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Profesional Semestral


Nombre: Matrícula:
Jesús Abel Zamorano Torres AL02811281

Joaquín Raúl Astorga Ramírez Al02840241

José Rene Inzunza Cazares Al02840241 

José Armando Ríos Castañon Al02961071

Sebastián de la Cruz Luna  Al02851778

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Project Management Miguel Ángel Murillo Peña
Módulo: Actividad:
Módulo 1 Actividad 3
Fecha: 13 de Febrero de 2023
- ¿Qué es una organización matricial y cómo funciona? (2022, abril 29). Universidad

- Almunia, P. (2015, mayo 14). Equipo del Proyecto. ITM Platform | Projects, Programs
& Portfolio; ITM Platform.

- La estructura organizacional funcional. (s/f). Recuperado el 14 de febrero de

2023, de

Actividad 3

1. First, download and read the case Multi Project Inc.
2. Next, answer the following questions:

a) Why is James Allen so eager to start the project? Because he has been
working for almost a year, besides he was eager to manage a challenging project,

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lastly he also got involved in the project proposal that was presented to Gwoeing

b) What is wrong on Jame’s approach to handle this situation? Because of

how anxious he is, he is causing a bad atmosphere with other people like Julia and
Christina, he is also showing himself to be selfish since he is only thinking about
the benefit of his project and does not think that taking the piece from another
project would harm him , you should calm down and try to come to an agreement
peacefully with the people involved.

c). What are the advantages and disadvantages of matrix organization that
this case warns us about? 

Advantages: aligns the interests of individuals and groups according to functional

areas and also production processes, thus increasing professional motivation.

Disadvantages: requires a considerable investment of time in planning and

strategic alignment.

d) What should Christina do next? You must make a difficult decision and show
your face, whatever decision you make, it will look bad with James or with Julia, but
you have to make the decision that has the least consequences and be as fair as
possible, you do not have to give in to James' whims, after all, she is the boss and
James has to accept what she decides.

e) What should Tim Bonilla do? In principle, I would say that you are free to work
on the project you want, but thinking about it, the most correct thing to do is to
respect your commitment to the project that you already had before, since the
person in charge of the project takes it into account for something, if in that case
Tim bonilla does want to change the project, let Julia know in advance that she will
leave her position in the previous project so that Julia has time to find someone
who can replace Tim

f) What could have been done to avoid this situation? It could have been
planned in advance how both projects were going to be carried out and that in that
planning it is very important that in any project have emergency plans, such as a
plan b, plan c or even a plan D in case plan A does not arrive to be successful and
not improvise on the fly, knowing how to act in scenarys of uncertainty.

g) How could this situation have been handled more appropriately? I believe
that Christina is responsible here, since if she were very attentive to her

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employees, she would know the situations and problems that are being
experienced and could think of solutions to solve them, as in the case she says that
she hardly sees her employees because they are You spend a lot of time traveling
so designate a person like a secretary who can deal with problems like the ones
raised in this case. so that no employee wants to take authority when she is not
there, as James wanted to do.

3. With the information that you got from the company where you will do your
project, answer the following:

a) What kind of organizational structure dominates in the company?

The functional organizational structure, the structure may vary due to the industry,
line of business, size and needs, however the structure must have a team
specialized in various topics, be it finance, marketing, economics, sales.

This type of structure has advantages and disadvantages, however, it has

measurement systems for certain types of industries. Large companies usually use this
type of organizational structure since they need people specialized in the subject.

b) What advantages do you note from the type of structure you identified?

One of the main advantages is that its hierarchy is clear, its team is specialized, as
well as fluent in communication, another aspect is that it is stable and resistant to

c) What disadvantages do you identify from that kind of structure?

- Lack of coordination because people are specialized in their area or branch, it can
be difficult to coordinate teams

- Sometimes it can generate a lack of flexibility, it can be resistant to change, which

makes the company more vulnerable to crises.

- Another aspect is the lack of focus on the client, each area focuses on its own
projects or activities and loses sight of the client's need.

d) How could these disadvantages affect your project?

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It can affect coordination, lack of focus on the project, each person is specialized in
the subject, however, sometimes the areas may be more divided than in
communication, so it can be limited.

e) What measures or actions would you have to implement to mitigate these


It can be measured in terms of the lack of communication since the project may be
unfinished, disagreements, on the other hand lack of focus on the client, so it can
cause them to lose sight of their needs and lose sales, likewise It would be
measured on the KPI'S boards, which is a project performance measurement
system, it can generate unfinished or not carried out projects, delays in the delivery
of activities.

4. In addition, design a mental map that shows the importance of

organizational structure and answers the aforementioned questions.

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5. Finally, develop a conclusion of at least one page on the effects of

organizational structure in project management.

There are various types of organizational structures for the development of projects
and that these in turn work efficiently. Companies tend to adopt their time in the
greatest profit or function with their way of working, for example, we observed in the
case of the firm "Multi Projects, Inc. "the most efficient way of working for them was
the organizational structure matrix, which is mainly based on two aspects which
are: Functions and projects, that is, when a new project arrives, it is divided into a
group where people with different specialties, be it functionality, marketing, design,
organization, etc. they come together in order to share their knowledge and create
one or more successful projects together.

I think it is a more feasible way of working for this type of company that is dedicated
to consulting, since different projects come to them and allow people with different
specialties to come together to develop and acquire knowledge from each other.
However, we must take into account the disadvantages that these ways of working
can bring us, one of the main ones is usually running into anarchy, as we could see
in the example when Jaime decides on his own to organize himself and not ask for
the opinion of his colleagues looking for things to be done according to their
decisions; The solution to this type of conflict is always to make clear at the
beginning of the project the responsibilities of each one of the participants and to
define a director who is in charge of it.

In this activity I reinforced what was seen in subjects from previous semesters
about the importance of having a well-established hierarchy order of an
organization or company in order to designate the tasks and responsibilities
corresponding to each area and position.

Having our well-established organization chart helps us to filter problems, tasks,

unforeseen events, among others to give them the attention or the solution due to
each of these.

The types of structure in an organization not only allows you to make more
production of goods and services but also allows you to achieve the objectives of
the organization, the types of structure is according to the size of the company as
well as the needs.

Profesional Semestral

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