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For someone researching Minnesota job statistics, wages, certifications and licences, they might

be researching to find out more information on how worth it is to go through all the training and

schooling for a specific career. Specifically, the amount of pay and likelihood of them getting a

good job in the social work field, in the category of child protection services. Job openings in

Minnesota are very high and they have been for over 10 years, because there are many jobs

within child protection services. Such jobs include: family case manager, social service assistant,

school counsler and behavioral counseler. For wages in the child protection category they make

about $60,000-$62,000 a year. For certifications, there are not many for doctorate degrees but

there are many for master and bachelor degrees. So overall, for a good paying job in the social

work field, that someone would enjoy, they would need to get their bachelor’s degree and the

proper certifications for their preferred job.

Keywords: social work, child protection, Minnesota

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