchen. I hurried
down the stairs to snatch the potatoes out the oven and grab the steak from the fridge.

“Bella?” my father called out as he heard me trample my way down the stairs.

“Hey Dad! Welcome home, I’m just about to grab the potatoes out the oven and put the steak in,
then I was thinking you could help me with the salad?”

“Thanks! And sounds good, yes, I was slightly worried what I’d let myself in for when I said you
could have free reign. I remember your mother's cooking well.” As he spoke I could hear him
hanging up his gun belt and stepping out of his boots. As far as I was aware, he’d never actually
fired his gun on the job but he always kept it ready. Back when I stayed here as a child, he would
always remove the bullets as soon as he walked in through the door. Clearly I was old enough now
that he no longer worried I would accidentally shoot myself.

As I bustled around the kitchen, setting it up for salad making and ensuring the rest of dinner was
sorted, I thought over his words and found myself pleasantly surprised that he remembered what
mom’s cooking was like. Imaginative was a kind way to describe it but experimental was probably
more accurate - and the results of those experiments weren’t always edible…

“How can I help?” he asked appearing in the doorway. I gestured at him to come and stand next to
me by the counter where I had laid out all the salad ingredients.

“Well I’ve sorted out the potatoes and steak so, though they’re simple, you don't have to worry
about that right now. We’re just going to focus on making a very simple side salad”
As I showed him what to do, how to prepare the vegetables, mix them up, prepare a vinaigrette
and all that jazz, I found myself relaxing into it. This was surprisingly comfortable. I had expected
him to just leave and watch TV whilst I did the work, but this was nice too. Maybe even nicer.
When the salad was done I checked the steak and potatoes to find they were nearly ready and Ch-
...Dad set the table up with our salad as a centrepiece. He sniffed appreciatively as I brought the
rest of the food over.

“Wow, this smells good Bells”

“Thanks Dad.”

We ate in silence for a few minutes but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. Neither of us were
bothered by the quiet, warm as this one was. In some ways, it was becoming clear that we were
well suited for living together.

“So, how do you like school? Have you made any friends?” he asked, as he reached for seconds -
of salad as well as potato I was pleased to note.

“I’ve made a few friends actually yeah, I have a few classes with a girl named Jessica and I sit with
her friends at lunch. And there’s this boy called Mike who I’m friends with too. Everyone seems
pretty nice.” I replied, glossing over the incident with Eccentric Cowherder.

“Oh that must be Mike Newton! Yeah he’s a nice kid- nice family. His dad owns the sporting
foods store just outside town. All the backpackers who come through here go through him, makes
a good living off of them.”

“Do you know the Cullen family?” I asked, seeing an opportunity and knowing the answer. Of
course he knew the Cullen family. He was the Chief of Police here in Forks, it was his job to know

“Dr Cullen’s family?” he seemed surprised, and weirdly sort of flushed as well, “Sure, Dr. Cullen
is a great man.”

“Well… they- the kids… are a little different? They don’t seem to fit in very well at school”

Charlie surprised me by looking angry at this statement.

“People in this town,” he muttered. “Dr. Cullen is a brilliant surgeon who could probably work in
any hospital in the world, make ten times the salary he gets here,” he continued, steadily increasing
in volume. “We’re lucky to have him - lucky that Esme wanted to live in a small town.” I was
briefly thrown by the familiar address he used to talk about Dr. Cullens family but he carried on
without a pause for me to question it, “He’s an asset to the community, and all of those kids are
well behaved and polite. I had my doubts, when they first moved in with all those adopted
teenagers. I thought we might have some problems with them. But they’re all very mature and I
haven’t had one speck of trouble from any of them. That’s more than I can say for the children of
some folks who have lived in this town for generations. And they stick together too, the way a
family should - camping trips every other weekend… Just because they’re newcomers people have
to talk. It's Not Fair.”
I feel it’s important to note here that this is the longest speech I have ever heard Charlie make in
my entire life. He clearly felt very strongly about whatever it was people were saying about the
Cullen family. Although, I was starting to wonder if it would be easier to come out to him than I
thought; he certainly seemed somewhat enchanted by the Doctor.

I backpedaled. “They seemed nice enough to me. I just noticed that they seemed to keep to
themselves a lot.” I thought about Alice. “They’re all very attractive…”

“You should see Carlisle, the doctor,” Charlie said laughing with a look in his eyes I had never
seen before, curiouser and curiouser. “It’s a good thing he’s so devoted to his family - a lot of the
nurses at the hospital have a hard time concentrating when he’s around.”

I smiled to myself, I bet it wasn’t just the nurses who were distracted by the apparently very sexy
doctor. Still, I wasn’t going to say anything until I was more certain. No point putting my foot into
it or alienating my only father this early on in my visit. We lapsed back into silence as we finished
eating. When we were done he began to clear the table while I started washing up. He soon
grabbed a towel and took over the drying and putting away. Another nice surprise. There was no
dishwasher so we would have to wash anything we used by hand and I could feel a tradition in the
making as we stood side by side, quietly enjoying each others company.

After the dishes were done I bid Charlie goodnight before heading upstairs to attempt my maths
homework and he moved into the living room to watch T.V. As soon as I’d managed to finish my
homework I collapsed into bed. The night was finally quiet and I fell asleep quickly, exhausted.

The rest of the week was uneventful. I got used to the routine of my classes and by Friday I was
able to recognize almost all of the students at school - although admittedly I couldn’t name them all
yet. Thankfully by this point, kids on my team in Gym had worked out by now not to pass me the
ball and to step quickly in front of me if it looked like the other team were going to take advantage
of me. I was more than happy to stay out of their way.

Neither Alice nor Edward showed their faces back at school. I wasn’t too bothered about the
absence of the glaring twinkie but I missed Alice. I was beginning to wonder if I’d dreamt up how
attractive and gorgeous she was. Every day, I would wait until the rest of the Cullens entered the
cafeteria without them and then I would slump into my seat and try to focus on the lunchtime
conversation. Since it was usually a discussion about the upcoming trip around La Push Ocean
Park in two weeks that Mike was putting together, it was pretty easy to follow. Exciting too - I had
been invited and was looking forward to it more than I thought I would; something that was
definitely down to the company and not the weather.

By Friday, I was beginning to wonder if there was something seriously wrong. I feared that one
fleeting glance was all I was ever going to get of my lady love. Which was infuririating and also
very homophobic of the universe. Edward was also doing an incredible impression of The Missing

My first weekend in Forks passed without incident. I know Charlie had been hoping to spend some
quality time with me but unfortunately he ended up spending a lot of time at the station. I avoided
my work by cleaning the house, emailing my mom, and driving to the very-poorly-stocked library.
Then I gave up and caught up on all my homework. I also considered making plans to go and find a
good bookstore in Olympia or Seattle soon.

The weather treated me well, with the rain staying soft over the weekend and soothing me to deep
and restful sleep.

People greeted me in the parking lot Monday morning, and whilst I didn’t know all their names, I
waved back and smiled at everyone. It was colder this evening but luckily it wasn’t raining. Mike
took his usual seat by my side in English and we had a pop quiz on Wuthering Heights; it was
straightforward, easy shit.

I found myself settling into routine much quicker than I thought I would. I was fitting in, and more
surprisingly, I was comfortable. Much more comfortable than I had ever expected to feel here.

When we walked out of class, the air was full of swirling bits of white. I could hear people
shouting in excitement, there was a sense of awe and childish glee in the air. The wind bit at my
cheeks and my nose as I tilted my head towards the sky.

“Wow,” Mike said. “It’s snowing!”

I looked at the little cotton fluffs that were building up along the sidewalk and swirling erratically
past my face.

“Huh…” Snow. I’d never properly seen snow fall before. It was sort of pretty though not at all how
I’d imagined it. Mike seemed surprised by my lack of reaction.

“Don’t you like snow?”

“I… I don’t really know to be honest. It’s all a bit new. Cold tho.” I smiled across at him, slowly
reaching a hand out to catch some.

“Have you never seen snow before?”

“In the heat of Arizona?” I shook my head ruefully, “no of course not. It’s not quite how I pictured
it - I thought it would come down in flakes like on TV. You know, with each individual flake…
This looks a bit like the end of a Q-tip.”

Mike laughed. And then a big, white ball of snow smacked violently into the back of his head,
shattering upon impact and showering us both in a fine dust of ice. We both turned around to see
where it had come from. I had suspicions about Eric, who was currently walking away from both
where we stood, and the location of his next class. Mike clearly had the same thought - local gays
sharing a brain cell. He bent down and began to scrape together a pile of white mush. I slowly
backed away.

“I’ll see you at lunch, okay?” I kept walking as I spoke. “I’m not sure my desert-dwelling body can
withstand a full snow fight in this thin a coat.”

He nodded at me, keeping his eyes fixed on Eric’s retreating figure.

Throughout the morning, everyone chattered excitedly about the snow; it was the first snowfall of
the year and apparently everyone retained their youthful exuberant reaction to snowfall. I had to
admit it was lovely, and admittedly drier than the endless rain - at least, it was until it melted into
your socks.

I walked to the cafeteria with Jessica after Spanish on high alert. There were snowballs flying
everywhere and I kept a binder in my hands, ready to bat any oncoming snow out of the way.
Though with my coordination I was bound to hit someone with the binder if I actually swung it like
a bat, so its primary use was that of a shield. Jessica thought it was pretty hilarious but admitted
that she didn't particularly want snow dripping down the back of her neck for the rest of the day
either. That and the feral gleam in my eye that promised swift and just retaliation prevented her
from throwing a snowball at me herself.

Mike caught up with us as we walked through the doors, laughing with ice melting into the
carefully maintained spikes in his hair. He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow
fight as we got in line to buy food: I allowed my mind to drift. Out of sheer habit I felt my eyes
wander over to that one table in the corner and immediately felt all the muscles in my body tense as
I entered fight or flight mode. Which I tend to register as flight or flight. I froze completely. There
were five people at the table. Jessica pulled on my arm.

“Earth to Bella, hello? Time to choose food c’mon.”

I looked down with my ears burning. She was here. She was still gorgeous. I was definitely still
gay. God. Christ. I couldn’t breathe let alone think. I was so flustered. I reminded myself to take
some deep breaths.

“Oh No, Whatever Could Be Wrong With Bella?” I heard Mike ask Jessica sarcastically. If I
wasn’t having such a hard time standing up I would have objected loudly to his tone.

“Im Fine.” I said, finally gathering enough brain power to snap at him, he just grinned at me.
Asshole. “I’ll just grab soda today.” I caught up to the end of the line.

“Thirsty Bella?” Jessica asked slyly with a smile on her face.

“Shut Up Jess, I’m just… not particularly hungry today,” I said determinedly not looking at the
table in the corner, keeping my eyes fixed on the floor.

I waited for them to grab their food and then followed them to a table, careful to keep my eyes on
my feet and not… anything else. I slowly sipped at my soda, ignoring their knowing glances as I
desperately searched for something to distract myself with. Wait, five people. There were five
people at the table, which would mean… I braced myself to glance at the table as quickly as I
could. I would not get sucked back into staring at Alice, I wouldn’t do it. I drew a sharp breath and
chanced a look. If Ed Edd and Eddie was here maybe I could shift my focus to worrying about that
instead. God knows I’d settled into biology pretty well without his awkward inability to talk to me.
Hadn’t missed that at all.

As I glanced upwards at them through my lashes, I noted that none of them were looking my way. I
breathed a little easier and lifted my head to get a better look. I was going to scope out the presence
of Edward Allen Woe and immediately turn away again but, predictably, I immediately got caught
up in their interactions.

They were all laughing together. The twinkler, Jasper and Emmett the Frat Bro all had their hair
entirely saturated with melting snow. The two goddesses they sat with were leaning away as Jock-
Man shook his dripping hair toward them. Like everyone else they seemed to be enjoying the
snowy day, but they managed to do it whilst looking like a scene straight out of a movie which was
just unfair.

But, aside from the laughter and playfulness, there was something else. Something different from
the last time I stared at them for an unspecified amount of time. Something I couldn’t quite
pinpoint. I refused to get sucked back into a gay spiral so instead of gazing loveingly at the owner
of my heart, I decided to study the Ice Twink; that would defnitely be more objective. His skin
was… less pale, I decided, but that could just be a flush from the snowball fight. The circles under
his eyes were lighter - much less noticeable. And there was something else. Something I couldn’t
put my finger on. I continued staring, trying to isolate what it was.

“Bella, stop staring, we get it, she’s an angel from Heaven above. Stop drooling and drink your
soda.” Jessica’s voice snuck into my brain, distracting me from my thoughts as her eyes followed
mine to the table of models in the corner.

At that precise moment, Tall Twink and Brooding looked straight at me - his eyes flashing over to
meet mine.

I dropped my head, instantly allowing my hair to curtain across it. Yet it seemed to me, in that
instant our eyes met, he seemed much less angry and confused about my existence than the last
time we interacted. He no longer looked harsh and unfriendly as if I was the sole bane of his
existence. Those emotions seemed to have softened into light curiosity - curiosity that remained

“...Edward Cullen is staring at you,” Jess deadpanned into my ear, as if I was unaware and hadn’t
been sort of asking for it.

“Good for Edward Cullen,” I responded, “How angry does he look that I exist?”
“Uh, not at all. Why? What did you do?” She sounded somewhat confused at my question which
was fair - we didn’t have biology together and neither Mike nor I had really spread it around that
the local bottom had decided that I was the greatest mystery in the universe.

“Exist? I don’t know! He just doesn’t… seem to like me much. Either that or he likes me Too
Much but… Seems off brand,” I lay dramatically across the table. I’m a lesbian it’s my God given
right to be dramatic at all times, “I must be liked Jess! I must!”

“The Cullens don’t like anybody… actually that’s a bit harsh. They don’t really notice anybody
enough to like or not like them. They’re outsiders Bella, you know this.” She attempted to comfort
me with logic. I didn’t appreciate it. “He’s still staring at you by the way”

“Stop looking at him!” I hissed at her, “It only encourages him!”

She snickered but did as I asked, turning to Mike as he began to pitch a snow battle. I slowly raised
myself off the table and listened with half an ear. I was swiftly invited to join in with The Battle of
the Blizzard in the parking lot after school. I stared at him.

“Mike. I’m a desert dweller. I will literally die.”

He just grinned at me in response, continuing to talk tactics with Jessica who was plotting to take
out large amounts of the school population. I decided I would hide in the gym until the parking lot
cleared. Jess was many things and ruthless was definitely one of them.

I was hesitant to walk to class with Mike after lunch ended, as he seemed to be a very popular
target for the snowball snipers, but when we reached the door everyone groaned in unison. It was
raining. Which was not only less fun but also washed away all traces of the snow in clear, icy
ribbons down the side of the walkway. I pulled my head up. In some ways I was pleased - at least
this way I could go straight home without having to hide from the snow war.

Mike, however, was less than pleased, and managed to keep up a string of complaints all the way
to building four.

Once inside the classroom, I headed to my table, noting with some relief that it was still empty. Mr
Banner was walking around the room distributing one microscope and a box of slides to each table.
Class didn’t start for a few minutes and the room buzzed with conversation. I sat happily in silence,
bracing myself for the inevitable awkward silence my lab partner would bring to the table. I kept
my eyes away from the door and doodled idly on the cover of myn notebook.

I heard very clearly when the chair next to me moved, but I kept my eyes fixed carefully on the
pattern I was drawing.

“Hello,” a quiet, musical voice interrupted my careful study.

I looked up, stunned. He speaks! I was shocked into silence by this development. However his
sudden ability to actually talk to people didn’t seem to enable him to sit normally, as he remained
perched as far away from me as the desk would allow (if he was gay I would give him a bit more
leeway here but still). He sat like I was an anomaly that would somehow break him if he got too
close. His chair was angled towards me though. The never ending conflict within his approach was
fascinating. He was constantly contradicting himself. His hair was dripping wet and disheveled but
that didn’t stop him from looking like he’d just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. His
stupidly attractive face was friendly and open, with a slight smile, but his eyes remained careful; so
did I.

“My name is Edward Cullen,” he continued. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week.
You must be Charlie’s daughter, Bella right?”

My mind glitched slightly over his familiarity with my dad and continued to spin when it compared
his behaviour from today to the last time we sat together. Had I made it up? He was being so polite
now, what could possibly have prompted the change and his mistreatment of me last week?

I couldn’t think of a single sensible thing to say to him. Nothing.

“H- how do you know my dad?” I stammered out. Seemed a more sensible question than how he
knew my name. Everyone here knew my fucking name.

He laughed a soft, enchanting laugh. Bastard. As a Gay WLW Lesbian, I reserve the right to be
annoyed with any man who dares to be attractive in any way. I had a feeling the entire Cullen
family would irritate me greatly.

“Oh he’s good friends with my dad Dr Carlisle? I think they worked together on some cases. He’s
been round for tea a few times. He’s a good man.”

I was amazed. My dad? The shut-in? Socialising with people? Maybe he wasn’t as lonely as I’d
feared… and it would explain his familiarity with them when he mentioned them over supper last

“Huh… well that would explain how you got the Bella part right I guess…”

“Sorry, have people not been getting your name right?”

“Oh no everyone knows my name, they just all seem to call me Isabella first which I guess makes
sense as that’s how it’s on the register and forms but… I much prefer Bella. I’d half suspected Ch-
Dad of going round calling me Isabella but… clearly not” I smiled to myself at the thought. It was
more reassuring than I had thought it would be. I hadn’t realised I was worried about it until I
wasn’t anymore. A habit that had caused me trouble in the past.

He smiled back at me in an aimless sort of way and we fell quiet as class began. I listened
halfheartedly as he explained the lab we would be doing today. The slides in the box were jumbled
up and, working together, we were supposed to separate the slides of onion root tip cells into the
phases of mitosis they represented and then label them accordingly without looking at our books.
We had twenty minutes before he would be coming around the classroom to see who had it right.

“All right class, off you go,” he said.

“Ladies first, partner?” Edward asked grinning across at me slyly. If I were straight, and not
already in love with his sister, I would probably be in trouble. As it was, I responded without

“After you then!” ...whoops.

Twink-182 looked somewhat taken aback by my rejoinder but I just smiled at him as guilelessly as
I could. If I had dug my grave I wasn’t going to dig it lying down. He stared at me, before
chuckling slightly to himself. I shrugged at him and grabbed the first slide

“Fine fine, I’ll go first,” I had a slightly unfair advantage over Edward having already done this
lab. I knew exactly what I was doing so it should be easy. I snapped the first slide into place,
adjusted the microscope, and studied it briefly. “Prophase.”

“Do you mind if I look?” he asked as I began to remove the slide. Asshole. His hand caught mine
to stop me fully removing the slide. His fingers were cold. Ice-cold. Freezing I-just-stuck-my-
hands-in-a-snowdrift-for-20-minutes cold. I jerked away. Yeesh.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered, pulling his hand back immediately. He rubbed it briefly on his trouser as
if to warm it up before he continued to reach for the microscope. I wondered if he had circulation
issues. I watched him as he examined the slide for an even shorter period of time than I had.

“Prophase.” He agreed, writing it neatly into the first space on our worksheet. He swiftly switched
out the first slide for the second and then glanced at it. “Anaphase,” he muttered, writing it down
as he spoke. Well, two can play at that game Mister.

“May I?” I asked, keeping my voice indifferent. He smirked and pushed the microscope to me. I
looked through the eyepiece eagerly, praying that he would be wrong. I was disappointed. Dang it,
he was right. God what a smug ass.

“Slide three?” I held out my hand without looking at him. He handed it to me. It seemed as though
he was being overly cautious as to prevent direct skin contact from happening a second time.
Weird. I took the most fleeting look I could manage. “Interphase.”

I passed him the microscope before he could ask for it. He took a swift peek, and then wrote it
down. I would have written it while he looked but his handwriting was both legible and good. I
didn’t want to mess it up with my clumsy illiterate scrawl. In my defense: I am gay.

We were finished before anyone else was close. I could see Mike and his partner comparing two
slides again and again, and another group had their book open under the table. Which left me with
nothing to do but unsuccessfully ignore my lab partner. I looked at him, curious about his attitude
change. He was staring at me, that familiar look of inexplicable frustration in his eyes. Suddenly, I
realised what was different.

“Did you get contacts?” I blurted out, not stopping to think. Thinking is for Losers and Straight
people anyway. I’ve never met a gay who can actually think for more than 5 minutes of divine

He seemed puzzled by the question. “”

“Huh…” I mumbled, “I could have sworn there was something different about your eyes.” He
shrugged and looked away. Something about his manner screamed of guilt. What on Earth…

I was right. I knew I was. I was sure there was something different. Maybe if he hadn't stared at me
in befuddled disgust for so long last week I wouldn’t have remembered the flat black of his eyes
quite as vividly, but as it was, that stare was branded into my skull. Today though, his eyes seemed
to be a completely different colour. They were a strange ochre, darker than butterscotch but with
that same golden tone. They weren't nearly as striking against his pale face and auburn hair. I
didn’t understand how his eyes could have changed so drastically. Unless he was lying about the
contacts of course, but why would he have any reason to do that. Maybe I was finally going mad -
driven crazy by the lack of sunlight, seeing its golden beams in the eyes of my could-be-nemesis.

I looked down. His hands were clenched into hard fists again. What was with this dude, man? And
why couldn’t I say anything to him without him seeming to take offense at it? Maybe, I thought to
myself, he’s just really sensitive. He had no reason to be self-conscious of course but unfortunately
that’s not how brains work.

Mr Banner came to our table then, to see why we weren’t working. He looked over our shoulders
to glance at the completed lab, and then stared more intently to check our answers.

“So, Edward, didn’t you think Isabella should get a chance with the microscope?” Mr Banner
asked. I immediately bristled, ready to fight. My gremlin brain was screaming misogyny and
homophobia, my sensible brain was pointing out Edwardio Twink probably had a bit of a
reputation and that Mr Banner didn’t even know I was gay so it couldn’t be homophobia. Before I
could stutter out my offense, Edward swooped in to defend me.

“Bella,” he corrected. “Actually, she identified three out of the five slides.”

Mr Banner looked at me now, his expression was skeptical. You would think he hadn’t been
teaching me for a week without having a lab partner.

“Have you done this lab before?” he asked me.

I grinned up at him cheekily, “Not with onion root”

“...whitefish blastula?”


Mr Banner nodded. “Were you in an advanced placement program in Phoenix?”

“Yes sir”

“Well,” he said after a moment, “I guess it’s good you two are lab partners.” He mumbled
something else as he walked away. I began to doodle on my notebook again as he left.

“It’s too bad about the snow isn’t it?” Edward asked, not sounding forced at all. Honestly he was
making small talk with me seem like pulling teeth. I felt a wave of paranoia sweep over me. It was
almost as if he had heard my conversation with Jessica at lunch and he was doing his best to prove
me wrong.
“Not really,” I answered honestly, instead of sympathising or pretending to be upset about the lack
of ammunition to pelt people with. I was trying to shake off the stupid feeling of suspicion and it
was making it hard to concentrate.

“You don’t like the cold.” It wasn’t a question.

“I’m not used to it. Or the wet.”

“Forks must be a difficult place for you to live,” he mused.

“It has its charms. It’s not as awful as I expected it to be… but yeah, it can be hard” I replied, in a
rare moment of honesty. When I stopped to think about it, it never failed to surprise me how much
I was enjoying myself in Forks.

He looked fascinated by what I said, for some unknown reason I didn’t care to suss out. His face
continued to be stupid. My thoughts slowly drifted to his sister. I wondered if she had noticed me
in the cafeteria at any point. Maybe I could join dad for tea at the Cullens’ house. Heck if I
managed to achieve the impossible and actually befriend McTwink then maybe I’d have an in.

“Why did you come here then?” Think of the devil and he shall interrupt your lesbian dreams. No
one had asked me that. I’d been here a week and no one had asked that straight out like him.

“It’s… complicated”

“I think I can keep up,” he pressed.

I paused for a long moment before meeting his eyes. A mistake. The reminder of his confusing eye
change turned my brain off and I answered without thinking.

“My mother got remarried,” I said

“That doesn’t sound so complex,” he disagreed, suddenly sounding a lot more sympathetic. “When
did that happen?”

“Last September,” I said, surprising even myself with how audibly sad I sounded.

“And you don’t like him,” Edward guessed, his tone still kind.

“That, my lab-dude, is where it gets complicated,” I looked over at him and his Big Twink Aura
before deciding to just go all in. He looked thrown enough by the address of ‘lab-dude’ but I didn’t
think we were ready for the friendship label yet. “Phil is fine enough I guess, a bit young maybe
but…” I sighed. Eddie stared at me as if my dull life story was somehow vitally important and one
of life's great mysteries. “I came out over the summer and he kept making all these snide remarks.
And I mean, he plays ball for a living so they travel a lot so I figured…” I smiled at him. It was
half hearted but it still counted.

“Ass. Didn’t your mom do anything?”

“No, she didn’t really notice to be honest. Bit scatterbrained my mother. So, here I am”

“So… your mom sent you here so that she could travel with her low-key homophobic husband
then…” He said, hesitantly, not actually asking it as a question but assuming he was right.
I stuck my shin out at him. “No. No she didn’t. I sent myself.”

I watched as he grew more confused. His eyebrows knit together. “I do not understand,” he
admitted, seeming unnecessarily frustrated by that. Boy, you'd think he was born with all the
secrets of the universe in his head and was immediately cross when he came across something he
didn’t know.

I sighed again. Why was I explaining this to him? He continued to stare at me, evident curiosity
bruning in his gaze.

“She stayed with me at first, but.. She clearly missed him and was unhappy. So she made plans to
travel with him and was perfectly happy to take me with her so we could stay together but… I
didn’t really want to roam the country with my newly passive-aggressive step-father. I would have
just been in the way anyhow so… I decided it was time to spend some quality time with Charlie.”
My voice was glum by the time I’d finished. I didn’t like to think about how Phil had treated me -
microaggressions were still agressions after all; and I especially didn’t like to think about how
oblivious my mother had been.

“But now you’re unhappy.” He pointed out.

I shrugged at him. “I’m less unhappy than I thought I’d be. And I’m sure it’ll get better with time.”
I challenged him

“It just.. It doesn’t seem fair somehow.” He shrugged back at me, his eyes continuing to burn with
that strange intensity.

I laughed. The kind of laugh that you have to do when someone says something stupid and naive
that clashes completely with the world as you know it. A laugh of disbelief. There was no humour
in it.

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you, Eddie McEderson? Life isn’t fair”

“Now you mention it. I believe I have heard that somewhere before,” he agreed dryly. He didn’t
object to the nickname. Were we… becoming friends?

“So that’s all,” I insisted, wondering why the intensity hadn’t left his eyes yet as he continued to
stare at me.

His gaze became somewhat appraising. “You put on a good show,” he said slowly. “But I’d be
willing to bet that you’re suffering more than you let anyone see.”

I grimaced at him and caved to the impulse to stick my tongue out at him before looking away. He

“Am I wrong”

“Probably” I said, as if I didn’t know what he was talking about. When in doubt: play dumb.

“I didn’t think so.” He murmured smugly. I wanted to hit him.

“Why does it matter to you?” I asked, irritated beyond belief. I continued to look away from him -
watching Mr Banner continue to make his rounds of the classroom.

“That’s… a very good question,” he muttered quietly. So much so that I wondered if maybe he was
talking to himself. Yet as the silence continued to stretch, I accepted that that was probably the only
answer I was going to get. I sighed. I’d sighed a lot this lesson. Wow Eddie Mercury here was
really going to fuck up my breathing. Gets points for being the only boy to take my breath away I
guess, even if it was only through sheer exasperation.

“Am I annoying you?” he asked, sounding more amused than he had any right to after pestering me
for my tragic backstory for the past 20 minutes.

“Yes.” I glanced at him and rolled my eyes. “Not exactly. I’m annoyed with both of us. You for
asking so many things and myself for answering them and being so easy to read. My mother
always called me her open book.” I frowned. Way to continue oversharing Bella.

“On the contrary, I find you very difficult to read.” Despite everything that I’d said and he’s
guessed, he sounded like he meant it.

“You must be a good reader then,” I replied.

“Usually.” He smiled widely at me, flashing a set of perfect ultrawhite teeth. Ugh. There was also
a glint in his eyes that suggested there was a layer to this response I was unaware of - but before I
could ask Mr Banner called the class to order.

I turned to the front to listen. I was in disbelief that I’d just outed myself and my entire dreary life
story to this asshole twink who may or may not despise me. He had seemed engrossed in our
conversation, treating my story like it was water to a parched desert traveller, but now, out of the
corner of my eye, I could see that weird brand of strain re-enter his body. Every Muscle tensed as
he listened to something that wasn’t there. His hands gripped back at the edge of the table.

I tried to appear attentive as Mr Banner illustrated, with transparencies on the overhead projector,
what I had seen without difficulty through the microscope. But my thoughts swirled around my
head like a miniature storm - unmanageable.

When the bell finally rang, Edwin the Mighty fled the room as if his ass was on fire. Just as swift
and graceful as he had left the week before. And just like last monday, I found myself staring after
him, wondering what it was I did wrong. Not that I was the problem here. If there was a problem it
was clearly him

Mike skipped quickly over to my side and helped me pack up. He was constantly claiming I was
too slow. I accused him of having ADHD. It was a good friendship.

“That was awful,” he groaned. “They all looked exactly the same! And god sitting still is the
worst! You’re lucky you had Cullen for a lab partner, he may be a dick sometimes but god he’s
smart that one. And Still Attractive too!”

“Breathe Mike,” I reminded him, “And I didn’t have any trouble with the lab; I’ve done it before.”
I winked at him and laughed as he accused me of cheating.

“Sooooo, Eddie Edwin seemed friendlier today,” he commented as we shrugged into our raincoats.
“He spoke to you and everything!”

“Still left like someone had lit a fire under his heels though,” I smirked at him. It was easier to not
be bothered by his cold shoulder when I had good friends to commiserate and laugh with.

Mike grinned, “You are not wrong there. Say, did I ever tell you about the time I sat next to him
for a year”

“What?! No! Spill.” I demanded from him. He chortled and launched into a story about the time he
knocked a flask of unidentified acid over their working space as we walked to Gym. Mike was on
my team today and did a fantastic job of covering my position as well as his own, meaning it was
very easy for my attention to wander and my brain to start thinking about Alice Cullen again. My
woolgathering was only interrupted when it was my turn to serve; my team ducking wearily out the
way everytime I was up.

The rain was more of a mist by the time I walked to the parking lot, but I was still much happier
when I was ensconced in the dry cab. I got the heater running, no longer worried about the mind-
numbing roar of my truck engine. I unzipped my jacket and put the hood down, fluffing my damp
hair out so that it could dry on the way home.

I looked around me to make sure it was clear. That’s when I noticed them. Stood by the Volvo a
mere three cars away, were two white figures, angled as if conversing but definitely staring in my
direction. I ignored Edward. He immediately paled (ha!) in comparison to his companion. It was
Alice. She was there. And she was staring. At me. She noticed me. I panicked and threw the truck
into reverse, almost hitting a rusty Toyota in my haste. Lucky for the Toyota, the adrenaline
overruled the gay panic and I stomped on the brake in time; my truck would have totalled it. I took
a deep breath, muttered a “C’mon you useless fuckin lesbian” to myself, continued to avoid
looking in their direction, and cautiously pulled out again. I had much greater success the second
time. I stared straight ahead as I passed the Volvo, but from a peripheral peek, I would swear I saw
Edward laughing at a surprisingly embarrassed looking Alice. I wondered what I’d missed.

Chapter End Notes



anyhow I hope this is the gay content y'all want

Phenomenon (doo doo dododo)
Chapter Summary

It's time for Bella to nearly get run over and get pissed when Eddie saves her. Also
Charlie and Carlisle get to be in the same room,, nice!

Chapter Notes

OhMyGod ok. OK. why are all these chapters so long. ANYWAY im in quarantine
and waiting to hear from my lecturers so figured fuck it lets write another chapter.
Bella swears a lot more now cus fuck it why not,, also there may be errors cus im.
tired. I'll try and fix em later, Hope u enjoy it!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When I opened my eyes the next day, something was wrong. The light. The light was different,
clearer. Where was the fog that tended to veil my window? Why was it so much brighter than
usual? Sure the light was still that grey-green colour of a cloudy forest day but… it was Off

I got up to look out the window. I immediately groaned in horror. A fine layer of snow coated the
yard, dusting my truck and whiting out the road as if an overly enthusiastic 5 year old had gotten a
hold of a bag of icing sugar and just gone hog-wild.

That was not the worst part. The worst part was that all the rain from yesterday, and there was
predictably a lot of it, had the balls to freeze completely solid. It coated the needles on the trees in
fantastically gorgeous patterns and turned the road and driveway into a deadly dangerous ice slick.
God knows I had enough trouble staying on my feet and upright when the ground was safe and dry.
It might be safer for everyone if I just went back to bed but alas, time waits for no man.

Yet again Ch- dad had left for work well before I got downstairs. I was starting to really appreciate
how hard the man worked - he was barely ever home. In a lot of ways, living with Charlie was a bit
like having my own place and I reveled in my alone-time every morning. That’s not to say
however, that I didn’t treasure the evenings we spent together. Dare I say the man was slowly
becoming a decent cook under my tutelage. About time honestly he should have learnt how to
survive outside of ready meals and tinned food years ago.

I quickly scarfed down a bowl of cereal and chugged some orange juice straight from the carton.
My kitchen, my rules. A phrase I was swiftly using to justify my every move, having giggled it at
Ch- dad the night before when he had sputtered at me for sticking my head under the tap to drink
water instead of just getting a glass. I was starting to really enjoy living here. I was also, weirdly
enough, really excited to go to school. Weird. That has almost never happened before and I
certainly never expected to feel this way about Forks. It was kind of scary. Deep down, I knew it
wasn’t the “stimulating learning environment” or even the chance to hang out with my new friends
(though I am sure they played a part). No. The reason I was so eager to get to school, if I was
really being honest with myself, was because I wanted another chance to wistfully gaze longingly
at my angel Alice from a distance. Which was unbelievbly gay and very stupid of me. It was also
depressingly on brand.

God knows I wasn’t looking forward to confronting her brother again though. I still couldn’t
believe I’d inadvertently babbled my entire life story at him yesterday like some kind of brainless
straight woman hypnotised by his eyes. Awful. If people think I’m straight I may have to move
back to my mom and homophobic phil. Also Twinkle Little Star was still mighty suspicious in my
eyes. What is UP with his eyes?!? And why the hell would he lie about it? And lets not forget the
bizarrely hostile stares he directs at me. Thank fuck I have Mike to bitch with otherwise it would
be intolerable. Still, maybe if I could befriend him, I could edge my way into his social sphere. By
which I mean, I could get closer to Alice. God she’s so beautiful.

It took every single ounce of concentration to make it down the ice brick driveway alive; and given
that, despite one close call when I reached the truck, I didn’t fall over once I think I deserve a
medal. Today was going to be a nightmare.

On the drive to school I daydreamed about what Alice and I would name our labrador when we
lived together in domestic lesbian bliss. Or at least, I did until I realised that it was distracting me
far too much for such an icy drive and then I did my best to think about the interactions Jess and I
had observed between Mike and Eric. It was school-wide knowledge (although actually it was
known only to the Gays ™ so, not that school-wide) that Mike had always had a bit of a thing for
Twink McCullen. Something I had ribbed him for hours about when I realised. However, Eric had
been shooting Mike some Very Interesting glances recently. Also I’d realised recently that the boys
at this school treated me differently to the ones in Phoenix which is wild. I hadn’t had to deal with
any Straight Men trying to ask me out at all. Maybe there’s something in the water here which
makes everyones gay-dars better cus all I’ve been getting are sly looks everytime I’m anywhere
near the vicinity of a pretty girl which, to be honest, I probably deserve. Especially when that girl
is Alice Cullen who is just. So much more than a girl. She’s an ethereal goddess of beauty and
grace and- my thoughts were getting away from me again. The point was it was kind of nice.

As I drove I noticed that my truck seemed to have absolutely no trouble with the black ice that
coated the roads. Why would it? It’s an indestructible tank of a vehicle and I love it. I still drove
pretty slowly though. I didn’t want to carve out a path of destruction through Main Street on my
way to school. I could imagine my dad would have quite a lot to say about that.

When I got to school and disembarked, something silver gleaned in the corner of my eye and the
reason for my easy drive became clear. I had not just had little to no trouble because my truck is a
beast like I had assumed. Upon examining my tires, the glint of silver morphed into thin chains
that criss crossed my tires in diamond shapes. Snow chains. There were snow chains on my tires.
That could mean only one thing. My father, my dearest dad, had gotten up at an impossibly early
hour to fit snow chains onto the back of my truck before he went to work. My throat tightened. I
was beginning to understand the “acts of service” love language living with my dad. He was never
good at verbally expressing his feelings to me but this kind of unspoken care and concern spoke
volumes. I felt my throat tighten a bit. I wasn’t hugely used to being taken care of like this and it
caught me by surprise. With mom, I had always been the one looking out for her and it was strange
to experience it from the other side. A good strange. My chest felt warm.

I was standing by the back corner of the truck, feeling pretty good and basking in the feeling of
being cared for that the snow chains inspired when I heard an odd sound of the high-pitched
screech variety. The kind of high-pitched screech that quickly becomes painful when it gains
volume, which this was doing worryingly fast. I looked up, startled from my thoughts.

I noticed several things simultaneously. The movies lied to me. Nothing was moving in slow
motion at all, in fact, it was happening pretty goddamned quickly. Luckily the huge surge of
adrenaline I was experiencing seemed to make my brain work a lot faster and I was able to absorb
it all in clear detail as it happened.

Four cars down from me, an angel stared at me in horror, arm outstretched. Huh. I filed that away
at the back of my brain as hope. Could it be possible that she knew who I was? That she cared
about me? God I’m so gay. I barely bothered to note that her idiot not-technically-her-brother stood
next to her also gawping at me in horror. I hated that he somehow still managed to look attractive
with such a stupid expression on his face. In fact, the sea of faces they were managing to stand out
from all seemed to be frozen in the same mask of shock. However, the most crucial element of the
scene that my brain registered with a faint “oh shit” was the dark blue van that was skidding, tires
locked and squealing against the brakes, solving the mystery of the terrible noise. It was spinning
wildly across the ice of the parking lot and it was going to hit the back corner of my truck. The
back corner that I was stood by. Almost directly between the two solid objects. At least my truck
would survive. I didn’t even have time to close my eyes.

Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, inevitably
rendering my life a tragically short one, something hit me. It hit me hard but not from the direction
I was expecting. My head cracked against the icy blacktop and I felt something cold and solid
pinning me to the ground. What just happened?? I vaguely registered the tan car I was lying next to
as the tan car I had parked next to. Huh. Today was turning out to be a wild ride and it wasn’t even
over yet. Before I could notice anything else, I was made horribly aware that somehow the van was
still coming for me like some kind of homing missile. It had somehow curled gratingly around the
end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me for a second time that

A low oath alerted me to the fact that someone was with me. And the voice was distressingly
familiar. For fucks sake really?!? It HAD to be HIM didn’t it.

Two long white hands shot out protectively in front of me and stopped the van. It shuddered to a
halt a foot from my face as the hands fit into an auspicious looking dent in the side of the van's
body. Stranger and stranger. I was feeling strangely calm at this point and absently figured it had to
be shock. The most I felt was outrage that my life was apparently being saved by the bitchiest
bottom in the entire school and not his gorgeous angelic sister. The Audacity.

Suddenly his stupid hands were moving again, so fast this time that they blurred. Maybe that was
the shock. One hand was swiftly gripping under the body of the van and I felt something drag me -
swinging my legs around like I was a little rag doll until they hit the tire of the tan car. The tan car
with a really dirty undercarriage I noted absently. A groaning metallic thud hit my ears as the van
settled, glass popping, onto the asphalt. It had stopped exactly where half a second ago my legs had

Silence hung over the parking lot. A silence that, alas, couldn’t last. People started screaming.
Amidst the abrupt bedlam I could hear more than one frantic call of my name. I wondered if Alice
was worried. My musing was interrupted a clear voice cutting through my voice as one Edward
Cullen whispered, low and frantic in my ear,

“Bella? Bella are you alright??”

The fuckin nerve of this man. I was just nearly crepe-ified into the tarmac! My brain is firing all
kinds of synapses right now. Am I Alright??? Pft.

“I’m just peachy thanks.” Well, that didn’t come out as blase as I hoped it would. In fact, my voice
sounded a little bit strange. I tried to sit up. Tried being the operative word. The iron grip Edwardo
seemed to have on me kept my flush to the side of his body. Rude. It’s not like I was concussed.

“Be Careful,” he warned as I struggled against his tyrannical plan to keep me still, “I think you hit
your head pretty hard”

No Shit Eddie Edmund. Although… as soon as he mentioned it the dull ache consolidated into a
large throbbing ache centred above my left ear.

“...ow.” I was betrayed by my tone which had somehow come out as surprised instead of sarcastic.
Betrayal on all sides.

“That’s what I thought.”

He was laughing at me. He had no right to sound so amused I just nearly died. Asshole. I was
gunna wipe that smile right off his stupid fucking face. Let’s see how he likes that.

“How- How did you get over here so fast?”

The suppressed smile slid off his face. Hah! Take that Waldo you bitch. I can still notice things! I
was sort of looking forward to hearing his bullshit excuses seeing how shit he was at covering the
change in his eye colour.

“I was standing right next to you Bella”

Yeah fuckin right. As If. My God, how was that excuse worse than I was expecting. At least his
tone was more serious again.

I turned to sit up, pushing his arms away from me as I did so. I was disappointingly aware that I
probably only got away with it because he let me. A suspicion that was only reinforced by how he
immediately scooted away from me as much as he could in the limited space available. As I looked
across at his innocent expression that had an underlying concern I was once again struck by the
force of his gold-coloured eyes. I wonder if Alice’s eyes were like that. My mind immediately
wandered, picturing different ways that I could get close enough to notice. What was I talking

Then, they found us. A whole crowd of people with tears streaming down their faces, shouting at
both each other and us. It was extraordinarily disorientating.

“Don’t move!”

“Get Tyler out of the van!”

There was a flurry of activity around us and I immediately tried to get to my feet only to be stopped
by the icy grip of death. Ok so it was the icy grip of the youngest cullen but still. It’s the same

“Just. Stay put for now.”

Absolutely not. I shook my head at him stubbornly. An action I immediately regretted. Right. Head
injury. Still… “It’s Cold.”

He stared at my blankly before huffing out a low chuckle. It had an edge to it. What was his
DEAL?!? Time to throw him off again.

“You were over there,” it was getting hazy but I knew I was right. His chuckle stopped short.

“You were by your car. With Alice”

“Of course you noticed Alice,” he muttered to himself. I was fairly certain I wasn;t supposed to
hear that. Hu turned to me, his expression hard. “No. I wasn’t.”

“I saw you. You were there. With Alice.” All around us was chaos. I could hear the gruffer voices
of adults arriving on the scene. I spared a thought for Charlie. Hopefully he wouldn’t know I was
involved yet - I didn’t want him to worry. I held onto the argument I was having. It kept me
distracted and by God I was going to win. I was right and he was going to admit it. Time to bring
out that patented Swan Stubbornness.

“Bella… I was standing with you and I pulled you out of the way.” He glared at me, as if trying
and failing to communicate something crucial. It was a devastating glare, I’ll give him that much. I
set my jaw.


The gold in his eyes blazed at me. “Please Bella”

Huh. Interesting. He probably wouldn’t call that request but I was certainly going to. I was
winning. When I still had head trauma. Ha.

“Why.” It wasn’t a question. It was a demand. A fierce one.

“Trust me,” he pleaded.

I could hear the sirens approaching and threw out another quick prayer that Charlie wasn’t
worrying too much. God knows he’d given me those snow chains to prevent this exact sort of

“Will you Promise to explain everything to me later?” I stared him down. I wasn’t going to let go
without getting something out of this whole ordeal. I nearly died for fucks sake.

“Fine!” He snapped, abruptly. Exasperated. Excellent. I love it when I can successfully irritate
people into capitulation.

“Fine” I repeated back at him.

It took 6 EMTs and 2 whole teachers (Mr Varner of the dreader Maths and Coach Clapp himself) to
shift the van far enough away from us to bring the stretchers in. Overkill if you ask me. Somehow
Edwin and The Angry Inch managed to get away with refusing his whilst I got shot down almost
immediately. The traitorous twink telling them I’d hit my head didn’t help with that at all and I
made sure he knew how much that pissed me off by boring a hole in his head with my best glare.
When they forced a neck brace onto me I nearly died of humiliation.


Time to get carted off in an ambulance whilst what looked like the entire school looked on
somberly. Still, I thought to myself in a pitiful attempt to cheer myself up, at least this would be a
fun story to tell and a fantastic way to win all arguments; ‘sorry Mike did YOU nearly get crushed
to death by a van in front of the whole school? No? Well I did so hush’. Ah humour, how would
we cope without you.

Unbelievably Edward was somehow allowed to ride in the front of the ambulance whilst I was
loaded into the back like a wardrobe for delivery. Infuriating stuff. To make matters worse, God
decided that would be the perfect moment to let me know he didn’t care a whit about my prayers as
Chief Swan arrived on scene and recognised the girl on the stretcher as his dearly beloved daughter
before they could close the doors. Fuck.
“BELLA!” He yelled in a panic, rushing towards the ambulance, face pale and concern writ all
over his face.

“Uh. Hi Dad,” I waved at him as sheepishly as I could given my current position. “This probably
looks worse than it is…”

“Bella. You’re in an ambulance. On a stretcher. With a neck brace.”

“I’m fine?” I tried. “There’s nothing wrong with me I swear!”

“Uh-huh.” He sounded skeptical which, given the situation, was probably pretty valid. He brushed
some stray hair out of my face before turning to the closest EMT for a second opinion. I stared at
the roof of the ambulance and let my thoughts run over me. I thought about the dent in the van that
looked like an imprint of Edward’s hands. I thought about the almost matching dent in the tan car
that looked like his shoulders - as if he’d braced himself hard enough to damage the metal frame. I
thought about the rest of the Cullens, who I had spotted at a distance when they lifted me out. I
thought about their faces which showed little concern for their brother yet ranged from amused to
disproving. I thought about Alice. She at least, had seemed worried. But she had been looking at
me, not Eddie. A fact that seemed more out of place than the rest of them. I racked my brains,
trying to connect all the dots but my thought process seemed a little fuzzy. The only solution I
could come up with was that I was going insane.

It was not an acceptable solution.

As expected, the ambulance got a police escort to the county hospital. The perks of having a police
chief for a dad I guess. I felt ridiculous the whole time they were unloading me, even more so
when they allowed Ederson to just saunter in through the hospital doors under his own power.
Maybe that’s the perk of having the chief physician for a dad. Still maddening though. I ground my
teeth together.

They put me in the emergency room - a long room with a line of beds separated by pastel-patterned
curtains. A nurse put a pressure cuff on my arm and a thermometer under my tongue before
wandering off and leaving me fairly unsupervised. Since the curtain was not pulled around my bed
and I was in full view of the room, I decided to make like a movie character and remove the neck
brace they'd given me; quickly unfastening the Velcro and throwing it under the bed. I heard a
chuckle and looked up to see my dad approaching.

“Somehow, I am not surprised. You’re worse than your mother you know.” He looked at me
fondly and I opened my mouth to fire a rejoinder at him but was cut off by a sudden ruckus.

A flurry of hospital personnel brought another stretched to the bed beside me and I suddenly
recognised Tyler Crowley from my Government class beneath the bloodstained bandages that were
wrapped tightly around his head. He looked a hundred times worse than I felt and yet he was
staring anxiously up at me as if I were dying in front of him.

“Bella, I’m so sorry! I-”

“I’m fine Tyler. You however, look awful. Are you alright?” As we spoke, nurses began
unwinding his soiled bandages to reveal a myriad of shallow slices all over his forehead and left

He ignored me and steamrolled on.

“I thought I was going to kill you! I was going too fast and I hit the ice wrong and the brakes-” He
winced as one of the nurses started to dab at his face. I took the opportunity.

“Don’t worry about it. You missed me. It’s Fine.”

“Easy enough for you to say. I’ve lost 4 years of my life,” my dad muttered next to me. I drove my
elbow into him and he let out a soft puff of air before turning away with a slight smile.

“How did you get out the way so fast?!? You were there and then you were gone, it was so fast!”

“Uhm. Edward? Pulled me out the way?” I decided to lean into the confusion. I’m a terrible Liar
and it was time to capitalise on the general sense of what-the-fuckery I was feeling. Besides this
much was true at least.

“Who??” Tyler just looked confused.

“Edward Cullen? He…” shit. “He was standing next to me?”I’ve always been an absolutely shit
liar. I didn’t sound convincing at all. Not even a smidge.

“Cullen? I didn’t see him at all… wow. I guess it just all happened so fast I just- Is he ok?”

“I think so… He’s around here somewhere but they didn’t even make him use a stretcher.” Bastard.
Tyler’s confusion just reinforced my bewilderment. I knew I wasn’t crazy - there was no way
Edwin was with me. What the hell had happened? There was no way to explain it.

Before I could think on it further, Charlie gave my hand a squeeze and they wheeled me away to
X-ray my head. I insisted there was nothing wrong with me and it turns out, I was right. Wild I
thought I was just being stubborn. I didn’t even have a concussion! I asked if I could leave but the
Nurse said I had to talk to a doctor first. Damn.

I was trapped in the ER, waiting and feeling vaguely harassed by Tyler’s constant apologies and
promises to make it up to me - no matter what I said to try and reassure me he just kept going. I
gave up and started to ignore him. Good thing I wasn’t here on my own - dear ol’ dad was stuck
with me, waiting anxiously to hear the verdict. He glanced at me and quirked the corner of his
mouth up.

“Your mother’s going to kill me when she hears about this you know.”

I stared at him. He wasn’t wrong Ren ée was going to completely freak when she heard about this.
Which, in a perfect world, she wouldn’t. I somehow had a feeling that Charlie was still going to tell
her. Sometimes he’s too honest for his own good.

“Ah, there you are!” A musical voice piped up from the end of the bed. A really familiar musical
voice. Un. Believable. I slowly turned around to find Edward Bloody Cullen stood at the foot of
my bed smirking. He turned to nod at my dad. “Hi Charlie, how are you doing?”
What. The Hell.

“Hey Edward. I’m pretty good thanks. How’re your studies going? You keeping an eye out for
Bells for me?” Charlie nods back at him. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone, what’s happening?!?

Edward chuckled, “I’m doing the best I can sir.” He turned to address me directly, “what’s the

I stared at him, admittedly baffled. It took me a while to scrape enough brain cells together to
respond. “I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me at all but they won’t let me go,” I complained.
“How come they didn’t even try to strap you to a gurney with the rest of us huh?”

“It’s all about who you know,” he answered. He glanced at Charlie. “But don’t worry, I came to
spring you.” Charlie drew in a sharp breath through his nose and bemused embarrassment flashed
briefly across Einstein’s face as if he had overheard something not meant for his ears. Charlie
shifted from foot to foot, looking strangely guilty; glancing around the room like a fugitive.

Then a doctor walked around the corner and my mouth fell open. I’m still a Lesbian dont get me
wrong but by God some of the men in this town… very inconsiderate of them to be that attractive.
He was young, blonde and more handsome than any movie star I’d ever seen in my entire life. He
was also pale and tired looking. This was probably Ed’s father. The fabled Dr Cullen. I snuck a
glance at Charlie and judging by the red tips of his ears and the rising colour up his neck there was
definitely Something there. My initial instincts were right, there was something in how he had
talked about Carlisle. Hmm. Very Interesting Indeed.

He shot a sparkling smile at my dad who immediately muttered a greeting to his shoes. I’m
definitely going to badger him about this later. He turned his attention to me as I stared at him with
interest. His smile dimmed slightly as he donned a more professional look.

“So, Miss Swan,” Dr. Cullen said in a disgustingly appealing voice, “how are you feeling”

“I’m fine,” I said, hopefully for the last time. It came out slightly distracted as I did my best to
observe Charlie’s behaviour unobtrusively. He was clearly doing his best to Not Stare but that
somehow made it worse. I chanced a glance at Edward to see if this kind of behaviour was
unprecedented or just kind of normal and was very surprised to see him staring at the ceiling in
exasperation. I guess it’s fairly normal.

“Your X-rays look good,” said Dr Sexy, snapping my attention back to him and away from my
father's apparent crisis. At some point he had moved over to the lightboard and switched it on. I
hadn’t even noticed. “Does your head hurt? Edward said you hit it pretty hard.”

I shot a frown in Edward’s general direction. “Edward’s a tattle tale,” I said, “It’s fine”.

The doctor’s cool fingers probed lightly along my skull. His hand was like an ice pack, it was kind-
of soothing. He noticed when I winced.
“Tender?” he asked.

“Not really.”

I heard a chuckle and I knew without even looking it was Edward. I could just picture his
patronizing smile. My eyes narrowed.

“Well. Seeing as Charlie’s already here with you,” he said moving closer to Charlie who stayed
rooted to the spot, a flush high on his cheeks, “I see no reason why you can’t just go home with
him now. But if you feel dizzy or have any trouble with your eyesight at all I want you to come
straight back ok?” He turned and glanced significantly at my father, clearly passing on the message
to him too. Charlie tilted his head towards him in acknowledgement.

“Can’t I go back to school?” I asked, thinking about my friends and the reaction of the other
Cullens earlier. Also now had a super cool story and it was time for me to return like Lesbian
Jesus. Unharmed and Not Dead.

“Maybe you should take it easy today.” God. Dr Carlisle has such big Dad Energy.

I glanced at Edward.

“Does he get to go to school?”

“Someone has to spread the good news that we survived,” Edward said smugly like a fucking bitch
boy. GOD he’s so insufferable.

“Actually,” Dr Cullen interrupted, “most of the school seems to be in the waiting room.”

“Oh Nooooo,” I groaned out loud, covering my face with both my hands. I hated making a
spectacle of myself. However I will admit, I was mostly being dramatic for the sake of it.

Dr Cullen glanced at Charlie who smirked at him before raising his eyebrows at me. “Do you want
to stay?”

“No, no!” I threw my legs over the side of the bed and hopped down quickly. Far too quickly as it
turned out. I staggered over and dad caught me, throwing me a concerned look as he did so. Dr
Cullen also looked worried now. “I’m Fine!” I insisted to both of them. Charlie at least should
realise that my balance problems had nothing to do with my near death experience, and what
Cullen Sr. didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

“Take some Tylenol for the pain,” he suggested, watching closely as dad steadied me. Weirdly, he
had his hands folded across his chest as if he was stopping himself from reaching out to help. He
must have some pretty strong paternal instincts. In the background, I noticed Edbert clap a hand
over his eyes. Man that boy is strange sometimes.

“It really doesn’t hurt that bad,” I insisted.

“It sounds like you were extremely lucky,” Dr Cullen said, smiling as he signed my chart with a
flourish and suspiciously tidy handwriting for a doctor.

“Lucky Edward happened to be standing next to me huh.” I amended with a hard glance towards
the subject of my statement.

“Oh, well, yes…” Dr Suspicious Doctor agreed, suddenly occupied with the papers in front of him.
“Anyway, I should probably check on your classmate.” He turned to Charlie, leaning into his
space. “It was nice to see you again Charlie. You should come round for dinner again soon -
Esme’s been asking after you.”

Charlie rubbed a hand against the back of his neck awkwardly as I stared on, my train of thought
once more derailed by whatever the fresh hell is happening in front of me.

“Yeah it was nice to see you to Carlisle. I’ll uh- I’ll check my schedule. Give Esme my best. I hope
she’s doing well.”

“She’ll be doing better when she can see you again,” Carlisle grinned brightly at him. Seriously. It
was like the sun came out. It was appalling. He reached up and gripped Charlie's arm. “Ring me.
We’ll sort a time” He squeezed him affectionately before moving off to check on Tyler. My brain
fritzed out. What was I thinking about again?

OH RIGHT YES. The sexy doctor’s suspicious non-acknowledgement of my dig at Egberts

presence at the scene of the crime. Very suspicious. My train of thought flickered back to life.
Intuition is a fantastic thing. The doctor. Was in on It. Whatever It was… I distantly heard him
telling Tyler he'd have to stay in the hospital for a bit longer. I sighed.

“Hey dad…”

“Yeah Bells?”

I hesitated. I needed him to leave so I could corner Edwart. “Could you get me some water before
we go?”

He sighed at me. “Of course I can. You stay here okay? I’d better let your mother know too whilst
I’m at it. Hopefully having a task will limit the time she can yell at me for eh?” He smiled softly at
me before moving away. Perfect. I instantly moved to Edrick’s side.

“It’s later now. Spill.” I hissed at him under my breath. He took a step back from me, jaw

“Here’s not a good place.”

“Or a good time I reckon but I don’t trust you. I’d like to speak with you alone, if you don’t mind.
You promised.” I pressed. I’m good at pressing. I got a lot of practice with my mom.

He glared at me, and then suddenly turned his back and strode down the long room. I nearly had to
run to keep up with him but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. As soon as we turned the corner into
a short hallway he spun around to face me.

“What do you want?” he asked, sounding annoyed. His eyes were cold. It was intimidating and I’m
not going to pretend I was unaffected by his unfriendliness but I got this far and I wasn’t going to
back down.
“You Owe Me. An Explanation.” I ground out through gritted teeth, channeling my anger as best I
could - hoping to override the nerves.

“I save your life - I don’t owe you anything.”

I flinched back from the resentment in his voice.

“You Promised Me.”

“Bella. You hit your head. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” His town was cutting.

My temper flared. I glared defiantly at him.

“There’s nothing wrong with my head.”

“What do you want from me Bella?” He glared at me.

“I want the truth.” I said, It was, I thought, a fairly reasonable request. “I want to know why I’m
lying for you.”

“What do you think happened?” he snapped.

The barrier burst. It all came out in a rush.

“All I know is that you weren’t anywhere near me - Tyler didn’t see you either, so don’t tell me I
hit my head too hard. That van was going to crush us both in some sort of dramatically gruesome
teen death but it DIDN’T - and YOU left a DENT in the other car and you’re somehow not hurt at
all and the van was going to smash up my legs, it was going to , but you held it up and- …” I trailed
off. I could hear how crazy it sounded, even as I knew it was the truth. The damage was done
though and I couldn't continue. I was so mad. I could feel those traitorous tears coming and I tried
to force them back by grinding my teeth together even harder.

He was staring at me incredulously but his face… his face was tense. Defensive.

“You think I lifted a van off you?” His tone was blatantly questioning my sanity. It was perfectly
intoned. Suspiciously so. It only heightened my scepticism. He delivered the line like an actor. I
nodded at him once. Jaw tight. “No one will believe you, you know that.” His voice held an edge
of derision.

“I’m not going to tell anybody.” I said slowly. Enunciating each word clearly, controlling my anger
as best I could.

“Then… why does it matter?” He asked, surprise flitting across his face.

“Because it Matters to me,” I insisted. “I don’t like to lie. I’m not good at it. So IF I’m lying, I
better have a damned good reason to be doing so.”

“...Can’t you just thank me and get over it?”

God I hate this fucking twink so fucking much. He infuriates me. “Thank You” I grit out, clearly
still fuming and expectant.
“...You’re not going to let this go are you?”


“In that case… I hope you enjoy disappointment.”

We scowled at each other in silence. I was the first to speak, trying desperately to keep myself on
track. Today had been a rollercoaster and it wasn’t even lunchtime yet.

“Why did you even bother” I asked frigidly.

He looked stunned at the question. I felt brief triumph at tripping him up so thoroughly. He opened
and shut his mouth a few times like some kind of gormless goldfish before shaking his head. He
didn’t say anything. He just sighed, turned on his heel and walked away.

I was so angry I was in danger of shaking apart at the seams or just crying. Or both. Like I said, it’s
been a long day. Slowly, I made my way back to the ED where, predictably, Charlie was waiting
for me with a bottle of water clasped in his hands. Less predictably, he seemed to be deep in
conversation with Dr Cullen, their heads bowed close together. I’d sort of forgotten about those
vibes but I was swiftly reminded of them. I shook my head. Hadn’t they said their goodbyes
already?? Charlie glanced up and caught sight of me, quickly stepping away like he’d been caught
doing something heinous. I raised an eyebrow at him as Cullen turned to stare at me too. He smiled
sheepishly at me before muttering something to Charlie under his breath and grasping at his elbow
one final time.

Charlie walked over to me and handed me the water bottle.

“Ready to go Kiddo?”

I sighed and took a swig of the room temperature water. Ah hospitals.

“I guess so.”

We stepped into the waiting room. Crap. I’d forgotten that the entire school was supposedly here.
It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there. Mike Jess and Eric began to converge on me
and I held up my hands like a gospel leader preaching to the choir.

“I’m fine. There’s nothing wrong with me, I promise.”

“What did the doctors say??” Mike asked, eyes wide.

“Dr Cullen saw me. He said I was fine and I could go home. Which I’m doing. I’ll see you guys
later ok?”

“Sure thing Bella”

“Yeah get some rest ok?” That was Jess.

“Thanks guys”
I shook my head and tugged at Charlies sleeve. I was suddenly inexplicably exhausted. Though the
exhaustion probably wasn’t that inexplicable, all trauma considered.

“C’mon dad. Let’s go home”

Charlie chuckled lightly and rested his hand over mine, projecting a calming sort of paternal

“Sure thing Bells.”

He guided me all the way outside and into the cruiser and we drove home in silence. He was
clearly giving me space. My thoughts lingered on Elrond’s behaviour in the hallway. Somehow, it
had confirmed that I had seen the bizarre things I thought I had witnessed.

5 minutes before we got home Charlies lip twitched and he broke the comfortable silence.

“So, I rang your mother”

“Oh Boy”

“Yep. She was pretty hysterical at first but I think I managed to talk her down. She’d probably
appreciate a ring from you though”

“Probably. I can’t believe you told her”

“Sorry,” He chuckled at me. We both knew it was unavoidable. She would hold it against us
forever if she found out we’d hidden it from her at any point.

The silence stretched on a bit and I spotted the driveway in the distance. I had to time this perfectly.

“So… what’s up with you and Dr Cullen?”

Charlie started sputtering so hard that I thought he was going to choke to death. His face flushed an
impressive colour.

“WHat?!?” He squeaked out.

“You and Carlisle. You seemed to know each other pretty well”

“I uh- y-yeah I guess we do, I mean we just- we met on- and it-”

Wow. I have never. In my Life. Heard Charlie this lost for words. This is the worst case of foot-in-
mouth I’ve ever seen from him and that is saying something.

“Oh look we’re home” I grinned brightly at him and hopped out the car, leaving him to stew as I
sauntered up to the house.
As soon as I got in I headed up to my room, pulling my phone out my pocket and ringing my mom
on the way up. She was, unsurprisingly, in a state. She even begged me to come home; clearly
forgetting that at the moment ‘home’ was empty. Her pleas were easier to resist than I thought. I
really am adapting to and enjoying life in Forks. And now I had a mystery in addition to a fictional
love life. What more could a lesbian want. I really wasn’t as eager to leave Forks as I thought I
would be. Eventually I managed to calm her down.

I decided I could do with an early night. The day had been more than slightly stressful. I spent the
rest of the afternoon hunkered down in my room and by the time evening rolled around I was more
than ready for sleep. I grabbed 3 Tylenol from the bathroom on my way to bed and they did help.
As the pain eased, I drifted into sleep.

That night, somehow, for the first time, the mystery of Edgartun Culltock wormed its way into my
dreams. Directly interfering with my previous dreams of domestic bliss with my One and Only

What a Dickweed.

Chapter End Notes

Bella: hello yes i nearly died this is the emergency department yes
Carlisle: cool ur fine. and so,, is ur dad,,, heyy chharrliiieeee come on a dinner date
with me and my wiiiffeeeee

((also ,, help im an idiot how tf do i put indents in b4 speech ?????))

Chapter Summary

Spring Dance Invites and Fake!Straight drama. The local gays think they're funny and
it get them in trouble. Mike's an ass and that's why we love him.

Chapter Notes

ITS HERE an update! a Miracle! here we, here we, here we fucking go. again.
i still dont have a plan for this and am in fact, making it up as i go. which is getting
harder as the plot approaches whoops. still. bella has a plan now. hope yall enjoy it!!

hopefully ive managed to fix the formatting on both this and the preceding chapters
lemme know if its still funky

See the end of the chapter for more notes

My dream started out dark. A stark change from my more recent dreams of future bliss with my
future wife. Strangely, it seemed that the only light I could see was radiating out from Twinkopher
Robin’s skin. Why the hell was he in my dreamscape. Probably the trauma of him saving me if I
was honest. Thankfully I was unable to see his stupid face and he was definitely leaving. Un-
thankfully, he was slowly joined by Alice. Usually my dreams of her are so pleasant this
was…...ominous. Tragically, I also could not see her face. She walked with Tedward, away from
me into the abyss. I jogged after them, not wanting to be left in the blackness. No matter how fast I
ran, I couldn’t catch up with them; and no matter how loudly I called out to my lady love, she never
turned around.

I awoke troubled in the middle of the night. Needless to say sleep seemed far far away from me
and when I finally managed to pass back out it seemed like an eternity had passed. After that, they
continued to haunt and taunt me in my dreams nearly every night. Always on the periphery. Never
within reach.

The month following the accident was, needless to say, uneasy and tense. Just like home. It was
also, at first, embarrassing.

For the rest of the week I was the centre of attention. Understandable given the drama of how I had
nearly been graphically killed in front of the whole school but, also incredibly dismaying. I hate
being the centre of attention. Tyler Crowley especially, was impossible. He followed me around
constantly, obsessed with making amends somehow and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t
seem to convince him that the best way to make amends would be to forget about it. Seriously, I
was fine now. No Harm Done. He insisted otherwise; and so we gained another follower. He even
sat at our now-crowded lunch table. We were in danger of being the Cool Kids - luckily we were
still all gay and therefore more outcasts than hip.
Mike and Eric found more glee than they should have in the situation, constantly teasing me about
my straight fan crushing on the helpless lesbian. They seem to be developing an immunity to my

Still, despite the upping in Banter, I took every opportunity I could to bitch about the fact that
Edwardo had saved my life. I owed my life to a twink. However, despite enjoying my never-ending
vitriol most of them seemed to even believe he was near me. Jessica AND Eric insisted that they
hadn’t even seen him there until the van was pulled away. Mike, however, weirdly, was on my
side. Or at least, I thought it was weird until I realised that the reason no one else had seen him
standing so far away before he was saving my life was that no one else was as aware of him.

I keep tabs on my ‘enemies’ so I’m always peripherally aware of him - especially when he’s
standing with my lady love. Mike’s backing made a lot more sense when I considered how much
he glanced at Edilburto. One day, I would get that story out of him.

The point remained. Edbyrte was never surrounded by huge crowds of curious teens badgering him
for a firsthand account. Bastard. People continued to avoid him like the plague. The Cullens and
The Hales continued to sit at the same table as always. They continued to not eat in a suspicious
sort of way, talking amongst themselves. None of them ever glanced my way. Not Alice and Not
Edward. The world seemed a little greyer.

Hysterically, when he sat next to me in class, he would sit as far from me as the table would allow
and acted totally unaware of my presence. Asshole. I was surprised to find myself slightly
disappointed. I had enjoyed the brief but of banter we’d shared and was sure we were on our way
to sharing solidarity. Instead, we appeared to be swinging towards becoming the definition of
wlw/mlm hostility instead. What a bitch. I slowly began to conclude that he regretted saving my
life. Well. Me too bitch. Me too. Literally anyone else please god.

I still sort of wanted to talk to him. The last time I’d seen him outside the ER we’d both been so
furious. I was still angry that he wouldn’t tell me the truth and instead tried to feed me some
bullshit story not even a kindergartener would believe. Despite this, the unfortunate truth remained
that he’d saved my life despite being the world's twinkiest little fuckboy. As I had lay in my bed the
night after the accident I had to very begrudgingly admit to some gratitude for that. I had decided to
try and talk to him.

He was already seated when I got to Biology, staring straight ahead into the middle distance with a
bizarrely determined air. I sat down, expecting him to turn toward me. However he didn't even
blink, continuing to look into the distance as if awaiting the return of his fit military husband from
the war overseas. He showed no sign of realising I was there.

“Hey there bitch boy,” I said jovially, sort of behaving myself but unwilling to let the ongoing
name gag die down.

He deigned to turn his head towards me, just a fraction, nowhere near to meeting my gaze, nodded
once, and then immediately looked away again. That was the last interaction I’d had with him.
Sometimes, when I was busy staring longingly after my lesbian love I would notice him in my
periphery, moping around like the worlds most depressed little twink (a high bar, I’ve met some
Very Depressed Twinks). Weirdly his eyes seemed darker every time I saw him. Neither him nor
the Goddess Who Walks Among Us paid me any attention. Truly a modern day tragedy. I wasn’t
that broken up about Edzio being a prick, it's his default mode, but Alice hadn’t looked at me in
ages and I had a desire to be Seen. Not Known but Seen. Even in my dreams she ignored me.

Despite how much I hedged around the truth of it all (the truth being I’m too dramatic to live and
was pining for an unattainable girl), apparently the tone of my emails was enough to alert Renée to
my ‘depression’. She called a few times, worried out of her overactive mind. I did my best to
convince her it was mostly the weather and Vitamin D deprivation.

Mike was so obviously amused at the renewed coolness between me and my lab partner. I love him
but he’s a little bitch and he knows it. He clearly had a bit of a thing for The Cheerless Cullen
despite how much he denied it and was greatly enjoying watching him fall on his own sword.
There’s nothing more entertaining than watching a bratty little bottom cut of his nose to spite his
own face; which is definitely what was happening as I am a known delight to talk to. At least
there’s some wlw/mlm solidarity in this goddamned school. He would often sit on the edge of my
table to talk before the class started, we would make snide comments and generally piss about
obnoxiously, sniggering at Edmwnd as he ignored us.

After that one Dangerously Icy Day, the snow seemed to wash away for good - much to the
disappointment of Mike who never got his snowball fight. Luckily Jess was quick to remind him
about the beach trip that would soon be possible and after that he perked right back up again. It
continued to constantly rain and as the weeks passed, Jessica began to make me more and more
aware of another event that loomed on the horizon. The spring dance.

Two weeks before it we gathered to discuss attendance tactics. Technically None Of Us were Out
Out at school. Like, we had the vibes down pat but straight people are idiots so. We needed a game
plan. Luckily, there was an even number of us in the main group and we all had corresponding
‘hetero-buddies’. Me and Mike were gunna team up and Jess and Eric were also gunna go together.
We’d debated all going stag but that had opened up too many opportunities for Other People to ask
us out.

Unfortunately, this had the terrible terrible side effect of me agreeing to go to the dance. Which I
had previously believed I would not be going anywhere near At All if i could help it. I’m
TERRIBLE at dancing. 4 left-feet kind of terrible. Still. It was sorted pretty quick this way and it
seemed the easiest solution.

I had forgotten, of course, that Mike is a Terrible Person with a penchant for trouble. He decided, it
would be fun, to dramatically ask me to the dance in the most obnoxious way possible. In Biology.
Sat on my desk. In front of Edorta Cowslip. BASTARD.

“So.” He started, grinning at me with mischief in his eyes, “Jessica asked me to the spring dance”.
He was a lying liar who created drama for fun. I loved him so much.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Did she now”

“Sure she did! I said no.”

I stared at him incredulously. Really?? This is where he was going to go with this. I considered
reminding him that Edwin the Edderson already knew I was a lesbian. Seeing as he was sitting
rigidly beside me, I figured he remembered pretty clearly. I sniggered inwardly and decided to just
run with it.

“Oh No. Whyever would you do such a thing”

“Well Bells, Bella, Baby-” he was simpering at me now and batting his eyelashes. I glared at him.
It did nothing. “I was sort of hoping. That maybe. You would ask me.”

I continued to stare at him.

“Were you now.” In the corner of my eye I could see Curmudgeonly Cullen flick a look towards
us. His general vibe of ‘I can’t even see you let alone hear you’ increased to a point of straining. I
hope he pulled something. “Well I hate to break it to you Micheal but I’m not going.”

“Damn,” he grinned at me, secure in the knowledge that we were both full of shit. “Guess I WILL
go with Jess after all.”

“Uh-huh have fun.”

“So what are you doing if you’re not going to the dance?”

“I am… going to Seattle.”

Mike opened his mouth, no doubt hoping to hand me another shovel so I could dig deeper, but
fortunately before I could trap myself in a web of elaborate ‘lies’ Mr Banner called for everyone to
settle down and he had to head back to his desk. I smirked after him as he left.

When I turned back to the front I was surprised to find Ederick staring at me in bafflement. I stared
back at him, noting the familiar edge of frustration that was back in his nearly black eyes.

“What” I hissed at him.

He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by the teacher requesting an answer to a question I
didn’t hear.

“The Krebs Cycle” Emilio answered, turning to look at Mr Banner with what seemed like a
surprising amount of reluctance. I turned back to my book. His turn to be ignored - let’s see how he
likes it.

When the bell rang an hour later, I was fully expecting him to peg it out of the classroom as quick
as he could. For some unknowable reason, this was not the case.


I turned to face him. Slowly. Unwillingly. I did not want to know what his stupid opinions were
on Mike’s stupid “let’s be straight” game. His expression was unreadable. He didn’t say anything.
Bastard. I was abruptly reminded I was cross with him for ignoring me when I thought we were
becoming bros.

“Oh hi Edgelord. Didn’t notice you there you were so quiet. Have you decided I exist again?”

His lips twitched against his will. Oh Good he did still think I was funny. “No.”

I stared at him and blinked hard.

“Funny. What do you want, O'Gracious Spirit of the divine Lord?”

He shook his head back and forth slowly and stared at the floor before looking back and making
what seemed like sincere eye contact. Gross.

“I AM sorry. I know I’m being rude but it’s better this way. It really is.”

I continued to stare at him. Better for fuckin what now. His weird little cult? His society of
Mutants? I breathed out heavily through my nose.

“I have literally no idea what you’re talking about. What are you? Mafia?”

He snorted.

“It’s just. It’s better if we’re not friends,” he explained, failing to actually explain anything in the
process. “Trust me.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. Not in a million fucking years. Time to throw him off his rhythm.

“Too bad you didn’t figure all that out earlier huh. Could’ve saved you the trouble n regret huh.”

“Wh- what?” Bingo. He was confused. “Regret? Regret for what?”

“For saving my life dumbass. God you’re stupid.”

He stared at me in disbelief, jaw hanging open, for a good couple of seconds. Hah.

Conversation: derailed. I’m a pro.

“I’M stupid? What On Earth are you talking about? Regret saving your life? What are you ON my
dad would skin me alive if I had let anything happen to you! And your dad would help him get
away with it!”

Ok my conversation was derailed. What the fuck. Why would Eddersons dad care about what
happened to me and whether or- huh. I really need to interrogate my father about some things. I
stared at him blankly.

“I- he- What?”

Edward blinked and then sheepishly rubbed a hand against the back of his head. This was
somehow the strangest thing that had happened so far. He chuckled nervously at me, waving away
my incredulous expression. “Don’t worry about it”

I stared at him and then gathered all my stuff together in a light daze, mind rushing through all the
implications. Wasn’t Dr Cullen married?

I meant to leave the room elegantly, or at least in a normal fashion but unfortunately I cannot be
allowed to exist at any point and I tripped on my way out the door. I dropped my books. I stared
into the middle distance as my thoughts continued to race before sighing and stooping to gather
them up. He was already there, books stacked ready to be handed over. He passed them to me.

“Uh. Thanks.” I said

“You’re welcome. Can I- heh. This is um-” wow I had never in my life considered this brat capable
of speechlessness. “A favour. Can I ask a favour?”

I stared at him. The balls on this dude.

“You Can Ask.” I practically dared him.

“Forget I said anything. Implied anything. Whatever.”

I continued to stare at him.

“Nevermind.” He muttered before turning away and heading down the corridor. Man today was

I headed to Gym. It was brutal as per. We’d moved onto basketball and thankfully no one ever tried
to pass me the ball. I still fell over a lot - occasionally taking people down with me. It was worse
than usual because despite his pleas I couldn’t stop thinking about what Edward had said. Just
what the fuck was going on there.

It was a relief to leave. I headed to my truck in a daze. Amazingly it had suffered minimal damage
in the accident. I knew it was a fighter. Whilst I only had to replace the taillights (and would have
contemplated a touch up on the paint job if it had one to speak of) Tyler’s parents had had to sell
their van for parts. Ha. Take that.

I almost had a small stroke when I rounded the corner to see a tall dark figure leaning against the
side of my truck. Then I realized it was just Eric. I started walking again.

“Bitch I nearly shat myself” I called out to him as I approached. Normal greetings are for straights.

“Sucks to be you I guess. What’s up. Mike was sniggering at me earlier and he suggested I come
talk to you about the spring dance? I thought that was all sorted”

I groaned as I unlocked the door to the Truck. Really? Again?

“Mike sufferers from a terrible disease where he thinks he’s funny though”
“Oh we all have that he isn’t special”

“Too True Eric, Too True. It’s really going to get us in trouble. In fact - if I end up bailing on you
guys for the dance to go to Seattle for the weekend, just know the gag was worth it.”


I heaved a dramatic and theatrical breath before recounting Mike's Terrible No-Good impression of
a straight man. I regretted it as soon as I saw an evil glint appear in Eric’s eye.

“Oh no. Nononono. Don’t you Dare!” I hissed at him as a crowd of students began to approach.

“So Bella,” He began, projecting much louder than he needed to, “I was Wondering about your
plans for the spring break dance?”

“I hate you”

“Sorry what? I didn’t catch that.”

“I said. I thought it was Ladies Choice Eric.” I gritted at him through my teeth. Somehow I was
simultaneously furious with myself for playing along instinctively AGAIN and also finding the
entire situation hysterical.

“It is. I was just…… wondering” Eric winked at me. “But then, I hear you have plans”

“Yes. I am going. To Seattle. That Weekend.”

“A R E you now. Interesting. What’s in Seattle?”

Just as I opened my mouth to respond with some equally snarky comment, I heard a familiar low
chuckle and paused to watch Edyngue slope past us and head to his car. Huh. What do you call a
coincidence if it’s happened twice? Eric and I stood and stared at him after a while before Eric
shook his head and chuckled.

“Man. One day, I will understand the Cullen folk.”

“No you won't.”

“Nah. I won’t. See ya later Bella”

Eric waved and walked off back towards the school. What he could possibly have left to do I
couldn’t imagine.

I yanked the door to my (t)rusty steed and jumped inside, slamming it loudly behind me. I jammed
in the keys and revved up the deafening engine, reversing out into the aisle. Finally. Homeward
bound. Or at least I was until the fuckin worlds worst penny had the audacity to cut me off from
two cars down. He stopped. Maybe he was waiting for his family instead of just being a dick.
Maybe, I would get to see Alice. Honestly? Worth the wait every time.

Or at least it would be if there wasn’t a fuckin line beginning to form. I considered ramming into
the back of his shiny Volvo but. Two car accidents so close together would be tempting fate - no
matter how much I trusted in the indestructibility of my truck. Also; witnesses. The urge grew
stronger when I noticed Tyler Crowley was sitting in his newly acquired Sentra directly behind me.
And he was waving. Fantastic.

I continued to sit there, doing my best to burn a hole into the back of the stupid fuckin shiny car in
front of me, when I heard a knock on my passenger side window. I looked over. Fucking Tyler.
Why is he still here? I double checked my rear-view mirror to confirm that yes! His car WAS still
behind me, still running, and the door was open. I hoped someone stole it. I stared at him before
huffing a breath and leaning over to wind the window half down. At least, half down was as far as I
got before I gave up due to its stiffness.

“Hi Tyler. Sorry. I’m stuck behind Copperhead.” I rolled my eyes as if to say “rich boys, can u
believe em”. Had any of my local brethren been there, they would’ve also picked up on the hint of
“urgh straight ppl am i right” but alas, the subtlety of that particular denotation of eye roll was lost
on Tyler.

“Yeah I know. I was just- I wanted to ask you something while we’re trapped here.” He grinned at
me. Oh. Oh fuCK NO.

This could not be happening. At least Mike and Eric were joking!

“Will you ask me to the spring dance?” He looked up at me, like a little hopeful puppy dog.

I sighed.

“First off - thats definitely not what Ladies Choice means. At all. Second - I’m not in town” Shit
fuck. Why did I say that?? This was definitely Mike’s fault. And Eric’s. And I was also going to
gracefully give Edweener some of the blame because it was HIS FAULT I WAS STILL HERE. I
hate him.

“Yeah. I heard.” He admitted

“Wh-. Mike. Mike said that.” I was going to kill him.

“He sure did!”

“Then Tyler. WHY for the Love Of God, Would y-”

“I hoped you were just. Letting him down easy”

My patience abruptly ran out. I am a Lesbian. I didn’t have to sit here and listen to this. If Mike
really wanted to play this new fun game of “create straight drama for the lols” than why shouldn’t I
run with it. Seattle here I come I guess.

“Nope! I Really Am Going Out Of Town”

“That’s cool. We still have prom”

I stared at him, mouth agape. The NERVE! Unfortunately before I could get even a splutter of
indignation out my little gay mouth he walked away back to his car.
As I turned to look back out my windscreen my ire increased ten fold. All I managed to see of my
one and only love for all eternity was the back of her head as she slid into the car with her sibs
from different cribs. Bastard had robbed me of an opportunity to see the love of my life. Suddenly I
noticed I was being mocked. Mocked from a distance by laughing eyes that cackled into a rearview
mirror. It was… almost as if Edinson had heard the entire thing from where he sat. Weird. Still.
My foot itched toward the gas pedal and I wondered if I could get away with calling it an accident
if I just. Ever so gently bumped into their car. I wouldn't hurt them. Just the paint Job.

Alas I could not risk the wrath of the woman I wuvved. Ugh. Not even alliteration could make that
work. Note to self, never say wuvved. They sped away. I drove slowly home muttering to myself
the whole way.

When I got home, I decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner - it would take me a long while
and occupy my mind and Charlie would love them. Whilst I was simmering the onions and the
chilies the phone rang. I considered leaving it but it might’ve been said father.

It was not. It was Jessica. A Jessica who had clearly been hanging out with Mike. She squealed
sarcastically down the phone and then went on one of the most impressive rambles about the
delights of being a Straight Girl who had been invited to the Party by the world's Straightest Boy I
had ever heard. When she paused for breath I took my chance.

“Jess. Did you write this all down or is this just the most dedicated piece of improvised
performance art I’ve ever heard?”

“I mean. I had bullet points? But I’m mostly rambling”

“Wow man. Maybe You SHOULD be straight”

She gasped dramatically in offense.

“Isabella Marie Swan!! How could you? Blasphemy!”

“...How do you know my middle name.”

“I have connections.”


“Anyway I hear you’re going to Seattle the weekend of the dance?”

“Goodbye Jess”

I took great pleasure in hanging up on her. I refocused on dinner - concentrating especially hard on
the chicken. I was keen to avoid another trip to the ER; even if I was curious about my dad and
doctor dreamy. And believe me, I was curious. Super curious.

My mind lingered over what Edward had accidentally implied earlier. Just how well did Charlie
and the doctor know each other. What was going on there. Did my dear ol pa have a crush? Was it
reciprocated? What about Edwards mum? God. Also what the fuck did Edward mean we couldn’t
be friends. Admittedly he’s a twat but once he manages to get a personality we could be great
friends! Maybe he’d seen how I looked at his sister. That would be embarrassing. Then again.
Who’s to say he wouldn’t be able to help me get an in. I’d had the thought before in passing but
now I took it back out and examined it closer.

That…. That could work actually. First things first though I’d have to work out how to be his
friend. I shouldn’t set him up with Mike. Wait did he ever confirm whether or not he was gay? Not
sure. Ok so step one would be working out whether or not he was aware of the fact he was sliding
up the kinsey scale. Step two would be doing something with that info and then relying on the
good old gay pack instinct. Perfect. A Plan. Now I just had to implement it.

I finished the enchiladas and put them in the oven.

Charlie was thrilled when he came home to yet another edible non-experimental meal that was
more than halfway decent for this health. He loved it. It was fun to share this with him and watch
as he fully relaxed into trusting me in the kitchen.

“Hey Dad?” I asked when he was almost done.


“Uh. Just a heads up that I might be going to Seattle for the day a week from Saturday?”

“Wha- Why? Isn’t that the weekend of the dance? I thought you were going with that Mike kid?”

“Hmm. Maybe. There’s been a bit of-” how to put this… “-cross communication. It’s a bit in the
air right now and I may end up just going on a Seattle trip instead”

“I mean. Yeah ok. Why Seattle though?”

“It’s sort of a joke but also I do want to get some new books and maybe some clothes. The library
here is pretty small you know?” I also had more money than I was used to given that Charlie had
very unexpectedly gotten me the truck and I hadn’t had to pay for it. The gas for it on the other

“Hmm. Makes sense. My only worry would be the mileage on the truck,” he said, unknowingly
mirroring my thoughts. He was good like that.

“I know. I’ll stop in Montesano and Olympia - and Tacoma if I have to.”

“Are you going all by yourself?” He asked. I couldn’t tell if he was worried about car trouble or
worried I was plotting something.

“That’s the plan”

“Ok. Stay safe. I’d warn you about the dangers of the big city but… I’ve a feeling you know them
intimately” He smiled up at me and I felt a rush of warmth that he was taking my life in Phoenix
into account.

“I sure do,” I laughed a bit. “ Phoenix is five times the size of Seattle. I won’t get lost either,” I
added, waving my phone at him. “I can read maps.”
He nodded at me.

“Smart. Well. Don’t get into trouble I guess.”

I was suddenly suspicious. That had been too easy. As I gathered the dishes and began to head
towards the sink I saw Charlie pull out his phone and head out the room. He turned in the doorway
just before he left the room and waved it at me

“Hey Bells don’t do all the work without me I just gotta make a quick call”

I nodded at him. Washing up together had somehow become a nightly routine. Still. I wondered
who he could possibly be calling at this time of night.

The next morning, when I pulled into the parking lot, I parked as far away from temptation as I
could. I didn’t want to owe Edui- Edward a new car. Especially not now I was on a mission to
become his friend so I could get to know his sister. Predictably, I fumbled with my key almost
immediately and dropped it into a puddle by my feet. Before I could grab it, a white hand flashed
out and stole it from under me. Here he was. The biggest twink in the universe. I stood up and
threw a glare at him as he leaned casually against my truck.

“You really are the magical appearing genie huh”

“I’m what?” He asked, holding my keys out and dropping them into my palm as I reached out for

“You just. Appear. Out of thin air. All the time,” my plan to befriend him was going well. My
decided approach was to treat him the exact same way I treat all my friends and lightly bully him.
It would be easier. Also he was very bully-able.

“Bella bella bella. It’s not My fault if you are exceptionally observant.” His voice was just as
annoyingly soft spoken as I remembered. Prick.

I scowled at him and his annoyingly perfect face. His eyes were light again today. They were a
deep golden honey colour. Why the fuck was I cursed to keep noticing this shit. Observant my ass.

“What was up with that traffic jam yesterday?” I poked him in the side. It felt like I stubbed my
finger. “I thought you were having a ball pretending I don’t exist, implying things about our fathers
and generally not being so blatant about irritating me to death”

“Oh well,” he snickered at me, “that was for Tyler’s sake you know. He seemed to have something
to say to you. I had to give him his chance”

“YOU… BASTARD” I gasped out, glaring at him. He snickered harder. I hissed at him.

“Also, I’m not pretending you don’t exist”

“Could’a fuckin fooled me bitch. I do prefer this new approach of trying to irritate me to death
over the icey icey silence.”

“Seriously it’s a skill. You could probably turn a profit on the irritation you can generate.”

He stared at me blankly for a second before opening his mouth to defend the indefensible. I took
possibly too much glee in cutting him off.

“Eddie Eddie Eddie,” I snarked at him, echoing his earlier greeting, “you Know I am a Lesbian. I
inexplicably told you my life story, remember. You deliberately placing me in the way of a straight
man with a crush? That’s a hate crime.”

“You’re absurd”

“Of course I am. I’m Queer.”

“That’s… archaic.”

“You’re archaic. Why are you here, what do you want?” I started to walk away from him towards
the school. He followed.

“Oh. Um. I actually had a question to ask you.”

“Oh goodie. Ask away not-friend”

“I was wondering if next saturday-”

“I would go to the dance with you? Haha Edure, very funny.” I gave up on getting his name right to
his face. He deserved it.

“Hey! Let me finish!”

I stared him down, raising my eyebrow incredulously at him before gesturing for him to complete
his sentence.

“I heard you were going to Seattle that day-” you have got to be fucking kidding me “-and I was
wondering if you wanted a ride”


W h a t.

“What?” I stopped walking in shock.

“Do you want a ride to seattle?”

“Dude you’re giving me whiplash”

He stared at me and slowly raised his eyebrow to match mine. We’re both useless. I decided.

“A ride. With…”
“With me. Obviously”

“What happened to we can't be friends? Did my dad put you up to this?”

“What? No! Why would you think that? This has… almost nothing to do with Charlie.”

I was not going to miss out on an opportunity to befriend the bitch so I could get closer to his angel
of a sister. However, I was curious. What the heck was up with this complete 180 in opinion huh.
Just the other day he was telling me we couldn’t be friends and now he wants to drive me to
Seattle?? No way.

“Why then”

“Well. I was planning to go to Seattle in the next few weeks, and to be honest, I’m not sure if your
truck can make it.”

“GOD you’re insufferable! May I remind you my truck recently won a fight against someone else’s
van? It works fine thank you very much.” I turned to head back towards the school. My desire to
protect my truck's reputation outweighed my desire to try and make friends with Twinkerbell.

“But can your truck make it there on one tank of gas?” He kept matching my pace.

“Bitch. Why do you care so much? It’s not like it's any of your business.” Stupid fuckin shiny
volvo owner. He’s such a little bitch boy.

“The wasting of finite resources is everyone’s business.”

I stared at him incredulously. This conversation was really taking some unexpected twists and

“Well. That’s a Terrible Line.”


“Listen. For reasons known to me, sure fine whatever. I will go to Seattle with you. IF you clear
this whole friendship thing up. I thought you didn’t want to be my friend. Now you want to drive
me to Seattle? Sure.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to be your friend. I said it would be better if we weren’t.”

“Semantics. That cleared up nothing” At this point we had walked far enough to be under the
shelter of the cafeteria roof. I still didn’t know what he was after. He sighed.

“It would be… more prudent, for you to not be my friend”

“Noone says prudent anymore who are you”

“Oh shut up. You’re infuriating. If I have to sit next to you in class I figure it will be… easier if
we’re friends. There’s no point in staying away. You’re determined to mock me, might as well be
to my face.”

“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about”

“Uh-huh. You know, you really should stay away from me. From us.” I hadn’t said anything about
Alice, how did he know my ulterior motive. “I know you won’t though. See you in class Bella.”

He turned abruptly and walked back the way we’d come.

Chapter End Notes

man i wish i could show yall the messages i send ppl as im writing this theres some
summary gems in there such as:

bella: gets ignored

bella: "well this is incredibly amusing"

canon bella (cella): why hello little boy that i never speak to and is a meanie to me,,
however do you find urself on this fine day
this bella (thella): SUP BITCH UR AN ASSHOLE

bella: im going to seattle for a joke

charlie, in his head: shes going away ,, away for the day,, its the weekedn, u could go
see the cullens,,, time to hang out with carlisle without bella knowing yeas yes go to

bella: did my dad put u up to this

edward: no but i have no desire to listen to our dads pine after eachother over dinner
and i really need an out and this will give me good boy points

anyway i nearly just killed tyler crowley cus i couldnt be bothered to deal with his
straight nonsense but he was spared because im determined to stick as close to the
book as i can.

also its important that yall know that Jess's contact for knowing bellas middle name is
definitely edward who learnt it from charlie when he was bragging to carlisle about his
daughter over dinner one night.
Blood Type
Chapter Notes

OK OK FINE. I'M TIRED. Alice is in this one Let's Go.

Edward gets to hang out with the whole gang lucky Edward - they spend far too long
in the cafeteria harassing each other, Bella still can't handle blood and idek what
what's going on anymore. I get points for trying though surely!

Merry Midnight sun lads. I have Not Read it but I've seen snippets and I'm willing to
bet this Edwards more fun!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I made my way over to English in a state of confusion. I was somehow late and ended up walking
into a class that had already started.

“Thank you for joining us, Miss Swan,” Mr Mason said in a disparaging tone. I flushed and hurried
to my seat.

It wasn’t until class had ended that I realised Mike wasn’t sitting in his usual chair next to me so I
wouldn’t be able to ream him over the whole Seattle thing. I couldn’t wait to tell him about what
his meddling little drama hands had done.

Luckily he and Eric met me at the door, self-satisfied grins all over their smug little faces.

“Hey Bella”

“Yeah hey Bella”

“Oh Shut Up the pair of you. You have caused Trouble, with a capital T you know that?”

“Awww Bella don’t be so dramatic, you know you love us really” Mike looped his arm around
Eric’s shoulders and squeezed so they were both looking innocently up at me. The grin was far too
entertained to be convincing.

“Uh-huh.” I said, unconvinced. “Let me tell you two a little tale shall I?” Saying so, I walked
directly between the two of them and grabbed them by the ears. As I dragged them behind me on
the way down the corridor, I filled them in on the results of their little mission of mischief.
Needless to say they were shocked and taken aback.

“Wait let me get this straight. You’re now ACTUALLY abandoning me at the dance to go to
Seattle, and Edward Cullen, world’s most introverted poltergeist, has Offered to take you of his
own free will?”

“Pretty much yeah.”

“Damn. Well. Have fun!”

“Michael. You Suck”

“I know!” He grinned at me again whilst Eric sniggered harder. I hate having friends, they suck so
much I don’t know what I’d do without them. Mope probably. “Anyway onto more exciting things,
did you see the weather report for this weekend?”


“It’s going to stop raining! Apparently… You know what that means!”

With that announcement the conversation very quickly became centred back around the somehow
still upcoming beach trip of teenage dreams. Despite my initial… well everything, I was sort of
starting to look forward to it. Given everything about everyone involved it was sure to be a time.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of shenanigans as I revelled in informing people about
what Edyn Coward had said and that yes, I was in fact going to be going to Seattle now. Because
I’m incapable of not taking a joke too far and I’m friends with a horrible bunch of enablers.

By the time we reached the cafeteria I was buzzing with anticipation. I was this much closer to
befriending Culinary Delight and then I would finally have an in with Alice. Also! I would get to
see Alice! It really is the little things in life… I swear, if Eddison had reverted back to the
impression of a blank wall he’d been doing for the last few weeks instead of the vaguely friendly
pretentious twink he was this morning I’d slap him. As we entered the room, Jessica continued to
wax poetic on the subject of me abandoning gays in need to flit off too seattle with a hot young
twink. I admit, I had tuned out fairly early on.

He wasn’t fucking there. BASTARD. I was gunna rib him all lunch! Distantly! On the upside,
Alice was here looking as beautiful and stunning and ethereal and unachievable as ever. God she’s
stunning. Gorgeous. My very subtle longing stares were interrupted by Jess sounding much more
than she should be.

“Edward is uh, staring at you. Again.”


“He’s staring at you from his loner table. By the way, why is he sitting on his own?”

I followed her gaze to see Edvardas Cold-Hands smirking at me across the room from an empty
table. An empty table across the room from where he usually sat with his unfairly attractive family.
Fucking weird. Even weirder, once he’d caught my eye he raised a hand and motioned with his
index finder for me to join him. I stared at him. He winked at me. I hate him.

“What the fuck Bella”

“I… I don’t know?”

“You should definitely go over there.” Mike said, unhelpfully.

“Yeah maybe we can convince the straight populace that you two are the up and coming power
couple.” Eric added, also unhelpfully.

“Maybe I should make him come over here.” I mused out loud, just as helpful as my friends.

“Maybe… though his table IS bigger…”

“So it is. Guess we’re all going to go over there then”

“Oh this is a group exercise now is it?” Mike raised an eyebrow at me as I started off towards
Eduardo the Great Pain In The Ass.

“Sure is.” I threw over my shoulder, not checking to see if they were following.

I stopped behind the chair across from him and flashed him a smile.

“What’s up rich boy”

He smiled in a way that suggested it was no longer entirely against his will. Interesting. Maybe he
was genuine about the friends thing.

“I was just thinking, why don’t you sit with me today?”

“Aside from the whole “recently my nemesis” thing? Oh No Reason,” I slid into the seat across
from him just as the others finally arrived at the table. “Fair warning that as a Gay I do come as
part of a flock though”

“I object to the use of the word flock” Mike said, casually slinging himself into the chair next to
Edward. Again. Subtle.

“You would you great pansy you” Jess threw back at him as she sat more sedately next to me.
Mike gasped in fake outrage and pretended to get shot dramatically in the chest. I rolled my eyes at
his antics and noticed that Edric was looking more than mildly bemused. My God did this kid
Never have friends?

His smile widened and I was struck with the unfortunate reminder that he was actually, objectively,
very attractive. Disgusting. I glanced at Mike and judging by his somewhat entranced expression
he appeared to be thinking something much the same. Still. Edelio didn’t look like he was going to
be saying something anytime soon and the banter quickly died down. I seized the moment.

“So… this is different.”

“Well…” He paused and glanced at my friends as they studiously looked away and faked
innocence and deafness incredibly poorly. I sniggered. He sighed and shook his head slightly
before seemingly shrugging to himself and pushing through to say the rest of his words in a quick
rush. “I decided as long as I was going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly.”
There was a bemused silence as everyone present considered the easiness of the gag and the
relative twinkiness of the boy who said it. Unsurprisingly, it was Mike who went for the low-
hanging fruit.

“You scared of hanging out with a bunch of gays then Cuticle? Afraid we’ll corrupt your little
mormon heart”

Edward choked. On air obviously, he wasn’t even pretending to eat. It was incredibly satisfying.

“I- You- I- WHat? nO? I’m n- I’m not a mormon?”

“Oh its the MORMON part he takes offense too”

“And I’m not homophobic either! God! Why are you all so impossible? SUrely you know Alice
would- well…” He sighed and wiped a hand over his face. “I just- I meant- nevermind.”

Wait no, I thought to myself, go back to the bit about Alice skinning you alive for homophobia. Or
at least I assume that’s how that was going to finish. EIther way, it was a very interesting tidbit of
information I would cling to in the foreseeable future.

“Man you really don’t make it easy for yourself do you White boy?” Eric snorted at him.

“Apparently not no.”

“Soooooo Edwin, is this little lunch gathering going to be a regular occurrence?” Jess asked leaning
across the table.

“Uh. Maybe? Yes?”

“Why now huh? Cus lemme say Eddie-boy, you haven’t always been looking the most friendly in
bio it has to be said”

“Yes thank you Mike you’re very helpful.” I glanced back at Edwuardo. “I am surprised though,
Mike does have a point you know…”

“Thank You”

“Shut Up”

“I- I told you earlier. I just, I got tired I guess. Of avoiding you. Or- or staying away or whatever.
So I’m giving up. Friends remember?” He was still sort of smiling uneasily but his eyes were

“Giving up huh.”

“Yes - giving up trying to be good I guess. I’m just- I’m going to do what I want now. Lets the
chips fall where they may” As he spoke his smile faded. God this boy was clearly Too Hard on
himself. Fuck knows what he was on about.

“Okaayyy…. Raise your hand if you didn’t follow that.” Everyone stuck their hands in the hair.
Mike went to stand on his chair as well but Jess quickly shut that down. Edward grinned self-
deprecatingly enough that I decided to use his real name. I ignored the fact that the smile was a
breathtaking one.

“I always say too much when I’m talking to you - that’s one of the problems”

“You literally haven’t said a single thing that makes sense”

“Thankfully not no. I sort of count on it…”

“So Cullen… are we friends now or what” Mike asked, butting in with his usual tact (none).

“Friends…” He appeared to mull it over.

“Any day now” piped up Eric who appeared to be tired of being a quiet observer. Jessica, it
seemed, was quite happy to remain on her phone. She was probably texting Angela who was
FINALLY back in school. Honestly I didn’t know her very well, she’d gone away pretty soon after
I started here but we’d interacted a few times and she was one of Jess’s closest friends. I couldn’t
wait for her to rejoin the group.

Twinkie Winkie finally seemed to arrive at a decision. He grinned. “Well. We can try I suppose.
But I’m warning you now that, well, I’m not a good friend for you.”

“Oh of course. Don’t worry about it,” said Mike, slapping Edwin’s shoulder and immediately
wincing as if he’d hit a rock, “Bella’s not a good friend for me either. Did I tell you about the time

I rolled my eyes at Ed in sympathy for the plight of Mike only to note he looked… somewhat

“I- I don’t think you’re listening to me. Any of you. Especially you Bella I’ve told you more than
most. If you’re smart you’ll avoid me”

I narrowed my eyes at him playfully, recalling all the times he had looked down at me. “I think
you’ve made your opinion on the subject of my intellect clear.”

Eric sniggered whilst Mike started to choke on his drink. Edem winced in what I took as apology.
This was confirmed by the apologetic smile that followed it.

“I’ll have you know it’s our Gay RIght to be stupid Edwina and don’t you dare infringe it by
asking us to be smart about things” Eric said, thumping his hand into the table for emphasis. “I’m
not president of the IQCFFH for nothing!”

“YeAH! I ALWAYS dare to be stupid!” said Mike proudly.

“You don’t dare anything Mike, you just ARE stupid.” I looked at Edward. “Fine it’s agreed.
We’ll continue being not very smart and you’ll deign to be called our friend”


“I refuse to be Stupid but I’m in,” said Jess, placing her phone on the table. “Angela says she’s on
her way”

“Nice. Don’t tell her I claimed her title as President of the IQCFFH”
“W- What’s the IQCFFH? I’ve never heard of it” asked Edward, looking even more confused than

I pitied him.

“It’s the Imaginary Queer Club For Forks High. It’s an ongoing gag.”


“It’s better than the new club I’m founding.”

“Oh I Love that club. I’m co-president” Mike lied

“No you’re not you’re VP”

“Same thing”

“Is not”

“Is Too”

We stared at each other, grinning and refusing to back down until Eddie Eddie Edkin cleared his

“Uhm. Sorry I- What club would that be?” He said in a somewhat strangled voice - almost as if he
already knew the answer and didn’t like it.

“Why the WOEIEC club of course. Or the Wo-ick. Also known as the ‘What On Earth Is Edward
Cullen’ club.”

His eyes closed as if he were in pain before he looked to the ceiling as if asking what he had done
to deserve the gift of our friendship.

“Uh. Um. Are- are you- What? Have you come to an answer?”

“Unfortunately not no”

“Well… got any theories?”

“Oh LoADs” said Mike excitedly. “We’d have more if the others joined but it’s just me and Bells
right now, so.”

“We can’t tell you any of them though sorry” I cut across Mike before he could say anything stupid
or embarrassing - which was often his default. “It could negatively influence the investigation.”

“That’s really frustrating you know,” he complained.

“Noooooooo” I disagreed somewhat sarcastically, “I can’t pOsSiBLY imagine why that would be
frustrating at all! Just because someone refuses to tell you what they’re thinking? Whilst they
continue to make cryptic little remarks designed specifically to keep you up at night wondering
what they could po s s i b l y mean? Why on earth would that be frustrating??”

He grimaced. I didn’t let that stop me.

“Or better! Say that person also did a wide range of bizarre things - saving your life under
impossible fucking circumstances one day, to treating you like a pariah the next, and he Never
explained any of that either, even after he promised! I imagine that would also be very non-

I stared him down. Mike, Eric and Jessica stared at me which, unfair, don’t think I quite deserved
the triple stare but ok.

“Go Off Bella” I heard Jess mutter to herself.

Edman Cuboid blinked at me.

“You… have a bit of a temper don’t you”

“I don’t like double standards.”

We stared at each other, unsmiling, until Mike suddenly clapped his hands together loudly.

“Right! That was fun. What should we talk about next?”

Edward started to snicker inexplicably.


“Nothing sorry. It’s just. Man really?”

Even more inexplicably, Mike flushed. Interesting

“W- How did you even-?” Mike managed to stutter out.

“I’m really good at reading people. They’re like open books to me… or most people are anyway”
he said, tilting his head in my direction. I huffed some air out my nose.

“Oh this again. Except me right?”

“Yes. Except you.” Suddenly his mood shifted. He was the world's worst emotional rollercoaster.
“I wonder why that is…”

I rolled my eyes. Again. Hanging out with this dude was either going to give me eye strain or make
my eyes super buff. What would buff eyeballs look like? I shook my head and took a swig of
lemonade - it was all I had purchased for lunch today, being too distracted by Alice and her
beautiful hair and her beautiful face and I immediately drifted into thoughts of Alice.

Man, her brother was annoying but Boy was I hoping for an in. Think of the devil and he shall
interrupt your musings on gorgeous ethereal women with eyes that are pools of liquid gold.
“Aren’t you hungry?”

“No. You?” I smirked at the empty table in front of him. Never in all my weeks at this school had I
seen him eat something. It was a recurring point in the WOEIEC meetings which happened
whenever Mike and I could be bothered to lazily throw suggestions at each other.

“No, I’m not hungry.” He said, suspiciously as if it was part of a larger, private joke I wasn’t privy

I exchanged glances with the three amigos. All of them looked as lost as I felt. They also looked
about as amused as me. This was great. We should hang out with the great Edburta more often.

“Hey Mr. Curry. Could you do me, well us I guess, a favour?”

Immediately he was wary and full of suspicion. Which sort of makes sense when you remember
how many siblings he has God their house must be loud. “That depends on what you want.”

“Oh not much. I was just wondering if you could give us all a heads up next time you decide to
drop us like a hot potato or ‘ignore me for my own good’ or whatever bullshit it is you decide to
pedal. You know. Just so I’m prepared.”

“Yeah we wouldn’t wanna try and engage you in biology if you’re doing your best impression of a
brick wall.”

“That… sounds fair.” He said, pressing his lips together as if trying to keep himself from laughing.

“Good glad that’s sorted.”[

“Can I have an answer in return?”

“Oh boy here we go. Ok sure. You can have one.”

“Tell me one of your theories.”

I stared at him aghast whilst Mike’s face lit up. He was having far too much fun here.

“No. Absolutely not. Mike don’t you dare”

“But Bella-!”

“You didn’t qualify, you just promised me an answer! I’m breaking no rules here” Smarmy
fucking bastard.

“Yeah and like you’ve never broken a promise…”

“Just one little teensy weensy theory”

“C’mon Bella please!”

I threw my hands up in the air “Fine! Fine! Compromise the integrity of our investigations! Tell
him one theory. I can tell you’re desperate and.. Well… I guess I did say…”
Mike grinned and slapped Edward on the arm again - proving he learnt nothing the first time as he
winced again. “I’m going to go with… radioactive spider”

I immediately slumped back in my chair and groaned at the ceiling. “Oh Come On Mike! That was
one of the worse ones! We weren’t even being serious when we suggested that!”

Eduardos scoffed. “That’s not very creative”

“Yeah well it’s all your getting pretty boy.”

“Pretty-? What?”

“You said one answer you get one answer there you go, chew on that”

“You’re not even close!” Edward protested and I jumped on the opportunity.

“Quick Mike! Take Note! Edmund himself admits there is something up with Edmund Coward by
virtue of our barking up the wrong tree”

“N- I did not!”

“She’s right, mate. You forgot to deny the tree.” Eric mused out loud whilst Mike pretended to
write something in an invisible notebook.

“She’s here!” Jess suddenly jumped out her seat and ran to greet Angela before dragging her over
to the table.

“Hi Angela! How was the trip?”

“Good good. Hey this may seem an odd question but why the fuck are we sat with Edward Cullen.
Hello Edward”


“Because he’s a twink and we decided it was time they got some representation on the board.”
Mike said gleefully.

“Jesus Mike. You ever looked in a mirror?”

“No I haven’t Eric and I refuse on principle. Anyway Angie, you just got here so quick name
Something that could be wrong with Edwin on a ‘he’s weirdly hot and super freaky strong’ sort of

“Uh. Yellow sun?”

Edward scoffed and shook his head. “Kryptonite doesn’t bother me either by the way”

“God you’re all such nerds why am I friends with such nerds? Angela, you were supposed to even
it back out! Not side with them!”

“Sorry not sorry Jess. You know me. Can’t resist a good mystery”
“Can none of you leave it alone?” asked an increasingly exasperated Edison.

We all turned to him in sync and the resounding no that met him seemed to take him slightly aback.
Oh to have a finger on the group braincell.

“We will figure it out eventually. We gotta. Like monkeys with a typewriter.”

“I really wish you wouldn’t.” He was serious again. Great.

“Any particular reason egghead?”

“W- What if I’m not a superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?” He smiled somewhat playfully but
his eyes were impenetrable.

“Sexy.” Said Mike immediately with no pause for thought. He seemed to consider regretting it
before tacking on, “Everyone knows villains have a better aesthetic.”

Whilst everyone else tried hard not to laugh at Edwards astounded face, I sat back and considered,
as several of the things he’d hinted at suddenly fell into place. Huh. Wild. Edward noticed my

“Hmm. I may have some files to submit to the board of WOEIEC”

“Do you?” asked Edward. His face abruptly much more severe, as if he were once again afraid that
he’d accidentally said too much. He needed to loosen up.

“Oh Yeah. Mike add a tally to the sexy pile cus I reckon Edmundo here is more dangerous than he
lets on.”

“And he lets on quite a bit” muttered Eric under his breath. Jess appeared to be unbothered by the
dissolving situation as she tried to catch Angela up on what she’d missed in a more comprehensive
manner than Mike's admittedly lackluster explanation.

“But I do think you should detract points as well cus this boy isn’t evil. Not in a fun evil way. I
think he’s just mopey about it.”

“Like Angel in Buffy?” Mike asked as he diligently pretended to be a secretary taking notes.

“Exactly like that.”

At this point Edwards eyes were as wide as dinner plates and he looked ready to flee. Curiouser
and curiouser. Maybe that reference was more on the nose than I had thought. I turned it over in my
mind but before I could come to any conclusions I was interrupted by a sudden eruption of people
standing up.

“We’re going to be late!”

“Oh Shit.”
“What’ve we got? Bio?”

“Fucking Bio.”

“Shit. C’mon then.”

As we all grabbed our shit and turned to leave I noticed that Edwynne was still sitting at the table
and looked like he was in no hurry to leave. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m not going to class today,” he said, twirling the lid to something in his hand so fast it was just a

“Why not? Decided we can’t be friends again?”

“No it- it’s. It’s healthy to ditch class now and then.” He smiled up at me but his eyes still looked
vaguely ‘deer in the headlights’.

“Well. I’m definitely going” I told him and turned to leave with my friends. I was far too big a
coward to risk getting caught.

I heard him call out behind me “See you later then!” and I gave him a jaunty wave over my

We scuttled through the corridors giggling at a half-run pace. “It’s nice to meet you again by the
way Angela” I said as we hurried along.

She giggled. “You too Bella. Things seem to have gotten pretty interesting since I left.”

“You could definitely say that.” Mike sniggered. There was far too much laughing happening.

We were lucky; Mr Banner wasn’t in the room yet when we got there. Hell yeah scot-free! We
scurried into our seats, receiving stares from our classmates. I always forget that other people can
perceive us outside our bubble. I wandered what the school populace made of our lunch with

Before I could wander too hard, Mr Banner came into the room and called the class to order. He
was juggling a few small cardboard boxes in his arms. He put them down on Mikes table, telling
him to start passing them around the class.

“Okay guys, I want you all to take one piece from each box,” he said as he produced a pair of
rubber gloves from the pocket of his lab jacket and pulled them on. As his gloves snapped into
place they made a sharp sound which struck me as weirdly ominous. “The first should be an
indicator card,” he went on, grabbing a white card with four squares marked on it and displaying it.
“The second is a four pronged applicator-” he held up something that looked like a nearly toothless
hair pick, “-and the third is a sterile micro-lancet.” He held up a small piece of blue plastic and
split it open. The barb was invisible from this distance but my stomach flipped.

“I’ll be coming around around with a dropper of water to prepare your cards, so please don’t start
until I get to you.” He began at Mike’s table again, carefully putting one drop of water in each of
the four squares.

“Then I want you to carefully prick your finger with the lancet…” He grabbed Mike’s hand and
jabbed the spike into the tip of Mike’s middle finger. Oh no. Clammy moisture broke out across
my forehead.

“Put a small drop of blood on each of the prongs.” He demonstrated, squeezing Mike’s finger till
the blood flowed. I swallowed convulsively, my stomach heaving. “And then apply it to the card,”
he finished, holding up the dripping red card for us to see. I closed my eyes, trying to hear through
the ringing in my ears.

“The Red Cross is having a blood drive in Port Angeles next weekend, so I thought you should all
know your blood type.” He sounded proud of himself. “Those of you who aren’t eighteen yet will
need a parent’s permission - I have slips at my desk.”

He continued through the room with his water drops. I put my cheek against the cool black
tabletop and pondered Edwards skive-alitis this lesson. Seemed awfully well timed. Thank God he
wasn’t here to see me make a total fool of myself. All around me I could hear squeals, complaints,
and giggles as my classmates skewered their fingers. I breathed in and out slowly through my

“Bella, are you all right?” Mr Banner asked. He seemed awfully close to my head and sounded
rather alarmed.

“Peachy keen Mr Banner. I, I already know my blood type, sir.” I said in a voice weaker than I’d
like to admit. I was mildly afraid to raise my head.

“Are you feeling faint?”

I grumbled under my breath before taking in a steadying breath and nodding slightly. “Maybe a
little.” I should have fucking skipped this class when I had the chance. I made a note to tell Edward
he was a bastard. I didn’t know how but this was definitely his fault.

“Can someone take Bella to the nurse, please?” he called.

I didn’t have to look up to know that it would be Mike who volunteered. I made another note to
threaten bodily harm if this ever came up in group conversation. I trusted Angela to keep mum. I
did not trust Mike.

“Can you walk?” Mr Banner asked.

“Yeah.” I responded. I refused to be carried or otherwise escorted out the room. I’d leave under my
own steam even if I had to crawl. Mike however, was determined to help. He slung his arms
around my waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder.

“Ready for our three-legged race Bell?” He asked me, faux-cheerily over his concern.

“Oh shut up Mike.” I muttered to him as I leaned heavily into his side on the way out the
Mike towed me slowly across campus, not taking any notice of my warning and continuing to stay
stupid things in an effort to get me to smile. I did appreciate the effort but if anyone ever knew that
then well… I’d have to kill them. When we were around the edge of the cafeteria, out of sight of
building 4 just in case Mr Banner was watching, I stopped.

“I’m just- just let me sit down a hot second would you Mike.”

He helped me sit on the edge of the walk and then immediately sat down with me. I stared at him
and he nodded at me.


“Of course”

“It’s the backbone of the gay community Bella. Solidarity.”

“Uh-huh. Well whatever you do… keep your hand in your pocket,” I warned him, thinking about
the blood that was undoubtedly still on his finger. I was still pretty dizzy. I slumped over into him
pressing my face into the cold damp material of his jacket shoulder and closing my eyes. It helped
a little. I considered lying on the colder, damper pavement but I didn’t want to have to get up again.

“Wow, you’re green Bells. Like, actually green. Don’t puke on me.” Mike said, both impressed
and nervous at the same time.

Distantly I thought I could hear melodic voices conversing harshly. I assumed I was imagining it. I
assumed that right up to the point where it became clear I wasn’t.

“Bella?” A voice called for me across the distance. It sounded like Bells. Chiming at me, fluttering
in the breeze. It was a beautiful sound.

It was followed by a second voice, also melodic but much more familiar and far less welcome.
“Oh Christ, here we go.”

If. If the second voice was Admin, then who- oh. Oh Please No. Not now. Not like this. I squeezed
my eyes shut harder in an attempt to deny what I hesitantly thought to be true. I added a subheading
to my earlier mental note about blaming Eddie for this. He was going to suffer Consequences.

“Bella? What’s wrong - is she hurt?” She was approaching me. She was concerned about me? She
Knew My Name?!? Ohgod this is it this is how I was going to die. I was already too dizzy for this
oh god. She even sounded upset! I squeezed my eyes shut harder. I did not want my first interaction
with this ethereal goddess above mortal men and women to be when I was green. I’d rather be
dead. I hoped to high heaven I wouldn’t throw up.

Mike seemed pretty stressed but also far too amused for my mental well being. The fucker was
enjoying himself. Completely uncalled for. “I think she’s fainted. I don’t know what happened; she
didn’t even stick her finger. She might need help getting to the nurses office.” I was going to
murder him. In cold blood. I could stomach it.

“Bella.” Why was Edith this close to me? He sounded fairly amused as well which was just not on.
I was suffering. “Can you hear me?”

“No. Fuck off Edwump.”

He chuckled. “What about you Mike? Are you doing ok?”

I was unconvinced by this sudden good will. I would have examined it closer but then Alice
crouched down next to me and placed a very cool hand against my forehead and my brain turned

“Oh you know me. Anyway, I was supposed to be taking her to the nurse but she won’t go any
further and I’m not strong enough” he pouted up at Edward as if in distress. I hate him.

“We can take her can’t we Alice?” Edward said. I could hear him smiling. Gross. “You can go
back to class Mike.”

“Excellent, I wanna see if anyone else has passed out.”

“You suck Mike”

“I know! Good luck with the Colourless Cullens Bella! Edmund” He nodded at him in mock
respect. “Can’t believe you’re skiving. Maybe you ARE bad after all… See ya.” He grinned
cockily before heading back to the classroom. Bother.

There was an awkward pause and it felt as if there was a silent debate happening over my head
when suddenly the sidewalk disappeared from beneath me. What the fuck. I drew in a startled
breath only to be confronted with the best thing I’ve ever smelt in my life. It was like I’d died. It
was some combination of flowers and fresh bread and cut grass and home and warmth all wrapped
up in one. I flicked my eyes open.

I was in the arms of an angel. Safe. Supported. My strong love. My One True Powerful Woman.
Wow. She carried me like I weighed nothing. I tried not to sigh in content as I wrapped my arms
around her neck. Judging by the snort of laughter I heard from behind me I failed. I did not fail in
shooting an evil glare over Alice’s shoulder at my least favourite person. Then again he may have
orchestrated some of this. I wouldn’t owe him but maybe I would forgive him some of his sins.

The only bad thing about this entire situation was the risk of me vomiting all over her. That. Would
be bad. Still. I was willing to milk the opportunity.

“Alice?” God my voice sounded small.

“Hi. Fancy meeting you here.” Oh God she’s funny too. Oh nO.

“I’m sorry.”

She looked down at me and smiled. I swear I passed into the fifth dimension. If my brain had
managed to reboot, it was back offline. For some reason Edward started to groan behind us and
mutter to himself. I didn’t care enough to confront him.

“You don’t need to be. You look awful Bella.” God she paid enough attention to know what I look
like not gross and faint. Be still my beating heart.

“Thanks. I feel Great.”

She laughed and I could feel myself staring at her. Wow. Just. W o w. She was carrying me like I
weighed nothing whilst looking like a member of the fae - ethereal and unattainable. And I made
her laugh. Christ. No matter what happened I was never going to recover from this.

“Soooo Bella.” I heard from behind us and closed my eyes again. “You faint at the sight of blood?”

“Oh leave her alone Edward.”

“Yeah Edward. Leave me alone.” I peered over Alice’s shoulder to stick my tongue out at him. He
deserved it. He still seemed far too entertained.

“Not even your own blood”


I saw him mime zipping his lips shut but his eyes were full with a quite frankly indecent amount of

I don’t know how she did it, but somehow whilst I was busy trying to get one over her prissy little
brother Alice managed to get the door open and maneuver me inside without me noticing. I only
realised because it was suddenly warm.

“Oh my,” I heard a female voice gasp.

“She fainted in Biology,” Edward explained, mirth in his voice. At some point I was going to
punch him.

I opened my eyes. I was in the office, and Alice was carrying me (ALICE was Carrying ME) past
the front counter towards the nurse’s door. Ms Cope, the redheaded front office receptionist, ran
ahead of him to hold it open. The grandmotherly nurse looked up from a novel, astonished as Alice
swept into the room and gently placed me on the crackly paper covered brown vinyl mattress on
the one cot. Edward followed her in and moved to stand against the wall as far across the narrow
room as possible. His eyes were bright and far too gleeful.

“She’s just a little faint,” he reassured the startled nurse as Alice stopped my heart by brushing a
strand of my hair out my eyes before straightening back up. “They’re blood typing in Biology.”

The nurse nodded sagely. “There’s always one.”

Edwarlde didn’t even try to muffle his snicker. Ass. Hole.

“Just lie down for a minute honey; it’ll pass” said the nice nurse who wasn’t a big jerk making fun
of sick people.

“I know,” I sighed. The nausea was already fading.

“Does this happen a lot?” she asked.

“Sometimes,” I admitted grudgingly. Edward let out a half hearted cough that did nothing to hide
the fact he was laughing at me again.

“You two can go back to class now,” she told the two of them. On one hand, please no let Alice
stay. On the other, please yes fuck off Edward.

“I’m supposed to stay with her.” Alice said, with such assured authority that the Nurse didn’t even
question it. She wanted to stay with me? She really cared that much? I had died. I had actually
fainted in Bio and hit my head on the table. This wasn’t real. The nurse glanced over at Edward
who just grinned at her. She gave up.

“I’ll go get you some ice for your forehead dear,” she said to me, and then bustled out of the room.

“Guess you were right about one thing Desmund.” I moaned, letting my eyes fall closed. I thought I
felt a light touch of a hand on my head but did not want to dispel the illusion.

“I usually am - about what?”

“Ditching class really is healthy sometimes.” I practiced breathing evenly. He chuckled.

“You scared me for a minute there,” came that musical lilting voice of my beloved. She was sat by
my head; maybe it WAS her hand lightly touching my hair. She sounded embarrassed, as if being
concerned for my well being was a crime. Given everything about my interactions with her brother
who knew, maybe it was. She paused before cracking a joke to lighten the atmosphere. “I thought
Mike- it is Mike right?”

I nodded slightly and Ed-dead piped up from the corner with an “unfortunately”.

“Well, I thought he was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods.”

I cracked a grin.

“Well I wouldn't put it past him.” Ed muttered from his corner.

“Hey! That’s MY asshole friend you’re talking about.” I was feeling more normal with each
passing minute. Maybe soon I would even open my eyes.

“Honestly though Bella,” I was immediately distracted from bickering with Edward by the honeyed
voice of my very own guardian angel, “I’ve seen corpses with better colour. I was concerned I
might have to avenge your murder…”

“You- you would avenge me?”

She smiled gently at me. “Of course I would”

Edward scoffed again and rolled his eyes. I hoped they fell out of his head.

“I’d help you kill him Alice”

“Oh Edward, you know I wouldn’t need your help”

My mind started racing. Sexy Lady. Hot. I felt like a computer glitch. She was strong and beautiful
and funny and she cared about me. What kind of parallel world…

“How, how did you two find me anyway? I thought you were ditching Edward…?”

They glanced at each other. Multitudes exchanged in a single glance. I wondered why Edward
looked so amused whilst Alice looked ready to leap up and tackle him out the doorway at the first
provocation. I was almost fine by this point. Possibly, I would feel less queasy quicker if I’d
actually eaten something at lunch whoops. I’d been heavily distracted. Then again I hadn’t been
sick so maybe I was lucky my stomach was empty.

“I ran into Alice on my way to the car park. She wanted to ask me about wh-”

“-WHAT TIMe he was thinking of heading off. I figured he would ditch and I was thinking we
could spend some time together. I don’t see my littlest brother enough.” She reached out and
pinched at his cheeks whilst he swatted at her.

The interruption seemed strange though. I wandered what she didn’t want him to reveal. The door
opened, interrupting my chain of thought and revealing the nurse with a cold compress in her hand.

“Here you go dear,” she lay it across my forehead, “you’re looking much better.”

“I think I’m fine.” I said, sitting up. There was no spinning, the mint green walls stayed exactly
where they should. My ears did ring a little though. I could see that she was about to make me lie
back down when the door opened again and Ms Cope stuck her head in.

“We got another one,” she warned.

I hopped down to free up the cot for the next invalid. I handed the compress back to the nurse.

“Here, I don’t need this.”

And then Mike staggered through the door, still sporting his amused grin but now with an
additional sallow-looking Lee Stephens, another boy in our Biology class. The Cullens and I drew
back against the wall to give them room.”

“Oh no.” Edward muttered at the same time Alice gasped, “Go out to the office Bella.”

I stared at him. Alice grabbed me by the arm. “Trust us - go.”

I spun and caught the door before it closed, darting out of the small mint room. I could feel the two
of them follow out right behind me.

“You actually listened to me” Edward seemed astounded.

“No. I listened to your sister. Anyway I smelled the blood,” I said wrinkling my nose. Lee wasn’t
sick from watching other people like me. I’d have been out of there like a shot even without their

“People can’t smell blood” Edward countered.

“Shows what you know freak boy. I can. It’s what makes me sick. It smells like rust… and salt.”

The two of them stared at me with unfathomable expressions. Oh No. Did Alice think I was weird
now? I was doing so well! I couldn’t have this be the thing that put her off.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing.” They said. In sync. Clearly it was something.

Mike came through the door, glancing between us. Eyes flicking especially between me and Alice.
I narrowed my eyes at him. He better not. He grinned guilelessly at me. Mike grins too much. He’s
always up to something. It's infuriating when it's me he’s messing with. In any other scenario
though, it’s endlessly entertaining.

“Ahhhh Bella. Bella bella bella. You look better.”

“Thanks. Keep your hand in your pocket” I warned him again.

“Eh. It’s not bleeding anymore. So. What y’going to do Bells? Can’t exactly go back to class can

“Nope. Way this lessons going I’d just have to turn around again.”

“Mmhmm.” He had a glint in his eye and I didn’t trust it one bit. Edward started giggling
inexplicably. He was a strange one that boy. Alice elbowed him in the ribs. It didn’t help. In fact it
just made him giggle harder. “You know… you should probably give gym a miss too huh. Save up
your energy for our Beach trip this weekend.” He winked at me. I had no idea where he was going
with this.

“I guess?”

“Yeah… hey Cullens!” He said grabbing the attention of The Twinkiest Little Engine and his hot
older sister as they loitered by the counter poorly pretending to not be listening. Edward was still
choking on laughter. “You can drive can’t you?”

Eddington III waved a thumbs up in our general direction whilst Alice nodded slowly.

“Cool. So you two are good to work out a way to get her home huh? She’s looking a bit peaky”

I twigged. The absolute nerve! He was trying to set me up with Alice! I didn’t know whether to
punch or kiss him. I was leaning towards punch. I did NOT want to be in a car with Edward and
Alice. Nuh-uh.

“She always looks like that but yeah sure why not” Oh good Edington was in.
“We’ll take good care of her” Alice chimed up.

Mike gave Alice a thorough once over and winked “Oh I Bet You Will”


“Alright alright alright. I’m going jeez. Have fun Bells. Don’t forget - we’re meeting at my dad’s
store at ten on Saturday”

“I would never. Now skedaddle.”

He fake saluted before spinning on his heel and marching away.

I turned to my captors and raised an eyebrow. “Jailbreak time?”

“Jailbreak time.” Edward confirmed. “Go sit over there and look Pale, it shouldn't be too hard.” I
flipped him the bird as I walked over to take a seat. “Alice, go look concerned. Also shouldn’t be
too hard”

“You know Edward. Sometimes, as a little brother, you suck.”

“I always suck Alice”

She snorted. Somehow, she made it look good. That was so unfair. It completely distracted me
from how shit Edward’s joke was. She came and sat with me in the creaky folding chairs and
gently took my hand in one of hers. My heart stopped yet again. If I wasn’t careful I was going to
develop Cardiac Arrhythmia purely from being In Alice’s orbit too much. She should be more
careful with the young gays, she could break me easily. It made her even more appealing.

Distantly, I heard Edward speaking softly at the counter.

“Ms Cope?”

“Yes?” I had not heard her return to her desk.

“Bella has Gym next hour, and I don’t think she feels well enough. Actually I was thinking I
should probably take her home now. Do you think you could excuse her from class?” His voice
was somehow even more nauseatingly appealing than normal. Like Melting honey. He was
absolutely going to get his way.

“Do you need to be excused too Edward?” Ms Cope fluttered at him. Bas t a r d.

“No I have Mrs Goff. She won’t mind.”

“What about you Alice?”

“Uh. Free period.”

“Okay, it’s all taken care of. You feel better Bella.” She called to me. I nodded weakly, hamming it
up a little. Just for fun.
“Can you walk or do you need to be carried again?” With his back to the receptionist, his
expression became sarcastic.

“I’ll walk. Thanks.” I stood carefully and luckily, I was still fine. He held the door for me as Alice
led me out with her arm looped through mine. His smile was all politeness but his eyes mocked
me. As far as I was concerned though, I was still winning. So I didn’t care.

I walked out into the cold, fine mist that hung in the air. It felt nice on my overheated skin,
washing off the sticky perspiration.

“Ahhh Freedom.”

We headed to the parking lot. However, as I veered left towards my truck something caught my
jacket and yanked me back. It was Alice looking concerned whilst Edward stared at the heavens
behind her.

“Where are you going?”

I was confused. “I’m… going home?”

“But we- we-”

“I think what Alice is trying to say Bella is that we promised we would take you safely home. And
so we will.”

“Did you think I would just let you drive in your condition?”

God she cared so much. I loved her. She was staring at me with eyes made of gold topaz. I was
entranced. She could kill me and I’d thank her for it.


“No. I wouldn’t. You’re- you’re going to be important Bella” she said with a far off look in her
eye. I glanced at Edward for answers. He appeared to have none.

“Wh- what about my truck?” I complained.

“Well. After we drop you home, we can go back for it and then Alice can bring it back”

“Oh Alice can? Can she?”

“Yes. She can. In fact she wants to because-”

“Ok Yes Fine. She can. Mike is a terrible influence on you.”

“I hung out with him once!”

“And once, was enough.”

I watched them bicker like it was a tennis match. It was nice to know that even these supernatural
supermodels bullied each other like real siblings. I spared a second of sympathy for their parents. I
couldn’t imagine how loud their house was. As an only child, my knowledge of sibling dynamics
outside of fiction was limited.

“Um. Should we- should we go?” I asked.

“Yes. Yes of course sorry. I’m usually much better at ignoring him I promise.” Alice smiled
apologetically at me. My eyes stopped working.

“Don’t worry about it” I managed to choke out as we all headed towards Edward’s volvo.

When we reached the volvo Edward got into the driver's seat immediately with a short “It’s open”.

Alice opened the door to the back for me and ushered me in before, to my great surprise, following
me into the back.

“Uh. Hi.”


Edward sighed loudly in the front. Alice kicked his chair. “Whoops.”

“All aboard the Cullen Express,” said Edward fake cheerily from the front as he started the engine.
“My name is Edward Anthony Cullen and I will be your chauffeur this afternoon-”

“-oh shut up and drive already.”

He grinned and started to pull out of the parking lot, fiddling with the controls as he did so. I was
considering launching into a heartfelt speech about how unnecessary this all was and how I was
perfectly capable of taking care of myself but I was distracted by the low buzz under my skin that
was busy informing me how close Alice’s hand was to mine.

I know. I’m Useless. It’s genetic sue me.

Silence reigned supreme as Edwardio did something with the radio. Then, the sounds of Clair de
Lune started to filter out the speakers. It threw me slightly. It threw me a lot more when Alice
closed her eyes and began to hum along whilst Edward swayed to it.

“You guys listen to Debussy?”

“You know Debussy?” Alice asked, sounding just as thrown as I was. Edward glanced into the
rearview mirror and made eye contact, looking just as surprised as his sister.

“Not hugely well,” I admitted. “My mother plays a lot of classical music around the house. I only
really know my favourites”

“This is one of my favourites too!” Alice enthused. Edward nodded in agreement. The Cullens are
fans of classical. Who'da thunk? (Everyone, everyone would've thought that).
We all relaxed into the music, it was impossible not to respond to the familiar soothing melody.
Exhaustion began to sink into my bones. Boy can fainting fits really take it out of a girl. It was
comfortable. Nice.

The rain blurred everything outside the window into grey and green smudges. I began to realise
that we were driving very fast. Between the warmth in my chest for existing peacefully in Alice’s
space and the steady, even movement of the car it was impossible to feel the speed. Only the town
flashing by gave it away.

“Hey Bella? I was wondering… What’s your mother like?” Alice asked into the silence. I looked
over to see her studying me with curious eyes.

“She looks a lot like me, but she’s prettier,” I said. She raised her eyebrows at me in what seemed
like disbelief. That was nice. “I have too much Charlie in me. She’s more outgoing than I am, and
braver. She’s irresponsible and slightly eccentric, and she’s a very… unpredictable cook” I said
with a rueful smile. “She’s my mom you know. I love her.”

“Just for the record,” Edward piped up from the front, “I like Charlie. Most of the time. There’s
nothing wrong with a bit of Charlie.”

“Hear hear.” agreed Alice. Silence hung in the air before Alice very hesitantly asked, “how old are
you Bella?”

She sounded confused. I couldn’t think why. I absently noticed Edward had stopped the car. I was
home. The rain was so heavy I could barely see the house - it was as if the car was submerged in a

“I’m seventeen?” I responded, uncertainly. It was the right answer but I was suddenly afraid it was
the wrong one.

“You- you don’t always seem 17”

I laughed a little bit, and at her curious look I explained. “My mom always says that I was born 35
years old and that I just get more middle-aged every year.” I laughed a bit more and then sighed.
“Well, someone had to be the adult.” I paused for a second. “Neither of you two really seem like
you should be in highschool either you know. Especially you Edward, you don’t seem like any
other junior I’ve met.”

He stuck his tongue out at me and changed the subject.

“So, why did your mother marry Phil?”

I was surprised he remembered that. I’d mentioned it once two months ago. The question knocked
me off balance a little bit and it took me a moment to answer.

“My mother… She's very young for her age. I think Phil makes her feel even younger. At any rate,
she’s crazy about him.” I shrugged and shook my head. The attraction was a mystery to me.

“Do you approve?” Alice asked quietly.

“Does it matter?” I countered. “I want her to be happy… and he is who she wants.”
“That’s very mature of you. Generous even… I wonder…” he mused.



“I’m just saying! Would she extend the same courtesy to you, do you think? No matter who your
choice was?” He was suddenly thoughtful, eyes flicking between me and Alice. I frowned. Alice
reached out and smacked him lightly on the arm.

“I-I think so,” I stuttered. “But she’s the parent. It’s a little different.”

“No one too scary then,” he teased, eyes inexplicably flicking back to Alice again. What did he
Know. Was he teasing me? Her? If he was teasing her then how?

I grinned at him. “Define scary”

I considered getting out of the car before he could answer. Unfortunately it was still absolutely
tipping it down and I really didn’t want to. He seemed to consider it heavily before shrugging.

“I don’t know. I mean. Do you think I could be scary? Or Alice? Do you think Alice could be

“Edward.” Alice really knew a lot of ways to say his name. The privileges of being a sibling I

I thought about it for a moment. Debating between truth and lie. Thinking about how easily Alice
had swung me in her arms and the coolness of their skin. The pointed remarks Edwin was so fond
of making. I decided to go with the truth. “I think.. You could be if you wanted to be. Both of you.”

Edward's playful smile vanished. “Are you frightened now?” Alice’s head slammed into the back
of his chair next to me as she huffed out in what I assumed was exasperation.

I snorted a little. “No.” I paused and then steamrolled forwards. “So, now are you going to tell me
about your family? It’s got to be a much more interesting story than mine.”

Slowly Alice sat back up. Edwan seemed much more cautious. Wild. Why on Earth were this
family so damned secretive.

“What do you want to know?”

“The Cullens adopted you right? Both of you?” I verified.



I hesitated. “Wh- what happened to your parents.”

They exchanged glances before Edward answered. “We’re both orphans, our parents died.”
“But it was many years ago! For both of us…”

“I’m sorry”

“No, it's ok,” Alice smiled gently at me.

“I don’t really remember them that clearly,” said Edward. “Carlisle and Esme have been my
parents for a long time now.”

“Same for me”

“And you love them.” It wasn’t a question. It was obvious in the way they spoke about them. They
nodded back at me.

“Yes,” Alice smiled at me. Again. God that was distracting. “I couldn’t imagine two better

“You’re both very lucky”

“We are.”

“And the rest of your siblings?”

Edward suddenly turned to look at the clock on the dashboard. “Uh-oh. Our siblings, Jasper,
Rosalie and Emmett, are probably going to be mad with me if they have to stand in the rain waiting
for us.”

“Oh God”

“Sorry, guess you have to go” I really didn’t want to go in the rain. I wanted to keep sitting by

“Yep. And we should probably get your truck back before Charlie gets home. That way you won’t
have to tell him about the Biology incident.”

I laughed self-deprecatingly. “I’m sure he already knows. There are no secrets in Forks.” I sighed
dramatically, ensuring I made eye contact with Edward as I did so.

He laughed but there was definitely an edge to it. “Have fun at the beach Bella. Good weather for
sunbathing” He gestured to the sheeting rain. Unbelievable the gall of this man.

“Will I see you at lunch tomorrow? Either of you?” I said, trying not to sound too hopeful .

“No sorry. We’re starting the weekend early.”


“Yeah we’re going hiking in the Goat Rocks Wilderness, just south of Rainier. With Emmett and
the others.”

I remembered Charlie had said that the Cullens went camping frequently. “Ooh. Well have fun!”
He repressed a smile and opened his mouth. I already wasn’t impressed. “Will you do something
for me this weekend?”

Beside me Alice was shaking her head slowly as I stared at him incredulously. I raised an eyebrow
at him.

“Seeing as how you seem to attract accidents like a magnet, do you think you could try not to fall
into the ocean or get run over or anything?” He smiled guilelessly at me. If I didn’t know better I’d
think he’d learnt it from Mike. I glared at him

“I’ll see what I can do.” I snapped out. Before I could jump out the car into the rain and slam the
door I was halted by a gentle touch on my arm.

“Please Bella. Stay Safe.” I couldn’t refuse Alice a single thing. I nodded dazedly before grabbing
my bag and stumbling into the rain.

As they drove away, I watched Alice slide into the front seat and cuff a cackling Edward round the

Chapter End Notes

Writers Commentary Highlights for this chapter include:

"what the fuck is a british swear, which ones are america?? I know they cant say
bollocks bugger balls or bloody. God why do they all start with B"

writing extra characters into scenes is really gunna fuck up the plot later
we'll burn that bridge when we get to it

btw alice was arguing or whatever with edward cus she thinks that hes sitting with
bella to wind her up cus she knows that he knows that she (alice) likes her (bella)

i swear to god if u bring not-twilight into the twilight zone! don't make me bring the
jack whitehall tweet back

book mike: gets jealous and says he'll see bella in gym
this mike: sets up the whole alice and edward drive bella home thing and shoos her off
with a "dont do anything i wouldnt do!"

"This Chapter is rated NMD - Needs More Dads"

"Fuck what's an only child how do they exist?" (I am one of four)

"Debussy saves cus if Mike finds out he'll have a field day"

Anyway shout out to my friends for supporting this nonsense, taking polls when i cant
make decisions, and spellchecking for me when i type youtube instead of young.

Comments and kudos are my bloodlife man y'all rly encourage this nonsense u know
Scary Stories
Chapter Summary

Its La Push Babeyyyy!!

Chapter Notes

Man lemme tell you. Never did I ever in my entire life. Wanted to do this much
research for a fic but hoo boy. I was thinking about how racist and bad and no good
smeyers stealing and appropriation of the quileute tribes everything and just
herughghh gross i didnt want to copy that so uhhh i did my best

donate to the move to higher ground project here:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

As I tried and failed to concentrate a single iota of my only brain cell on the third act of Macbeth, I
strained at my ears, desperately listening out for my truck. I would have thought that, given the
noise my beloved vehicle makes, I could have heard the engine roar at me over the sounds of the
pouring rain. But when I went to peek out the curtain for the 60th time, it was suddenly there. And
I didn’t get to see Alice again. Tragic.

I was wary of Friday. You don’t have a friend group like mine and get away with passing out in
class. Mike continued to be the worst and kept asking me about my “ride” whilst wiggling his
eyebrows at me whilst Jess unhelpfully giggled in the corner.

As we headed to the cafeteria, speculation about yesterday’s lunch ran wild.

“Man, eating with the edgelord yesterday huh. That was an experience” Mike grinned back at us all
as he walked ahead of us, backwards through the corridors.

“Yeah sorry no one caught me up, why did that happen?” asked Angela.

“Oh Edwina wanted to talk to Bella about something and we all followed her over like lemmings,”
answered Jess as she slung her arm around her shoulders. Angela looked at me and raised an

“Oh I don’t even know man. Some bullshit about being friends with me now and also that he’s a
DC villain it was hard to follow.”

“Fun though. I wonder if we’ll sit with him again…” Mike asked, a little too eagerly to be
completely innocent.

I shook my head as we entered the cafeteria, already knowing the answer. “Alas, alack Michael. He
is Away. He is Away Hiking with his Beautiful sister and-”
I was cut off by Jess. “Well they aren’t all away at least. I see Cowboy McGee and Rosa-peg-me
are still here.”

I glanced over to see that yes in fact, both Jasper and Rosalie were still here, sitting at their normal
table, talking with their heads close together. I was glad that my terrible habit of nicknaming the
Cullens seemed to be contagious but still filled with a rising gloom that I had no way of knowing
how long it would be until I was blessed by the presence of my one true love once more.

We settled around our usual table, mourning the loss of our newest punching bag, and began to
discuss the weekend plans. Mike was animated as usual and putting a great deal of trust in the local
weatherman who promised sun tomorrow. I did not believe it for one rainy Forks second but it’s
nice to have hope sometimes. It WAS warmer today after all - almost sixty. Maybe, it wouldn't be
mizzly after all.

That night at dinner, Charlie seemed… weirdly enthusiastic about my trip to La Push in the
morning. I think he felt guilty for leaving me alone on the weekends, but lord knows that man did
not have many free hours at his job “only competent policeman in Forks” and I didn’t begrudge
him the few he spent doing things with his friends. Though he had been making a clear effort to
alter his routines for me and I respected that.

His guilt wasn’t enough to avoid making me brush up on the reservations rules though. It was
probably smart, I knew that often etiquette at differing indigenous regions can really vary place to
place and I didn’t want to be disrespectful through sheer white ignorance when I could avoid it.
Upon some basic research it seemed easy enough to respect the tribe's cultural inheritance - all I
had to do was read the signs, be respectful, ask about photographs, and leave the beaches alone.
Made sense. Really did not want Billy to ring my dad and tell him I was acting like a colonist.

Of course, Charlie wanted to go over the trip details in full with me and he knew everyone. He
knew the names of all the kids going and their parents and he probably knew their grandparents
too. I wondered if it made his job as Sheriff easier or not. Luckily he seemed to approve of them
all. I wondered what he would think of my going to Seattle with Edwardo. I considered telling him
about it but ultimately, could not be bothered. I’d save that bomb for later. Maybe.

“Dad, do you know a place called Goat Rocks or something like that? I think it’s south of Mount
Rainier,” I asked, super casually and not at all thinking about Alice dressed up in Lebian Flannel to
go hiking. She would never, she was too fashionable. God I wondered what she would wear…

“Yeah, why?”

I shrugged. “Some kids were talking about camping there.”

“It’s not a very good place for camping.” He sounded surprised. “Too many bears. Most people go
there during the hunting season.”

“Huh.” I murmured, thinking about Eddie Edison's weird behaviour literally every time we hung
out. “Maybe I got the name wrong.”

I meant to sleep in, but an unusual brightness woke me. I opened my eyes to see… sun? Sunlight??
Clear yellow light streaming through my window??? I could not believe it. No way. I hurried to the
window to check and, sure enough, there it was. The Sun. It was possibly, too low down in the sky
and wasn’t as close as I was used to but it was definitely the sun. Clouds ringed the horizon but I
could definitely see a large patch of blue visible in the middle. I lingered by the window,
irrationally afraid that if I turned my back for even a hot second the blue would disappear again.

The Newton’s Olympic Outfitters store was just north of town. I’d seen the store, but I’d never
really stopped there. I didn’t tend to have much need for any supplies required for being outdoors
for an extended period of time. In the parking lot I recognized Mike’s Surburban On Sight. I
breathed a sigh of relief that Tyler and his stupid sentra wasn’t there. As I pulled up, I could see the
group standing in front of Mike’s car. My little local pack of gays. All 4 of them. I loved my little
queer group. Eric, Jess, Angie, and of course, Mike himself. I got out the car.

“WAHEYYYYY THEEREE SHHEE ISSSS!!” Mike yelled with no consideration for anyone who
might want to make it through the day without having to listen to a Newtonic yell.

“You KNEW I was coming” I responded, jabbing him in the ribs as he came over and attempted to
hug me like a big labrador puppy.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Right,” he said clapping his hands together. “That’s everyone”

“What, all 5 of us?” Jess snarked at him from where she was propped up against Angela.

“Don’t forget Jess,” Eric said, leaning over, “We are the Popular Gays”

“Bitch no one knows we’re gay”

“Ah, the curse of heteronormativity. If only our peers had brains…”

“Wait guys, who are the UNpopular gays??” Mike said, looking adorably confused.

“Edward.” said everybody, in sync. I love it when we all have a finger on the brain cell.

“Let’s roll out then.”

“What are we, autobots?”

“Oh Shut Up Eric”

We all piled into Mike’s car. Carbon footprint and all that jazz. It was a measly fifteen miles to La
Push from Forks, with gorgeous, dense green forests edging the road most of the way and the wide
Quillayute River snaking beneath it twice. I was glad I had the window seat. It was so pretty and so
very different from Phoenix.

We rolled the windows down and blasted some tunes as we rode along. I tried to absorb as much
sunlight as possible.

I’d been to the beaches around La Push many times before during my Forks summers with Charlie.
It had been a long while but the mile-long crescent of First Beach was still familiar to me and it
was as breathtaking as ever. The water was a dark grey, even in the sunlight, the waves were white-
capped and heaving to the matching grey rocky shore. Islands rose out of the steel harbour waters
with sheer cliff sides stretching up to uneven summits. They were crowned with austere, soaring fir

The beach only had a thin border of actual sand right at the water’s edge. After that it grew into
millions of large smooth stones that looked uniformly grey from a distance but up close were
astonishingly unique. Each stone was a different shade and they were every shade a stone could be:
terra-cotta, sea green, lavender, blue grey, dull gold. I quelled the urge to reach down and pick up
some of the smaller ones up; it was against the reservation’s carefully pleaded etiquette guides.
The tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees, bleached bone white in the salt waves, some
piled together against the edge of the forest fringe, some lying solitary, just out of reach of the

There was a brisk wind coming off the waves, cool and briny. Pelicans floated on the swells while
seagulls and a lone eagle wheeled above them. The clouds continued to circle the sky, threatening
to invade at any moment. Luckily, the sun shone on bravely in its halo of blue sky. For now.

We picked our way down to the beach carefully - Mike leading the way to a ring of driftwood logs
that clearly marked out a pre-existing fire ring. It was full of black ashes, having clearly been used
before for parties like ours. Though undoubtedly less gay. We quickly spread out to look for
driftwood. I was well aware that not only were we only allowed to burn driftwood but that we
weren’t supposed to gather from the forested areas so we scavenged like vultures for the driest bits
we could find on the beach. Soon, we had a teepee-shaped construction built atop the old cinders.

“Have you ever seen a driftwood fire?” Mike asked me. I was sitting on one of the bone-coloured
benches; Angela and Jess huddled up next to me gently poking fun at Eric across the campfire.
Mike kneeled by the fire, lighting one of the smaller sticks with a cigarette lighter.

“I don’t think so,” I said, as he placed the blazing twig carefully against the teepee.

“You’ll like this then - watch the colours.” He lit another small branch and laid it alongside the
first. The flames quickly started to lick up the dry wood.

“Hey Newton! That flames nearly as much as you do!” Eric hollered from his log.

“OI!” Mike yelled and reached out to shove him off it backwards. I was too busy staring at the fire
to acknowledge their antics.

“It’s blue!” I said in surprise.


“The salt does it,” Angela explained, whilst Jess rolled her eyes at the boys scrapping on the rocks.
“Pretty isn’t it.” She leaned down and picked up Mike’s abandoned fire-kit, lighting one more
piece and placing it where the fire hadn’t caught yet before returning to the log. I watched the
strange blue and green flames crackle towards the sky. The boys settled back down quickly and we
immediately began to chat shit about the straightness of our classmates. God I couldn’t stand being

After about half an hour, Mike’s Hyperactive part of his ADHD fully kicked in and he leapt to his
feet declaring a crippling need to hike to the nearby tidal pools. Fuck yes. I loved the tide pools.
They had fascinated me since I was a child; they were one of the main things I looked forward to
when I came to Forks. On the other hand… I did also have a tendency to fall into them… a lot…
Not so much a big deal when you’re seven and with your dad. I was suddenly reminded of
Edinsword’s parting jab at me the last time I saw him. I considered falling into one to spite him.

We put it to the group. We clearly had to all stay together as we are pack animals, so it was lucky
that everybody actually wanted to go. Perfect. Democracy for the win. Or it would have been if
Angela didn’t have her finger on the brain cell at all times and pointed out we couldn’t really leave
the food and the fire unattended. After a quick council session it was decided that Angela and Eric
would stay to guard the fire and Jess and I would take Mike for a walk.

The hike wasn’t too long but did have the unfortunate side effect of losing the sky in the woods.
The green light of the forest was beautiful and wildly at odds with the amount of inappropriate
banter going on. It was too murky and ominous for the amount of cackling that was happening
around us. Knowing me as I do, I took care to watch my every step with eagle eyes; desperate to
avoid both the roots beneath my feet and the branches above my head. It’s a good thing we like to
stick together because I had no doubts that with any other group I would have quickly fallen
behind. It’s nice to have reminders every now and then of how good the friend group I’d found
here was. Jess noticed me struggling and looped her arm through mine, further proving my point to
myself. I smiled at her.

Eventually, we broke through the emerald confines of the forest and found the rocky shore again. It
was low tide, and a tidal river flowed past us on its way to the sea. Along its pebbled banks,
shallow pools that never fully emptied sat, teeming with life.

I made sure to be very cautious not to lean too far over the little ocean ponds. Jess and Mike were
far less cautious. One might go so far as to say they were fearless. They leapt over the rocks and
perched precariously on the edges, pointing and laughing and Jess could often be heard comparing
Mike to the various sea-creatures she could see. I found a very stable-looking rock on the fringe of
one of the largest pools and sat there cautiously, spellbound by the natural aquarium below me.

Bouquets of brilliant anemones undulated ceaselessly in the invisible current, twisted shells
scurried around the edges - I assumed there were crabs hidden within and they weren’t just
haunted. Starfish were stuck motionless to the rocks and also to each other. An eel, a small black
eel with white racing stripes wove through the bright green weeds, waiting for the sea to return.

I was almost completely absorbed. Unfortunately there was a small part of my stupid lesbian brain
that couldn’t help but wonder about Alice. What was she up to now? What would she be saying if
she were with me?

After some time, we got hungry. It was sort of inevitable. We gathered and left - I tried to go
slightly faster on the way back and it was a good thing Jess immediately took a hold of my arm
because I nearly face-planted several times.

When we got back to First Beach, it became immediately clear that Eric and Angela had guests. A
large amount of guests. A “we are outnumbered now” amount of guests. Damn. As we got closer
we could see the shining straight black hair and copper skin of the newcomers; teenagers from the
reservation come to socialise.

Eric had clearly had the same thought as we had. He was already unpacking and beginning to hand
out food - we sped up to claim a share. Angela introduced us as we each crossed over into the circle
of driftwood. I was heading up the back of the trio and as Angela said my name I noticed a younger
boy sitting on the stones near the fire glance up at me in interest. I sat down next to Angela, and
Mike brought us sandwiches and an array of sodas to choose from. We’d really overpacked for the
four of us but that was turning out to be a good thing. Whilst I took my food, a boy who looked to
be the oldest of the visitors rattled off the names of the seven others with him. Apparently the boy
who’d noticed me was Jacob. Familiar but I couldn’t place it.

I focused on my food. Angela is a very chilled out person so, thankfully, she didn’t feel the need to
fill every silence with chatter - leaving me free to consume my food in peace. Not that I don’t love
a good chat but, I found my thoughts turning inwards. It seemed to me that time in Forks seemed to
flow rather disjointedly, passing me by in a blur at times with only single images standing out more
clearly than others. Yet, at other times, every second was significant. Etched into my mind. I
deliberately didn’t think about any connections between those times and the time I spent in the
presence of my only one.

During lunch, the clouds finally started to advance. It was only a matter of time. They darted across
the sun, slinking across the blue sky and casting long shadows across the beach. The ocean itself

Once they’d finished eating, Eric and Mike “Can’t Sit Still” Newton decided it was time to make
the bestest of friends out of some of the visiting teens and immediately started roughhousing with
them - running around like loonies and trying to skim rocks on the choppt surface of the sea. Jess
and Anglea decided to head up to the village shop, they asked if I wanted to go along but I was
enjoying the vibes and declined, leaving me alone on my driftwood log with the three remaining
teenagers from the reservation who were perched around the circle; one of whom was Jacob.

A few minutes after they left, he sauntered over to take her place by my side.

He looked about fourteen, maybe fifteen, and had long glossy obsidian hair pulled back with a
rubber band at the nape of his neck. His skin was russet coloured and far too smooth for someone
who looked fifteen; his eyes were dark and set deep above the high planes of his cheekbones.
Clearly this boy had been blessed with good genetics. Unfair. I found myself once again thanking
the Lord that I was a lesbian - a girl could get into some serious love triangles being straight in this
town. Far too many pretty men. Must be something in the water.

Unfortunately for him, he ruined my positive opinion of his looks with the first words out of him

“You’re Bella Swan aren’t you?”

I immediately had war flashbacks to my first day at school.

“...depends who’s asking…”

“I’m Jacob Black,” he said, sticking his hand out in a friendly gesture. “You bought my dad’s

“Oh!” I said, relieved, shaking his hand. “You’re Billy’s kid right? I should… probably remember

“Well, I’m the youngest of the family. And I changed a Lot recently… you would probably
remember my older sisters though.”
“Rachel and Rebecca,” I suddenly recalled. Charlie and Billy had conspired to make us all friends a
lot when I was younger. We didn’t have much in common though; what with me being a closested
young gay. I’d tended to hang out with their younger sister, she was only a year younger than me
and we’d gotten along like a h-

“Huh. How old are you Jacob?”

“What?” I’m- I’m 16? Why?”

I grinned as the final piece of the puzzle slid into place. “I DO remember you!”

He grinned at me sheepishly but with a nervous energy that I could not be doing with. “Surprise?”

I punched him in the arm. It seemed like the right response. “Now things are clearer. I knew there
was a Reason I liked you even when you were an annoying little brat.”


I grinned at him. “Good to meet the T to my L Jacob. If we still had Jess here we could have a
whole sandwich.”


“BLT Baby. BLT. So where are your sisters now anyway?”

“Oh uh,” He seemed dazed but I was confident he’d shake it off. “Rachel got a Scholarship to
Washington State, and Rebecca married a Samoan surfer - she lives in Hawaii now…

“Married? Wow.” I was stunned. The twins were only a little over a year older than I was and I
couldn’t see myself getting married in any kind of hurry. Mostly because it wasn’t even legal yet.

“So how do you like the truck?” he asked.

“I love it! It runs great.”

“Yeah, but it’s really slow,” he laughed. “I was so relieved when Charlie bought it. My dad
wouldn’t let me work on building another car when we had a perfectly good one here.”

“Hey! That’s my Lesbian Trophy you’re talking about there! And it’s not That Slow…”

“Have you tried to go over sixty?”

“” I admitted.

“Good,” he grinned. “Don’t.”

I couldn’t help but grin back at him. I’d sort of missed my pseudo sibling. I’d never really thought
about it much (I’m a pro at compartmentalising) but it was nice to talk to him again. “It does great
in a collision,” I offered in my truck’s defense.

He laughed again. “Well you’re not wrong there… I don’t think a Tank would be capable of taking
out that old monster.”

“Absolutely not. Also wait, you build cars? How did I miss that?”

“Yeah! When I have the spare time, and parts… You wouldn’t happen to know where I could get
my hands on a master cylinder for 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit?” he added jokingly, smirking
knowingly at me. He knew I didn’t know what that was.

I shook my head at him. “Sorry haven’t seen any lately, but I’ll let you know if I do.” If I sounded
sarcastic it’s because I was.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while watching the boys tussle by the shore when a figure
started to sprint back towards us before collapsing on the floor. It was Mike. Because of course it

“Hi Mike.”

“Hey Bells” He panted from where he lay on the floor. “I was just-” He paused to suck in a lungful
of hair and held a finger up at me as if telling me to wait. I rolled my eyes at him and heard Jacob

“Oh no Please. Take your time”

“I was just saying-” he sucked in some more air, “-oh hi Jacob- I was just saying to Eric, and
thought I should come and poke fun at you about it”

I stared at him as he lay on the very solid and rocky ground at my feet. “You were saying What to

“Oh! About the Cullens! We were talking about our new bestie best of all besties and I got to
thinking about Alice and I was just- I was just saying-”

“You better be careful what you were saying Michaelmas I won't hesitate.”

He grinned up at me unrepentantly. “I was just saying it was Too Bad neither of them could come!
Didn’t anyone think to invite them?”

I hated him.

“I hate him,” I said, turning to look at Jacob who just chuckled at my predicament. I considered
pushing him off the bench before shrugging internally. I pushed him off the bench.

“Do you mean Dr Carlisle Cullen’s family?” the tall older boy asked before I could respond. Upon
second consideration he seemed closer to a man than a boy. His voice was Surprisingly deep.

“Them’s be they, aye” Mike confirmed, finally getting to his knees and making a semblance of an
attempt to get up.

“The Cullens don’t come here.”

Alright. Abrupt much? He turned away after speaking as if signalling the end of a conversation.
Mike turned to stare at me as if to say ‘wow can you believe this guy? Opening a can of worms like
that and then just leaving them to escape?’. Mike can say a lot with a stare. I shrugged at him

I glanced back at the deep-voiced boy-man but he was staring dramatically off into the dark forest.
The Cullens didn’t come here. The way he’d said it made it seem a lot less optional on their parts -
almost as if they were banned specifically. I wondered what they’d done to deserve it.
Jacob cleared his throat slightly as if to try and shift the now weird atmosphere. “Sooo… is Forks
driving you insane yet?”

“Oh I’d say that’s an understatement.” I grinned poking at a hunched over Mike with my shoe.
“But it has its perks” I said, still Not Thinking about Alice. He grinned back at me

“I get you”

Part of my brain was still turning over the brief comment on the Cullens when I was hit by the
realisation that I was an idiot. Time to fully adopt the baby brother into the fold. Maybe we could
even make him an honorary member of both the IQCFFH and the WOEIEC. Surely that was
incentive enough for anyone.

“Hey. Hey Jacob”


“Do you like conspiracy theories?”

“Uh- yeah?”

“Great! Come for a walk with Mike and I.” Subtlety is my middle name.

“Who said Mike was coming?!” exclaimed Mike, finally managing to straighten back up again.

“I did.”

“Oh fair enough then.”

We all got up and ambled off towards the shoreline. As we walked north across the multihued
stones toward the driftwood seawall, the clouds finally closed ranks across the sky. The sea
darkened further and the temperature dropped. Instantly I was cold and had to hunch over, shoving
my hands deep into the pockets of my jacket.

“So Jakey-boy,” I said casually, “How’d you like to be a member of the WOEIEC club?”

“Really?” asked Mike incredulously. “We on-”

“Shut up Mike.”


“Wh- What’s the WOEIEC?”

“It’s the What on Earth is Edward Cullen club of course,” I said grinning disarmingly.

“Gay?” Mike offered blithely from the side.

“Well OBVIOUSLY he’s Gay.”

Jacob just stared at me blankly. I sighed.

“Who was that kid. The deep-voiced dude?”

“Who Sam? He’s uh- He’s Sam. He’s nineteen…”

“Uh-huh. And what was he saying about The Cullens?”

“That they’re- oh. That they’re not supposed to come onto the reservation.” At this point, bizarrely
enough, he looked away, out towards James Island. Suspicious behaviour much? It definitely
confirmed whatever it was in Sam’s voice that set me off.



“Why aren’t they allowed on the reservation.”

He glanced at me and then Mike, looking uncertain. “I’m not supposed to say anything about that”

“Not even to big sister Bella?” I asked guilelessly. Or at least, I was aiming for guileless.I had no
idea if I was hitting my mark but Mike was stifling sniggers so maybe not. I would’ve thumped
him but he was out of reach.

Jacob raised an eyebrow at me.

“Aw c’mon! We won’t tell anyone! I just wanna know if any of our top three WOEIEC theories are
right and this might be crucial information!”


“I know I know. Keep your secrets. I won’t tell anyone though!”

He sighed. I watched him visibly cave. So did Mike, judging by the fist pumping happening in the

“Do- Do you like scary stories?” He asked, somewhat ominously.


“Absolutely not”

“Shut UP Mike”

Jacob strolled to a nearby driftwood tree that had its roots sticking out like a large spindly albino
spider. He perched lightly on one of the twisted roots whilst MIke and I settled beneath him on the
body of the tree. I felt like a child in elementary school sat on the carpet listening to storytime.

“Do you know any of our old stories, about where we came from - the Quileutes, I mean?” He


“Uhm. Some? Not really sorry.” I admitted.

“I’ve picked up bits and pieces,” said Mike, also admitting to ignorance.

“Well, there are lots of legends, some of them claiming to date back to the Flood - supposedly the
ancient Quileutes tied their canoes to the tops of the tallest trees on the mountain to survive.” He
smiled at us, clearly trying to show how little stock he put in the histories but also revealing a deep
connection to his shared past - no matter how much he claimed to disbelieve it.

“Another legend claims that a man, The Changer, turned us from wolves into men. To this day,
wolves remain a crucial part of our culture and it goes against tribal law to kill one.” He paused and
looked at us as we took it in.

“Then there are the other stories. The newer ones. Stories about the Cold Ones”

“They wouldn't be cracking open any boys would they? Crackin’ open a boy with the Cold Ones?”

This time I did thump Mike. He nearly fell off the tree. Jacob rolled his eyes. Good to see he was
getting into the spirit of the WOEIEC society.

“I mean. Sort of yeah. See there are tribal rumours of the Cold Ones spanning back years but
there's a much more solid legend that ties back to my great-grandfather. It’s told that he is the one
who made The Treaty.” He shook his head slightly as if in disbelief.

“Your great-grandfather?” I asked, leaning forwards. So far, this was all looking very promising
for my number one Edwardno Theory.

“Yeah, see the Cold Ones are sort of a bad deal right? They endangered the tribe and the people
around so we fought them when we encountered them. But apparently during my great-
grandfather's time they encountered a pack that was different. Legend has it that they did not hunt
the way that others of their kind did and they posed less of a threat. So a deal was struck. If they
stayed off our lands, we wouldn’t expose them.”

“If they weren’t dangerous then why…” Why were they still banned several hundred years later?
Why had they been banned in the first place if they weren’t a threat?

“Because as with all things, they still carried a risk. It is always risky for humans to be around the
Cold Ones. Even if they’re civilised like that clan was.”

“Ok back up. Define civilised”

“They claimed they didn’t hunt humans.” Mike made a disgusted noise next to me which Jacob
gamely ignored and continued on. “Supposedly, they were somehow able to prey on animals

“If you want to get pedantic-”

“-which you always do-”

“-technically, humans are animals too”

“Yes very good Mike. Jacob, how does this tie into the Cullens? Are they related to the Cold Ones
your great-grandfather met or are they just like them?” I hedge my bets with the question, not
wanting to bring notions of immortality into it. I didn’t want to ask a leading question. I needed to

“No.” He paused dramatically. I sent a quick prayer that he would say what I wanted him to say.
“They are the same ones.”

JACKPOT BABY. I knew it. My glee started to shine through. Jacob glanced at me before
continuing on slightly slower.

“I- I mean, there are more of them now. A new female and a new male. But- but the rest are the
same. Even in my Great-grandfathers times, they already knew of the leader. Carlisle. He’s been
around since forever apparently. He’d been and gone before your people even arrived.”

I grinned savagely. “Vampires.”

“Ohmygod” said Mike, sitting up straighter. “Vampires.”

Jacob looked warily between the two of us. “What did I miss?”

“A defining moment in the WOEIEC logbook.”

“He’s a vampire.”

“It explains so much”

“Ok you two need to slow down. What? They’re just legends! I thought you were going to think
we were just a bunch of superstitious natives”

“Oh Jacob, let me tell you about Mr Culinary and the reasons for the What On Earth Is Edward
Cullen society.”

Slowly, with many interjections from Mike that were a mix of helpful and… not that, I explained to
Jacob everything strange about the youngest Cullen boy. By the time we finished he was looking
fairly poleaxed.

“Huh. Wild. Maybe, there was some truth in those legends after all”

“Yup” said Mike, jumping up and slapping Jacob on the arm. “You are definitely a member of the
WOEIEC club dude. Welcome aboard”

“Thanks…?” Jacob said uncertainly watching as Mike stretched out his limbs and then started off
towards the fire with a jaunty wave over his shoulder.

“Say Jake,” I said, as we began to follow him back across the beach. “Given all that, what does
your dad think about the massive fuckin’ crush my dad is nursing for the sexy blood-drinking

He did a double take so fast I was worried he’d get whiplash. If he’s been drinking I bet it
would’ve been a good contender for world's greatest spit take.

“Ch- ChaRLIE??”

“Mhmm. Though its all just me interpreting at this point. I’d even go so far as to say Dr Carlisle
Caring Cullen is pretty far gone too but who’s to say really”

“Ca- Isn’t he married??”


I watched his eyes twirl in their sockets for a bit. “Huh. Well, I guess that would explain a few

“Ooooo like what?” I asked, desperate for dirt on dear old dad.

“Like how Charlie went ballistic when he heard that some of us stopped going to the hospital when
Dr Cullen started working there. Explains the first name basis too…”

“Ah yes, that’s probably in part because apparently he dines at their house sometimes”


I patted him on the shoulder consolingly as we reached the bonfire, “I know.”

We stopped once we rejoined the circle and took in the general packing-up that was going on. I
noticed that Jess and Angela were back from the shops and Eric and the others looked fairly
exhausted from whatever high energy game they’d been up to.

“Are we off then?” I asked.

“Yep” confirmed Jess, “It looks like it’s going to rain soon so, we figured better safe than sorry.”

I glanced up at the glowering sky. She was not wrong. I crossed over quickly to help with the

“Okay, I’m definitely coming,” there was far too much good natured chuckling and then I heard
Mike take a breath. “Don’t even think about it Newton.”

He breathed back out.

“It was nice to see you Bella.” Jacob said, and I was surprised to see he was sincere. Oh I was
definitely adopting this boy.

“It really was. Next time our dad’’s decide to hang out I’ll tag along” I promised.

“That’s be cool”

“Oh! And thanks for the info,” I winked at him. “I’ll be submitting your application for honorary
member of the IQCFFH to the board soon”

“The what now?” he asked, looking yet again blindsided. I loved not explaining myself to people.

“Don’t worry about it” I said, pulling my hood up and turning to leave.

As we tramped across the rocks back towards the parking lot a few drops began to fall, marking
black spots on the stones where they landed. When we got to the Suburban, we loaded the stuff
into the back as quickly as possible before dogpiling back into the car. We were all fairly
exhausted from the day out so the ride back was surprisingly quiet for our little gaggle of gays.
I lay my head against the window and stared into the rain, letting my thoughts swirl as I pondered
on everything I’d learned.

Chapter End Notes

Well! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Yes Jacob is trans now. No I am not sorry.
Yes I cut a bajillion characters from the beach scene. No im not sorry for that either.
Yes the dads are off being useless and pining over lunch at the Cullens whilst this is
happening. Yes I made up the word Newtonian. Its just because his surnames Newton.
Hes loud and all. Also I did also make Jacob older I'm not sorry it was weird he was
barely 15, 16 is much more respectable.

As always here are some chat highlights:


someone remind me to write a kick ass authors note at the end of all this good god

christ we're already really starting to divert from any semblance of canonical dialogue
guess the plots gunna start veering too soon

im making her the peak lesbian experience

fuckin goodbye lauren

whoever the fuck you are




twilight has 25 chapters

i am on 6
i am 1/5 of the way through
this is going to so long im so full of regret

i do my best
one beach review at a time
i hate turning my brain cell on

me: *complaining to nox about how much research ive had to do for this chapter*
nox: i think,, i think you have to take crack out the tags now,, i dont think its crack

In the cullen household, this vision [bella falling into a tidepool to spite edward]
flashes through alices head and she snorts with laughter
edward reads her mind and is immediately torn between amusement and frowning
the frowning wins

me, every other chapter: time to make fun of the original book!

"respect ur elders jacob"

"bella you literally have one year one me. two at a push if we time it right"

bella is a fucking steamroller of a human being in this fic i s2g

Thats all folks. I did too much research and not all of it shows but anyway here's that
donation link again:
Chapter Summary

God what even happens in this? Bella has a weird dream nightmare thing and goes to
school. And its sunny. And the cullens are not there. Also she and mike fully buy into
the vampire thing so the book may start to speed up through bits of plot we will see.
Oh and Bella tells Charlie she's a lesbian

Chapter Notes

I'm baaaackkk !!!! Wow has it really been 3 months??? in my defense.... i had a lot of
uni work to do but its dONE !! My final project is IN so..... at loose ends now

ANYWAY i hope you enjoy the next bella is gay chapter,, i literally had to reread the
fic before i wrote it cus i cudnt remember what happened before whoops. also in this
version the werewolves are much more metaphorical cus,,, im tryin my best to make it
Less Racist whoops. THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE CRACK DAMN IT ive done so
much research

donate to The Quileute Tribe here:

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When I got back in I found Charlie slumped bonelessly in front of the TV with an energetic and
buzzed gleam in his eye. I decided I didn’t want to know and sort of lied to him so I could escape. I
told him that I had a lot of homework to do and that I wasn’t all that hungry. Thankfully there was
a basketball game on that he was pretty excited about so it wasn’t that hard to convince him I
didn’t need any help.

Once I was sequestered away I locked the door, digging through my desk until I found my old
headphones and plugging them into my little CD player. I picked up a CD that I had acquired years
ago - I think it was a gift from Phil one year for Christmas before I started making “questionable
life-style choices”. Fucker. I’d never been too keen on it either, it wasn’t a band I’d ever heard of
and they used a little too much hoarse screaming with dubstep remixes for my tastes. Still. I
popped it in and lay down on my bed, putting on the headphones and hitting play as I did so.

Sometimes. You have to lean into the teen angst.

The aim of the game this evening was to stop thinking. Blank brain that's what I wanted. Didn't
particularly want to ruminate on the day’s discoveries, think about my One Sided-Love (it always
spiralled), spend ANY waking hours on Edmundo Casket, OR risk my thoughts turning to Charlie's
decidedly chipper yet tired mood. I placed a pillow over my face.

Thankfully it worked. The noise made it impossible for my braincell to do anything other than
bounce around like a windows screensaver. I was saved. I played the CD over and over until I was
unfortunate enough to know the words and fortunate enough to sleep.

I opened my eyes and immediately cottoned onto the fact I was still asleep. I recognized the green
light of the forest and the distant sound of waves on rocks and cursed my subconscious for making
me relive my day anyway. I rolled my eyes and let the dream pull me along, figuring if I found the
ocean I would find the sun. Dream logic. I followed the sound but then Jacob was there, hanging
onto my wrist and trying to pull me back towards the darker part of the forest.

“Jacob?? What- What’s wrong?” I asked him. His face was kind of frightened as he tugged at my
arm like a little toddler, seemingly desperate to move me back towards the pitch black. I resisted. I
didn’t want to go into the dark. What kind of sleazy ham-handed metaphor was my dream state
tryna conjure up. Unfortunately whatever it was it had me firmly in its grip. I knew I was dreaming
but I could not do anything to influence the outcomes.

“Run. Bella you have to run,” he whispered at me, looking terrified but sounding bizarrely
bemused. Maybe I could influence the dream.

“This way Bella! Try not to do anything too athletic on your way over,” oh good even in my
dreams Mike was still a prick. I couldn’t see him amongst the gloomy heart of the trees but fuck
me if I didn’t recognize his voice.

“Oh Fuck Off Mike!! Why should I huh? I’ll just trip and you’ll laugh at me!” I refused to enter the
woods. I felt very petulant about it all but I didn’t want to. Suddenly I was desperate to find the sun.
Again with the metaphors. Just what did my brain classify as the sun huh. I had my suspicions…

Jacob let go of my hand and yelped. He was shaking as he fell to the dim forest floor. He landed on
his hands and knees, catching at his breath.

“Jacob..?” I said uncertainly. “You ok there buddy?”

His head snapped up and he took in a deep breath before standing back up. He seemed different.
More predatory. Sure of himself. Stronger. Weirdly lithe? He turned to stare towards the shore,
determination on his face and shoulders squared. I imagined that if he had hackles they would be
raised. He bared his teeth slightly and I shuddered.

“Bella for God’s sake!! Just risk a root and run would you!” Mike yelled out again from behind
me. I ignored him. There was a light coming through the trees towards me from the beach.

And then Alice stepped out from the trees and my heart exploded in my chest. Her skin glowed
lightly and her eyes were jet-black. She looked dangerous and hot as all hell. Mmm. Sexy.

She held up a hand and beckoned me over. Hell yeah. Jacob put his arm out to stop me and rolled
his eyes. Serious mixed messages. It felt like we were all players in a game - following along
without knowing why.

I took a step forward, toward Alice, entranced. She smiled at me, her teeth sharp and pointed. My
heart sped up. She looked so good ohmygod. The media was right. Vampires are lethally sexy.
“Trust me Bella.” She said, voice tinkling like bells in the breeze. I nodded absently and took
another step.

Jacob moved swiftly, placing himself between me and what he clearly perceived as a threat. He
growled low in his throat in warning before moving faster than any one man should be able to
move towards her.

“NO!” I screamed, wrenching upright out of my bed.

My sudden movement caused the headphones to pull the CD player off the bedside table and it
clattered to the wooden floor. Confusingly, I hadn’t felt them wrench out my ears, I figured they
must’ve slipped out whilst I slept but a quick glance around the room presented a new theory.

My light was off, and I was lying fully dressed on the bed when I had been propped up against the
headboard. A quick glance around confirmed that my shoes had been removed and set on the floor
next to the bed. I had no memory of taking them off. I definitely hadn’t turned off the light. Charlie
must've come up and checked on me on his way to bed. It was nice to have a dad who cared. I
fumbled for the clock on the dresser. 5:30am. Disgusting.

I groaned and rolled over onto my face, smushing it into the pillow. I was too awake to be
uncomfy. Damn it. I rolled back over again and yanked my jeans off awkwardly, trying my best to
stay as horizontally as I could. I pulled the band out my hair as well, combing my fingers through
the braided plaits in my hair; desperate for them to stop pressing uncomfortably into the back of my
skull. I performed the magic-bra trick. Freedom. I have GOT to stop sleeping clothed. I pulled the
pillow back over my eyes.

Fuck. I shot a sarcastic thanks to the universe for allowing my subconscious to dredge up exactly
the images I was trying to avoid, followed by a genuine thanks for managing to continue to avoid
the Charlie ones. It could’ve been worse. Still. I was going to have to face some of this now.

I sat up, head spinning as all the blood abandoned my brain. Hmm. Half five in the morning
seemed like a reasonable time to have a shower. I grabbed my bathroom bag. This was in no way a
procrastination method. (It definitely was).

Alas, the shower didn’t last nearly as long as I hoped it would. Then again, I did think twice about
blow-drying my hair… I figured I could get away with the shower but using a hair dryer at six in
the am when Charlie had (presumably) had a late night seemed a bit far. Sundays were really the
only day he got to himself too. Lie in’s are worth their weight in gold to that man. I went for the
towel-dry option. Not like I was planning on leaving the house today anyway.

I quickly ran out of things to do in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and everything. Wrapped in a
towel, I crossed back over to my room, tip-toeing past Charlie's room so I wouldn’t disturb him
more than I already had. I swore I could hear distant snoring. He swears he doesn’t snore though so
who’s to say.

Comfy time. I dressed slowly in my comfy comfy sweats and then deliberately avoided any further
tasks by making my bed for the first time in my entire life. And then I couldn’t put off my self-
proclaimed, self-directed, really-I-didn’t-actually-have-to-do-it task any longer. I went to my desk
and turned on my old computer.
As it booted itself to life I thanked the gods it was no longer 2005 and Charlie had updated his
internet from dial up and modems to just having broadband at home. I assumed it made his life at
the station easier. Still, didn’t stop my computer being Old™ and slow. I decided whilst waiting
for it to get it’s life together, I would get some cereal.

I sat at the table in the kitchen, slowly consuming my food one bite at a time. When I was done, I
made sure to wash my crockery and stash them in the drying rack. I considered drying them to
waste more time but ultimately… I couldn’t be bothered. My feet dragged as I climbed the stairs. I
went to my CD player, plucking it up from the floor and placing it on the side-table. I put the
headphones away and then turned the same CD on - I really couldn’t be bothered to find a new one
when all I needed was some quiet background noise.

With a sigh, I turned to my computer. I sat in my hard folding chair and made my way to my
favourite search engine - Bing. I cracked my knuckles and prepared myself to do something
objectively stupid. I typed in one word.


It took… far longer than it should have, I really needed a new computer. When the results DID
show up there was a Lot to sift through… which I really should have expected of such a vague
search to be honest. I know what vampires are, why didn’t I specify? Admittedly mostly because I
didn’t really know what I was actually looking for just that my goblin brain was demanding it. And
like a Sucker I craved. God the results ranged from everything from Movies and TV shows to role-
playing games, underground metal and “gothic cosmetic” companies.

Eventually I found a promising site - Vampires A-Z. I waited for it to load, tapping my fingers on
the desk. I was greeted by two quotes on the home page. They were both long with a lot of words
and I couldn’t really be bothered to read them but I did get the gist of it. Which was Vampires =
Bad. And Probably Real. But I knew that already.

The rest of the site was an alphabetized listing of all the different myths of vampires held
throughout the world. There was a lot of text. Gross. I decided to put the find in page function to
type in and play word association with myself. So I searched for the word beautiful. This gave me
one result: the Romanian Varacolaci; a powerful undead being who could appear as a beautiful
pale-skinned human. Check.

My brain flashed to when I had the unfortunate mis-luck to be rescued from impending death by
Edwin. I searched for Strong and Fast which pointed me towards the Slovack Nelapsi.

I stared blankly at the website a bit before slowly typing in one final search word. Good. One
Result. Stregoni Benefici. Described as being “An Italian vampire on the side of goodness, a
mortal enemy of all evil vampires”.

One small entry for good huh? A little victory against evil do-ers in the night. Good enough for
me. The Cullens were definitely vampires there was no doubt in my mind. Sure they could appear
in the day time which seemed suspicious as all hell but I was sure there was a good explanation
that fell into the “yes we are vampires” category.

I turned the computer off. Time to move on. What to do. I COULD go for a solitary walk in the
woods and brood about the love of my lesbian life and her twinky little brother (and the rest of
them) being vampires but. That seemed a tad excessive and melodramatic. My thoughts briefly
drifted to Charlie and wondered if he knew that his Big Gay Crush was a bloodsucker. Probably
not. I wondered how much they faked when he had dinner with them all. Anyway the point is I
already decided what Jacob said was true, I fully bought the vampire schtick. And now that I
believed it was true what would I do? Probably ignore it. I mean I could do the whole spirally
angst thing where I tried to avoid them and my angel and reason for living but. Edmundo seemed to
have the whole angst thing covered and I really could not be bothered.

They probably weren’t that dangerous if they’d been here years already and my father liked and
trusted them. Also Edwina DID save my life once already. Much to my dismay. Why couldn’t it
have been Alice?!? Anyway off topic. The point was. All I would do with this information was
probably sit on it and wind Eddie up with it. He had such beautiful buttons. I decided to save the
mortal v/s immortal love story meltdown for later. Wouldn't want to run out of things to freak out
about too quickly!

I glanced at the clock and was Very Surprised to note it was nearly 11. HOW did five hours pass
so quick. Still no movement from Charlie though - I decided to make him some brunch. It was
slightly too late into the day for Breakfast at this point and I figured he deserved it. Figured today
could be a fairly lazy day - maybe I would get started on the paper on Macbeth that was due on

I headed down to the kitchen to rifle through the cupboards. What to make? I settled on an easy fry
up. It didn’t take too long to cook up some bacon and hashbrowns - I even threw in some eggs for
fun - and I quickly piled it all up on a plate and then immediately began back up the stairs to
Charlie’s room. Still no sign of life. I knocked gently and then slowly pushed the door open.

He had rolled over onto his back and was in the process of scrubbing sleep out of his eyes. He
peered up at me through bleary eyes.

“Bella? What time is it?”

“Good Morning Sleepy Head.” I was enjoying turning the tables a little too much, sue me. “It is
just gone 11 o’clock! Time for all good sheriffs to rise and face the day.”

“Institutionally speaking Bells, there’s no such thing as a good sheriff..”

“Holy shit dad you literally just woke up. Does your brain ever stop? Give it a break”

He grinned up at me, clearly proud of himself and perhaps a little touched I had called him dad so
easy. Honestly I was surprised myself but we had really managed to build up a sense of
camaraderie and a good father-daughter relationship over the past three weeks. It was… nice.
Really nice. I knew how much he loved me and I was working on letting him know it was mutual.
When I moved here I never thought I’d have it this good - amazing what just a little bit of effort
can reap. Maybe it’s time to Come Out.

He perked up a bit, noticing the plate in my hands. “Is that food?”

“Sure is. Here you go.” I passed the plate over and he sat up, taking it greedily and immediately
beginning to dig in. He looked up at me as I loitered and patted the side of the bed, indicating that I
should sit. I rolled my eyes and joined him.

“So,” he said, through a mouthful of potato. “What did I do to deserve all this then? What do you
want?” He mimed suspicion, narrowing his eyes and failing to conceal the gleeful gleam that
lurked in them.

“Nothing I just- Ok initially there was no ulterior motive but… whilst we’re here…” I trailed off. I
was fairly certain this would be fine. I trusted him. Besides he wouldn’t have any legs to stand on
when it came to being a big old home-of-sexual. Yet somehow, for some reason, I was suddenly
full of fear. What if it wasn’t. Did I really want to ruin the best parental relationship I’ve ever really
had? Unfortunately for me, my father sort of relies on being observant to earn a living and he
Immediately Noticed that something was up.

He frowned slightly and placed his nearly empty plate to the side, sliding up further in the bed.
“Bells? Honey? Are you ok, what's wrong?”

“Oh nothing, no nothing’s wrong I just- there’s something I should probably tell you but- I’m not-
I’m not sure how to. And Phil didn’t- he- So I’m just a little”

“Woah… woah slow down, hey.” He pulled me towards him, catching my hands in his and then
moving to wrap an arm around my shoulder. “What did Phil do? Did he upset you? Do I need to
talk to him?”

“No! No, I just. I overreacted but-” I took a deep breath and stared down at my hands as they rested
clasped together in my lap. I worked on regulating my… well everything. Pulse, breath, all of it.
Man I was Anxious. Weird I’d already done this once, but then maybe that’s why it was so hard.
As my head cleared I remembered that this was Charlie. He was probably also kind of gay but,
more importantly, one of his best friends kids was transgender and he had no problems with that.
So this would probably be fine! Right?

“Dad… I- I’m gay?”

“...And Phil didn’t take it well?”

“What? No- he… You- you don’t… mind?

“Oh Bells,” he pulled me in even tighter and squeezed my shoulder, tucking me into his side and
rocking the both of us gently side to side. “Of course I don’t. I’m- you’re my daughter! You’re my
kid and I love you of course I don’t mind. Why should it matter to me huh? As long as you’re
happy! You- you are happy right?” He pulled back slightly to look me in the eye with concern. I
nodded at him, mildly shell-shocked.

“Y- you’re taking this really well”

“Did you think I wouldn’t? Did you really truly believe I would cast you out?”

“N- no. No I, I didn’t. I was fairly certain it would be okay I just- you can never be sure you

“I guess not.” He squeezed me once more before letting go and swinging round so we were both
sitting shoulder to shoulder on the edge of his bed. “I’ll always be here for you Bells. Ok?”
“Yeah ok”

“I’m glad you finally felt able to tell me, any particular reason? Any girls in your life?” He asked,
with a slightly sly smile. What. What did I miss. I forcibly didn’t think about his relative closeness
and buddy buddy crush like behaviour with the father of my one true vampire love.

I took the safe route and spluttered at him before shoving him off the bed whilst he laughed at me.

“Ugh Dad you’re the worst!”

“I know,” he said cheerfully, “Now get out my room I need to get dressed”.

Frankly I was astounded at how well we two emotional brick walls had handled that entire
situation. We must be bonding. Wild. I somehow felt close and more emotionally supported by my
father who had been distanced for most of my life, than I ever really did my mother. It was nice to
be the child more often whilst still being treated as an adult.

After that the day was fairly quiet and productive. It was reassuring to know that nothing had
changed. Charlie lounged around reading his book and I actually managed to finish my paper
before dinner. Charlie was making noises about going fishing next weekend and I made a mental
note to pick up a book of fish based recipes whilst I was in Seattle. I’d almost managed to black out
the Trip Of Doom but recent revelations had it cropping back up in my brain for some reason. If
nothing else I’d have fun bullying the twink of all twinks. So many vampire jokes as of yet unmade
and unheard. A whole new way to irritate Eduardo. Excellent. I smirked to myself… Colourless
Cullens indeed.

Thankfully, I slept dreamlessly that night - exhausted from my unacceptably early start and the
rough night of sleep before. When I woke it was sunny. Hell Yeah. That’s two times now in Forks
I arose and skipped to the window to stare, stunned at the blue cloudless sky. Well ok there were
Some Clouds but they were just fleecy little white puffs that couldn't possibly be carrying any rain.
I quickly opened the window surprisingly smoothly and silently, and sucked in a breath of
relatively dry air. God it could almost be classified as warm out and there was hardly any wind.
Perfect weather.

Charlie was finishing breakfast when I came downstairs, a plate set out for me across from him. He
picked up on my mood immediately.

“Nice day out,” he commented. “Breakfasts under the plate keeping warm by the way.”

“Cool thanks dad. And its Gorgeous out!” I agreed with a grin.

He smiled back at me, his brown eyes crinkling around the edges. When Charlie smiled, it was
easy to see why he and my mother had jumped too quickly into an early marriage. Most of the
young romantic he’s been in those days had faded before I’d known him; perhaps along with his
apparent heteroseuality. That was a conversational heart-to-heart we’d yet to have. Although
judging by how unsurprised he was at my flinging the doors open… well. My old pa had changed
a lot, that's all I was saying. His romantic nature had dwindled down along with his curly brown
hair that had slowly rescinded to reveal more and more of his forehead. I bet the stress of his job
had something to do with that.

The point was, because I had inevitably distracted myself, that when he smiled, I felt like I could
see a little of the man who had run away with Renée when she was just two years older than I was

I ate breakfast cheerily, watching the dust moats float around in the sunlight that streamed in
through the back window. Charlie washed his plate and called out a goodbye, blatantly resisting
the urge to ruffle my hair on the way past as he headed out the door. I heard the cruiser pull away
and began to gear myself up to leave for school.

I hesitated on my way out, staring at my rain jacket. It would be tempting fate to leave it at home
so, with a sigh, I folded it over my arm and stepped out into the brightest light I had seen in months.
Alice’s metaphorical presence in my life notwithstanding.

After applying far more elbow grease than should be necessary, I managed to get both windows in
the truck almost completely rolled down. Bizarrely I was one of the first ones in school. Although
on almost immediate reflection it wasn’t really as I, in my hurry to leave the house and enter the
world of Vitamin-D, had completely neglected to check the clock. Whoops. I parked and headed
towards the seldom-used picnic benches on the south side of the cafeteria. Unfortunately they were
still a little damp so I sat on my jacket - a use! Wildly enough I was actually fairly on top of my
homework but I figured whilst I was here I might as well give the Trig problems I wasn’t sure
about a quick once over. In the back of my mind I could hear Mike calling me a nerd.

And then it wasn’t in the back of my mind. And Mike was in front of me. Goddamnit.

“Whatever happened to peace and quiet Michael”

“Gee I don't know Bell’s I’ve never heard of it.”

“Hmm. Interesting coincidence don’t you think?”

“Not often!”

I looked up to throw a dirty glance at the shit eating grin I just knew he would be sporting, as per,
and noted that whilst I had been admittedly drifting off into space, the school had become

Mike ignored my look and plopped down onto the bench next to me, the tidy spikes of his hair
shining golden in the light, trademark “I’m so funny” grin stretching across his face just as I had

“Wow Bella. I never noticed you were ginger before.” He laughed, catching a strand of my hair
fluttering in the breeze and yanking it gently.

“Bitch. It’s just got some red in. It’s Not Ginger, I’m nothing like carrot-top Cullen. And it only
happens in the sun.”
“Uh-huh sure. And I think Eddie prefers the term ‘ Bronze ’ actually.”

“Of course he does.”

“Mmm”, Mike stretched out next to me like a cat and tipped his face up, clearly moving on. “What
a fantastic day huh?”

“God yeah. Just my kind.”

“SO!” God but this boy had no consistency in his conversational topics. “What did you do
yesterday huh? After our little beach gathering?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me preposterously on
the words beach gathering. I stifled a giggle. The worst thing you can do with Mike, is let him
know you think he’s funny.

“I mostly worked on my essay,” I glanced sideways at him before adding smugly, “finished it

“Ahhhh Shit.” He hit his forehead with the heel of his hand. “That’s due Thursday right?”

“...It’s due Wednesday Mike.”

“Oh Buttholes. What are you writing yours on?”

“Whether Shakespeare's treatment of the female characters is misogynistic."

He stared blankly at me. God knows I love him like a brother but man. Mike is Not incredibly

“Guess I’ll work on that tonight then. I was gunna ask if the WOEIEC club could have a meeting
to go over the beach findings but guess it’ll have to wait.”

“I think the findings are fairly obvious Mike. They’re vampires. All of them.”

“I mean… yeah. Yeah they are. What are we gonna do with this?? This is mad. It feels mad! Are
we mad?”

“Jesus Mike have you processed none of this?"

“Are you saying you have??”

I shrugged at him. “I sort of decided. It’s not a problem. Not right now. And I can’t be bothered to
deal with it. So the most I’m gunna do is use it as ammunition.”

“...that sounds. Doable. Yeah ok I can work with that.”

“Excellent. Aaanndd now its time for class.” I shoved my stuff into my bag and stood up, clapping
him on the shoulder. “Buckle up buckeroo let's rock and roll”

“On one condition.”

I rolled my eyes. “What’s that?”

“Never say that to me ever again.”

I just cackled at him as we headed into building 3.

When I saw Jessica in Trig she was bubbling with enthusiasm - only some of which was for show.
She and Angela were going to Port Angeles tomorrow night to go dress shopping for the dance.
The dance that I had somehow bailed from to go to Seattle with Edweeb-o Fucking Cullen of all
people. I still didn’t know how that had happened. Apparently they both wanted me to come along
even though I… didn’t need one for stupid reasons. I didn’t want to fully commit but gave them
both a maybe - telling them I needed to check with Charlie first. I worried that I would be third-
wheeling a little as there was definitely Something going on between the two of them.

Jess then decided now would be the Perfect Time to bring back the straight girl act and somehow
managed to talk about nothing but the dance the entire way to Spanish. Seamlessly continuing on
with it after it ended on the way to Lunch. The girl was walking performance art and I felt
honoured to know such a comedian. I told her sarcastically at one point when she stopped to
breathe. She just grinned at me and cranked the performance up to 11. I was almost genuinely
impressed. I was certainly awed by her dedication.

I was kind of excited to see the Cullens. Not just The LLOML (lesbian love of my life) either. All
of them. Even Egg-head. I wanted to compare them to all the radical stereotypes of vampires that
lived and plagued my brain. I wanted to whisper shit at them under my breath to see if they reacted.
I bet I could get Mike in on it. We hadn’t shared our revelations with the others yet - we were
waiting for confirmation. Any kind.

I glanced at their table as I entered the cafeteria and had my hopes crushed and felt my excitement
deflate. They weren't here! Balls to that. I committed to a quick sweep of the entire cafeteria but
alas. It was empty of dracula-wannabe’s. No sign of Alice or her family. Tragic.

Spanish had let out late so by the time we reached the table, everyone else was already there. I met
eyes with a dejected looking Mike and shot him a wink. Clearly we had had similar plans for the
lunch hour. As we got settles, Angela shot me a few quiet questions about the Macbeth paper,
which I answered as best I could whilst trying to ignore Mike who kept throwing bits of paper
across the table. She then also invited me to go with them tomorrow night. Actually hearing it from
Angela as well was more reassuring than I thought it would be and I found myself agreeing before
I could second-guess myself.

Jess shot me a smug look across the table.

Biology was easy, if excruciatingly long and boring, abandoned by myself on my table with no
fanged fancy to mock and make fun of next to me. Damn I had such good material prepared. I
often found myself twisting round in my seat just to send Mike pathetic glances that he had to
muffle snorts at. Ahhh friendship.

Thankfully Gym ended with a lecture on the rules of badminton. Which meant I got to sit down and
listen to someone talk instead of stumble around on the court and make a general fool of myself.
Even better - the coach somehow didn’t manage to finish! Which meant more talking tomorrow.
Yet another day of relative freedom from academic physical expectation before they would arm me
and set me loose.
At the end of the day we were released and I immediately made plans to relax and do fuck all in the
last dregs of sunshine the day had to offer. Exciting stuff. At this point, I genuinely did have very
little left in the way of distractions. Although… As I thought that I had the follow-up thought that I
should really check my e-mails, just in case. This turned out to be very wise.

I read through the backlog of letters from my mother, each one getting snippier as they progressed
to the present. I sighed. I found that the more time I spent bonding with Charlie, the less sympathy
and allowances I was willing to give my mother. Having such a good relationship with… well with
my dad, was really making me re-examine the one I had with my mom. I typed out a quick

Mom, Sorry. I’ve been out. I went to the beach with some friends. And I had to write a paper. I’ve
been busy.

My excuses were fairly… pathetic. So I gave up on that.

It’s sunny outside today! I know I’m shocked too. I’m going to go outside and soak up as many
vitamins as I can. Don’t wanna catch rickets! I love you, Bella.

And then I went outside. I decided it was time for some non-school reading so I grabbed my very
shabby volume of a compilation of Jane Austen’s works from the small collection I brought with
me. I also grabbed a ragged old quilt from the linen cupboard at the top of the stairs on my way
down to the backyard.

Outside in Charlie’s small square yard, I folded the quilt in half and laid it out of the reach of the
tree’ shadows on the thick lawn. It was still slightly wet and felt like it always would be - no matter
how long the sun shone. I lay on my stomach, crossing my ankles in the air, flipping through the
different novels, trying to find one to settle on. My favourites were Pride and Prejudice, and Sense
and Sensibility. I’d actually read the first fairly recently and so I started to read Sense and
Sensibility, only to be slapped in the face when I encountered the hero of the story named Edward.
Fuck. He had truly tainted the name. I was trying to AVOID thinking about my problems. I didn’t
come here to be confronted by them. I thought about flipping to Mansfield Park but honestly?
Edmund was the hero of that one and I substituted that for Edwardo’s name more often than not.
Really ruined that one for myself huh.

I snapped the book shut and rolled over onto my back. Honestly? The warmth would be enough of
a distraction. Now I felt like the cat I’d compared Mike to that morning. I pushed my sleeves up
and closed my eyes, wiggling into the quilt to get comfy. The breeze was light, blowing tendrils of
my hair around my face that gently tickled at my cheeks. I pulled all my hair over my head, letting
it fan out on the quilt above me, and focused in on the heat that caressed my body. Touching my
eyelids, my cheekbones, my nose, my lips, my forearms, my neck, soaked through my light shirt…

Suddenly I heard Charlie’s cruiser turning onto the bricks of the drive way and I sat bolt upright
suddenly conscious. It took a second for my brain to reboot but when it did I couldn’t help but
notice that the light was gone and I had definitely been sleeping. I also felt strangely paranoid. I
shook it off and jumped up, foolishly edgy. I gathered up the now-damp quilt along with my book
and ran inside.
Charlie was hanging up his gun belt and stepping out of his boots when I came in.

“Hey Dad, I definitely did not fall asleep outside and we can definitely go straight into making

He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. “Aaahh Bella Bella Bella, what am I going to do with
you huh? You do realise that making sure I eat and cooking me dinner every evening is not
Actually your responsibility.”

“No I know… it’s just nice. And you DID say the kitchen could be My Domain. And I’m sort of
hoping you’ll just keep me here to be honest.”

He grinned at me. “Ask me something hard. Come on then. There’s fish to be cooked.”

After our regular routine of dining and cleaning together, we settled in front of the TV. There really
wasn’t much on so we found and mocked some mindless sitcom together. It was nice to just sit and
share time together.

“Dad,” I said during a commercial, “Jessica and Angela are going to look at dressed for the dance
tomorrow night in Port Angeles, and they want me to help them choose… do you mind if I go with

“They want you? For fashion advice?” They might want to get their eyes checked”

“Hey! That’s mean!”

He chuckled at me before getting his serious dad face on, clearly thinking it over. “Jessica
Stanley?” he asked.

“And Angela Weber.” I sighed as I gave him the details.

He nodded at me. “And you don’t need to get your own so… they want you solely for your stellar
company and… feedback?”

My turn to snort at him “Yeah pretty much”

“Yeah okay I don’t see why not. Have fun I guess” He smirked at me, clearly remembering how
many times in the past he’d heard me complain and get bored when on a shopping trip.

We settled back in to watch the rest of the show. I tried to ignore when he pulled out his phone and
appeared to shoot off a text message a few minutes later. I told myself very sternly that I did Not
want to know.

It was sunny again in the morning. The lord is real and he loves the gays. Hell Yeah. Somehow by
the time I arrived at school I barely had time to make it to class; meaning it was ridiculously
difficult to find a parking spot. Edmundo’s stupid shiny silver Volvo was conspicuous in it’s
absence. My heart sunk slightly in my chest as I realised this meant the chances of me seeing my
befanged beloved Alice were slim.
I parked in the last row and hurried to English, arriving breathless but before the bell. The day
progressed much the same as the previous one complete with bonus lunchtime disappointment that
I wouldn’t me making vampire jokes at the Cullen's expense or spending any of my waking hours
gazing upon one of God's finest creations. Or.... whatever the vampire creators equivalent would
be called I guess.

I was also abandoned again in Biology. I made sure Mike also suffered.

I found myself looking forward to the outing this evening. Tonight’s out-on-the-town shenanigans
would hopefully inject a little bit of missing spice into my day. And hey, there were no rules saying
I couldn’t buy anything just because I wasn’t going to the dance. Maybe I would be able to engage
in a little retail therapy too whilst I was there.

I wondered if I would be able to relegate my fictional Seattle trip back into the world of fiction or if
I would still have to follow through and have my every step through the city dogged by the world’s
least impressive Dracula.

After school, Jessica followed me home in her old white Mercury so that I could ditch my books
and truck. I brushed through my hair quickly when I was inside, feeling a swoop of excitement at
getting some quality time in a big city. I had grown to like Forks don’t get me wrong, but it was
kind of Tiny for a big city girl like myself. I left a note for Charlie on the table, reminding him
where I was going and when I thought I’d be back - just seemed like the nice thing to do - and
switched my scruffy wallet from my school bag to a purse I rarely used, before running out to join
Jessica. We went to Angela’s house next, and she was waiting for us. My excitement increased
exponentially as we actually drove out of the town limits. Big City here I come!

Chapter End Notes

so yeah there we have it a new chapter - who wants to take bets on what Charlie has
been up to?? Ngl its mostly dinner cus he's fuckin useless, reckon Carlisle might go
visit him whilst Bellas in Seattle... who knows!

Anyway as per have some notes for the inbetweens of writing it:

me, yelling from a distance as I conitnue to make fun of the source material: ALSO

god i cant be fucked

i really cannot be fucked
even a little bit
fuck me

"instead of a whole page of her moping in the woods being dramatic about things she
just. gets on with it and decides to bully edward"

character growth




americans need better swears

ALSO i researched diall up internet for this fucking thing just to check I was ok to get
rid of it given I set it when the film was not the book was lmao. Too much work is
being done.
Low-key considering starting a vlog of me trying to write this fucking fic would any of
yall be interested in that?? You'd get slightly more info on my brain process and why
im changing parts the way I am and also all of my issues with the OG book
Port Angels
Chapter Summary

Port Angeles time baby. Girls night out woo! Until Bella nearly gets mugged in an
alleyway and her luscious vampire love shows up to save her, along with her brother.
Will Bella get a date out of this?? ((yes yes she will here we go guys))

Chapter Notes

GOD writing this chapter was like pulling te e t h but we're here we're queer and the
party is underway. I absolutely refused to have Bella herded through alleyways by
men with dubious intents thats terrifying so instead she just gets followed for a while
and nearly mugged before alice and edward show up

jess angela and edward are all terrible people they're gunna be fantastic friends

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jess drove… faster, than Charlie did. Makes sense really given he’s all about the law and she is a
Bisexual with only one mode: road rage. That’s unfair. She’s not an angry driver. She’s just Right.
And Fast. Which meant we managed to get to Port Angeles by four. I’d never gone on a girl’s
night out with my new gang of gays and I was hyped for it. We listened to some fantastically trash
music and gossiped about the straights we had to deal with on a day to day basis. We also
discussed the best possible way to set Mike and Eric up because quite frankly Eric’s blatant pining
was starting to harsh all our groove. It was especially bad because Mike had the emotional capacity
of a teaspoon and wouldn’t have recognised someone crushing on him if they hit him on the upside
of the head. Which we had all seen Eric do to him. More than once. Truly infuriating.

The dance was clearly going to be the best opportunity they would get. I say they because I was
unable to forget that I had somehow trapped myself into going to Seattle with the skinniest twink in
school. Still unbelievable. Both Jess and Angela got kind of blushy talking about the dance and I
rolled my eyes at the pair of them. For all that Eric was useless (Mike wasn’t useless, he was just
stupid), so were they.

Port Angeles was beautiful in the way the big ball of twine or the lotus hotel is beautiful. That is to
say it was a complete fucking tourist trap. It was much more polished and quaint than Forks but
luckily Jess and Angela knew it well. They didn’t plan to waste time on the picturesque boardwalk
by the bay. Instead Jess drove Straight to the one big department store in town, a few streets in
from the glistening lure of the bar area’s visitor-friendly face.

Apparently the dance was ‘Semiformal’ which is the absolute worst dress code. That’s not true it is
on par with Smasual which may be worse purely for name. None of us knew quite what
semiformal meant. I made the mistake of mentioning that I’d never been to a dance in Phoenix and
got quite frankly an unnecessary amount of ribbing from both of them about it.

“You could’ve gone completely stag Bella. It would’ve been fantastic” Jess argued with a gleam in
her eye that never bode well for me.

“Jess. You know. YOU KNOW. I am Shite at dancing. I can barely fucking walk in a straight line
man c’mon what was I going to do. Stand alone miserably in the corner and turn down every
straight boy desperate for a dance?” I parried, as we walked through the front doors of the store.

“Yes! That’s exactly what you should have done! Think of the vibes! The sheer unadulterated
queer power! That’s what being a hot lesbian is all about, making straight men cry. Or so Angela
tells me”

“Do I?”

“Shh yes you do”

This conversation managed to somehow carry us all the way into the junior’s section where I now
stood watching the other two scan the racks for ‘dress-up’ clothes. I watched them descend into
mock-bickering before Angela gasped, eyes widening and she turned to point at my accusatorily.

“BELLA. Bella bella I forgot to ask. Did you hear the new rumour?”

“Why are you asking Bella about a rumour? I’M the rumour girl”

“Shut up Jess, I’m asking Bella cus she’s involved.”

“Um-” I bit my lip uncertainly. “No? Sorry there’s a rumour about me? Have people figured out
I’m gay?” It wasn’t exactly a secret but… heteronormativity can hide a multitude of gays.

“No. If anything they’re spreading rumours your you're straight”

I gasped in offense. “STRAIGHT?!? How dare they. I need to call my dad. I have a crime to

“Guess who’s to blame”

“I don't know. Tell me.”

“No go on guess. I’ll give you a clue. He’s Straight and Loovvveess youuu”

“...Fucking Tyler” I growled out.

“Fucking Tyler,” Angela nodded at me whilst Jess started to crack up, “He’s telling everyone that
he’s taking you to prom.”

“He’s saying fucking WHAT now.”

“That he’s taking you to prom.”

“That… BITCH!”

At this point Jessica doubled over in laughter. It was NOT funny. Or at least, not that funny
anyway. I could concede that it was mildly amusing. Fucking Tyler Crowley. Unbelievable.
“But he nearly killed you Bella”, Jess choked out, “It’s just so romantic I could swoon!” And then
she did. Right into Angela’s arms. I rolled my eyes at the pair of them, before begging them to
move on and just look for some dresses. We were finally by the dress racks so the Hunt could
begin. They began to paw through the options before Jess started to giggle again.


“I just realised… this is why Lauren doesn’t like you”

“Who the fuck is Lauren”

“Uh. You know that straight girl who was glaring at you in the cafeteria the other day?”


“Ok well it's her”

“Oh No. However will I live now that she dislikes me. I cannot go on.” I deadpanned. “Hey!” I
continued on a brighter note, “Do you think if I ran Tyler over with my big lesbian truck he would
get the hint and Leave Me Alone.”

“Which hint? The lesbian hint or the I Dont Like You hint?”

“At this point? Not fussed.”

The dress section was not exactly a burden of choices. It was fairly small to be honest. Luckily
both of them somehow managed to find a few things to try on. I decided to be helpful by issuing
them with a stream of ongoing commentary from the low slung chair I was sat on just inside the
dressing room

Jess was torn between two - one long, strapless, basic black number, the other a knee-length
electric blue with spaghetti straps. After the required amount of ribbing regarding a Bisexuals
innate inability to make any choice about anything ever, I told her to just go with the blue one; it
would help bring out her eyes.

Angela chose a pale pink dress that draped around her tall frame nicely and brought out honey tints
in her light brown hair. I attempted to pay them some genuine compliments but it was just too
embarrassing for all of us so I swiftly moved on to gentle roasting and an off-hand remark about
how surprisingly short and painless the trip was compared to some I’d taken with Renée. It was
probably in part due to the limited choice but I had a feeling it was largely due to the company.

We headed over to shoes and accessories and I once again fulfilled the role of spectator as they
tried things on. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a hugely thrilling role and it left space in my brain.
Which was very dangerous these days. That space was predictably taken up fairly quickly by
thoughts of Alice. My beautiful love-to-be who I had not seen in what was, quite frankly, an
appallingly long period of time. My Vampire Love.

“Angela?” I began, bracing myself for a mockery I knew I deserved. She was trying on a pair of
pink strappy heels and giggling about towering over her “date”. Eric was already shorter than her
and this was going to make it so much worse. At this point Jess had drifted to the jewelry counter
and we were alone, which made the chances of me being obliterated were lower. Not none. But
“Yes?” She held her leg out, twisting her ankle to get a better view of the shoe.

I ran through all my options and quickly bailed like a coward. “I like those.”

“Me too. But they’ll never match anything but the one dress”

“True… but consider also… they are On Sale,” I encouraged her. I liked to see my role in this as a
bad monetary influence. She flashed me a smile, putting the lid back on a box that contained more
practical-looking off-white shoes.

I decided to try again. “Um. Angela?” She looked up at me again, raising a wry eyebrow. I know
that she knew that I didn’t want to talk about her shoes last time I tried to start this conversation.
Tried and failed.

“Is.. Is it normal for Al- for the Cullens,” I stared nonchalantly at the ceiling in a very studious,
non-nonchalant way, one might even say it was chalant if that was a word (which it surprisingly
was). “-to be out of school a lot?” I was definitely sounding very chalant, which was also definitely
a word. Well done Bella, that was the least subtle you have ever been. And you used to claim you
were straight.

Angela stared at me, very carefully not laughing. Though I did notice the corner of her mouth
twitching. “Oh sure it is yeah. When the weather is good they go backpacking all the time - even
the doctor. They’re a real adventure family. Very outdoorsy” She told me, with a completely
straight face. I ignored the fact that said straight face seemed far too invested in her shoes to look at
me. Thankfully she let me be without the mocking I knew I would have received from Jessica. I
really liked Angela.

“Huh. Interesting.” I let the subject drop and immediately changed the conversation to focus on
Jessica’s return with some rhinestone jewellery she found to match her silver shoes.

Somehow the dress shopping didn’t take nearly as long to finish as we thought it would which
meant suddenly we had a lot of time to kill. I, being the fantastic friend that I am, decided to
engineer the two of them some alone time and head to a bookstore. I had been sorely missing good
bookstores recently. We planned to reconvene at the restaurant in an hour. They planned on
dumping their stuff at the car and then going for a walk down to the bay. Very Romantic. I
encouraged them to go have fun and saw them off with a jaunty wave.

I had no trouble finding a bookstore, but I did have Some Trouble finding one that vibed correctly.
The first one I stumbled across was full of crystals, dream-catchers, and books about spiritual
healing. I considered heading in but then the fifty-year-old woman with long grey hair smiled at me
from behind the counter and I figured it would be hard to go into my usual book haze and hold onto
a conversation at the same time. So I moved on.

I meandered through the streets, which were beginning to fill up with people. End of the workday
traffic and all that. I wasn’t really paying much attention as I wandered. I probably should have
been but c’est la vie. I was instead paying a lot of attention to not thinking about Alice. It was
taking up a lot of brain power to not think about her and her cool pale skin, her bouncy hair, her-
NO! I was also not thinking about Angela saying the Cullens were often not in school. I was also
also not thinking about Saturday and getting an opportunity to drill her brother for information.

I drifted around in what I hoped was a vaguely… southerly direction, towards some glass fronted
shops that looked vaguely promising. Alas they turned out to be a repair shop and a vacant space.
Luckily there was still time before I had to head back so I could wander further.

As I crossed yet another road I began to realise I was definitely going in the wrong direction. The
foot traffic that I’d been seeing had definitely been going north and the buildings here were now…
mostly warehouses. I decided to turn vaguely eastwards at the next corner and then loop around to
try my luck on a different street as I headed back towards the boardwalk.

After turning the corner I found myself on a sidewalk leading past the backs of several somber-
coloured warehouses with large bay doors that were padlocked for the night. The south side of the
street had no sidewalk, only a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire protecting some kind of…
engine parts storage yard. I was definitely no longer in the guest-friendly tourist haven side of Port
Angeles. And it was starting, I realised to a sense of impending doom, to get dark. The clouds that
had been mysteriously absent all day had finally returned and were piling up on the western
horizon, creating an early sunset.

Bizarrely the sky to the east was still clear, despite a slight greying. It was shot through with
streaks of pink and orange. The sun was definitely going down. And it was getting cold. Those
things may have been connected. I’d left my jacket in the car like a fool and found myself
shivering. I crossed my arms tightly across my chest to conserve heat and stumbled onwards. A
single van passed me, and then the road was empty.

The sky suddenly darkened even further and I looked back to glare at the offending cloud. The
cloud was not the only recipient of my glare as I realised with a bolt of horror that I was being
followed. Or at least I wasn’t alone. About twenty feet behind me two men walked quietly. Which
as a woman, alone, at night, in an unfamiliar area, was terrifying.

I quickly looked forwards and quickened my pace. I shivered again but this time, it had much less
to do with the weather. I had my purse slung across my body on its shoulder strap - the way you
were supposed to to stop it getting snatched. I didn’t have much money with me, just a twenty and
some ones, but I did have pepper spray. I sent up a quick prayer of thanks that my dad was
paranoid and had taken to hiding various self-defense items in my bags. Wise of him too, given I
had never… actually unpacked the one I had brought with me from Arizona. Whoops.

A small voice in my brain told me to just sneak the spray out and drop the bag but… an even
smaller voice in my brain told me they may not want me just for my pitiable amount of cash.
Instead I sped up slightly. Ensuring that it wouldn’t be too obvious that’s what I was doing.

I listened intently to their footsteps. It didn’t sound like they were speeding up to match. I reminded
myself to Breathe. I didn’t know for sure they were following me. Their intentions could be
perfectly innocent. Didn’t stop me being scared though. I continued to walk as quickly as I could
without actually running, focusing with laser-like intensity on the right-hand turn that was only a
few yards away from me.

A right-hand turn that turned out to be a dead end. Just a blind drive to the back of another
building. God damn it. I dashed across the narrow drive back to the sidewalk. The street ended at
the next corner where there was a stop sign. I concentrated on the faint footsteps behind me. They
sounded further back. I decided running wasn’t really on the cards. I was very likely to trip and go
sprawling and they’d undoubtedly be able to run faster than me anyway if they really did have
malevolent intentions.

It seemed to take forever to get to the corner. I kept my pace steady. I saw two cars going north
past the intersection I was heading for, and I exhaled in relief. There would be more people around
once I got off this deserted street. I skipped around the corner with a grateful sigh and immediately
groaned in dismay.

The street was lined on both sides by blank, doorless, windowless walls. I could see in the distance,
two intersections down, streetlamps, cars, and more pedestrians, but they were all much further
away than I had anticipated. Still. Onto the homestretch now. I girded my loins and started
forwards. Praying that the men wouldn’t catch up with me here.

Clearly God wasn’t listening. The footsteps were back and suddenly they were much closer than
they had ever been before. A hand grabbed my shoulder and I immediately began going through all
the self-defence I knew, a scream building up in my throat. They may kill me but by God I was
going to make it a difficult task. I’d make them regret it. I was pulled around to face one of the men
grinning at me. He opened his mouth and-

“Oh there you are Bella! I was wondering what took you so long” A voice suddenly piped up
behind me. What the fuck. My mind went blank. It sounded like… Alice? But there was no way…

A small hand encircled my wrist and gently tugged me backwards away from the man and a lithe
form stepped in front of me to square up to the men. It WAS Alice. How the fuck-

“Do we have a problem gentlemen?”

The men looked unnerved. There was something about this tiny pixie-like girl squaring off at them
with the confidence of a WWE fighter that really threw them off their rhythm.

“Uh.” The taller one mumbled out “No?”


“No ma’am,” said the shorter one. “No problem.”

“Excellent, I thought not. We’ll be on our way then. Goodbye”

“Goodbye.” they chorused back in bemusement as she turned her back and started dragging me
away from them. I was not too shocked to notice her grip had slipped down my wrist and she was
now holding me hand, her cold pale fingers intertwined gently with mine as I was pulled along. In
fact I had almost immediately forgotten whatever horrible event was about to occur and instead
was pretty much only thinking about her holding my hand. God I was useless.

We walked together in silence until I noticed that as well as holding my hand in hers, Alice was
tense. “Alice?”


“Um. Thank you for saving me”

“You’re welcome. I’m sure I told you to stay safe.”

She did? I flashed through every interaction I had ever had with her to place it. So she did. Before I
had gone to La Push. “Yeah but that was weeks ago now”

“It still stood!”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be sorry. Just- just be safer next time ok. I won’t always be there to save you” She turned to
grin at me, stroking her thumb across the back of my hand that she was Still Holding. My brain

And then quickly kicked into gear again as a question I really should’ve thought of sooner
suddenly crossed my mind.

“H- How did you know? How did you get to me in time?”

Alice appeared to blanch at this, flitting her eyes back and forth across the alleyway as if searching
for an answer. We were nearing the end of it and were nearly back on the more public streets.

“I uh-”


“Oh what the fuck” I muttered to myself as none other than Twinkle McFluffhead rounded the
corner and waved jauntily at Alice.

“Oh hey Bella!” I don’t know why I thought his surprise was feigned but I wasn’t buying it. It was
definitely feigned. Next to me, Alice seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Suspicious.

“Hey Edward! Sorry for running off like that my spider senses were tingling.”

“Spider senses?”

“Bella was in trouble. Good thing we were in the area really.”

“Uh-huh. I parked the car just down there after your Dramatic Exit.”

If I didn’t know any better, I would suspect the two definitely vampire siblings in front of me of
concocting a story on the fly that would justify their sudden presence. And I definitely did not
know better. Alice was nodding along and Edwards grin seemed genuinely amused but for all the
wrong reasons. He appeared to be making fun of Alice. Who slowly but surely was giving the
impression she was flushing in embarrassment without actually doing that. I figured it was hard to
blush with no heartbeat to pump your blood around.

“What just happened?” I asked, expressing my befuddlement into the air around me. I didn’t really
expect an answer and suspected that any response I did get would be a bunch of lies anyway.

“From the sounds of it, Alice noticed someone was in trouble as we drove past this cosy little
alleyway and then, after yelling at me like a maniac to stop the car, leapt out the vehicle and
dashed down the alleyway to help out only to discover it was her s-”

“YOU!! It was you, my uh. My friend? Who was in trouble. And who I was helping. And worrying
Edward over. Yep”

Edward had definitely not been about to say friend. He started with the letter S and had preceded it
with a possessive ‘hers’. I decided to leave it alone and hone in on- “YOU JUMPED OUT A
MOVING CAR?? And you told ME to be careful...”

“It was barely moving when I jumped out I promise and anyway I’m fine, aren’t I?” Alice turned
to me with big wide eyes that seemed to beg for forgiveness. I melted and ignored Edward rolling
his eyes in the background.

“I guess so…”

We stood there in silence for a while before I suddenly remembered that I had somewhere to be.

“Shit Fuck. Does anyone have the time?”

“Yeah its uh-” Edward stopped to glance at his far too fancy watch. Rich Prick. “6:38”

“Aw crap. I’m late! Angela and Jess are gunna be worried. I was supposed to meet them.”

“Come on then,” Edward started walking away, and as I finally stepped out the alley I noticed his
shiny Volvo parked neatly against the edge of the road. In the corner of my eye I noticed Alice
start as if she didn’t expect to… actually… see the car? Ahead of us Edward sniggered and started
whistling jauntily as he swung his car keys around on his finger. “Let’s rock and roll people”

Alice sighed and shook her head as she guided me into the back seat. I briefly mourned the loss of
her hand in mine but was swiftly distracted by how she gently touched the small of my back
“Never say that again Edward.”

He started the engine and revved it in reply before smoothly turning around and speeding back
towards town. We were under the streetlights in no time at all, going far too fast and weaving with
ease through the cars slowly cruising the boardwalk. He parked effortlessly in a space far too small
in a way that made me want to throttle him. I looked out the window to see the lights of La Bella
Italia, and Jess and Angela hovering anxiously outside, having clearly already eaten.

“H- How did you know where…” I began before giving up; knowing that I would not get any sort
of satisfactory answer. I sighed instead and went to open my door only to be somehow beaten to it
by Alice. How she had managed to get out of the car and walk around it to get the door before me
was a mystery that could only really be explained by Vampire Powers. Edward sat giggling in the
driver's seat watching me blush in the rearview mirror.

Alice helped me out the car and then stayed next to me as I sheepishly approached Jess and
Angela. Their worry was clearly warring with amusement at how I had been returned to them.

“Well Well Well. Hello Bella. What on Earth have you been up to?”

“No Note! Car Gone-”

“Shut up Jess. I’m so sorry you guys. I got… kinda turned around I guess? Never did find a
bookshop. Nearly got mugged though! Lucky Alice showed up to save me just in time so. I’m Ok.”

“What am I? Chopped Liver??” Edward yelled indignantly from where he was leaning against the
car, arms crossed on the roof,

“Shut up Edward!” Alice and I yelled in unison before smiling at each other and then looking
away. Could it be… No. No way. There was no way on earth an angel that (un)holy… I was
reading into it.

“Well. Um. We kind of ate without you Bella. Sorry.”

“Yeah no don’t worry guys I figured you would’ve. I’m pretty late after all.”

“You should eat though Bella.” Alice said, looking somewhat concerned.

Edward chortled again in the background before heading towards where we were all stood. “Yeah
Bella you should eat out a-” Alice slapped at him glaring. He seemed fairly unconcerned as he
continued on. “At this restaurant. Eat out at this restaurant. Hey Alice don’t you Love Italian? Why
don’t you keep her company”

“Well what would you do Edward? You hate italian.”

“I could hang around town I guess. Unless either of you lovely ladies want a lift home?”

Jess and Angela exchanged a look and an entire silent conversation. There was no well this was
going to end well for me. As they communicated Edward’s smile grew concerningly wide. What
was UP with that??

“Tell you what,” said Jess with a grin that I did Not Trust, “If these two can be trusted with my car,
we will absolutely take you up on that. Then they can still get home later… however later that may

“Oh I’m sure they can. Alice is an Excellent Driver”

“He’s lying I can’t drive.”

“That’s alright, Bella can - she can pick me up tomorrow before school too and then I’m sure one
of you can give her a lift home after too!”

“No wait I-”

“Excellent plan Jess. Come on then let’s go!” Angela grabbed Jess’s hand and started pulling her
towards Edward’s car, not even slowing down as Jess fumbled throwing me her car keys.

“Good good. See you later Alice!” Edward flashed yet another disarming smile as he backed away
and got into the driver's seat. Tooting the horn at us as they all pulled away.

There was a beat of silence as Alice and I stood together.

“What just happened?”

“I believe,” said Alice, far too calmly, “I am taking you to dinner.”

“Huh. Ok.”

We walked to the door and before I could reach for the handle, Alice once again got there before

“Are you ever going to let me open a door?”

“No” She smiled beautifically at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.

Luckily the restaurant wasn’t crowded - it was the off-season in Port Angeles. The host was female
and I watched her clock the two of us in a way that had my gay-dar twitching. What was it with this
area? Was this where all the gays went? Then again it could just have been Alice. From what I had
picked up on most of the Cullens had that effect on everyone - regardless of sexuality or gender.
They were everyone’s exception. Too fucking pretty for their own good.

“Table for two?” Her voice twinkled through the air like bells. I was not going to survive this
dinner. There was no way. I was too homosexual for this. We were led to a small ring of fairly
private booths at the back of the room.

“Here you go, table for two. Your server will be right out! Hope you enjoy” I could’ve sworn that
the host winked at me as she walked away. Unbelievable. I do not want to believe my pining vibes
are That Strong.

Alice laughed quietly. “So Bella…”


“How’s your week been going?”

I laughed a little breathlessly to myself at the idea that Alice Cullen was interested in what I was up
to. This was surreal. Small talk. Ok. I could do this.

“Oh you know. Not bad… it’s only Tuesday so, not much. Came out to my dad”

“Oh!!!” She sat up straighter at that. If she was surprised I was a lesbian I would be So Cross.
“How did it go?”

“It was good yeah. Nice actually. He was- he was good about it”

“As he should be really given everything”

“What’s that supposed to mean” I asked her suspiciously. I’d bet anything it was about our
respective fathers.

“Nothing.” She clammed up immediately but unfortunately before I could interrogate her further,
our server arrived. Looking far too full of mirth for me, the hostess had definitely already started
gossiping at us. I glared at her half-heartedly and she merely smiled wider.

“Hi! My name’s Amber, I’ll be your server tonight. What can I get you to drink?”

Alice looked at me and raised one delicate eyebrow in question. God she was perfect.

“Uh. A coke?”

“Two cokes please” She smiled at the waitress before turning her attention back to me.

“I’ll be right back with that”

Alice nodded but didn’t look away from my face. I shot her an uneasy grin and received another
wink in return. This staff I swear to God…

Alice was still looking at me.

“What?” I asked, once I was sure Amber had left.

Her eyes stayed fixed on my face. “How’re you feeling?”

“I’m… I’m fine?” That probably shouldn’t have left my mouth sounding like a question. It wasn’t
very convincing.

“You sure? You don't feel… dizzy? Sick or uh, cold?” She looked so concerned. For Me. Bella
Swan. She was concerned for me.

“Should I?”

She giggled slightly at my confusion, which I’m sure was painted across my face.

“Well, I’m sort of surprised you’re handling it all so well,” She smiled at me and I suddenly I did
feel dizzy. I was fairly certain it wasn’t in the way she meant though. Unless she knew how
dazzling she was. She probably did. Oh God. “I can’t believe you’re not in shock.”

I wasn’t but staring at her perfect smile in the candlelight certainly wasn’t helping my brain
function. “I- I’ve always been very good at repressing unpleasant things.” Oh well done Bella now
she thinks you have Baggage.

“All the same, I’ll feel better when you have some food and sugar in you.”

“You sound like my dad”

“And mine too. It’s definitely the hazard of having a doctor for a parent in my case”

Right on cue the waitress appeared with our drinks and a basket of breadsticks. She placed them
down on the table and then turned to ask us our orders. I had been so distracted by our conversation
that I hadn’t even glanced at the menu. So I just picked the first thing I saw.

“Uh… I’ll have the mushroom ravioli please.”

“And you?” She asked turning to Alice.

“Oh no nothing for me thank you,” She waved her off with a smile. Of course not, I thought,
affectionately, you vampire. I tried not to think about how in my head it somehow sounded as if I
had dotted the I in vampire with a heart.

“Just the mushroom ravioli then. Let me know if you change your mind!” And with that Amber left
us alone again.

I pulled my drink towards me to take a sip and was immediately confronted by how thirsty I was.
Before I even realised it I had finished the whole glass. Alice smirked at me across the table before
pushing her glass towards me with a wink.
I blushed. “Thanks,” I whispered out, suddenly inexplicably overwhelmed. I was now doubly
aware of how thirsty I was in a multitude of ways. I shivered, the cold from the icy soda radiating
through my chest.

“Are you cold?”

“No I- It’s just the coke,” I explained, shivering again.

“Don’t you have a jacket?” God she was so concerned about me God Bless.

“I do yeah but, it’s in the car. In Jessica’s car. Which is… not… here…”

Alice started shrugging out of her jacket and I was struck by how little I had ever paid attention to
her clothing. She just always looked so good and her face was so and her vibes I was always just
captivated by her presence but by god I could never tell you what she was wearing. I was looking
now though and God. G o d. She was so gorgeous and her clothes fit her so well. She was wearing
a really cute a-line dress that fit her So Well. It had a floral pattern to it that somehow matched the
socks that peeked over the top of her Very Cool Boots. God she was gorgeous. Over all this she
was wearing (and now removing) a comfy looking black leather jacket. A comfy looking black
leather jacket that was suddenly being offered to me across the table, snapping me out of my frank
admiration of her everything.

“Thanks,” I said again, sliding my arms into her jacket. It was cold - the way my jacket felt when I
picked it up in the morning. Worst of all though it smelled like Her. And it smelt Amazing. It was
such a good smell. I inhaled as subtly as I could, trying to identify what it reminded me of. The
sleeves were slightly short on me, reminding me that I was actually larger than Alice. It seemed
bizarre to me that she was so petite given that her presence always felt so large.

“You- you look lovely tonight by the way Bella. That colour blue looks lovely with your skin
tone,” Alice said, seemingly putting all her effort into not nonchalantly looking around the room as
she said it. I nearly choked on her drink before staring at her agape. That- that was more direct than
anything we had ever said to each other. Did I really have a shot?

She pushed the bread basket towards me.

“I’m not going into shock,” I said, stupidly.

“I feel like a normal person would be. I don’t understand how you can- you don’t even look
shaken.” She seemed concerned again. This was much less fun than compliments. And just as
difficult to deal with. Damn.

I shrugged at her. “I feel safe right now. With you”

She smiled at me bemused. “Maybe you shouldn't”. She smiled a softly fanged smile at me and I
smiled back.

“I don’t know. I feel pretty confident about it. Especially since the WOEIEC club reached a
cumulative answer and expanded to become a more general WATCC. Which I should really update
Mike and Jacob on the name change"

“Jacob Black?”
“The very same”

“His dad’s good friends with Ch- wait what's the WOEIEC”

“Oh did Edward not tell you about this?”

“No he- what?” She looked adorably confused. I was such a goner.

I grinned at her and snagged a breadstick. “Ok so it goes like this-”

Over the course of the next five minutes or so I explained to her the fantastically hysterical lunch
time we had spent bullying her younger brother and just what the WOEIEC club stood for. Along
with its newer acronym.

“Yeah so we’ve really branched it out from just Edward now. We figure it's a family affliction.”

“Oh you think I have it too?”

“Yeah but don’t worry we reckon it's very sexy as well as kinda dangerous.” I risked throwing her
a wink. “That’s why we’re the What Are The Cullens Club now. Also it sort of almost acronyms to
WATCH which is fun.”

At this point we were interrupted by the waitress striding around the corner with my food. Which
snapped me out of whatever fugue state I’d been in to the realisation that we had both been leaning
towards each other across the table. Maybe I really was in with a shot. We both straightened up as
she approached. She set the dish in front of me. It looked pretty damn good I had to say.

“Is there anything else I can get you two?”

“Some more soda would be nice.” Alice gestured towards the empty cups and smiled up at her.
God she was so pretty. I sat enchanted before her.

“Sure.” Amber quickly cleared our glasses and walked away.

“You were saying?” She asked.

“Oh not much I’m sure.”

“No no it was definitely something.” She paused and then looked up at me through her lashes.
“There was definitely something in there about me being sexy.”

I nearly spat my mouthful of pasta across the table. Luckily the waitress came back with our (my)
cokes pretty quick so I was able to calm down with a couple of sips whilst waving their concerns
away. Amber swiftly left us to it.

I cleared my throat and set my glass down. “Yes quite.” I said hoarsely. “I’m more interested
though, in knowing why you’re in Port Angeles?”

I once more got the distinct impression that she was embarrassed by the question. Which she
shouldn’t have been given she had just nearly killed me through ravioli related death. How Alice
managed to give all the appearance of blushing without actually doing so was beyond me. What a
talent to have with no circulation!

“I uh- we… we were in the area?”

“Uh-huh sure. I really am Not buying that. Come on that’s the easiest question I could have asked”

“I’d like to phone a friend”

I laughed outright. “Let me guess. That friend is 6’2”, has ginger hair, never sees the sun and
answers to the name Twinkerbell?”

“He does?” She looked so amused. I was definitely winning.

“He does when I yell it at him in Biology at any rate. Point is- no you can’t phone a friend. Come
onnn Alice tell me. I bet I already know”

She grinned at eyes sparkling. “Nope. If you already know there’s no point in me telling. Come on
Bells ask me something else”


“...Anything that’s not related to your WATCC”

I grinned at her. Hook line and sinker baby.

“What’s up with our dads man?” I stuffed more Ravioli in my mouth, grinning cheekily at her
around my fork. I know that conversations aren’t competitions but man I was gunning for gold.

Alice groaned and dramatically slumped against the table. “Nooooooooo. Bella Noooooooo”

“You said anything!” I giggled at her through yet more ravioli. The mushrooms were Really Good
and it turned out I was actually pretty damn hungry.

“I did. I did say that. You know, I think I’d rather talk about how I came to save you from those
men than how useless and pining our dads are for each other.”

“So it is just pining?” I asked, leaning eagerly across the table again.

“It’s just pining. How do they not KNOW I Swear Bella I’m going to lose it I am I love my father
like… a father, but god he’s so pathetic. And when Charlie comes round for dinner??” She mimed
gagging slightly before sighing deeply. “It’s sweet though. It is. Even if I feel like I’m drowning in
their unresolved everything every time I’m in the same room as them.”

“What does your mom think about it though?? Isn’t she… Jealous? Upset? That her husband’s
fallen for some man?”

“God No she’s the most supportive it's the worst. The other day she- No you know what No I am
Not going over this again. I have to live with this. I'm taking a break. I’ll tell you what you really
want to know.”

“Aww but I’m having fun with this now”

“Bella. Please.”

“Fine fine yeah ok. It’s not like the curiosity is going to eat me alive or anything.

“Before I tell you though you gotta tell me one thing”

“...yeah ok sure”

“What conclusion, exactly, have the uh. The WATCC reached?”

“The right one.”

“Bella.” She was trying not to smile as she reprimanded me. I refused to repentant about it. I
shrugged at her casually.


She drew back a little and blinked. Ha! I knew we were right! Alice shook herself out slightly and
smiled uncertainly at me.

“Wow you really are smarter and more observant than we thought. And you… still feel safe with

I slowly raised an eyebrow at her and slurped loudly from my coke in lieu of a response. She
seemed to understand me just fine.

“Ok so. As part of my… condition?”

“Sure,” I allowed it and winked at her as I continued to consume my Ravioli. At this point it was
nearly finished. Soon we wouldn't have much of an excuse to loiter in this restaurant.

“I can sort of get. Flashes? Of the future? But only once people have made up their minds to do
something. Only when a decision is firmly rooted in their minds. And because- it’s stronger when
it- when I care about someone involved or-” She stumbled through her words. I reached across the
table to hold onto her hand. She looked at me and I nodded reassuringly at her. I was desperately
trying to not cement any decisions about our future in my brain. Wedding gowns flashed behind
my eyes and I shook them away. Now was definitely not the time.

She took a deep breath and blew it out through her lips - clearly working to calm herself down
slightly. I decided to save her from herself.

“So you can see the future based off strongly cemented decisions, and these… visions… are clearer
or uh, more likely, if they appear in conjunction with you or someone you care about? Is that what
you’re saying?”

She nodded at me gratefully, turning her hand over on the table to clasp mine back.

“Anyway I got a flash of you in danger and I just took off. I just ran as fast as I could I had to make
sure you were ok I-” She cut herself off. I was beginning to think that shot I thought I might have
was a serious one. “I was with Edward at the time so I guess he saw it in my mind-”

“Edwardo can read minds?!”

She looked at me.

“Got it right. Shutting up.”

“Anyway I assume he followed me to help out and maybe provide a cover story for my presence…
I wasn’t exactly thinking straight.”

I nodded at her. All of this was completely checking out. Except for the part where she seemed to
super duper care about me Bella specifically and whether I lived or died. That was just- it was
unbelievable. Too good to be true. I didn’t know if I wanted to risk what looked like could become
a beautiful friendship… then again-

“I buy that. What about the car though”


“How’d he get the car here then - you make it sound like you both pegged it on foot at superhuman
vampire speeds so… where did the car come from”

We sat in silence thinking it over for a while whilst I finished my meal and drink.

“Maybe he carried it.” Alice finally said into the silence. I cackled. The image of Red-Dead
Redemption himself carrying that Volvo was really something.

Alice watched me, her eyes dancing with mirth.

“Are you ready to go home?” She asked.

I wasn’t. Not even a little did I want to break up this party. I did however, revel in the idea of
spending an hour-long journey with her in a small space. Even if I had to drive Jess’ car to achieve
that. “I’m ready to leave that’s for sure”.

The waitress appeared with impeccable timing. “How’re we doing over here?”

“Fantastically thank you,” said Alice, smiling at her, “We’re ready for the check thank you.

“Awesome, here you go!” She pulled a small leather folder from the front pocket of her black
apron and handed it to her. Somehow (vampire magic) there was already a bill in her hand and she
slipped it into the folder and handed it straight back to her.

“No change.” She rose elegantly to her feet as I stumbled to mine besides her.

The waitress grinned at us. “You have a nice evening now.”

Oh we will Amber. We will.

Alice walked close besides me all the way to the door, her hand occasionally brushing mine and
definitely brushing the small of my back as she guided me through the exit. We stepped into the
cold air and headed for Jess’s car.

I still didn’t manage to get the door for Alice despite being the driver. One day. I made it my goal
to one day get the door for her. I was stubborn. I'm sure I’d manage. Even if I had to become a
vampire to do so.

Once inside the car I hesitantly started the engine and immediately cranked the heater up. Alice
may have been impervious to the cold but I was not. And it had gotten Very Cold. I guessed the
good weather was at an end. I was still wearing her jacket and I wasn’t about to point it out.

I pulled out into the traffic carefully, I really did not want to damage Jess’s car. I was so Not
Insured. I headed towards the freeway.

“So!” Alice perked up from the passenger seat, “I believe it’s my turn to ask questions!”

Chapter End Notes

As always,,,, hope u enjoyed this chapter!!! Most of my yelling was external this time
not in a group chat and i was more concerned with working out wtf was going on in
this chapter than being completely cross about it so.... less fun notes this time lads

Hopefull i'll write the next chapter in less than 3 months lmao
Theory: Confirmed.
Chapter Summary

It's question time for Alice! Not that she manages to get much in cus Boy does Bella
have Questions with a capital Q.

Chapter Notes

I'm Baaaaccckkk! Fun fact: I forgot I made alice incapable of driving and had her drive
for this entire chapter and and then my friend pointed out that she,, can't drive anymore
so I had to change it all again djbgdkfjg. Ah well. Here we go. I hope yall enjoy it!!
Bella certainly does.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Can I just ask one more?” I begged as I accelerated, possibly slightly too fast down the quiet

She sighed and rolled her eyes at me. I liked to believe it was a fond gesture.

“One more.” She agrees, smirking across at me as if she already knew what I was going to say.

“Well, you said you found me through…. Those future flashes right? Well… did you get enough
location from that to find me? I can’t imagine that that would be enough unless you’ve memorised
what every back alley in Port Angeles looks like; which seems unlikely. So, how did you find

She turned to stare out the windscreen, clearly deliberating.

“I thought we were past all the evasiveness,” I grumbled, only half joking as I poked her across the
gearstick. Trying to drive whilst also harassing a vampire. I’m the queen of multi-tasking.

She almost smiled. Success.

“Fine. I… I followed your scent.” She very carefully didn’t look at me as she said it, which had the
additional bonus of allowing me time to compose my face. And also concentrate on the road. I
shouldn’t find that hot. I certainly couldn’t think of an acceptable response, but I carefully filed it
away for future study. I refocused. Now that she was finally explaining things I didn’t want to lose
the opportunity to get More Answers.

“Also you never properly responded to one of my earlier questions…” I was definitely stalling for
time but she didn't need to know that.

She stared at me. She knew Exactly what I was doing. “Uh-huh. Which one?”
I smiled angelically and immediately picked what I knew was the more annoying choice of two
questions I had for her. “So… Your dad… My dad… What checks?”

Wow she looked so pained and unimpressed. I giggled to myself.

“Come On Alice! I’ve never seen Dad look at Anyone like that!”

“Of course you’ve seen them interact.”

“Yeah at the hospital it was uh. Almost Painful actually. Lots of almost eye-contact followed by
too much eye contact and barely any space.”


“I wouldn’t’ve needed to see ‘em together though to be honest. Did you know that my dad
defending yours was probably the most I have ever heard him talk in one go in my Entire Life?”

Alice looked supremely fed up. “Yeah I know. I know and believe that. My dad is. He’s
Insufferable about Charlie. He won’t listen to any of us when we try and bring him up but he also
won’t shut up about him! It’s the worst! I can only hope Esme manages to talk to him about it. God
knows how though if he won’t even listen to the mind reader....”

“Oh yeah and then there’s that! How come Eddie can read minds huh? How does that work?”

She stared at me, smirking slightly. “That’s two questions”

“Oh Hush, answer me. You’re all much more interesting than boring ol’ Bella anyway.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I think you’re Very Interesting”

I flushed bright red. Damn my pale complexion. “Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever. How does it work?
Can he just read anyone's mind? How come he can do that and you can see the future? What about
the rest of you?”

“That’s definitely more than even two questions.”


She sighed. “Ok so. No-one’s quite sure why but we all have slightly… different add-ons. So
Edward is the only mind-reader of the family and I’m the only… fortune teller. The others all have
something else. As for Edward, until recently we thought he could read anyone’s mind. He’s sort
of described it as being in a huge hall filled with people talking - just a buzz until he focuses on the
one voice. It’s easier with people he’s familiar with.”

“What changed?”

She hesitated. Silence lingering in the car as she shot me a glance. She looked at me appraisingly.
“You did.”


“You Bella. For some reason, he can’t hear you. He’s never been unable to read someone's mind
before so you can imagine the loop it threw him when he couldn't read yours.”

“Why on earth-” I asked, befuddled and curious.

“Well we’ve all got our theories but… we just don’t know Bella. I think maybe you’re just special.
Important maybe.”

I flushed again. She was far too gorgeous to be saying such nice things to me in such a small and
enclosed space.

“And now I believe it's your turn.”

I looked away, catching sight of the speedometer as I did so.

“Shit whoops!” I was definitely going too fast.

She startled, slightly, following my eyeline to the speedometer, watching the speed rapidly
decrease. “What’s wrong?”

“I was going a hundred miles an hour!” She was far too sexy and interesting for her own good.
Wow I’d never sped like that before. Alice was just too distracting. “You’re a hazard.”

“...I’ve never been in an accident. If I was going to be in a crash I’d See it happening. I could
always warn you.”

“You can’t know that! Besides, Charlie’s a cop, remember? I was raised to abide by traffic laws,
mostly. Also if I turn us into a little tree-car pretzel smush, I won’t be the one able to walk away

“It’s be impressive if you could,” she said with a short laugh. “But obviously no, you can’t. That’s

We drove in comfortable silence for a bit before she grinned across at me. “Ok, now it’s definitely
my turn to ask a question.”

“Oh Boy.”

“How did you work it out?”

I decided to play dumb. “Work what out?”


“Huergh gross. Fine! God where to start…?

“The beginning?”
“I mean. Yeah. Yeah ok so… it probably started when Mike and I realised that none of you eat
anything. Ever. It’s really weird. Also Edwins eye’s shifted colours and he was super fuckin’ shifty
about it. Honestly we just sort of… collated evidence but we had no idea what to do with most of
it. I sort of started to get a vague idea on my own-some but then the newest member of the
WATCC (renamed) gave us one hell of a historical rundown and basically confirmed my super
suspicions and boom. Your reaction was just the cherry on top.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “Who’s the newest member.”

“That would be telling. And I’m sworn to secrecy”


Wow she really kept on saying my name like that. All short and clipped yet somehow
simultaneously bemused and fond. Awesome. I sighed.

“Take a vow of silence first.”

She stared at me blankly. I mimed zipping my lips and she rolled her eyes before solemnly
swearing to never tell. Nerd.

“It’s Jacob. Jacob Black.” She looked puzzled. I continued. “He’s an old family friend. His dad and
Charlie have been friends since I was a baby.” Still nothing. I girded my loins and dropped the final
damning piece of information. “...His dad is one of the Quileute elders.”

Boom. Her confused expression froze in place. Got ya.

“So.. you know. You all know. I-...”

“Yep. But here’s the thing right. The story he told? He genuinely believed it was superstition. And
I knew it was the truth. And Mike was easy to convince cus y’all are sketchy as fuck. Also you
were all mentioned by name cus some jackasses had mentioned you lot were “banned from the
beach” or whatever, which is why I dragged it out of Jacob to be honest. Anyway…”

At this point Alice was, impressively, looking even paler than she usually did. Damn my peripheral
vision was working overtime. I decided to jump the gun on my speech and deliver the ending bits.
No need to spook ‘em all off. I couldn’t be doing with that. All the Swan’s would lose their
soulmates and that would just be miserable to deal with.

“The Important Thing Alice is. We also all sort of decided… it wasn’t important. We were in it to
solve the mystery, well… mystery solved. We can move on now.”

“W- It isn't important??”

“Nope. It just doesn't matter.”

She looked astounded. “H- How can it not matter?? You just discovered that a whole family of
vampires are living in your town how can that not matter??”

“Eh. The death rate isn't suspiciously high. There’s no increase in missing persons in the
surrounding areas either. And your dad’s in love with my dad. And he’s the Sheriff So. I figure it’s
all fine really.”

“It’s all fine really,” Alice echoed me, slightly breathlessly - almost as if she was winded by it.
Funny given I’m fairly certain she doesn’t need to breath, which… could present some Interesting
Possibilities that I definitely shouldn’t be thinking about right now.

“I was wondering one thing though”

“Of course you were,” She still seemed dumbfounded by my blatant acceptance and swift moving
on from her vampirism.

“How old are you”

“...Nineteen.” She smiled faintly at me, clearly anticipating my next question which I gleefully
gave her.

“And… how long… have you been… nineteen?” So I dragged it out for drama. Sue me.

She grinned again, life starting to leech back into her shock ridden and stupidly-attractive body.
Seriously no one should be able to fail to process a situation and be that dumbfounded whilst
remaining the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. It’s insane.

“A while.”


She shot me a playful glare whilst I grinned innocently back at her; trying vainly to convey just
how little I cared that she was a big ol’ blood sucker.

“So, Stereotypes… How come you can come out in the daytime?”

“That’s just vampire propaganda that means fanatics are less likely to kill us.”

“..Burned by sun?”


“Sexy little coffin beds?”

“Well… if you swing that way sure,” she winked at me, “But actually, we don’t sleep.”

Huh. “Not at all? Not even for fun?”

“Nope never.” She glanced back at me as I continued to stare at the side of her face. Hopefully I
didn’t look as bewitched as I felt. Her mouth twitched though so maybe I did. She turned to stare
back out the windscreen.

“You… you haven’t asked the most important question yet.”

“Which one’s that?”

“...My diet Bella. Aren’t you concerned in the least about that.”

“Oh. That.” I said. “No not really I sort of figured at first that your dad just… stole blood from the
hospital but like. Given everything about your dad I bet he thinks that's immoral too. Besides,
you’d be amazed what the WATCC picked up from Jacob.”
“You- He stole…? You’re incredible. What did Jacob say?”

“He said you don’t hunt people, which I guess could still mean you just steal from blood banks, but
then he also said your family wasn’t supposed to be dangerous. ‘Cus you only hunted animals.”

“...he said we weren’t dangerous?” She seemed skeptical.

“Nah. He said you weren’t supposed to be dangerous. But still, the Quileutes didn’t want you on
their land. Just in casies and all that.”

She stared ahead, eyes flicking slightly as she clearly worked to process what I was saying. Again.
I’d never properly gobsmacked anyone like this before and I was feeling pretty proud of myself.

She sighed. “The Quileutes have a long memory.”

Excellent. Confirmation.

“Don’t let that make you complacent though,” She warned me, unnecessarily. I don’t think
anything could Make me complacent if that was pretty much my default response to all this.
Rollin’ with the punches that’s me. “They’re right to keep their distance from us. We are still

“Pfft ok.”

“Bella. I’m serious. We try we do,” She began to explain, slowly, “And, we’re usually very good at
what we do. But… sometimes. We make mistakes.”

“I mean, bound to happen right?”

She shot me a withering glance that actually felt genuine and we sat silently for a bit, the scenery
flying by in the car windows. Damn we’d probably be back soon, I stealthily slowed down a little
bit more just to drag it out. No way was I gunna waste this opportunity I’d been forced into against
my will by my conniving friends.

“Tell me more.”

“...Like what?”

“Well… why animals then?? Why choose to do that instead of stealing from blood banks, is animal
blood even good for you?”

“So many questions. Uh, Carlisle mostly actually. He’s our dad in most senses of the word to be
honest. When he took me in I had to go cold turkey. I don’t know about the stealing - blood banks
are uh… relatively new to us so we just never, really, thought of it? Besides, animal blood may be
an acquired taste but… it’s nice to not feel like a monster I guess. Edward has this whole fucking
complex about it it’s exhausting.”

“Ahhh good old mormon boy of course he does”


“Don’t worry about it”

“Uh, ok. So, yeah no. Animal blood is fine. It's sort of like living on tofu and soy milk - we like to
joke that we’re vegetarian. It satiates The Hunger - or, you know, the Thirst. Keeps us strong
enough to resist. Most of the time.” Her tone turned ominous. “Some of us struggle more than
others. Don’t be alone with Jasper just in case you cut yourself. And also there are times when it's
more difficult too.”

Well that was unnerving and vague. For the first time I felt a shift of unease. I dismissed it

“Well, at least you ain’t hungry now”

“How on Earth-”

“Your eyes.” I said, hopefully blasé enough to cover the fact that I’d clearly been staring at her
eyes and Edwards (although for completely different reasons) enough to recognise a pattern. “I told
you I had a theory. And I mean, it’s no secret that people get crabby when they’re hungry.”

She laughed. “You really are observant aren’t you.”

I didn’t answer. I was too enchanted by her laugh. Wow. Just, wow.

“W- were you hunting this weekend?” I asked when it was quiet again, remembering what Charlie
had said with a sudden flash of insight. Mountain Bears indeed.

“Yes. We were sort of coaching Ed through his whole follow-up “what if I’m broken” crisis.

“He pouts a lot doesn’t he”

“You don’t know the half of it. I was glad to get back on Sunday purely to be able to Escape him.”

“Wait.. you didn’t get back today? Why.. weren’t any of you in School if you were back Sunday?”

She laughed. “Well. Sunlight might not hurt us but, we sure can’t go out in it where people can


“I’ll show you sometime,” she winked at me.

I flushed, again. I really gotta work on controlling that reaction or I’m going to embarrass myself
more than I already do. Has to be said, even if it’s a bit strange, I’m very grateful Edward can’t
read my mind apparently. Christ. The amount of ammunition he would be able to gather if he could
see into my brain… I decided to conveniently ignore the fact he could probably read Alice’s. And
also my dad’s…. Huh. Hmm.

“Tell me something,” Alice asked, after leaving me to flounder in flustered silence for a minute or
“Depends on the something.”

“What exactly were you thinking this evening, just before I got there I mean. Because you had one
hell of a facial expression on. You, you didn’t look all that scared either, just like you were
concentrating very hard on something.”

“I was Trying to remember how to incapacitate an attacker. If I was going down, I was going to go
down fighting. I was going to smash his nose into his brain.” I said, thinking of my would-be
murderers with a surge of vicious hate.

She stared at me blankly. Again. This was getting to be a bit of a trend. “You were going to fight
them? Didn’t you consider running?”

“Pft. I wasn’t going to fight them WELL. And… I fall over a lot when I’m running so…”

“What about screaming for help?”

“I mean.. I probably would’ve gone for the first swing with a primal war cry if that counts?”

She shook her head. “You were right. I’m definitely fighting fate trying to keep you alive. Maybe
I’ll have to rope more people into this”

“You wouldn’t”

She shot me a look that clearly said ‘I would, try me’. I decided I wouldn't. See Alice, I do have

We began passing into the boundaries of Forks, and I slowed further. It had taken us less than
twenty minutes thanks to Alice distracting the driver. I was so glad Charlie was probably off-shift
by now. I would not want him to catch me speeding like I had been.

“Will I see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah. I have a paper due actually. Just like you and Edward.” She smiled at me and I suffered
another miniature heart attack. “Hey, maybe we could join you for lunch!”

I choked. Ridiculous really, how after everything we’d been through tonight, that sentence alone
sent little flutters through my stomach and rendered me incapable of speech. On God I am a

I pulled up in front of Charlie’s house and parked Jess’s car in the driveway. The lights were on,
my truck in its place. Everything was utterly normal. It was like waking from a dream. I stopped
the car. And didn’t move.

“Wait shit. Autopilot. I should've dropped you back at yours. I’m so sorry. We could-”

“-Don’t worry Bella. I can get home from here quicker than you could drive me. No offense.” She
stepped gracefully out of the car.

“Offense most definitely taken” I grumbled to myself before scrambling to follow her. I ignored
her soft laughter as she almost definitely overheard me. I stood and cleared my throat.
“...So, you wanna promise me you’ll be there tomorrow?”

“Yeah ok,” She smiled at me gently. “I promise.”

I considered that for a moment, then nodded. I went to pull her jacket off and then paused.

“Can I… keep this. Just for now.”

“Obviously. You don't have a jacket for tomorrow do you.”

“...oh right. Yeah. No. No I don’t.” I shut the car door with a bang and began to head around it to

“Hey Bells?”

She used my nickname. My brain needed time to reboot. I continued heading to her and then leaned
on the car next to where she stood, staring blankly at the house.

“Y- yeah?”

“Two things. One - Can you promise me something”

“Anything” Wow Bella, way to sound desperate and eager to please. Which, you know, I was but.
She didn’t need to know that.

“Don’t go into the woods alone.”

“Uh… Ok. Any reason why?”

“We aren’t always the most dangerous things out there. Lets leave it at that for now.”

Wow way to be fucking cryptic Alice. But yeah I could promise that. I nodded at her.

“And the other thing?”

She leaned towards me. I held my breath instinctively.

“Good Luck explaining my jacket to Charlie.”

I blinked and visibly buffered. She laughed at me and straightened back up again before beginning
to saunter away. She turned back to me with a jaunty wave.

“Good night Bella! Sweet dreams”

I raised a hand to wave back, linked, and she vanished into the night. I squinted at where she had
stood, before shaking my head and heading in towards the house. Show off.

I made it to the front door unscathed and reached for my key. I unlocked the door and stepped

Charlie called out from the living room. “Bella?”

“No it’s the world's sneakiest burglar, come to rob the Sheriff for bonus points” I snarked as I
walked in to see him. He was sprawled out on the sofa reading some trashy book.

“Ha ha,” he said. “You’re home early.”

Was I?

“Am I?” I asked, genuinely surprised. It felt like I must be late given just how much had occurred
this evening.

“Yeah. It’s not even eight yet. Did you girls have fun?”

“Oh tons,” I grinned at him, head spinning slightly from just how much of a rollercoaster the last
few hours had been. “Alice says hi by the way.” She didn’t but… I figured he’d rumble me on the
jacket anyway so I was aiming to bedazzle and confuse him and then escape whilst his brain

He sat up straighter. “Alice… Cullen? I didn’t- You were meeting Alice?”

“Well more like I ran into. Her and her brother, Edward. He says hi too. They seemed to know you
pretty well...”

He coughed and started to flush slightly. Well, at least I knew where I got it from. His ears were So
red. “Well, you know. Sometimes I go to theirs for dinner. I’m- They-” He coughed again.
“Carlisle and I are friends that’s all so-”

“Whoa, jeez dad. Relax. They just say hi. I don’t need a full rundown. Awfully guilty behaviour for
a cop I must say.” I winked at him as he started sputtering. God but he was so easy to wind up
when you knew where his buttons were. “Anyway, I’m beat. A lot of walking around today so...
I’m gonna get an early one and head up. You good”

He flashed me an embarrassed thumbs up from behind the book he had clearly decided to hide

“Great! See you tomorrow dad!”

I headed straight up the stairs. Jacket unremarked on. Had she not coerced me into this situation, I
would ring Jess first to update her on my evening. But I knew that she would be awaiting a call.
And I figured that she could wait. By which I meant that I knew that the curiosity was killing her.
And I figured I had every right to let her drown in it until tomorrow. I had no doubt she would get
the full run down in Trig.

I headed to the shower and then stood in it until the hot water ran out. I felt surprisingly cold and
the hot water felt nice on my tensed up muscles. Maybe I had been more affected by the attempted
mugging than I thought.

I stumbled out and wrapped myself securely in a towel before dressing for bed. I quickly climbed
under my quilt and curled into a ball to try and retain the lovely shower heat. I trembled a little as
the bed slowly warmed up around me.
My mind swirled with the events of the evening; full of images I couldn’t understand, and some I
fought to repress. I once again thanked God Edward couldn’t read my mind.

Nothing seemed clear at first, but as I fell gradually closer to unconsciousness, a few certainties
became evident.

About three things I was absolutely Positive.

First. The Cullen's were all vampires.

Second. Alice was stunningly beautiful, strong, fast, and invested in keeping me safe. She could
also. Be dangerous.

And Third. I was falling dangerously close to being ridiculously in love with her

Chapter End Notes

aaaaannnndddd chapter 9 is done. nice. only took a while. this fic is far too long for
the joke it was supposed to be whoops. as always heres ome authors commentary

as this bella so firmly has her finger on the braincell

does anyone remember if i made bella smell rly good to alice


canon edward. sUCKS


well i just deleted like. an entire page of teenage angst

charlie. is so. fucking. useless.

10/10 for moves to Bella there though

and ofc:
anyhow comments fuel me they are my lifeblood so lemme know what yall think. I
can't believe ive written as much of this as i have. ive hit the point of multiple docs for
the chapters cus otherwise they freeze drjgsldkj;
Chapter Summary

Its the day after Bella and Alice's impromptu date, how nice are her friends going to
be? Well they are terrible people so probably not very.

Chapter Notes

wow writing this was like pulling teeth it took me well over five months i am sorry. in
my defense the world HAS been ending, i have been SUPREMELY depressed, i
graduated uni and suddenly i had nothing to avoid by writing this akdjghalkfj

See the end of the chapter for more notes

When the morning came around, I found it very hard to win the argument with the part of me that
was convinced last night was a dream. Logic wasn’t on my side and common sense really had a
Lot to say about my recent decisions but none of it was helpful. Luckily, along with the parts I
couldn’t have possibly dreamt up, like her smell, the jacket I’d borrowed the night before was still
draped over my desk chair.

I hoped Alice knew she was never getting that back.

It was foggy and dark outside my window. Excellent. The Colourless Cullens would have no
excuses to not be in school today. I dressed in my little lesbian layers, making sure to top it off with
Alice’s jacket.

When I got downstairs, Charlie was gone again. I swear that man works too hard for his own good.
I also realised I was running later than I realised, especially if I still wanted to pick Jess up before
school. Want was a very strong word but I was sort of obligated at this point. I did have her car. I
swallowed a granola bar in three bites, chugged some milk out the carton, and then hurried out the

As I walked outside, the mist was ice cold where it clung to the exposed skin on my face and neck.
I couldn’t wait to get into Jess’ car and use and abuse its heating systems. It was such a thick fog
that I was a few feet down the driveway before I realised there was someone leaning casually
against the car. A very, angelically silhouetted someone.

My heart thudded and stuttered in my chest like a small dying bird before picking back up again in
double time.

I didn’t know why she was there but there she was, straightening up and leaning on the passenger
door as I approached.
“Hey! I figured I could grab a lift in with you guys today? If that’s alright?” she asked, clearly
amused at my gobsmacked expression. She had spent all that time with me yesterday and still came
back for more? Score one for Bella, maybe I did have a chance. There was a touch of uncertainty in
her voice too - she was nervous. She was really giving me a choice. Ha! Like I would ever choose
anything other than yes.

“Yes, that’s- that’s fine. You’re right to say ‘you guys’ though, I do have to swing past Jess’ house
first.” I said, unlocking the car and stepping into the driver's seat. She jumped into the passenger
seat so gracefully I swore she’d melted into it. And there we were again, sitting together in Jess’

She stared across at me, eyes lingering as her mouth turned up at the edges. “Nice jacket.”

“Thanks a friend gave it to me and it’s mine forever now.”

She grinned back at me and I took her silence as permission to steal it. I pulled out the driveway
and we headed out to Jess’. It was possible we would be late to school, luckily Jess technically
lived on the way.

We drove through the fog-shrouded streets, just slightly too fast as I worried about getting there on
time. I wondered as we drove whether or not the walls that were lowered last night would still be
down this morning in the fresh light of day. Only one way to find out really. I took a deep breath.

“So, why did you wanna come in with me this morning? What’s wrong with the rest of your
family?” I asked as we pulled to a quick stop outside Jess’ house and she scrambled for the door.
“Good morning Jess.”

“Hi Bella, Alice. It’s a surprise to see you here this morning. What, did you stay at Bella’s or

I felt my face flush instantly as Jess made direct, smug, eye contact with me in the rear-view
mirror. I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her and instead focused on pulling away and
heading on to school.

Alice laughed quietly and shook her head. I focused on the road. “No no, nothing like that. Bella
simply offered me a ride last night. She came to get me this morning. It's why we were late to

Liar. I thought, fondly.

“Oh I’ll bet she offered you a ride alright. I bet she-”

“OH LOOK WE’RE HERE!” I shouted, desperately as I slammed on the brakes in the school
parking lot.

“Spoilsport,” muttered Jess as she began to clamber out of the backseat.

“You never answered my question.” I prodded Alice, just before she could leave. She looked back
at me and winked. My heart stopped.

“Well I figured if I was going to get in trouble for breaking the rules Bells, I might as well break all
of them.”
She left the car.

I reminded myself that, as I was not a cool and sexy vampire like the recently departed love of my
life, I did still need to breathe. I clambered out inelegantly and joined her on the way in.

Jess was hovering under the cafeteria roof’s overhang, because of course she was. Unfortunately
the new perspective allowed her to notice something she hadn’t earlier.

“Nice Jacket Bella.”

“Shut Up Jess.”

She laughed in my face. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like this, but no, I didn’t
deserve a friend like this. She waved me off and started to walk away from us, throwing a cheery
“I’ll see you in Trig” over her shoulder as she left.

Alice started snickering. I sighed and prayed it would be deep enough to expel my spirit into the
hardened concrete floor. It wasn’t.


“She’s going to ambush you in class later. She’s very determined about it.”

I rolled my eyes. “I could have told you that and I don’t even have freaky foresight powers.”

“Do you wanna know what she’s going to ask?”

I snorted and began to move towards the building, heading to class. “I bet I can make a fairly
educated guess.”

“Probably.” Alice smirked from where she had fallen into step beside me. “It’s a shame I can’t see
what your responses will be. I’m sure they would be… informative.”

“Yes that tends to be how new information works” I couldn’t help snarking at her. My heart was
racing and I was desperately trying not to let the blood rush to my face. It was a lost cause.
Especially when taking her super senses into account. Fuck.

She grinned at me.

“I hate you.”

“No you don't.”

No I didn’t. Fuck!

We ambled onwards in silence for a while, people staring at us on the way to class. Probably. I
wasn’t fully paying attention to my surroundings - too focused on the goddess walking with me.

“Hmm,” Alice said, leaning towards me with an expression that did not bode well for my barely
there composure.

She leaned in, pausing to capture a stray lock of my hair that was escaping from where it was
supposed to me and neatly tucking it back in, fingers tracing the shell of my ear as she did so. On
gods I nearly died in that corridor right then and there.

“I suppose… I am interested to see what you will say when she asks you if we’re dating.”

I squeaked.

I attempted to say something smooth and intelligent but I was too busy gasping for breath. She
smiled gently at me.

“I wouldn’t mind, you know. If you said yes.”

“I- You- What?” I spluttered oh so cleverly. My face probably looked like a sunburnt tomato at this

“Mmm. Yes. As for her other questions… well, I think I may just call in that favour Edward owes

The favour… why would? No way. She… she was going to get her brother to eavesdrop in
Jessica's mind to find out my answers!!

“That is so cheating!”

“Is it? Ah well, you know what they say Bella! All’s fair!” She smiled airily at me and then turned
on her heel, walking away from me.

“Alice!” I hissed after her.

She raised an arm in the air and gave me a jaunty wave without even turning around. “I’ll see you
at lunch.”

I hated her so much. She was perfect.

I hurried into class, mind whirling and cheeks almost definitely flushed. That girl left me utterly
breathless. And she was such a cheater too! Sly, mischievous and gorgeous to boot. Absolutely
lethal. I was so not looking forward to getting drilled by Jessica. I was going to be a mess. I just
knew it. I sat in my usual seat, slamming my bag down in aggravation.

“Goooooooood morning Bella.” Mike greeted me from the seat next to me. I repressed a smile.
Even frazzled beyond belief Mike’s inability to contain himself tickled me. “How was Port

I shot him a look. His far too innocent expression confirmed my suspicions. Jessica had a Big
Mouth. And access to too many people’s phone numbers.

“I’m not talking to you.”

“Awwww c'mon don't be like that!” He crossed his legs and propped his head up obnoxiously on
his fist, pouting at me. “Tell Uncle Mikey what’s wrong”

“Gross no absolutely not, never say that again.”

He batted his eyelids at me and I groaned, slumping in my seat.

“It was great. Jess and Angela got some really cute dresses.”

He stared at me. Blinked twice. Goaded me.


“Jessica has an incurable gossip habit?”

He waved me off. “We knew that. Now seeing as we both know that you know that I already
know, tell me about your date.”

I spotted Mr. Mason opening his mouth to call us to order and smiled beautifically at Mike. “No."

Before Mike could continue the world’s worst interrogation, Mr Mason asked us to turn in our
papers and our classes began to pass in a blur. Until the third hour.


My thoughts flew to Alice’s threat about using Edward’s favours to listen in and began praying to a
God I wasn’t sure I believed in.

When I walked in, Jess was sitting in the back row grinning at me. Unbelievable. I made a show of
reluctantly walking over to sit by her. Maybe I could convince her to put this off until lunch so I
would only have to do it once.

Then I remembered Alice’s parting words. No. No doing this at lunch would be worse. I resigned
myself to my fate.

“So!” She exclaimed, before I was even in the seat.


“Nice Jacket.”

“You already said that this morning”

“You’re still wearing it.” She smiled at me. I didn’t trust her a single inch.

“Shut up.”

“C'mon c'mon c'mon, deets Bella! Deets!”

“She bought me dinner. I drove us home.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “God you’re So boring. You have Got to give me more than that. Was it
a date?? Was it planned?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me, looking smug.

“Yeah by you you big interfering know-it-all.”

“You’re welcome. Was it a date?”

“” I said, unconvincingly.

“Bella Bella Bella, try to be more convincing, she gave you her Jacket. Why did you pick her up
this morning?”

“She asked me to last night!


“Jess!” I rolled my eyes at her. “Listen. It’s… it’s not Not like that. She-” I sighed deeply. “It’s not
like that yet but it could be. She… she said she wouldn’t mind if I told you we were dating.”

Jess made a noise previously accessible only to bats before punching me in the arm.

“Way to go Bella!!"

“Ow! That was uncalled for”

“Man you So owe me. Dating Alice Cullen. You lucky son of a bitch”

I grumbled something at her.

“Soooooo, you gunna kiss her?”

I slapped her with my notebook and she broke out into giggles. I tried to glare sharply at her but
could feel myself blushing and my mouth twitching.

“That,” I said, faking a primness I did not feel as Mr Varner started the lesson, “Is none of your

“Oh but it definitely is” she hissed back at me. Unfortunately, Mr Varner wasn’t really paying
attention and we were not the only ones talking.

I ignored her

“You gotta at least tell me what you talked about”

“I don’t”

She pouted at me obnoxiously until I sighed and gave in.

“We talked about how she and her family are all ancient vampires with superpowers and how
weird it is that Eddie can’t read my mind when he can read everyone else’s”

There was a beat of silence.

There were a few more beats of silence.

“Ha ha Bella.”

I smirked at her and drew in breath to say more but before I could she got called on to answer a
question. When she tried to start back on the subject I managed to cut her off and divert her
attention onto what was happening between her and Angela. I also wanted to know what her ride
back with Edwin had been like. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what those dynamics would have
been like. I managed to dodge any further conversation all the way through Trig and into Spanish
However, that avoidance came at a cost, and I found that I’d somehow promised to revisit the topic
at lunch, an easy enough guarantee given the inevitability of it all. I decided to keep Alice’s lunch
time presence a secret surprise just for me.

We spent the rest of the hour chatting and occasionally doing our work and before long the bell
rang; it was finally time to head to the cafeteria. It became apparent my poker face was even worse
than I thought. As I jumped out my seat and started to pack my things away, there must have been
something in my expression that tipped her off.

“Oh my God she’s going to sit with us at lunch!”

I gawped at her before throwing my hands up in the air. “How?” I demanded, not expecting an
answer and not getting one. She just grinned smugly at me before sauntering out the classroom.

“You better behave yourself” I yelled, hurrying after her, knowing it was a lost cause. “Besides,” I
added in a hurry, “I don’t even know if she will join us for lunch. She might have been joking. Or
maybe she’ll back out.”

Jess reached the canteen doors. She grinned. “Or not,” she said smugly over her shoulder at me.

Oh Boy.

As I stepped into the cafeteria I noticed two things. One, I had never heard such a hush fall over
this room before. Two, everyone was staring at us. Well, they were staring between us, and our
table like spectators at a tennis match.

I did my best to ignore the shit eating grins being sent my way by the terrible horrible people I call
my friends as well as the sly smile Twink McTwink was sending me from his seat beside his hot
sister at MY table and headed to the line.

Jess followed me, radiating a smug aura that had me resisting the urge to stomp on her toes.

“Shut up.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

I hummed noncommittally and dedicated my concentration to psyching myself up for wherever

fresh hell I would be facing over the next hour. I grabbed my food, braced myself, and strolled over
to the table; Jessica was hot on my heels.

I reached the table and slid carefully into one of the few empty seats left. The fact that it was right
next to Alice was solely a coincidence.

“Hey-” I started to say, softly, before being rudely cut off by Jess’ arrival.

“Well well well. If it isn’t hot and hotter.”

“Dibs on hotter” Alice said, without batting an eyelash whilst Edwin groaned and dropped his face
into his hands.
“I could've sworn that was Bella’s line. Assuming of course that Alice is Hotter.” Mike grinned.
“No offense Edward-o”

A thought shot through my head. Huh. Edward being able to read minds must put him through an
awful lot of shit. Especially if I only have to suffer the thoughts that don’t get filtered out. I dreaded
to think what it must be like to get unfettered access to Mike’s mind.

“How’s that verbal filter working out for you Mike?” I asked, sarcastically, eyeing Eddie to see if
he would react.

“It doesn’t.” Edward muttered, only just drowned out by Mike’s unnecessarily cheerful response.

I snickered. It was a mistake because it drew everyone’s attention back to me. I fought not to flush
under the weight of their gazes. Then I fought not to flush harder as an additional weight landed on
my thigh and I glanced down to see Alice’s hand resting casually on my leg. I gulped.

Eric opened his mouth, no doubt to say something unhelpful, and I cut him off before he could get
a word out as my brain kicked into sixth gear. Diversion time.

“SO! How was the drive back last night guys? Seeing as you abandoned me and all.”

“Come now Bella,” Edward said, far too smugly for his own good, “Abandon is such a strong
word. I think we left you in pretty good hands, didn’t we girls?” He added with a sly smile.

Jess and Angela nodded vigorously. Traitors the pair of them.

“I, personally, couldn’t think of better hands for Bella to be in.” Alice chimed in. I physically felt
my face change colour

The hand on my thigh squeezed gently and I struggled not to gasp out loud. I shot her a look and
she smiled beautifically at me. My heart stopped.

“Ooooooo,” said Mike, somewhat shattering the moment.

“Shut Up Mike.”

“I do have a question, actually Bella. How come you ended up having a little tête-à-tête with Alice.
No-ones actually said”

“...Wow. I cannot believe that these little gossip mongers have spent all morning telling you all
about my ‘date’ and failed to mention that I got mugged.”


“Well. Nearly. I had it under control though.”

Alice snorted. Very Rudely in my opinion.

“Yeah right Bells. I had to swoop in and save your cute little butt.” She took her hand off my thigh
and I bit back a reflexive complaint until she slung it round my shoulders. It was nice. Cool. Really
helped bring down the heat of the blush I’d been sporting for what felt like four hours.

“She’s not wrong Bella. Keeping you safe and out of trouble is a full-time occupation”
“Yeah well no-one asked you to be my bodyguard Mr Twink Man.”

Edward rolled his eyes. Damn looked like he’d already adapted to the nicknames.

“You couldn’t afford him anyway, Bells.” Alice grinned at me. “But don't worry, I’ll do it for free.
I like having you in my sights.

“Awwwwww cute.”

It was time to change the subject. I cast around desperately for something, anything, to talk about.
Before I could, Alice leaned into the group and started talking.

“I’m curious about something”

“No she’s not naturally that colour you just bring out the red in her.”

“Unhelpful thank you Jess. What do you want to know, Alice?” I asked, chancing a gradual lean
into her side. It was firm. Solid. Extraordinarily nice. I tried not to think about her super strength
and what it could be used for.

“I want to know. The real reason you’re going to Seattle with my brother this Saturday. It can’t be
to avoid your admirers because I like to think I know enough about you guys now to know that
neither Mike nor Eric have any real interest in taking you to the dance. So what gives?”

“You know. Our biggest problem as a group is that we think we’re funny”

“I could have told you that.”

“Edward. I still haven’t forgiven you for the Tyler thing yet. I’d watch it if I were you”

“Or what?”

“Or… I’ll put Garlic in your… clothes?”

He stared at me blankly.

“Oh! Oh Oh Oh!” Mike levitated out of his seat and pointed at me. I nodded sagely.

“Yes Mike. We were right. And I got confirmation.” Beside me, Alice squirmed guiltily and I felt
Edward withdraw from the conversation.

“Cool!” Mike sat back in his seat and sighed. “Also…Hot. Nice.”

I grinned at him. “Guess its Time to disband the WATCC huh.

“It was a good run.”

We shook hands and then grinned at the rest of the table who were watching us in various states of
disbelief and incomprehension. “Anygay-”

Edward jumped on the subject change. “We were talking about Seattle. I was about to say, I’m not
100% sure I can still come. But that’s okay because I know for a fact Alice is free.”

He fluttered his eyelashes at me. Unbelievable.

“One day you’re going to stop setting me up with your sister in front of said sister.”

“Probably not”

Alice grinned at him. “I don’t mind it.”

I stared at her. Mouth open. She was serious about this. About me. Crazier things could not
happen. And I’d recently found out Vampires were real.

Lunch ended and we collectively made a scramble for our stuff before leaving the now depleted

Chapter End Notes

as always hope u enjoyed! comments are my lifeblood. i dont have much commentary
from the writing of this one but i'd like to give a shout out to my friend who sat on a
call with me to ensure i finished this fucking chapter zdgkjdhkf i owe u my life.
Why'd you have to go and make things so Complicated?
Chapter Summary

guys they get so much gayer in this chapter. a lot more touching. slightly less group
chaos but bella does get to make fun of charlie for his thing with carlisle so theres that

Chapter Notes

IMM BAACCKKKK dudes there is so much happening all the time forever its
exhausting askejfhskjdgfh so have Some Gays

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Next up, Lab. Which meant, to my horror, Edwardo the Great Annoyance could take the
opportunity to ask me further questions about my evening with his sister. Solely to wind me up. At
least I wouldn’t have to worry too much about giving things away in my responses without the
others there. Actually, maybe I could use it to my advantage and press home some of my fancy
new knowledge. That could be fun.

We received a few side eyes as we walked towards our lab table and I wondered just how footloose
and fancy free the rumours about our little lunchtime laugh would spread. And for just how long it
would last. With the amount that happened in this school I didn’t doubt this was enough to feed the
gossip-starved students for a very long time.

Part of me prayed that the upcoming lesson would be enough of a plausible distraction that I could
ignore whatever nonsense the Great Undead Dummy could impart upon me. However, those hopes
were shattered when Mr Banner backed into the room pulling a tall metal frame on wheels. A tall
metal frame that supported one of the most outdated, heavy-looking, TV and VCR I had ever seen.
A movie day. Great. The lift in the class’ general atmosphere was immediately noticeable -
especially in comparison with my slouching grimace. I would have to concentrate pretty hard on
whatever fresh hell this was to ignore Edward.

Mr Banner shoved the tape in and turned off the lights. The room went black.

The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I could FEEL Edwin fucking staring at me. Creep. I
fought off the urge to shove him off his chair. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“So. You and Alice huh?”

I elbowed him instead of pushing him onto the floor. My elbow was definitely bruised. He
snickered at me and I glared at the television. Time to disconcert him.

“So.” I mimicked back at him, “You and Mindreading. Huh."

“Sonofabitch” he muttered under his breath. I immediately jumped on it and gasped as theatrically
and also quietly as I could.

“The mormon boy can swear?!?” I made myself sound as incredulous as possible.

“I’m Not A Mormon.”

“Alright alright, no need to get your sensible white y-pants in a twist”

“...I don’t even know where to start with that”

“You probably shouldn’t,” I nodded sagely at him, as if he had suggested something highly
sensible, “I’d only take it places neither of us would enjoy.”

“I bet.” Ed was doing a Lot of muttering this lesson it seemed. “Besides, I would’ve thought the
only Cullen Pants you want to think about, Ms Swan, are Alice’s”

I groaned and then decided to just make him uncomfortable instead of stewing in it. “Well Duh.” I
said, “I’m not going to be thinking about Carlisle’s I’m not my dad. Not even if I find them
somewhere in my house and-”

“Okokok. I surrender. You win. I hate you. Now please stop talking let's just… watch the movie.”

So we did. I did so smugly, pleased as punch to have won that particular stand-off. Well. I say I
watched it. I stared blankly at the screen and daydreamed about Alice. I couldn’t believe my luck. I
couldn’t believe she was even slightly into me. I don’t know which lesbian god of love and luck I
owed for this but boy did I owe them big time. The hour passed quickly as my brain drifted on
pleasantly. I couldn’t have told you what the film was about if you paid me.

The lights flicked back on and momentarily blinded me, making me jump and wince. Eddie, of
course, immediately snickered at me. Asshole.

“Right,” he said, rising fluidly from his chair like the idea of gravity was a personal affront to him.
“Shall we?”

I grumbled and rose after him, doing my ultimate best to not trip over the chair legs. Time for Gym.

We walked towards my next class verbally sparring the whole way and ignoring the side-eyes from
other students roaming the halls. We paused at the door and I was about to deliver an absolutely
devastating final blow to end the conversation when Mike appeared out of absolutely nowhere. He
flung his arm around Edward’s shoulders with enough force to bruise. Judging from the blink and
you’ll miss it grimace of pain that flashed over Mike’s face it was very possible it had. I imagined
it to be like slapping concrete.

He did not let it deter him.

“What’s up Fuckos?”

“Wow you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

“Hell yeah. I’d kiss yours if you asked nicely.” He grinned at me and then leaned forward making
over exaggerated kissy faces.

“Oh gross” I laughed at him, shoving his face away from me and deliberately turning him towards
Edward. “Offer it to someone who swings your way”

I got a gleeful little kick out of the panic that momentarily flashed through Mike's eyes, and the
much less momentary panic mirrored in Edward’s that only grew as Mike visibly shrugged it off
and committed to the gag. I’ll give him this, he follows through like no one else. He leaned right
up into Edwards space, using the arm still slung around his shoulders to hoist himself even closer.

I have never seen anyone look so uncomfortable in my life. I solidly thought Edward might pass
out. If I’d thought we’d been getting stared at before it was nothing compared to this. At this point
Mike was laughing too hard to purse his lips together and the kissy noises had become wheezes of
laughter instead. I smiled.

“Alright alright alright. C’mon you sad sack let's get to Gym. Stop harassing the man.”

Mike rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah yeah okay. Spoilsport.” He turned back to face Edward and
patted him lightly on the cheek. “See you later hotshot.”

Edward blinked.

I snickered again before grabbing ahold of Mike and dragging him away. “Bye Edwin.”

As we walked away I glanced over my shoulder. Edward was stood, unmoving in the middle of the
corridor. I think Mike broke him.

We headed into the Gym and pranced our ways into the locker rooms. Once Gym kicked off we
were handed rackets and told to pair up. Goody. I could do So Much damage with a racket. I
immediately pointed it at Mike who waggled his eyebrows at me. We squared up against our
opposition. We were so going to lose.

“Get ready to dodge MikeyBoy”

“Bella, I was born ready, let's do this.”

I immediately managed to hit not only Mike with the racket, but also myself in the head, with the
same swing.

“Bella. You should also have been born ready.”

“Shut Up Mike”

The rest of the lesson went about as smoothly. I made the executive decision to stay near the back
of the court and focus my energy on not flinging my racket at anyone. Somehow, despite the
handicap, Mike did manage to win some of the games. He high-fived me at the end of the lesson.

“Nice avoidance Bells.”

“Yeah well, I didn’t want to have to clean bits of your skull off the floor. You know how well I
deal with blood.”

“Uh-huh. Hey given the thing we know now about uh-

“Yeah I know.”

“How well’s your stomach doing with that? Oh! OH! Bella.” He looked at me very seriously. The
corner of his mouth twitching. “I’ve had a thought.”

“Please keep it to yourself Mike”

“If… When… Bella, at Your Time Of The Month-”

“BYE MIKE” I cut him off immediately. Nope. Not going there, not even a little bit. I stumbled
away from him, fleeing to the locker room. I heard him chuckle behind me.

“Bye Bella!”

I grinned despite myself. Incorrigible.

I dressed quickly, wondering how I was going to be getting home. It had completely slipped my
mind that as I’d driven in Jess’ car this morning I had no easy transportation home. Unless Jess
returned the favour of course. I slumped a little. I’d been hoping to see Alice again and chat with
her before leaving but I’d driven her in too this morning. No weaselling lifts out of her even if she
could drive. Damn. Oh well.

By the time I walked out of the gym I’d managed to convince myself that my love would simply
have to wait until tomorrow. I’d have to survive the moments without her around and only her
stolen stolen jacket to keep me company. I’d pretty much decided to just head straight to where I’d
left Jess’ car to beg a ride

Or that was the plan.

However, as soon as I stepped into the parking lot I was accosted by Edward beeping his horn at
me. I glared at him. He just grinned innocently and gestured to the backseat. I rolled his eyes and
stepped forwards, reaching for the car door.

I swung the door open and stopped short of throwing my back into the back. She was here. Just sat
in the back of her brother's car waiting for me. Cute. My heart thumped loudly. She grinned at me.

“Thought you might need a lift”

“Um.” I said, eloquently. “Y- yeah. Thanks.”

“Don’t thank her she can’t drive”

“Shut Up Edward.”

“Shutting.” He smirked at me in the rear view mirror one last time before turning his attention
seemingly forwards.
I climbed into the car and shut the door.

“Hi” I managed to breathe out. Jesus Christ she was so pretty. I don’t think I would ever stop being
astounded by her beauty.

“Hi,” she smiled back at me.

I ignored the badly stifled theatric groaning from the driver's seat as we pulled away from the
school. I also ignored my group of friends I could see gathered by Jess’ car jeering at me through
the windows. Judging by the chuckling from the front seat I wasn’t the only one who noticed. I
continued to ignore him.

“Um. Where are the rest of your siblings?”

Alice waved a slightly scornful hand. “Oh Rosalie’s driving them today. I may have mentioned
you’d need a lift…”

“How did you-?” She smirked at me. “Right. You can see the future.”

“Also common sense Bella I did Know you'd have to drive Jess’ car this morning.”

I grumbled at her good naturedly. “Why the-” I made a wavy gesture, I figured she’d get it, “about
Rosalie driving?”

“Because of her car.” Edward piped up from the front. “It’s ostentatious.”


Alice sighed. “It’s very shiny. And not exactly subtle or good for blending in.”

“Hate to break it to you but you guys don't exactly blend in as it is.”

Alice rolled her eyes at me. “At least we try Bella. At least we try.”

A comfortable silence fell in the car as Edwin manoeuvred his way out of the car park.

“So Lovebirds-”

“Oh christ here we go” Alice muttered.

I suppose that sibling bullying privileges go both ways. Luckily Alice would always have me on
her side.

“Seeing as Alice Cannot Drive-”

“Thank You Edward.”

“You’re welcome Alice. Am I to suppose that Bella will be driving the two of you to Seattle on
Saturday? Or will you be needing a chauffeur?”

“Why?” I shot back at him without thinking, “Got plans? Maybe a Hot Date for The Dance?”

“W-What? No! I just-”

“MmmmHmmmmmm.” I hummed at him, doing my utmost to make it sound unconvinced. Alive
giggled next to me and I felt my heart melt a little. I turned to face her. “Alice… I’d be Honoured
to give you a lift into Seattle on Saturday.”

“And I’d love for you to give me a ride Bella.” She winked and my heart fell into freefall.

“Bleurgh. And I can’t wait to Not See It”

“Shut UP Edward! I’ll be on your doorstep bright and early Saturday Morning Bells,” She leaned
forward and tucked an errant piece of my hair behind my ear. It took the strength of a thousand
suns to not lean into it and I nearly whined when she pulled away. “Be seeing you.” She smiled at

I looked up, startled to realise we had already arrived at my house. I was disappointed to part with
her so soon. “Right. Right, yes, of course. Um, I’ll- I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Her smile grew. “Of course Bella. Weather dependent of course.” She winked at me and I grinned
at her.

“Weather Dependent. I could grow to like the clouds if they bring me you”

Edward started groaning again.

“Hey Edward?”


“Can it.” I opened the door and was immediately hit by a draft of arctic wind that cleared my head
and punched me in the face. Knowing myself well enough to have no faith in my limbs and their
ability to support me I stepped out of the car very carefully. I turned to face Alice and opened my
mouth to say something before giving up and just offering her a smile instead. She returned it and
nodded to me as I closed the door. The car drove off with a blast of the horn.

I shook my head. God but Edwin could be dramatic. I grinned and turned back to trudge my way
back to the house. She liked me. I already couldn’t wait until tomorrow; being in love motivates
you to see the sunrise like nothing else.

I dreamt of Alice - at this point she was the recurring lead star of my nightly fantasies so her
appearance was unsurprising. In this dream the air crackled with electricity, my fictitious arms
riddled with goosebumps and my hairs standing on end. The energy was familiar, akin to how I felt
when she spoke to me or looked me in the eye but intensified. Needless to say I slept somewhat
restlessly; tossing and turning, waking often. It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning that I
managed to finally sink into a deep and exhausted, dreamless sleep.

When I awoke I was still tired, but that didn’t stop me from looking forward to seeing Alice again.
Dreaming of her so did not count. I grabbed my layers of plaid and hooded jacket, shrugging into
them before pulling on a battered pair of jeans. The colder climate sure did enable a greater degree
of stereotyping when it came to my outfits than the hot sun of Phoenix did. I barely even missed the
spaghetti straps and shorts of the old me. Maybe I should cut my hair off.
I was getting ahead of myself. I headed downstairs to find Charlie frying eggs. I moved to peek
over his shoulder.

“Morning dad!”

“Good morning Bells, I’ve got eggs to spare if you want one?” He offered. I thought about it.
Hmm. Eggs or cereal? I was in a wheaty mood and taking into account my lack of sleep I decided
to go for the slow release power of good ol’ trusty Cinnamon Toast. Also eggs can sometimes be
kinda slimy and I wasn’t up for that this morning.

“I’m good thanks dad. Got my cereal,” I grabbed a bowl and waggled it at him. He shrugged.

“Suit yourself”

We bumbled around the kitchen, avoiding clashing with each other with ease and generally
enjoying the easy sharing of space and quiet morning routine we’d developed. Charlie finished his
eggs pretty quick and stood to clear his plate by the sink.

“Hey Bells, about this Saturday…?” He asked, turning on the tap in the sink.

“Uh-huh?” I mumbled through a mouthful of cinnamon-ny goodness. I couldn’t remember if I

updated him on my change of prospective partner. Damn.

“I heard you were going with Alice now? Instead of Edward?”


“Um,” I squeaked, “Yeah?” I cleared my throat. “I mean, yes. Yeah I am. Why?”

He turned and grinned at me. “Just wondering. Carlisle had some interesting things to say about
the two of you.” He waggled his eyebrows at me.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Oh yeah? Well Alice has some interesting things to say about the two of YOU so.” I leant back in
my chair and folded my arms, raising an eyebrow at him. Checkmate mister.

He immediately turned completely red and started sputtering. I smirked. Awesome. I got up and
patted him on the shoulder, turning him back towards the sink.

“Good talk dad. I’ll see you later.”

I gave him my bowl, which he took in a clear admission of verbal defeat, and headed upstairs to
brush my teeth.

On the way back down I saw him stood in the same place I’d left him, only slightly less red, still
mindlessly rinsing over his plate.

“Fairly certain that’s clean now dad.”

“Huh? Oh, oh yeah. Probably,” He smiled sheepishly at me and set it to the side to dry as well as
rinsing out my bowl in the process. “Um. So- so you’re not planning on making it back in time for
the dance then?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “No dad we’re not. C’mon you know me. Two left feet - I’d probably kill
someone and break a leg, literally.”

He seemed to consider this. “Yeah ok. Make sure you text me when you’re there and when you’re
headed back though, ok Bells?”

“Sure thing dad, I know you need a heads up in case I ~interrupt~ something.”

“What?! No! I-”

“The man doth protest too much methinks. C’mon padre, you’re going to be late for work.”

He glanced at his watch and cursed as I pushed him towards the door. “Have fun at work sweetie!”
I called after him.

“Ha Ha Bella!” I heard before his car door slammed shut and the cruiser pulled away. I grinned
and shook my head. He was far too easy to wind up. I grabbed my keys, closed the door and headed
towards my truck.

My breath caught in my throat. She was here!! Leaning against my vehicle looking like something
out of a magazine. Alice. My heart sighed.

“Good morning Beautiful,” she trilled at me.


“Um, hi. Hi, good morning.” I took a deep breath and opened the passenger door for her. “It
certainly is.”

She smiled gently at me through the windshield as I headed around the truck to clamber inelegantly
into the driver's seat.

‘Hi,” I said again, unnecessarily.

She reached out and hesitated before tucking my hair behind my ear again. Scratch my earlier
thoughts, I am Never cutting my hair. “How’re you?” She asked softly, “You look tired.”

“I’m a little tired,” I confessed. “Couldn’t sleep last night.” I looked away and started the engine,
the truck roaring to life with its usual aplomb.

“Yeah me neither” said Alice with a smirk.


“Thank you.”

“Well at least there's a few people I can say I got more sleep than. What did you do last night with
all that not sleeping time?”

“All sorts. Thought about you a lot.”

I stared at her agape before remembering I was driving and snapping my attention back to the road
I was pulling out onto.

“Mostly I thought about how much I don’t know about you and how much I want to know about
you. Like what’s your favourite colour?”

“Uh. Brown?”

“Brown? Why brown?” She looked a little bit as if the secrets to the universe could hinge on my
answer. I felt as if all the air had been sucked out of the vehicle as all her attention focused on me
with laser-like intensity. Something shifted.

“Uh. Yeah. Um- Because it’s quite a warm colour? And I sort of miss it? A bit? There was a lot of
brown in Phoenix - dirt, rocks, tree trunks - and here it’s all green instead. I don’t really know,
today is just a Brown Day”

She stared at me with a small smile lilting the edges of her mouth. “Yeah. Yeah brown is warm.
You’re right” She reached out a brushed a hand through my hair again.

Driving. I was driving. I was driving sensibly and awarely and focused on my task. My brain was
not melting out my ears. I believed in the power of positive affirmations.

I was a filthy liar.

Somehow, we reached the school unscathed. Alice wasn’t done with her questions. She wasn’t
kidding about wanting to know me. I really did think she actually liked me.

“What music’s in your CD player right now?”

Oh crap. I groaned. “It’s a CD my step-dad got me. I used it to drown my thoughts out a while back
and… haven’t changed it. I’m a much bigger fan of punk rock. Like The Ramones or The Clash.
Greenday are good too. I- My mum used to call my music taste eclectic because I tend to genre
drift but that’s what I'm into right now.”

She nodded sagely at me. “I’ve got a couple of those records myself.”


The rest of the day passed in much the same way. She somehow managed to walk me to all of my
lessons and continued asking me random questions ranging from favourite film (Only Lovers Left
Alive) to whether I believed in Astrology (only when it's funny) via places I’d been or want to go.
And books. Lots of questions about books. Lunch was interesting as whenever she managed to get
a question out amongst the chaos that was our group interacting in a public space, she would
receive an abundance of responses and each new response would start a debate.

I couldn’t remember the last time I talked about myself so much and so consistently yet she
continued to hang off my every word. I couldn’t even begin to feel self-conscious, she looked so
enraptured with every little response. The complete adoration on her face spurring me on to offer
more and more information about myself. Just occasionally would a question trip me up and make
me flush and stutter out an answer. These occasions would always prompt further questioning.

A great example of this was when she asked me what my favourite gemstone was and I was so
startled by my automatic response that I walked into a wall on the way to Biology. Topaz . Way to
go Bella. I’m sure if I hadn’t collided face first with a wall then she would have left it alone but no.
Naturally she immediately wanted me to know why I was so startled by my own response, and it
wasn’t until she looked up at me with huge pleading eyes that I caved to her wiles.

“...Because until recently I’m sure I would have said garnet. But, your eyes are… they’re topaz
today. And it's nice.” I mumbled at her.

Her face softened and she reached out as if to touch my hand before pulling away. “That’s… very
sweet Bella. Thank You”

“Yeah yeah,” I waved her off. “In a couple of weeks I’d probably have said onyx. We all know I’m
a goner.”

She grinned at me as we reached the classroom and her very smug looking brother who, on the
way out the canteen, had promised to “go on ahead and be good” with a shit eating grin on his face.
Thankfully this marked an end of the conversation as she left me with a smile and a promise to see
me later.

Biology was a nightmare. Edward clearly knew exactly what his sister had been up to and would
not stop laughing at me for the entire lesson. Unfortunately Mr Banner had dragged in the
‘Audiovisual frame’ again so there was truly no escape. Luckily I continued to have ammo against
him to parry him with and often reposted his remarks on my lovestruck look with comments on
both his reactions to Mike (hilarious) and our fathers. At points I ignored him and sincerely tried to
watch the movie, but at the end of the hour I yet again had absolutely no idea what we’d been

I flinched again when the lights came back on and looked over at Edward who looked far to
entertained. I stuck my tongue out at him and fled to the gym. Mike was not much better. He
greeted me with a cheery grin and a not-so-subtle “Where’s Vlad?” that managed to spark a
fantastic exercise in listing famous vampires to reference in front of Edwardo to see just how pale
he could get. Figuratively speaking of course.

Gym passed surprisingly quickly as Mike yet again performed the world’s most enthusiastic one-
man badminton show and I did my best not to hit anybody. As soon as Gym ended I started to
hurry to the locker room only for him to grab my arm.

“Whoa Bells, where’s the fire? What on Earth could have you moving so quickly? Could it be…
could it possibly be…?”

I rolled my eyes at him. “Shut up Mike. You already Know that Alice said she’d meet me after

“Oh she SAID so did she? I thought she was just implying it with her romantically tinged
impression of the Spanish Inquisition we were all party to at lunch?”

“Yes thank you so much, by the way, for your help with that.” I said sardonically.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled guilelessly at me, letting go of my arm. “Go on then, off with you,
after all true love waits for no ma’am”
“You’re terrible”

“I know. Such a burden to bear,” he dramatically brought an arm up to his forehead and bent over
backwards like he was about to faint, “But it is one that must be borne.”

“Uh-huh. Don’t hurt yourself Mike” I said, as I finally managed to head off to get changed to the
symphony of Mike’s dramatics.

I hurried to get changed, knowing that the love of my life was awaiting me and that if I wasn’t
careful my terrible horrible no good friends would catch and interrogate me before I got there. I
stumbled out the door and there she was. Something in my unclenched. She was still real. And
interested in me! The day had passed in such a surreal fashion I struggled to believe this was my
life. Against all odds I had found myself so much happier here than I had ever imagined. Friends,
family and now her? It could not get better than this,

I grinned as she launched right back into questioning every minor minutiae of my life as we headed
to my truck. Unfortunately her questions were different now, and not as easily answered. She
wanted to know what I missed about Phoenix. My answers surprised even myself as I realised I
missed very little of my home aside from maybe the warmth of the sun and the dry desert heat. As
we drove to my house, I lost myself in describing the things she wasn’t as familiar with and
ruminating on how different life was now I was here.

We sat in my truck outside my house for hours as the sun set and the sky darkened and the heavens
opened. Rain drilled into the rooftop and encased us in a bubble of sound as I wove a description of
the place I used to live. I attempted to capture impossible things like the bitter yet pleasant,
resinous scent of creosote and the high keening chirps of the cicadas in July. The nakedness of the
trees and the endless expanse of the open sky that spanned from horizon to horizon, just barely
interrupted by the purpley volcanic rock of the low mountains. The beauty that could be found
merely in the shape of the land; the craggy hills and shallow bowls and the warping shadows and
the shape of the sun. My hands weaved through the air in front of us as if they were holding onto
tangible places in my past I could shape into a tapestry just for the two of us.

We lost ourselves in the moment, as I talked freely without even entertaining the thought of being
embarrassed for dominating the conversation. How could I, when Alice hung onto every word and
looked on in awe as if she could touch the places I described. When she occasionally piped up with
honest questions, desperate to know more.

Eventually the conversation died down, and we sat. Sharing space. Enjoying the quiet and the
humming of the rain. I felt at peace.

“Your dad will be home soon.” Alcie said into the quiet of the moment.

“Mmm. What time is it?” I felt like I’d been dozing. I was warm, cozy and comfortable. I glanced
at the clock of the truck as I asked and was surprised by the time. Alice was right, Charlie would
be driving home by now.

“It’s Twilight,” Alice murmured, staring into the middle distance. Her voice was quiet like mine. I
glanced at her and felt my eyes catch on her profile, enchanted by the gentle swoop of her nose. I
I was still staring when her eyes shifted back to mine. We smiled at each other.

“It’s the safest time of day for us.” She volunteered out of nowhere. “The easiest time.” She
grinned suddenly. “Edward thinks it's sad. Something about the predictability of darkness and the
end of days.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted. “Of course he does”

She smiled with me, both of us laughing incredulously. She sighed. “He’s such a pessimist”

“I like the night myself,” I said, “Without the dark you never get to see the stars.” I winked at her
as she snorted.

“Not that you see many stars here.” She grinned at me, moment well and truly broken.

I took a risk.

“I don’t know,” I said lowly, looking her up and down, “I think there’s a couple.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “C’mon Bella. Your dad really will be home soon. I can see it.”

“Ah yes with your mystical powers of foresight. Nothing to do with the creeping advancement of

She grinned at me and, in lieu of an answer, hopped out of the truck into the rain and came around
to open my door.

“Oh how chivalrous of you Alice.”

“Well you drove me, it's only fair.”

I shook my head with a fond grin and left her in the rain whilst I leaned into the back to collect my
books, realising with a wince that I was slightly stiff from sitting still so long. I grabbed my stuff
and stumbled out of the car into Alice’s arms.

“Nice catch,” I smirked up at her. “Tell me, am I going to get to ask you some questions

“Hmm, maybe. I still have some for you after all. I do love a bit of give and take.” She waggled her
eyebrows at me and I snorted again as she righted me. Wow she really WAS strong. Nice.

Suddenly she froze.

“Uh. Alice?”

“Oh boy. This is going to be good.”

“What? What is?”

Before she could answer, a flash of headlights through the rain caught my attention and she stepped
away from me slightly as a dark car pulled up to the curb.

“Charlie’s just around the corner by the way,” Alice said, attention still focused on the car facing
us. Show off.

The rain continued to pour, soaking us both to the bone and glancing off my jacket. I squinted
through the cascade of water at the front seats of the vehicle but was unable to make out anything
due to both the fact the sun had gone down and that there was a waterfall in the way. I bet Alice
could see perfectly.

“Hey Alice?” I said in an aside.

“Yes Bella?”

“How are you going to be able to run home if there are people here?”

She glanced at me and shrugged a little. Right. She didn’t know. Fun. “Well I’m Always happy for
you to stay.”

She twittered a little and reached out for my hand. “I know Bella. We’ll see whether or not these
two are”

“Who is it?” I asked her.

Suddenly, a familiar and husky voice called out from the driver’s side of the little black car. “Hey

Oh. Oh Boy.

“Jacob?!?” I asked, bringing up a hand to shield my eyes from the rain as if it would help.

Just then, just as Alice had predicted, Charlie’s cruiser swung around the corner, his lights shining
on the occupants of the car in front of me. I squeezed her hand where it stayed slotted into mine.

Jacob was already climbing out, his wide grin visible even through the darkness. In the passenger
seat sat an older, heavyset man with a memorable face and surprisingly familiar black eyes. Eyes
that were somehow simultaneously too young and too ancient for the broad face they were set in.
Billy. Billy Black, Jacob’s dad. I knew him immediately, despite the fact that in the more than five
years it had been since I’d seen him last I’d managed to forget his name; remembering him only
when Charlie had spoken of him my first day here. He was staring at us, scrutinising my face as I
smiled tentatively at him. His eyes were wide, as if in shock or fear. I spared a glance at Alice,
whose mouth was drawn tight and firm. Oh Boy. I looked back at Billy. His nostrils flared. My
smile faded.

This is going to be… interesting.

Billy continued to stare at me with intense, anxious eyes. I groaned internally. He clearly
recognised Alice. Could he really believe the ‘impossible’ legends his son had scoffed at? Until…
until we took them seriously? I glanced at Jacob, whose eyes were flitting back and forth between
us all.
The answer was clear in Billy’s eyes. Yes. Yes, he could.

Chapter End Notes

as always hoped you enjoyed it !! comments are my lifeblood and motivate me more
than you could ever possibly know lmao. i googled popular american cereals for this

there's probably a stack of commentary somewhere on my writing of this chapter but i

think this is the most important:

shut up yes
its a crack fic about everyone being gay and also the dads specificaly idk what you


idk what happened"
Chapter 12
Chapter Summary

After an evening with the boys the girls head to everyones fave meadow.

Chapter Notes

IM BACCCKKKKK!!! only took forever but heres chapter 12 enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Billy!” Charlie called, as soon as he got out of the car. “Jacob! And.. Alice?! What are you all
doing here?”

Good question Charlie. Very good question. I grinned innocently at him as he threw me and our
joined hands a look, before gesturing to Jacob to come join us as we ducked under the porch.

“This is going to be fun,” I hissed at Alice as I fumbled for my keys.

“Oh absolutely stacks,” Alice muttered back. I noticed that she hadn’t let go of my hand. Frankly,
no matter how tonight turned out I was definitely winning. I turned the key in the lock and also my
head to grin at Jacob as I heard my dad call out to him.

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t see you behind the wheel, Jake,” he said disapprovingly.

Jacob grinned back at me, throwing a “We get our permits early on the rez!” over his shoulder as
he headed towards us. I flicked on the porch light as we collectively ignored Charlie’s audible
eyeroll and muttered “sure you do”.

The subsequent “I have to get around somehow,” that rumbled its way out of Billy’s chest in his
distinctive and resonant voice made me feel strangely younger. I shook it off and went inside,
leaving the door open behind me and dragging Alice through as I flipped on the lights.
Unfortunately, I had to take off my jacket. Which meant letting go of her hand.

My entire being screamed in protest as I peeled my fingers away from her and shrugged off my
jacket. I hung it up. Alice retook my hand. She retook it. She just, she reached out and grasped it
gently in hers, weaving her fingers through mine. I flushed and tried not to look at her.
Unfortunately this left me looking at Jacob, who pointedly raised his eyebrows and leered at me.

I watched as in the distance, dad simultaneously helped and hindered Billie getting out of the car
and into his wheelchair. I immediately backed out of the way as he gripped the handlebars and
started hurtling the pair of them towards the door and out of the rain. I rolled my eyes. Boys.

I backed even further out of the way as they crashed through the door and into the house.
“This is a surprise,” Charlie was saying, glee evident in his voice.

“It’s been too long,” Billy answered. His dark eyes flashed to me and Alice, hooking on our joined
hands and her angelic grin. “I hope it’s not a bad time.” His expression was unreadable.

“No no it's great! I hope you can stay for the game!” Charlie remained oblivious. Eager to see his
friend and spend some quality sport time with his buddy. Sometimes he reminded me of a puppy.

Jacob turned to grin cheekily at dad. “I think that’s the plan, our TV broke last week.”

“Oh I see how it is,” Charlie nodded sagely, “Using me for my antenna. It’s ok, I forgive you”

Billie chuckled in his chair before making a face at his son. I slowly started to tug Alice with me
into the kitchen, hoping to escape the room and any oncoming questions.

“Game snacks anyone?” I asked as I reached the threshold.

“We ate before we came.” Billie told me as Jacob nodded an enthusiastic yes. Charlie scoffed a
laugh and rolled his eyes.

“Boys. Always hungry. Go on you tw- three. Go find some entertainment food.”

“Anything for you dad?”

“Yeah sure, thanks Bella!” Charlie grinned at me before waving us off and moving into the front
room to sit in front of the TV. As we entered the kitchen I heard Billie’s chair move to follow him.

I threw together some grilled cheese sandwiches with practised ease before digging up some chips
and pouring them into a bowl to snack on.

“Sooooooo Bella-”

“Shut up Jacob.”

Alice giggled. My heart melted as I stared at her, everything else fading away into background


Almost everything else. I sighed.

“Hi Jacob, it's good to see you again. I'm doing fine, how're you?”

“Good good. Peachy keen.” He grinned shit-eatingly at me and for a second I was eerily reminded
of Mike.

“Great.” I said, desperate to avoid the upcoming conversation. Alice was pressed against my side
and my brain desperately fired on its one remaining cylinder as I grasped for a distraction. “Did
you finish your car?”

He frowned. Distracted. Success. “No. I still need parts - we borrowed the one we arrived in.”

“Ah well you’ll get there I’m sure. I haven’t seen any uh-”

“Master cylinders.”
“Yes. Those. But if I do I’ll let you know.”

“We might have one,” Alice piped up. My brain shut down. Nonono. I’m being subtle. “My
sister’s really good with cars, she probably has something stashed somewhere that could help.”

Her sister? Rosalie? Scary hot goddess Rosalie?? Good with cars. Be still my still beating lesbian
heart. It was lucky I was already irrevocably in love with her sister otherwise… well. Looked like I
was always going to run the risk of having my heart broken in Forks. I still didn’t believe that Alice
hadn’t broken it. That she reciprocated my feelings. Probably.

“Nice! Thanks… Alice?…right?!”

“Alice. Hi Jacob”

She smiled at him and held out her hand for a shake. He flushed. Oh boy. He shook her hand and
failed to meet her eyes.

Instead, he zeroes in on me. Joyous. “So, are you two…” He trailed off meaningfully and wiggled
his eyebrows.

I blushed worse than him and mumbled something absolutely incomprehensible whilst Alice
winked at him. He opened his mouth to no doubt say something worse but my cooking timer went
off and I gratefully took the opportunity to grab Charlie’s food and take it through to him, ignoring
the two of them snickering at me as they followed me through the door. Or tried to.

I stopped in the threshold as a thought hit me and I turned to Jacob. “Say, Jake, your dad… What's
his current Cullen stance.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “He’s not going to start any fights if that’s what you’re worried about. I may
have harassed him slightly a bit maybe about the thing you said about your dad and… well,” He
glanced at Alice, “Her dad.”

I snorted. “Bet he took that well”

“Mmm, anyway since the last time he got huffy about the Cullens and Charlie chewed him out I
doubt he’ll risk it again. They haven’t really spoken much since and I think this is sort of a reunion
thing so…”

“Awesome thanks.” I pivoted and strode into the front room. “Grilled cheese for the sir”

“Oh thank you ma’am come sit, come watch the game.”

I rolled my eyes at him before dramatically throwing myself onto the floor, patting the carpet either
side of me in invitation. Alice walked over with an envious grace and flowed onto the floor next to
me like a rolling waterfall. Christ alive but she was beautiful.

We watched the game.

It was a long night but a surprisingly enjoyable one. I shut up the voice in the back of my head
telling me how much homework I wasn’t doing and instead focused on making sure Billy didn’t
give anything away and enjoying watching my… pseudo baby brother and sort-of-girlfriend
interact and horse around. Charlie had such a grin on his face and it was nice to see him having
such a good time.
Eventually, the game ended. It was time to say goodbye.

“This was fun Charles”


Billy held his hands up and chuckled in surrender. “Ok ok. No Charles I get it. Still, this was fun”

“It really was. You guys should come up for the next game,” Dad grinned round the room. “All of
you! Alice it’s been lovely to see you- you should see if um-”

Alice and I made eye contact and rolled our eyes at each other. Jacob giggled and Billy slowly
settled on a mildly bemused glower. It was a very impressive expression. Charlie was still

“-if any of the rest of you want to- I mean, I know, um, Edward’s in uh Bell’s classes for um. So,
maybe Carlisle? Would want to come? I don’t know if he watches sport but um.”

I ignored Billy’s minor flinching at Carlisle’s name and instead started praying for someone to put
my poor father out of his misery. Thankfully Alice took pity on him.

“Sure Charlie, I’ll ask don’t worry!”

He grinned sheepishly at her and we all pretended not to notice how red he was. Billy cleared his
throat and headed for the door.

“Right well. Yes. Maybe we’ll be here then. See you around Charlie, have a good night.” His eyes
shifted to mine, flicking behind me to glance at Alice before settling back on me again. “You take
care Bella,” he added seriously.

I nodded at him and waved him off, receiving an armful as Jacob as he passed me on the way out
the door. “Bye Bella!” He called cheerily, “ See you when I see you!”

I saluted back at him mockingly as the door shut behind them. I breathed out. I felt Alice rest her
head on my shoulder and I closed my eyes to savour the moment. The moment that was broken by
my dad clearing his throat and the plates. I turned to shoot him a glare and he winked at me as he
headed into the kitchen.


“Ok let’s plan an exit from my room,” I hissed, shoving Alice towards the stairs. I didn’t get very
far before Charlie stuck his head back out the kitchen with a sheepish yet smug grin.

“Ah girls, if you’re going to be going upstairs I don’t want any doors closed.”


“Just saying Bella! Have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”

I could feel my face heating like a small nuclear power plant exploding. I was going to go
supernova if he didn’t shut up. I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him whilst muttering under my
breath about gay people in glass houses. Unbelievable.
We escaped upstairs.

“I think it’s cute he cares about you Bella.”

“Thanks Alice. He could be less embarrassing about it though.” I sighed and turned back to face
her. She clasped my hands gently in her cool ones. I inhaled sharply. My breathing would never
recover from her presence in my life. I cleared my throat knowing it would be futile. “Um, so, how
are we going to get you home? You can’t run from here with dad home and-”

There was a knock at the door and she smiled beautifically at me.

I gently rested my forehead on hers. Our hands were still clasped. “You’ve already sorted it haven’t

She nodded gently, I could feel her hair brushing against my face. We were so close. My breathing
gave up and resigned. I could practically taste her scent on my tongue. My mouth watered and I
found myself swallowing convulsively. I swore I could see her eyes flick down to my lips and my
heart joined my lungs in resignation. Time stopped.


She pulled away.

Silence hung in the air before she shook her head slightly and huffed a laugh. “C’mon,” she said,
holding her hand out for me, “Before Edward pulls his hair out.”

“Why would he pull his hair out?” I asked as she gently tugged me back down the stairs. Good
thing too because my limbs were Not cooperating.

She glanced back at me and grinned. “Because he got a lift here.”

We entered the living room and I immediately understood why Edward was in danger of fighting
with his follicles. He sat on the sofa staring into the middle distance in despair. It wasn’t much
different from how he usually looked, but there was a small twitching at the corner of his eye and a
small vein pulsing at his temple. Alice muffled a giggle into my shoulder.

Across the room from him stood my father, self-consciously rubbing his hand across the back of
his neck as he blushed and made eye contact with everything except the person who stood in front
of him. The person who gently reached out to cup a finger under his chin so that their eyes could
meet. The person whose son looked like he was going to start throttling himself on the sofa.

Carlisle was here.

Alice cleared her throat delicately and Carlisle jumped, turning around to smile sheepishly at her
whilst I raised a delicate eyebrow at my dad who was turning impossibly redder.

“Hi Dad!”

“Hi Alice. Bella,” He nodded at me gracefully, “You look better, how’s the wrist?”
“Oh um, good thanks.” I smiled awkwardly. “How’re you?”

He smiled back at me, teeth gleaming. “I’m well. Thank you.”

Alice rolled her eyes as her father figure’s attention visibly drifted back to my dad, who appeared
to be attempting to become one with the floor. Edwards started to groan on the sofa and I leaned
over to cuff him round the back of the head - possibly fracturing my hand in the process. Worth it.

He turned to glare at me and I did my best to return it, shaking out my now aching hand. He
smirked at me. Bastard.

“Thanks for coming to grab me dad, sorry for not thinking ahead. I know you had plans with mum
this evening.”

Charlie blanched. Carlisle narrowed his eyes at her. Alice smiled angelically. It was easy for her -
all her smiles were angelic. Edward started to snigger and I imagined shoving him off the couch.
It'd be even better if he hit the coffee table on the way down. Alice side-eyed me and I did my best
to look innocent. Who knew what kind of future scenarios I was projecting right now.

“Well thanks for c- coming carlisle it was lovely to see you as always even if in passing um. Yeah,
you should… you should get back home. Take your two rapscallions and go see Esme. She uh. I-
give her my best”

I was impressed that Charlie managed to stumble through that much of a coherent sentence given
that I didn’t think it was possible to go from that flushed to that pale quite as quickly as he did.
Carlisle slowly turned to stand with his back to Charlie and scowled at Alice as he mouthed
something I couldn’t decipher. He then quickly spun back to face him and step way too into his

“Don’t worry Charlie. I’m sure Esme won’t mind that I lingered. She tends to encourage it

He winked at him. Carlisle fucking winked at my father. My father, who looked like he was
actively trying to not choke on his own tongue. Gross. All the blood that had vanished from his
face at the reminder that Carlilse was married came rushing back at full force. I wondered if his
red blood cells were tired. I found myself invested in the outcome of this against my will. I didn’t
want to know what my dad did when I was gone. Literally.

Carlisle sighed. “Still,” he said, clasping a hand to my dad's shoulder and letting it linger there,
“Alice is right, we should probably be off now. It was lovely to see you as ever.”

Charlie looked mildly speechless as he nodded and made some sort of incoherent noise and gesture
that I could only assume translated to “Yeah you too you handsome doctor man you”. I figured
Carlisle got the message because he smiled softly and fondly at them as he picked Edward up off
the sofa where he was sitting limply like a sack of potatoes. In his defence, I would definitely not
want to know what was going through our dads collective minds right now. Especially not when
Carlisle glanced back as he hustled his kids out the door (Alice blowing me a kiss on the way out)
and gave my dad the once over.

Again, gross.

He paused in the doorway, “So we’re still going to see you at ours on Saturday right?”
Charlie stammered out an affirmative and Carlisle lit up in response. It would be cute if it wasn’t so

“Excellent! It’s a date then,” Carlisle shone at him like the sun, exiting and pulling the door closed
behind him as my one and only father stared at the space he’d left behind as if he could still see the
light the good doctor emitted seared into his retinas.

I politely ignored the whooping from the doorstep and the distinct sounds of a Very Strong high
five. I went to bed.

Remarkably I slept much better that night, exhausted from all the excitement and crisis
management of the evening. When I awoke the next morning not even the pearl grey sky could put
a dent in my mood. I felt blissful. The previous evening had, despite my misgivings, been a riot and
Billy had behaved himself fairly well for all the ancient tension between him and my beloved’s
brethren. Jacob of course, had been everything I expected of a younger brother; an absolute pain in
the ass.

I caught myself whistling down the stairs as I pulled my hair back into a loose and messy bun.
Maybe I should cut it short. A messy, Joan Jette sort of look. That could be cool. My musing was
interrupted by Charlie noticing my mood with a sly smile.

“You’re cheerful this morning,” he said, leaning over the table to snag an apple from the bowl. He
winked at me as he took a bite as if to say ‘I know why you’re in a good mood and it's because you
got to hang out with Alice yesterday’.

“Mmhmm,” I said, leaning to grab my own piece of breakfast fruit. I stared back at him
impassively and shrugged slightly. “It’s Friday.” I levelled a look right back at him that said ‘don’t
even go there or I’ll bring your cheerful mood and Carlisle into this’.

He straightened up and nodded. “It sure is Bella, it sure is. A Friday that I, unfortunately, still have
to work.” He sighed theatrically as he headed around the table to place an affectionate kiss on my
forehead before grabbing his stuff. “I’ll see you later, Bells.”

I waved him off and hovered for only as long as I thought it would take him to leave before rushing
to the door. I already had my bag ready, shoes on and my teeth brushed, yet as soon as I cleared the
doorway, somehow, Alice was already leaning against my truck.

I stumbled to a halt, smooth as gravel, and smiled breathlessly at her. Her returning smile knocked
out the little air left in my lungs. I opened the passenger door for her and scuttled around to the
driver's seat, begging for my breath to return and my heart to restart. I could not imagine anything
more glorious than her. The seven wonders of the world could not possibly compare. She was

I climbed into the driver's seat and gripped the wheel, breathing through my nose so her delicate
scent wouldn’t cloud my head. I turned the ignition.
“How did you sleep?”

I stalled the car.

“Good. Fine, thank you.” I breathed deeply and restarted the car, pulling gently out of the driveway
and refusing to look over at her. I wondered if she knew how appealing even her voice was. “How
about you?”

I could hear her smiling. “I don’t sleep.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, how was your night then?”

“Pleasant,” she sounded amused. Given how her family left mine the night before, I decided I
didn’t want to know. I doubted she’d tell me anyway, after all, today was her day to ask questions.

Today she wanted to know more about people. More about Renée. About her hobbies. About what
we’d done in our free time together. More about the one grandmother I’d known. About my school
friends in phoenix. If I’d ever dated before. Luckily that particular and embarrassing conversation
didn’t last very long and could be ended pretty quick with some grumbled mumbling about

This questioning lasted throughout the day, all the way up to lunch, when I was saved by the
invasive presence of my horrible friends crowding round the table. My horrible friends and
Edward. Who was also there for some reason. He was part of the crew now - no escape.

Mike was regaling the table with a tale of dubious truth and Jess and Angela looked to be holding
hands under the table. Interesting. I sat down next to Eric and elbowed him gently in the side as
Alice settled on my other side.

At one point she quietly turned to me and muttered that she wouldn’t be coming around after
school today. My heart sunk slightly in my chest as I struggled to find a way to ask without
sounding clingy or pathetic. Luckily I didn’t have to as she gently covered my hand with hers and
went straight into an explanation.

“Edward and I are leaving after lunch.”

“Didn’t take you for a skiver Alice.”

She grinned at me, “Well needs-be Bella. Needs-be.”

I narrowed my eyes at her, clearly seeking further information and she rolled her eyes before
glancing around the table. Luckily Mike was making enough of a fool of himself that the rest of
them were distracted from our conversation.

“We’re going hunting. Precautions are always wise you know and seeing as we’re going to be
alone together tomorrow…” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. She was the first person I had ever
seen in my life who could manage it and not look ridiculous. I couldn’t believe she would even
look at me let alone be interested in me. I felt myself flush.

I looked away, not trusting my tied-up tongue to not trip. She bumped her shoulder into mine and
stayed there, reducing the likelihood I would recover control anytime soon. I cleared my throat.
“What time do we want to head off tomorrow?”

“Oh that’s something I meant to ask - is it crucial we go to Seattle?”

“Um. No? I- Why?”

“I looked at the forecast.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and made a gesture that could resemble
holding a crystal ball. I stifled a giggle. “It’s sunny”

“Oh… OH! Right.” I nodded, trying not to seem disappointed that our plans might be cancelled.
“So… what do you want to do?”

“Oh I’ve an idea don’t worry,” She winked at me. “You’ll love it. What time should I show up at
yours? It’s a Saturday so maybe you want a lie in?”

I considered it for maybe half a millisecond before shaking my head in adamant denial. “I’m

She restrained a smile. “Same time as usual then,” she decided. “What about Charlie?”

“Oh he’s going fishing first thing I think. Then to yours I assume. I try not to ask about his plans in
case I learn things I don’t want to.”

Alice chuckled. “That’s fair. Okay. I’ll see you first thing tomorrow then.” She leaned in,
hesitated, and then kissed me on the cheek. I could probably fry an egg on the heat that flooded my
face. She looked at me gently, seemingly reading my thoughts on how undeserving I was of an
angel like her in my life.

“You don’t see yourself very clearly do you Bells? You’re… you’re not like anyone I’ve ever
known.” She leaned in. I could feel her breath on my cheek and her nose in my hair.

“You fascinate me.”

I bit back a whimper.

Suddenly Edward shot out of his seat and slammed his hands onto the table, jerking us both out of
the moment. Alice glared at him and I imagined that had her blood circulation been better then she
would be flushed.

“TIME TO LEAVE!” He stalked around the table and grabbed Alice’s arm, hauling her out of the
chair and starting to drag her out the cafeteria. Everyone else looked on, vaguely astounded, as
Alice sniggered and waved goodbye to me. They clearly had the advantage of normal hearing
instead of satellite dishes for ears. They also didn’t have to read their sisters minds at an
presumably inopportune moment. I hoped Edwin suffered greatly.

“Have fun Alice!!” I called out after her, waving jauntily and trying not to snigger too hard. The
melodic sound of her laughter drifted back to me over the canteen noise. I swore I could also hear
the melodic sound of Edward grumbling. Beautiful.

I sighed and turned back to find everyone staring at me. Crap. I was sorely tempted to ditch the rest
of the day. Especially Gym. Anything to get away from the imminent teasing I knew I was due.
Unfortunately I had the importance of education drilled into me at an early age and if Charlie
caught me skiiving this early on in my Forks High School career then I would be dead meat. Damn.
I decided to shift the focus off me as best I could.

“Soooo, Jessica. How’re things going with-”

“Nope! You can’t ask me that when you just-”

“Wait what’s Jessica doing?” Mike perked up. Thank God. I always knew that he would be an ally
if I placed something shiny enough in front of him.

“Oh I don’t know Mike why don’t you ask her”

Jess glowered at me. I smiled angelically and let my thoughts drift away as I kept one ear on her
spluttering and anger at my underhanded diversionary tactics.

Tomorrow was infinitely more intriguing now. I intuitively knew, and suspected she did also,
future sight notwithstanding, that it would be a pivotal day. Our relationship was currently dipping
its toes into a swimming pool and sooner or later we would have to jump in. I knew I was ready
and Alice seemed committed too. I just- we just needed to share a little more. Get a little closer, and
not just physically. Tomorrow it will be sunny.

I couldn’t imagine what she had to show me but she had already mentioned that the sun wasn’t
actively harmful to them. I wondered why they couldn’t go in it. What did it do? I felt nervous
tingling deep in my stomach and my excitement for the next step continued to grow.

I went to class.

Biology was surprisingly dull without Little Miss Edwina there to bully and I honestly could not
say what happened over the course of the hour I spent in that classroom. I was simply too invested
in tomorrow. Gym consisted of me artfully dodging questions from Mike about my “Seattle Trip”,
wishing me luck as I rolled my eyes at him and invested in some well aimed Edward Innuendos. I
took great joy in making him blush. He deserved it. Unlucky for me he has little shame so it would
never last long.

At the end of the day I headed to my truck, trying to not project despondency at my lack of
companion too loudly across the car park. I clambered in. There was a piece of paper on my seat.
Unbelievable. Did she have hidden lockpicking powers? I suppose that a millennia of time gives
you the opportunity to master any skill… I shook my head and refused to let my mind wander -
focusing instead on the note.

I unfolded it on the steering wheel and stared at the two simple words and a symbol that stopped
me in my tracks. It was definitely written in Alice’s pristine and looping handwriting.

Be safe <3.

I held it close to my chest before slipping it into the sun visor above my seat. I would treasure it

The sound of my truck roaring to life nearly startled me and I laughed at myself as I pulled away
from the school.
The evening simultaneously flew by and dragged on. Time seemed to warp around me - my
excitement for tomorrow making it seem like it stretched on forever, whilst the comforting easy
routine Charlie and I had made it seem like dinner happened in the blink of an eye. I was settled
here. It was nice. I found myself realising I felt more at home here than I ever had with my mom.
Here I wasn’t constantly worrying about my parental figure and having to be the responsible and
mature one. Here I could just be. We respected each other and I knew my dad loved and cared for
me just as I was. It was nice.

As we washed up I felt a surge of warmth for my dad who only ever tried his best and couldn’t
stop myself from wrapping my arms around him in a big hug. It was nice, he was a good hugger
despite (or perhaps because of) the rarity of such occasions.

“Woah, hey Bells. What’s this for?” He said, slinging his arms around me and patting my back
gently. I squeezed him back before letting go and looking up at him.

“You’re a good man Charlie. I’m glad you’re my dad.”

He immediately went red and started sputtering. Bless him. Truly coming to realise I love him. He
pulled me back into the hug before ruffling my hair and sending me off, claiming he would finish
the dishes on his own this evening.

I let him have his space and headed upstairs to fold my clothes and put another load through the
dryer. He didn’t say I had to stop doing all my chores. As I worked, my brain continued to spin
about tomorrow. Too much free time for my far too creative imagination. I was full of anticipation
and I kept flicking my mind back to the note Alice had left me and her soft smile, her hair, her-
well her everything. She cared about me. She cared about me enough to want me safe. To add a
tiny little innocuous seeming heart to an off the cuff note. A heart that seemed to be floating
around my head as I went about my evening routine. A heart that followed me into bed and then
into slumber when it was finally an acceptable time to drift off into the ether.

As I drifted off, a small part of my brain began to fuss over how I would get ready in the morning,
cycling through my outfits and possible hairstyles. Visions of plaid and denim followed me into my
Alice-laden dreams.

I woke early and practically bounced out of bed, excited for the day ahead. I dressed in a rush,
grabbing the items that had appeared in my frontal lobe mere seconds before I’d fallen into sleep. I
also grabbed a beanie from the shelf in my wardrobe and jammed it over my hair. Sneaking a look
out the window as I turned up the bottoms of my jeans I noticed Charlie’s car was conspicuously
absent. Excellent - he’d already headed off then. As usual, a thin layer of clouds spread out across
the sky, muffling the sun. Luckily they didn’t look too long lasting.

I ate breakfast without tasting it, mind too busy whirling over what Alice could have planned for
the day. As I was hurriedly brushing my teeth, having cleaned up breakfast with the energy of a
small hurricane, I heard a polite knocking on the door. My heart thudded. She was here.

I flew to the door and swung it open as fast as I could. She grinned at me from the doorstep.

“Good morning Bells. You seem… energised.”

I faked a scowl in her general direction, trusting her to know I could never actually be displeased
with her.

“That’s because Someone sprung a surprise trip on me last minute yesterday.” I snarked at her as I
locked the door behind me and attempted to twirl my car keys on my finger. Attempted being the
key word. I dropped them.

Before I could reach down to pick them up she was already there, smiling up at me from the floor
as she handed them back to me.

“Sorry.” She smiled, clearly not actually sorry.

“Uh huh,” I replied, clearly not actually believing her.

We grinned at each other as we climbed into my truck.

“Right. Where are we going then, seeing as it’s not Seattle and you still can’t drive.”

“Maybe I learned how last night.” I stared blankly at her and slowly raised an eyebrow until she
nodded. “But I didn't, you're right. Take the 101 north.”

I shifted the tuck into gear and pulled out of the driveway. “Sure keep it a secret.”

It would have been impossible to focus on the road with her in the car and a secret location at the
end of our journey but luckily I already had practice driving with the distraction of her smile in my
peripheral vision.

We were soon leaving the town limits at a relatively sensible speed. I thanked whoever was
listening that my dad wasn’t on duty today so if I was caught speeding, it wouldn’t be by him. The
lawns and houses were slowly replaced by luscious underbish and trees with greenery creeping up
their trunks.

“Turn right on the 1-10,” she told me, seconds before I opened my mouth to ask for the next set of
directions. My hands moved to obey before I even had time to process her words.

“Now we drive until the pavement ends.”

I glanced over at her to confirm that the smile I could hear in her voice was also present on her
face. I loved to be right. I fought to not let my gaze linger and keep my focus on the road.

I cleared my throat. “Wh- whats at the end of the pavement?”

“A trail.”

“Oh man we’re hiking? Haven’t you heard the tales of my great and uncoordinated limbs?” I asked
incredulously, glad I had slipped on my tennis shoes instead of anything less suitable for walking.

“I have,” She smiled at me. “I came prepared to catch you.”

My breath caught in my throat and I immediately diverted all of my attention back to the road and
steadfastly ignored her chuckle and the red blush I could feel creeping up the back of my neck.

“It’s only 5 miles or so Bella. And there’s no time limit, so we can amble there as slow as we want.
I won’t let you go.”

I continued to concentrate on the road harder than necessary and willed my blood to redistribute
itself more sensibly than its current facial concentration. I needed a distraction.

“So um, where are we going?”

“Oh just somewhere I like to go when the weather’s nice.” She answered, unhelpfully.



I groped for more conversation. “...Charlie said it would be warm today.”

We both threw glances to the ever lightening cloud presence.

“He’s probably right. Luckily our house is pretty shaded where it is so Carlisle’s plans should hold

“Excellent, I would hate to end today with a kicked puppy routine from my own father after he got
stood up by yours.”

She chuckled, “My thoughts were admittedly similar.”

The speculation on the progress of our dads interest in… each other, managed to take us all the
way to the end of the road. Clambering out of the truck we headed towards where it constricted
into a thin foot trail, marked only by a small wooden post. Charlie had been right. It was warm
now. Warmer than it had ever been in Forks. I almost felt tempted to leave my beanie in the car but
it was an essential part of my outfit. I did however, pull off my top layer of plaid and tie my shirt
around my waist. I was glad my undershirt was a dark colour today - especially given I had five
miles of hiking ahead of me.

A hand slipped into mine and tugged.

“C’mon, this way.” She led me into the forest. Not along the trail. Yippee.

“What about the.. The path?” I asked, desperately trying to keep my voice even. I did not trust a
single one of my limbs.

“Just because I said there was a trail,” she emphasised the word trail, “Doesn’t mean we were
going to be taking it.”

Unbelievable. I held onto her hand tighter and stepped further into her space, trying not to cling.

“I said, I wouldn’t let you go didn’t I? I won’t let you get lost, don't worry. Both our dads would
have my head on a platter.” She nudged her shoulder into mine and the tight knot of anxiety I was
ignoring in my chest loosened.

“Ok.” I nodded firmly. “I trust you. Let’s do this.”

We headed into the trees. It wasn’t as hard as I feared it would be and Alice kept her promise. She
did not once let go of my hand. The way was mostly flat and as she led the way she held aside all
sorts of potential hazards - from ferns and webs to branches and moss. Occasionally we would
trample over fallen trees or boulders and she would always be there to help me. Her hand would
stray to my waist to guide me over obstacles. I only fell a couple of times and I never hit the
ground. She was always there and she always caught me. I had a feeling she always would. Her
cold touch leaching through my shirt, leaving its imprint on my skin never failed to raise
goosebumps. And not just because of the cold.

For the most part we walked in companionable silence, the majority of my focus going into making
it over the terrain without face planting into a tree root. Every now and then Alice would ask me a
random question that she hadn’t managed in the last two days of interrogation. We made eachother
laugh as we passed the time and the distance towards her mysterious destination.

The hike took most of the morning, but it was time I didn’t regret spending. Alice seemed to be
enjoying herself as well, not once seeming impatient or fed up with the pace I set. She seemed
comfortable and at ease amongst the ancient spread of trees that surrounded us. The further we
walked, the more I felt like we were secluded away from the world. It felt timeless and liminal. At
points I began to even get nervous that we would become lost here, trapped forever away from the
realities of day-to-day life. A fate that wouldn’t seem too terrible given the company I would have
to spend it with.

After several hours, the light began to change. The murky olive that filtered its way through the
thick and leafy canopy slowly shifted, turning into a brighter jade. The clouds had cleared. Alice’s
“weather forecast” had been right and the day had turned sunny. I felt a thrill of excitement. It felt
like years since I’d seen the sun and I’d missed it. That wasn’t even factoring in the additional
thrill of Alice revealing a part of herself to me. Suddenly I began to feel impatient.

“Are we there yet?” I asked in a jokingly childish tone.

She grinned at me and she helped me over a log, “Nearly! Do you see the brightness ahead?”

I peered into the thick forest seeing more trees and very little else. “Um. No?”

She grinned at me, teeth glinting in the strange green light. I felt warm and not just from the
weather. “Maybe it’s too soon for your eyes.”

“Yeah yeah you and your super overpowered senses.” I waved my hand dismissively at her.

Somehow her grin widened and she laughed, the sound of beautiful tinkling bells bouncing around
us, echoing off the trees as she threw her head back.

She was everything to me.

After another hundred yards or so, I began to see what she meant. There was a definite lightning in
the trees ahead and the glow slowly shifted from a green into a yellow. My legs picked up the pace
with very little input from my brain. My eagerness was growing with every step. She let me lead
her, following somehow silently in my wake.
I reached the edge of the pool of light and stepped through the last fringe of ferns, Alice’s hand
slipping from mine, as I entered into the loveliest place I had ever seen. It was a meadow. It was
small and perfectly round and filled to the brim with wildflowers, blooming brilliant shades of
violet and yellow, with white dotted amongst it. Somewhere I could hear the bubbling of a small
brook. The sun shone. I felt a calm descend on my soul as I breathed in and out. I could feel the
buttery haze of sun dancing up and down my arms and across my face. I walked further into the
space awestruck before being hit by a thought.

I turned to look back at Alice, who stood in the overhang of the canopy, still encased in shade. A
bolt of electricity shot down my spine as I remembered one of the reasons she had brought me here
and I stepped once back towards her. My eyes were no doubt alight with curiosity, and I had no
doubt that she could see that from where she stood. I raised an eyebrow at her and she looked
down, shaking her head. I could hear her laughter carry across the meadow to me.

“Meet me in the middle?”

She looked up and grinned at me. She nodded to herself, decision seemingly made.

Without warning, in one solid movement she suddenly pulled off her shirt and stepped out into the
bright glow of the midday sun.

Chapter End Notes

so i totally didnt check this before uploading so if theres any mistakes holler lmao,
yeah this took forever cus i cud not work out what to do with bella alice and jacob all
in the same room whoops but we got there in the end
comments are my life blood please motivate me to finish this
The meadow scene
Chapter Summary

its the meadow scene, you all know it, its that but gay and minus a ton of angst

Chapter Notes

i literally picked this back up again yesterday and then found out this morning that
they're gunna be making a tv show. i am truly tuned into the airwaves. enjoy

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Darkness prickled around the edges of my vision as I fought to take a breath. My lungs screamed at
me whilst my brain reeled at the sight in front of me. Pale, alabaster skin that stretched out before
me. Tantalising and begging me to touch it, to just, reach out and place my warm human hands on
her undoubtedly cold, smooth skin.

Time passed us by, and distantly I became aware we were drifting further into the meadow. I
couldn’t tear my gaze away from her toned and shimmering stomach. Of course she shone in the
sunlight. She danced without moving, refracting light around us like she was made from diamonds.
The simple black of the sports bra she was wearing beautifully contrasted the pale white of her
skin, the faint flush from her recent hunting trip doing little to dispel the ghostly tint.

Movement caught my attention and I became aware that Alice was speaking to me. Shit. I should
stop staring. Awareness rushed back in and I felt myself flush with embarrassment. Dragging my
eyes up her chest to look at her, I was overcome with awe. She chose me.

When my rude and wandering eyes finally made their way back to her face, I realised that the
movement was her reaching for her shirt with a knowing grin. She giggled at me as I automatically
started to glower.

“Oh shut up,” I grumbled. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”

She grinned coyly at me and I took it as confirmation. She took my hand and led me further into
the clearing before gracefully sinking to the floor and patting the patch of grass next to her. We sat,
cross-legged in the grass facing one another before she grinned at me and lay down in the long and
vibrant grass, clearly indicating that I should do the same. Sure. I could lie down in this gloriously
sunny hidden meadow with my effervescent, sparkling vampire girlfriend. Why not? I could
survive this.

The grass was cool under my skin as I lay beside her, head turned to the side so I could continue to
drink her in. She glowed as she tilted her head to the sky to bask in the warmth of the sun as it spilt
over our bodies. The warmth leached into my bones and I took a moment to bask in the not-as-dry-
as-arizonian heat. I tilted my head into it before lolling back to stare at her again. I wanted to touch
her so badly. I bit my lip, hoping that the sharp nip of pain would help me focus on the moment. It
did very little to help.
My breath caught in my throat and her face turned to me as she undoubtedly heard it hitch, her
mouth curved in a gentle smile and I felt my chest and expression turn gooey. The wind breezed
through the grass and caressed my cheek, blowing her hair into the air and bringing me the gift of
her scent.

My control snapped.

Hesitantly I reached out a hand, bringing it up to lightly trace over the contours of her face. Her
eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into the touch. Her skin was smooth as satin and cool as stone,
somehow even more perfect than I had imagined. As I brushed my thumb over her cheekbone,
marvelling once more at just how I found myself here, her eyes opened once more, and stared into
my soul. I fell fast and deep, spiralling into the warm butterscotch that had saturated into my

“If I was anything like my brother,” she murmured, tilting so my palm brushed over her flawless
lips, “I’d probably ask you whether or not I scared you right now.”

I groaned at her, about to ask her why she had to bring her brother into this when she pressed a kiss
into the centre of my hand and my entire nervous system sputtered and died. She smirked at me.

Then again…” her smirk grew and I was filled with dread. “Your heart rate is remarkably fast for
someone simply lying in a meadow with their new girlfriend.”

My heart skipped several beats and I fought off the urge to pass out, ignoring the look she threw
me that said she knew exactly what she was doing to me. I fought for the air needed to make a

“Shut up Alice.”

“That’s twice now you’ve told me to shut up. If you weren’t so easy to read right now I could
almost be offended.”

I withheld a remark about putting her mouth to better use and swiftly changed the topic. Slightly.

I gently removed my hand from her face and, fingers trembling in a way I knew Alice would
notice, I lowered my hand to where the pale alabaster skin of her bared stomach glistened
invitingly. Literally. Her eyebrow raised as I met her eyes, searching for a permission that was
granted immediately.

Rolling onto my side, I smoothed my hand over the crease of her stomach onto her hip and left it
there. A heavy, warm, human weight, on her bare and impenetrable skin. I stared at it, marvelling
at the difference in both our skin tones and our temperatures. There can be such great beauty, in
such simple contrast.

“Do you mind?” I asked, whispering into the quiet air between us.

“No,” she said, not bothering to open her eyes that had once again slipped shut. She sighed
breathily. “You can’t imagine how that feels.”

I shifted onto my knees, kneeling beside her in worship as I placed my other hand upon her
stomach. Her skin glinted in the sunlight, peeking out between my fingers as it seemingly winked
in invitation. Slowly, I trailed my hands up her cool and perfect body, skimming over the surface of
her bra as I headed for the delicate lines of her neck. I let my fingers explore, grasping her
shoulders to feel the firm muscle underneath my palms before following the faint pattern of bluish
veins downwards, tracing my nails faintly over her skin as she shuddered beneath my touch. I was
giddy. The feeling of causing someone to stutter for breath when the only reason they do so is
habit, is truly indescribable.

As I reached her elbows, I pulled back a little. I had no desire to lean completely over her body,
blocking her from the glorious sunlight that was quickly helping me redefine the word
incandescent. With both hands circling the arm closest to me, I was able to feel just how much
unsuspecting strength was leashed quietly beneath her smooth skin. Eventually I reached her
hands. Even her fingers were perfect.

I moved to turn her hand over, aiming to entangle it with mine, but before I could she clearly
realised my intentions and, with a blinding flash of movement, flipped it palm up for me. The
speed with which she could move briefly disconcerted me before my horrible horny brain began to
wonder just how fast she could move her fingers and just what that could mean.

I froze and shook my head slightly to dispel the thoughts. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at
me, smiling slightly. Not, I noted, smirking at me. Hopefully she would never realise just where
my thoughts had turned.

“Sorry,” she said, not sounding hugely apologetic. Her golden eyes seemed to shine up at me
before she let them slip closed again, clearly basking in the moment. “It’s very easy to be myself
with you.”

I grinned at her, not caring that she wasn’t looking to see it. I had no doubt she would somehow
know anyway in that infuriating way of hers. I lifted her hand, fingers entwined with mine as I had
intended, and rotated our hands back and forth in the sun. The way the sun glittered on her palm
entranced me.

I could remain lost in this moment forever.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.” Alice murmured from where she lay beside me. I glanced down to
see her staring intently at me. She gestured at the grass beside her with the hand I wasn’t grasping
between my own, indicating that I should lay back down beside her. I immediately went where
beckoned. Up close she was just as perfect as before, but this time I could see the perfect swoop of
each eyelash and feel the slight exhale of her breath on my face as we leaned our faces together.
She smelt divine. Inviting. I suppressed a shudder and fought hard to not let goosebumps break out
along my arms.

“Bella?” She prompted me. My brain was officially goo, melting out my ears. I could barely even
remember that was my name.


“Penny for your thoughts.”

I smiled embarrassingly dopily at her. My mind was blank. I scrambled to find a single line of
thought that I could throw at her.

“I can’t believe you’re real. You’re real and you’re here. With me.” I turned my head away,
looking up at the sky as if it would make her response different if I couldn’t see it. “It feels like a

I felt more than saw her also turn to glance up at the sky. “Well,” she said, somewhat
diplomatically, “it’s not.”

Suddenly she was half-sitting, propped up on the arm I wasn’t holding captive. She moved so fast
that I hadn’t even seen it happen. One second she was lying beside me on the grass and then
slightly later in the same second she was leaning over me, face inches away from mine. I didn’t
even flinch, enraptured by her golden eyes as she hovered in my space.

“Does this feel like a dream?”

I breathed out gently and slowly, trying not to hyperventilate. “Yeah. It really does”

It took a strength of willpower I wasn't aware I possessed to not stare down at her lips. I could feel
her breath once more filtering over my face as she drowned me in her scent. My mouth watered and
I swallowed nervously, inching forwards. I didn’t trust myself to make the right call but I wanted to
kiss her more than anything. I could’ve sworn she wanted the same.

“Bells… I swear this is real. I’m real and… I won’t ever hurt you. Not if I can help it.”

I couldn’t breathe. Everything was already so intense. I could feel my heart beating between my
fingers before she started swearing fealty as if I was someone worth being placed upon a pedestal.
Now it felt as if my entire body was thrumming in time with the rapid pace of my heart.

“I believe you,” I whispered back, words slipping past my lips to brush against hers. “I’m not

That… was a slight lie. I wasn’t scared of her. Not in a million years. But I was scared that she
would leave. That she would realise how far above me she could fly. That she would be better off
without me. She laughed breathily, rolling her eyes at me as she leaned even closer.


We were so close. I felt my eyes slipping closed in anticipation as I swayed further into her
gravitational pull. I could feel her chest beginning to brush against mine and tamped down the urge
to push myself into a warm embrace. I wanted her to come to me.

“What scares you Bells?” She leaned past my face to brush her lips against the shell of my ear. I
could not help but tremble, hair standing on end as the vibrations slithered their way down my
spine. My brain was full of nothing but white noise.

I answered breathlessly, honestly, and without thinking.

“Losing you. Losing this. I’m- I want you-” too honest Bella reel it in. “I want you to want me, to
stay with me.”

She pulled back just enough to look me in the eye and smiled gently, untangling our still clasped
hands so that she could bring her palm up to cup my face.

“Isabella Swan,” she said, staring into my eyes with a sincerity that anchored me as it buoyed me
up. “I’m not going anywhere. Not now. Not in the future.” She winked at me, slicing through the
building tension with ease, “And I can see the future so you know I’m right.”

I couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped me. I nearly choked on it when she ran her thumb
gently across my cheek in a gentle caress.

“You have to know how important you are to me”

It baffled me, the earnestness with which she nigh on begged me to believe I had some sort of
inherent worthiness to rest beside her. She could clearly see the doubt in my eyes as she doubled

“Bells… you are the most important thing to me. Ever.”

I stared at her, eyes wide. Time to bring this conversation back to the real world where I wouldn’t
have to think too hard about all that that implies.

“Even more important than baseball and thunderstorms?” I asked, guilessly, batting my eyes at her.
I had heard Stories from Edward. She squinted at me before laughing a little in disbelief.

“...well maybe not the most important thing.”

We laughed together, the sunlight leeching over our skin as we sat in each other's space. She
reached a hand up and stroked in through my hair, tugging slightly as she gathered it behind my
head. I could feel myself flush - my stubborn human blood refusing to cooperate and racing around
my body with the ever increasing beat of my heart.

Alice stared, tracing a finger over the bridge of my nose.

“I love it when you blush,” she murmured. She leaned in and I felt myself freeze up. Eager and
wanting and unable to move all at the same time.

Gently, softly, she brushed her lips over my rosy cheeks, lingering slightly as the cool of her
perfect marble lips contrasted the burning rush of heat that chased after them. My traitorous blush
began to spread.

My even more traitorous girlfriend moved to chase it, dropping kisses across my face and moving
slowly downwards. Much to my internal disappointment she skipped my mouth, but more than
made up for it when she oh so carefully pressed her lips against my fluttering pulse point. I felt a
whine clawing its way up my throat and tried desperately to clear it. She was practically sitting in
my lap, her weight cool, solid and welcoming.

She paused and let out a throaty chuckle as she pressed her cheek to my chest, eyes closing and
breath evening out as she hummed. I realised with startling clarity she was listening to my heart
beat. Immediately I was hyper aware of how fast it was beating - which only made it speed up even

Her nose skimmed against my collar bone as she turned her head to look back up at me. Her eyes
sparkled. I closed mine and parted my lips, wetting them with my tongue as I fought to wrest my
stupid breath under control.

I felt pressure on my shoulders and blinked my eyes open to see her, kneeling above me, arms
resting gently either side of my head as she smiled down at me. I brought my arms up to cradle her,
holding her close and doing my best to merge us into one. She bent down.
When our lips finally touched it was brief. A gentle kiss, a question and a commitment all wrapped
up in a benediction of what promised to be love. It couldn’t be, not yet. This tender moment of
feeling between us was far too young to be love. But it screamed with the potential of it. Her lips
were cool and chaste as they pressed into mine, yet the racing heat they sent shivering down my
spine into the pit of my stomach was anything but.

The moment was fleeting. The impression it left upon me, body and soul, would last forever.

Slowly, Alice eased away from me, out of my immediate space and I fought the immediate urge to
follow her for more. Both of us seemed to need a moment to gather our brain cells and our breath -
immensely reassuring that it wasn’t just me.

Our eyes met and I saw the hunger for more that I felt reflected back at me from her. I shifted
under her weight, content to stay there forever, yet hyper aware of every place we touched. I
resisted the urge to touch my lips, to chase the lingering feeling other mouth caressing mine.

She laughed a little breathlessly and knocked our heads together, resting her forehead upon mine
and breathing me in as I breathed her.

“I’m not used to feeling… so much.” She breathed out, I could swear she was nigh on trembling.
Lord knows I certainly was. I was glad to be sitting down as I doubted my legs would support me
through this.

“Yeah.” I whispered back, the moment feeling inexplicably holy. “I've… I’ve never felt quite like
this before.”

She sighed out, seemingly as content to remain exactly where we were as I was. Alas, time waits
for no one, and slowly around us the shadows had begun to lengthen. The light began to fade and
the temperature began to drop.


“I know,” she seemed as reluctant as I. “We should leave”

“Unfortunately yeah,” I smiled softly at her. Today had been so much more than I could ever have
imagined. She groaned theatrically before leaping to her feet with all the grace of a professional
dancer. I admired it as much as I envied it.

I scrambled up to my feet like a newborn deer and internally bemoaned my complete lack of
control over any of my flailing limbs. By the time I was upright Alice was stood at the edge of the
meadow waiting for me, fond smile on her face, shirt back on her chest.

Internally I bemoaned its reappearance.

“Hey,” She grinned at me, excitement lighting up her eyes. I automatically reached for her hand
and was thrilled when she took it without hesitation. “Can I… can I show you something?”

Immediately I felt a foreboding sense of distrust.

“...Show me what.”

Her grin widened in a way I could only describe as ominous.

“How I travel in the forest.”

My eyes must have widened noticeably as a multitude of thoughts ran through my brain, flashing
back to how quickly Edwin the Great Annoyance had saved me from being crushed to death. She
rushed to reassure me.

“Don’t worry you’ll be safe. I said I’d never let harm befall you and I meant it. Besides,” her
mouth titled up at the corners and it took everything I had not to linger on them as their taste
lingered upon mine. “We’ll get to your truck much faster.”

I caved so fast I would have been ashamed if she had been literally anyone else. I nodded, still
uncertain but trusting her as she reached for me. When I hesitated, she helped me up onto her back
as if I weighed nothing, cradling me close as I wrapped my legs around her waist, revelling in the
feeling of her body being pressed back against mine once more. There were no doubts in my mind
that my racing pulse gave me away, but I clung to my composed facade with everything I had.

“I’m a bit heavier than your average backpack,” I joked, internally shelving any and all comments I
could have made about riding. I could almost hear her eyes rolling.

“Not to me baby.”

I stoically ignored her frankly unfair use of pet names whilst I couldn’t see her face and my heart
was beating solidly into her back. Time to retaliate.

“Come on then angel, show me what you got.”

The world around me jolted.

She was running.

We streaked through the dark, the forest whizzing past in a blur of dark greens. I could barely
make out the trees ahead before they were behind us. There was no sound other than the wind
rushing through my ears, beneath me, Alice breathed evenly, as if the breakneck speed was a mere
casual stroll through town, my weight upon her back clearly negligible.

My eyes stubbornly remained open - refusing to close even as my brain pleaded with them to shut
off the sight of the trail hurtling past at nauseating speeds. The wind stung. For the first time, I felt
the faint dizziness of motion sickness. Somewhere behind us, my stomach turned.

Then it was over. We were at the truck. A journey that had cost us hours of hiking in the morning
had taken Alice a mere couple of minutes. My head spun.

Alice stopped, clearly waiting for me to dismount as I waited for the Earth to stand still.

“Exhilarating right Bells?”

I think I might have squeaked. I did not budge from my perch.

“That’s- that’s certainly one word for it.”

She giggled at me slightly and helped me down. The world spun slightly less angrily.
“You good hun?”

“I… think I should sit down.”

She laughed again and helped me sit down on the pavement. When the world paused I revelled in
the touch of her hands as she held me up.

“How do you feel?”

“...Dizzy, I think. You’ve certainly made the Earth move for me today Alice.”

She grinned, looking mildly flustered which I chalked up as a win. “Hush you, maybe put your
head between your knees. I heard it helps.”

I followed her advice and felt the dizziness recede further. I carefully refrained from making any
easy innuendos about heads going between knees. Eventually, I could raise my head again, only a
mild, hollow, ringing sound in my ears.

“Guessing that wasn’t one of my brightest ideas,” she mused.

I tried to be positive about it, but the pallor of my face probably didn’t sell my uncertain smile. “It
was… very interesting”

“I could almost see you believing that if it weren’t for the fact our skin tones matched now honey.”

“I probably should have closed my eyes.”

She grinned at me, “You’d best remember that for next time.”

I groaned, letting my head fall into my chest and shutting my eyes as she laughed at me. I felt her
hand drop onto my head, a comforting weight that helped to ground me further. Part of me wanted
to call her a show-off, but the rest of me was content to bask in her attention, mildly concerned as it
was. I made to heave myself off the ground, finally certain that it would remain steady beneath my

She reached out a hand, pulling me into her space as I rose from the floor in an ungainly manner.

“Hi,” she smiled at me.


“So… I was thinking, whilst I was running…”

“About not hitting trees.”

She snorted. “No, No I don’t need to think about that Bells. It just comes to me.”

This time I did call her a show-off. She ignored me and continued.

“No, I was thinking about… well us,” she threw me a glistening smile. “I don’t know how
committed you are-”
“I’m so committed.” I stumbled over my words. Could she not see how I had rearranged my world
to orbit her sun? Her smile impossibly widened.

“So… you’re good with me calling you my girlfriend?”

“Yes! Yes, obviously more than anything.”

“And… well…”

“Spit it out Alice.”

She held my hands, thumbs caressing them in a way that made thinking a challenge.

“Would you… come to my house. Meet my family?”

Oh Fuck .

“Um. Y- yeah I could, I could do that. You mean it?” She was serious. She was serious about me!
She wanted me to slot into her life, fit in with her people the way she had seamlessly slid into my
friendship group at school. I was thrilled beyond belief.

“Of course I mean it Bella.” She looked up at me imploringly, “I really really like you”

I couldn’t help myself. I kissed her.

This kiss was different from our last. It was less careful, less chaste. Blood immediately began to
rush in my ears as my blood sang out a desperate cry. My breath abandoned me - preferring the safe
harbour of her soft and questing mouth. Life seemed to pulse between us, ebbing and flowing with
the ever changing breeze that swirled around us. My hands came up without me even realising,
tangling in her hair and pulling her closer. All I could smell was her, her taste on my tongue as I
breathed in her heady scent.

She responded just as wildly before taking control, calming me down, and finally, cruelly, ending
it. Our foreheads pressed together once more as I fought to catch my breath, cursing my mortal
lungs for requiring oxygen to function. My eyes felt wild, and as Alice’s met mine I could see a
similar, desperate hunger in hers.

I swallowed.

“We…” I croaked out. She nodded and stepped away somehow already knowing what I was going
to say.

“We need to go. I know.” She looked as disappointed as I felt. “We can always come back though.”
She straightened up, shaking her head a little as if to clear it from an encroaching fog. I copied her
movements, hoping to gain a little clarity.

“Are you good to drive?”

I considered it, tilting my head sideways. My extremities were tingling but I was certain that had
nothing to do with the motion sickness I had already forgotten, and everything to do with the angel
stood before me.

I nodded once and left her behind, clambering into the cab of the truck as she wrenched open the
passenger door.
I started the engine and we took off.

Chapter End Notes

yes yes it takes me forever to write these but look!!! theyve kissed now!!! and
managed to successfully have a conversation about what they mean to eachother! im
so proud of them. anyhow yes i cut about 4 pages of angst and also every iconic quote
from this scene. im not sorry. alice would never call bella her own personal brand of
heroin and then run around like "as if u could outrun me" ur such a silly lamb.
as always some behind the scenes writing commentary:

how much homoerotic yearning is really enough

truly i looked at this book and went

"if they were gay. they would be smarter and More Horny"

me: im gonna write charlie/carlisle fic

also me: its going to be a twilight rewrite
me a third time: why arent the dads in this

oh no ive been doing this for nearly four years what the fuck

i need to hit something

what the fuck is this

"I love this charliexcarlisle fic" - my friend

"its so mlm
so much
man on man action"

anyway hopefully the dads date went well we all know theyre the real main characters
despite never being on screen xoxo

End Notes

Bella, every paragraph: AND ALSO IM A LESBIAN

Well. That's chapter one. If it gets enough attention I will definitely write more. I may end
up doing that anyway. Yes the dads are gunna be gay that's the entire reason I started this
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